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新概念英语 第一册

新概念英语第一册 语法总结

1-4 一般疑问句:1-2 一般疑问句肯定回答 3-4 一般疑问句否定回答 5-14 特殊疑问句

15-16 一般疑问句复数 17-18 特殊疑问句复数 19-20 名词单数

21-24 不定代词。双宾结构

25-28 there be 句型 , 介词用法 29-30 祈使句

31-36 现在进行时,there be 句型分析, 介词复习 37-40 一般将来时, be going to 41-42不可数名词,量词的用法 43-46 情态动词 can 47-50 一般现在时 55-56 频度副词 57-58 时间

59-60复习不可数名词,量词的用法 61-64 must 用法

65-66 时间表达法:直接,间接,反身代词,情态动词复习 67-72 一般过去时 主系表结构

73-75 一般过去时 主谓宾结构

77-78 情态动词的否定疑问句,时间介词 79-80 need must 情态动词 81-82 have –had

83-84 现在完成时 进行时,将来时 对比 85-86 have been to / have gone to 87-88否定疑问句 89-90 may 情态动词

91-94 will 一般将来时 过去/现在/将来 95-96 had better

97-98 伴随状语 ,名词性物主代词 99-100 宾语从句

101-102 直接引语,间接引语, 103-104 too, very, enough 105-106动词不定式

107-112 形容词的比较级,最高级 113-114 否定,肯定 倒装 115-116 不定代词

117-118 时间状语从句, 过去进行时 119-120 过去完成时 121-124 定于从句


新概念英语 第一册

125-126 must / have to 127- 132 情态动词表推测

133-136直接引语,间接引语, 137-138 条件状语从句 139-140宾语从句 141-144 被动语态

Lesson 1 Excuse me

1. Words

1) excuse (1)重音

(2)与sorry 的区别

(3)Excuse 用的不同场景 a. 请别人让路

b. 引起别人的注意 c. 打断别人的谈话

d. 可以当n. 借口 eg. No excuse. 别找借口,没有借口。(举例) 2) this 重点: / e /的发音 / e / this that those father mother brother they / θ/ three think mouth thank thing P.S. Something is better than nothing.

3) Your 重点:人称代词与形容词性物主代词


人称代词(主格) I you he she it we they 人称代词(宾格) me you him her it us them 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their Now, do exercise: 你的狗 我的书 他的女友 她的爱人 它的家 我们的儿子 他们的钱2. Grammar

1) Yes?

用法: (1)用于回答一般疑问句中肯定的形式:eg. Yes, it is.

(2)= What‘s up? 什么事? Eg. Child: ―Father!‖ Father:‖Yes?‖ 2) 一般现在时的常用用法及一般疑问句

(1)Now, do exercise: a. 这是一个包。 b. 这是我的包。 c. 这不是我的包。 d. 这是你的包吗?

(2)一般疑问句的方式即是将be 动词(am is are )提前,其余照抄即可。其语法形态为: Be (am is are )+ 主语 + 其余成分 (表/宾)

Now, do exercise:

a. 这是一只狗。 这是一只狗吗?


新概念英语 第一册

b. 这是他的狗。 这是他的狗吗? c. 这是她的CD机。这是她的CD机吗? d. 这是我的男朋友。这是你的男朋友吗? e. 他是我的男朋友。他是你的男朋友吗? f. 她是我的继母。 她是你的继母吗?

g. 他们是我们的儿子。 他们是你们的儿子吗? h. 他是她的父亲。 他是她的父亲吗? (3)一般疑问句的回答方式

Yes. Yes, (人称代词主格:I you he she it we they)+ 谓语动词(am is are) No. No, (人称代词主格:I you he she it we they)+ 谓语动词(am 注: I am not = No, I‘m not. are not = aren‘t is not = isn‘t (4)一般疑问句的否定形式:

只须在be 动词(am is are )后加上 not 即可。 Eg. She is a beautiful girl. She isn‘t a beautiful girl. Now, do exercise: 把(3)中的例句变为否定句 a. 这不是一只狗,这是一只狼。 b. 这不是他的狗,这是我的狗。 c. 这不是她的CD机,这是你的CD机。 d. 这不是我的男朋友,这是她的男朋友。 e. 他不是我的男朋友,他是她的男朋友。 f. 她不是我的继母,她是他的继母。

g. 他们不是我们的儿子,他们是他们的儿子。 h. 他不是她的父亲,他是我们的父亲。 (3)有关thank you 我们还可以说: a. Thanks a lot. b. Thanks anyway. c. You‘re so nice. d. You‘re very kind. e. Many thanks.

f. Thanks very much. g. Thank you very much. 回答:a. You‘re welcome. b. Don‘t mention it. c. Not at all.

d. That‘s all right. e. Sure. f. That‘s Ok. g. It‘s nothing.

Lesson 2

1) Word.

(1) pen – pencil – pencil box – ball pen

(2) book – n. 书 例如:我的书,你的书,他的书,她的书 -v. 预定 例如:预定房间:book a room (3) watch – a. 手表 eg. 这是你的手表吗?

b. 小心 Watch out! = Look out! 有关watch out 的小故事。

is are)+ not 3

新概念英语 第一册

c. Watch! Watch! 小心!小心! 有关故事 d. 看 Watch TV

(4) skirt – a. mini-skirt mini-car

b. /s/ + /k/ /sg/ eg. skirt school

/s/ +/p/ /sb/ eg. sport space

/s/ + /t/ /sd/ eg. star study c. ir / :/ eg. girl

Now, do exerciese: read the words below:

sky ski spy spring stay stand bird shirt skirt (5) house – a. house 与horse 之间的发音区别

b.house 指的是单独的房子,城市居民平常居住的是building ,叫flat

(6)图片补充单词:man woman doctor student gentleman lady waiter boy Lesson 3 Sorry, Sir.

1. Words.

1) number – No.

2) Sorry – Still you can say:

- I‘m sorry. - I‘m so sorry.

- I‘m sorry about that. Answer:

- Never mind. - That‘s all right. - It doesn‘t matter.

3) /m/ : me more mother him warm

/n/ : not night near name new can

Now, read: come man moon room come small on gone soon any under down P.S. No news is good news.

4) a. Sir 先生, 单独使用,千万不要说:Li Sir, Wang Sir.

b. Mr. 先生,后面加人的姓,如:Mr. Li Mr. Jim (原型:mister) c. Mrs. 夫人,用法同上

d. Miss 小姐,可单独使用,也可后加人姓名,如:Miss Julia Roberts e. Madam 女士,单独使用

f. Ma‘am /m ? m/ 女士,单独使用(往往用于年轻女士) g. gentleman 先生,单独使用。 h. lady 小姐,单独使用

i. Dr. Doctor, 博士, 可单独使用,也可后加人命等。 5) cloakroom

cloak: 斗篷, 遮盖物, room 房间 同理:class + room = classroom

rest room 有关rest room 的趣事 有关合成词:

与两个词合起来同样意义的单词: 与两个词合起来不同意义的单词:



新概念英语 第一册


2. Grammar.

1) 物 + please 的祈使句:要求某人做某事,但是仍然很客气。


a. My coat, please. (在娱乐休闲场所,你是上帝) b. My ring file, please, Luss. (你是Boss) c. My bag, please, Mum!

d. My handbag please, darling! Now, do exercise: e. 请买两张票。 f. 我买一把伞。

g. 亲爱的,请把我的手表拿过来。 h. Ann,请把我的钢笔给我。

i. Jack, 请把我的迷你裙给我。 2) Here is … 这是…

a. 把东西递给别人的时候。 b. 把某物指给别人看的时候。

Eg. Here‘s my pen. Here‘s my home. Now, do exercise:

c. 先生,这是您要的票。(1张) d. 先生,这是您要的票。(2张) e. 小姐,这是您的伞。 f. 这是你要的笔,Jack. g. 这是你要的裙子,Ann. h. 看,这是我的男朋友。

Lesson 4

1) Suit - a. 一套西服 / 套装 b. 发音 / su:t / /sju:t /

2) teacher – Never say Teacher Li, you should say Mr. / Mrs. / Miss Li. 3) Your family

great grandfather / great grandmother great grandson / great granddaughter

Grandmother / grandfather grandma / grandpa father / mother(daddy, mummy, dad , mum )

Uncle / aunt nephew / niece cousin (first cousin 父母的兄弟姐妹的孩子 second cousin 父母的表兄弟、表姐妹的孩子)

brother / sister (younger / elder) son daughter love children(私生子)

step-mother / father / sister / brother / son / daughter mother / father/ sister / brother / -in-law 4) Do exercise: 课后练习

5) 补充内容:How do you greet others?

- How do you do?

- How are you? / How are you today? - How are you doing? - How are things?

- How are you getting on?


新概念英语 第一册

- How‘s everthing going? - Hi! - Hello! Answer:

- How do you do?

- Fine, thank you. And you? - Just fine, thanks.

- Very well. How about you? - Not bad. And you? - Pretty good. - I‘m doing fine.

- Not too well. I have a cold. 6) Homework:

- 这是一套衣服,这不是我的衣服。 - 这是你的衣服吗? 不,它不是。

- 这是我的家庭,这是我爸,这是我的继母,这是我的狗。 - 这是我们的房子,这是我的女友。

- 这是你的男友吗?不,他不是。他是她的男友。 - 请买两张票。 - 对不起,先生,没票了。 - 对不起, 你是她的继母吗?

- 这是我的钱! - 不!这不是你的钱!这是我的钱!

Lesson 5 Nice to meet you




(1)Time in a day a. morning – in the b. noon – on the c. afternoon – in the d. evening – in the e. night – at f. midnight – at

g. early morning – in the (2)a. second minite hour

b. day week month year

c. century millennium(太平盛世、一千年) 2)new – old

news – newspaper news film (新闻片) news flash (最后新闻) news hen (美国口语,女新闻记者) news room (新闻编辑室) news window (新闻图片栏) news sheet (小报) newsboy(送报纸的孩子) newsletter (时事通讯)

3) French – France Paris capital

French bread (法国棍式面包) French chalk (滑石粉) French grey(浅灰色) French leave(不辞而别) French window (落地窗) Frenchman / Frenchmen Frenchy (法国式的,法国风味的,(口)法国人) French nose (鹰钩鼻) 4) German – Gremany 5) nice


新概念英语 第一册

(1). 美好的, 和蔼的, 正派的, 细微的, 挑剔的, 精密的, 拘泥的

a. It‘s a nice day! b. He is a nice man. c. This is a nice vaze. d. What a nice little girl! (2)有关nice的几个短语:

nice and cool (凉快) nice Nelly(装的归规矩局的人,委婉语) nice-looking (好看的) niceness (美好的)


nice / beautiful / lovely / pretty / good – looking / handsome / cute

6) Meet – meeting Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you , too!

7) Japanese – Japan Korean – Korea Chinese – China china 8) too, 也 一般放在肯定句最后,表示某人也怎么样。 Eg. I like the girl! I like her , too! 最常用的地方: Me too! 我也是。(注:只用在前面那个人说话是肯定句)

2. Grammar.

1) 如何介绍别人: This is … and this is …

eg. This is Mr. Jim, the boss.

练习:介绍你身边的人给你身后的同学。 Now, translate:

a. 这是我的父亲。

b. 父亲,这是我的女朋友Linda. c. 这是我的好朋友Tim. d. 这是我的房子,请进! 2) 我是中国人。

本课当中出现了很多介绍某人是哪个国家的人的句子,现在请填空: I ________ Chinese.

You ________ Chinese, too.

He _________ Chinses, he ______ Korean. She ________ korean, too. It _______ a French dog. They _________ Japanese.

We _________ Jananese, we ___________ German. 3) 你从哪里来?

a. Where do you come from? I come from… b. Where are you from? I‘m from…

练习:问你的同桌:Where do you come from? / Where are you from?

Lesson 6

1) Words.

(1)make – Made in China. n. 牌号 v. 制作,造 eg. made shoes made a kite

(2)国家: Swedish – Sweden - English – England – London Italian – Italy – Rome Rome is not build in one day. 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 (3)汽车品牌: Audi Buick Lexus Toyota BMW(宝马) Popsche(宝石捷) Jaguar(美洲虎) Romeo Hummer(悍马) Mc Laren (麦克拉伦) Aston-Martin Prinmouth(普利毛斯)

Alfa Honda


新概念英语 第一册

(本田) Ferrari(法拉力) Mercedes-Benz(奔驰)

2)图片练习 + 句型:It‘s Volvo, it‘s a Swedish car, it‘s made in Sweden. 3)a 与an : Do exercise, 给下列单词前加上a 与an:

a. ______ egg b. _______ girl c. ________ student d. _______ Italian student e. _________ German f. _________ American student g. ________ apple

h. _________ hour i. _________ watch j. _________ car k. ________ eye

Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?

1. Words.

1) name : (1)姓:surname / family name / last name / family name / clan name 名:first name / given name middle name

(2)Name it!讲出来 name plate: 商标 nameless :无名的

namer:命名者 namesake:同名的人或物 namechild:以某人名字命名的孩子

2) nationality:nation – national – nationality NBA:National Basketball Association WNBA: Women

National Basketball Association

P.S. 当有人问你:What‘s your nationality? / What nationality are you? 回答为:I am Chinese. 不应当说:China. 3) job : What‘s the difference between job and work? Job: (1)(C)一件工作。 最常用:Good job!

(2)(非正式用语):职业 最常用:What‘s your job? (3)a good job 幸运的事 Work : (1)(U)劳动,工作 Do you like your work? (2)(U)职业,业务 the way to work (3)(U)作业 homework housework Difference: (1)当职业的时候,job 可数,work不可数 (2)job指大范围的职业,work 指较具体的工作 (3)work 更倾向于―劳动‖

4) keyboard: key + board blackboard bedboad noteboard board school(寄宿学校)

boarder (寄宿学生)

5) operator : 操作员,接线生 operate operation

2. Grammar.


1) 定义:特殊疑问句,就是不能用Yes, no 回答的句子。例如:What‘s your name?你是不能用Yes, no 来回答

的。 2) 形式:

(1) 对主语进行提问:

特殊疑问词 (what / who)+ 原来的语序

eg. He is Jee. Who is Jee? The dog is in the room. What‘s in the room? 对人:Who 对物:What Now, do exercise: 1) She is my girlfriend. 2) The tree is green. 3) My father is a killer 4) They are lovers. 5) We are best friends.


新概念英语 第一册

6) This handbag is old

(2) 对其他成分(谓语 / 宾语 / 定语 / 补语等等)进行提问:

(what / who / whom / which / when / where / how /)+谓语动词(我们现在学到的就是am ia are) +主语+其他

例如:I am Jim. Who is Jim? I am a lawer. What‘s your job?


a. 提问别人的国籍 What‘s your nationality? / What nationality are you? b. 提问别人的工作 What‘s your job? Now, do Exercise: 对下列句子进行提问 a. I am American. b. I am a doctor. c. I am Brazilian. d. I am a housewife.

3) Do exercise:

a. I am Jess. b. Lincoln is my boyfriend. c. This is a German car. d. I am a boss. (变为一般疑问句) e. She is an office girl. (变为否定句) f. My father is a scholar. g. This is my house.

Lesson 8

1) Words.

(1)policeman – police policemen policewoman – policewomen police car police box = police

stand (警亭) police dog police office police station 注:police 后要用are eg. The police are coming. (2)drive – driver the type of vehicle :

bus driver Auto/ bus double decher bus(双层) micro bus(小巴) taxi streetcar(电车) tube /

美:subway Bus-stop

(3)air – a. 空气 air bath (空气浴) air-bed (充气床垫) air bus (大型客机)

air cleaner (空气过滤器) air conditoner

b. 空军的 air base (空军基地) air force (空军) Air Force I

(4)postman post + man post office post boat (邮船) post card (明信片) post mark(邮戳)

post house (驿站舍) post horse (驿马) post road (邮路) v. post-free 免 邮费的 post-modern(后现代主义的)

(5) housewife house work / homework

wife – husband ex – wife ex – president mid-wife(接生婆) 2) Exercise.

What‘s your job?

3) Supplementary points.

How are you 的回答方式: - Pissed off. - Not too well.


新概念英语 第一册

- So so. / Just so so. - Fine. / Just fine. - Not bad. - I am jazzed. - Great! - Terrific. - Fantastic! - Fabulous. 4) Homework.

a. 我的工作是什么? b. 他的工作是什么? c. 她的工作是什么 d. 它的工作是什么? e. 我们的工作是什么? f. 你们的工作是什么? g. 他们的工作是什么?

Lesson 9 How are you today?

1. Words.

1) today / yestoday / tomorrow / the day fefore yestoday / the day after tomorrow 2) well 和good 的区别 最常用的句子:Well done!!

How are you? I‘m fine. How‘s your mother? She‘s well. / She‘s very well. 3) Fine. 美好的:a fine day 最常用:Fine, thank you. I‘m fine. Thanks.


4) See 不同与look. See 强调看见。 Look 强调看这个动作。 (1) 看见 I see you. (2) 明白 I see.

2. Grammar.


问候对方:How are you(today)?

问候跟对方有关的其他人:How is / are **? Eg . How ?s your mother?

Now , do exercise. 填上正确的动词:am / is / are a. How ______ you?

b. How ______ your dog?

c. How _______ your daughter? d. How _______ her boyfriend? e. How ________ your sons? f. How _______ everything ?

复习上次讲过的有关How are you 的回答方式。

Lesson 10.

1) Words and grammar.

(1) look 的用法:a. 单独使用: eg. 看!有只狗! Look! A dog!

b. 如果说要看什么东西,要在look后+ at eg. 看那只狗!Look at the dog!


新概念英语 第一册

Now, translate: 看着我! 看黑板! 看那个女孩! 看他的脸! 看!太阳! (2) Clean – cleaner clean hands 老实清白 clean room 绝对无尘室 clean sheet 清白历史

Clean-bred 纯种的,纯血种的 clean cut轮廓鲜明的 clean-faced 面部无暇的,五官清

秀的 clean out 清除,扫荡 cleaner 清洁工人,清洁器 cleaner‘s 洗衣店 cleanliness洁癖

(3) Hot 还可以当辣来讲。如:hot hot hot 麻辣烫 hot pot火锅 It‘s hot!! Spicy辛辣的,有风味的,Spicy girs (4) Cold – I have a cold. I get a cold. I catch a cold.

(5) Old – old and young 老老少少 Old Bill 警方,警察局,警察 old bird老手 old boy 老生 old

buck 老朋友 old fellow = oldchap 老兄 old-fogey / old fogy老顽固 old folks 老年人,家中的长辈 Old gentleman 恶魔,魔王=old Nick old girl 老校友,老太婆,大姐(套近乎) old age 晚年 Old goat 老色鬼,讨厌的老家伙= suger Daddy Old hand 老手 Old Hurry 魔鬼,撒旦 old la dy 老妇人,母亲 old moon下弦月 old name 原名

(6) Busy

as busy as a bee as strong as a horse as big as a bear

(7)Grammar 主系表结构

形式:主语 + 系动词(现在学到的是am / is / are)+ 表语 表语:1)名词eg. This is an egg.

2 ) 名词词组: eg. This is an bad egg.

3)形容词 eg. This egg is bad. 4)副词 eg. She‘s here.

2) Exercise. Group I : am / are

a. I __________ 105 years-old. b. You ________ mad! c. She _______ my cousin. d. He ________ the killer! e. It _______ my dog. f. We _________ fine. g. They ________ stupid.

Group II:

h. 他很年轻。他年轻吗?

i. 这个警察挺胖。 这个警察胖吗? j. 这个女孩子很瘦。 这个女孩子瘦吗? k. 你很漂亮。 我漂亮吗?

l. 我爸爸很高。这个出租车司机高吗? m. 看那个孩子!他太矮了! n. 那个护士很温和。 o. 那个理发师挺傻的。 p. 邮递员Daicy是个好人。

Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?



1)blue 有关颜色: About Color: 本课:blue White 第十三课:green 第15课:brown 第16课:red grey yellow black orange 另外:purple coffee dark / light dark red light red pink This shirt is dark bule. What clolr is this shirt?


新概念英语 第一册

2)Perhaps maybe

3)catch – a. 抓住 I catch you!

b. 领会,明白 Do you catch me?

2. Grammar.

Whose 的提问对象: 某人的东西 eg. This is my money. Whose money is this? Whose特殊疑问句的提问方式:

(1) 提问的对象是主语:把―某人的‖(即:my your her his 等等 )换成Whose 即可。后面照抄。

Eg. His head is on the desk. Whose head is on the desk? Their heads are on the desk. Whose heads are on the desk?

(2) 提问的对象是宾语:Whose + 提问的名词+ Be动词+主语

Eg. This is his head. Whose head is this? These are their heads. Whose heads are these?

(3) Now, Do exercise. 把下列句子变成以Whose 开头的特殊疑问句。

a. This is my house. b. Her lover is my father. c. Your hair is dirty.

d. These are my boyfriends. e. 这是谁家的狗? f. 这是谁的鼻子? g. 谁的车干净? h. 谁家的脸难看?

Lesson 12

1) words.

(1)复习你的家属:great grandfather / great grandmother great grandson / great granddaughter

Grandmother / grandfather grandma / grandpa father / mother(daddy, mummy, dad , mum )

Uncle / aunt nephew / niece cousin (first cousin 父母的兄弟姐妹的孩子 second cousin 父母的表兄弟、表姐妹的孩子)

brother / sister (younger / elder) son daughter love children(私生子)

step-mother / father / sister / brother / son / daughter mother / father/ sister / brother / -in-law (2) 复习物住代词:my your his her its our their

非物主代词第三人称+‘s 表示其所有。例如:My father‘s Joe‘s Lily‘s the teacher‘s 2) Exercise.

3) Supplemetary points

as cool as a cucumber 极为冷静的,很酷的 as bolt as a coot(黑鸭,笨蛋,傻瓜)秃顶的 as blind as a bat 有眼无珠 as blind as an owl (瞎透了) as bald as brass 厚颜无耻的 as cheap as a dirt(污垢,泥土) as clean as day 一清二楚的 as dark as night 漆黑的 as big as life(和原物一样大) as clear/ sound as a bell 健全的,身体健康的, as cross as two sticks非常生气的 as drank as a sow(大母猪)酩酊大醉 as dry as a chip(随片,马铃薯片)枯燥的, as easy as pie 极容易的 as fresh as paint 精神饱满的 as good as a play有趣的

as hard as a brick极硬的 as hard as nail 身体结实,冷酷 as hungry as a hunter 非常饥饿 as like as two peas 一模一样

as lively as a cricket (蟋蟀,板球)极活泼的= as lively as a grig(爽朗的人,轻松愉快的人)


新概念英语 第一册

as mad as a hatter(帽商,制造帽子的人)极疯狂的= as mad as a wet hen

as meek(温顺的,驯服的)as a lamb 非常温顺的 as old as Adam(亚当)极为古老的 as poor as a church极为贫困的= as poor as a church mouse赤贫 as proud as a peacock 非常骄傲的 as rich as Croesus(大富豪,财主)非常富有 as safe as a house 非常安全 as sharp as a razor(剃须刀)厉害,机警 as smart as new pin非常漂亮 as snug(暖和的)as a bug(小虫,臭虫) in a rug(地毯,垫子) as stiff (僵硬的,呆板的)as a poker(拨火棍)生硬,刻板 as stupid as an owl极蠢的

as sure as a gun 的确 as thick as thives 极为亲密的

as thin as a lath(木版条,条板)骨瘦如柴 as thin as a wafer(晶片,薄片)极薄 as true as a die绝对真实,非常老实 as true as a steel绝对可靠

as warm as toast暖烘烘的 as weak as water极为虚弱的

P.S. As you brew(酿造,酝造), you must drink. 自作自受 4) Homework


a. 他是我的敌人。 他是谁的敌人? 他的敌人是谁? 他不是你的敌人。他是你的敌人吗? b. 这是我的女友Cindy. 她是谁的女友? 她不是你的宠物。她是你的你的女友吗?

c. 这是我们的房子。我的房间很乱。这是谁的房间?这个房间挺干净。这个房间是我继母的。

Lesson 13 A new dress

1. Words.

1)color colorful 复习我们学过的颜色: black white grey brown red blue green yellow purle pink coffee

2)come Come on! Come here! Go

3)upstairs / downstairs go up / dowmstairs floor step / stair

2. Grammar.

1) 如何问颜色? What color is / are …?

Do exercise:

a. What color _____ your hat? b. What color _______ your shoes? c. What color _______ your hair? d. What color _______ her skin? e. 天空是什么颜色的? f. 她的眼睛是什么颜色的? 2)复习too 的用法。

3)come and see 的特殊用法

4)Same - 同样的人 / 同样的名字 / 同样的房子 / 我们是相同的。 / 他们不一样。

Lesson 14

1) Words.

(1)Case – a. 箱子 bird case billcase wallet purse区别

b. 案例、案件 小case 我刚刚接了一个case case study 案例研究 cases案例

(2)dog - a lucky dog 幸运儿 dog-ass (狗屁股)倒霉的 dog-cheap非常便宜的

dog days 三伏天 dog ear 书页之摺角 dog-eared卷角的(书) dog-eat-dog自相残杀 dog-end烟头(英) dog-poor 赤贫的 dog‘s chance 极少的机会

dog‘s life 潦倒的生活 dog-sick病重的 Dog Star天狼星


新概念英语 第一册

dog-tooth 犬齿 dog tag 狗牌,(美国战时挂在士兵脖子上的)身份识别牌 rain cats and dogs Love me, love my dog

2) Exercise.

a. 我的是上衣是什么颜色的? b. 你的袜子是什么颜色的? c. 恐龙的眼睛是什么颜色的? d. 他们的孩子是什么颜色的? e. 牛奶是什么颜色的? f. 天空是什么颜色的? g. 苍蝇是什么颜色的?

Lesson 15 Your passport, please

1. Words.

1)customs – customer – custom customs office customs officer go through customs

2)officer – office office block(英)/ office building(美)办公大楼 office boy office girl / lady office chair

office hour office work office worker上班族 office bearer公务员,官员

3)Danish – Danmark Norwegian- Norway

4)friend – good friend best friend close friend A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

5)passport pass + port Password passbook(存折) 6)tourist – tour have a tour

2. Grammar.

1) 你是…吗?Are you …?

a. 你是*国人吗?Are you …?

你是中国人吗? 我是日本人吗? 他是挪威人吗? 他们是瑞典人吗? 她是瑞士学生吗? 它是美国狗吗/

b. 你是**吗? Are you…?


他是你的男朋友吗? 她是我们的梦中情人吗? 他是你的朋友吗?

它是Mrs. Smith的宠物Jess 吗? c. 你是干…的吗?

你是空姐吗? 他是你的老板吗? 你们是警察吗? 他们是杀手吗? 她是游客吗? d. 这是你的…吗?



新概念英语 第一册

那些是狼吗? 这是您的妻子吗? 这是她的情人吗? 这是你父亲的前妻吗? 这是Jenny的钱包吗? 这些是您的袜子吗? 这些是您的爱人吗? e. 也

我也是中国人。 您也是中国人吗?


我们是理发师,你们也是理发师吗? Lisa是个明星,Ben也是个明星吗? 不,Ben 是个追星族。

2) Here you are and Here they are.

我们已经学习过Here it is. 复习here it is 的用法。

Here they are是Here it is 的第三人称复数形式,用法和Here it is 相同。 Here you are 用在把东西递给对方的时候。例如: - Jean, give me my shoes please. - Here you are.

Lesson 16

1) Words

(1) Russian – Russia

(2) Dutch – Holland Dutch = Dutchman = Hollander Go Dutch = Fifty fifty. 各付各钱,AA制 Dutch uncle 总爱批评人的人,

(3) These / those 这些是我的恐龙。 那些是他的妻子。 这些是谁的小猫? 那些是你的裤子吗? 这些是她的花。 那些是谁的房间? 那些案子是你的吗? 那些猫头鹰是谁的?2) Supplementary points

How to plus “s”? 规则名词:

- s 直接加s :一般的单词都可以直接加s eg. book - books

- es 加es :以 s / x /o / sh / ch 结尾的单词 eg. boss – bosses box – boxes - 去y ,+ies : 以 辅音字母+y 结尾的单词 eg. city - cities

注意:以元音字母+y 结尾的单词直接+s eg. toy - toys

- 去f或fe + ves : 以f / fe 结尾的单词: eg. leaf – leaves wolf – wolves 不规则名词:

- oo变成ee : eg. foot – feet

- 不变: eg. sheep – sheep

- 不规则: eg. child – children 3) homework: (1)Translate:

- 您也是小偷吗? - 不,我是杀手。

- 您的丈夫是干什么的?


新概念英语 第一册

- 我的丈夫是名工程师。他是个德国人。您的丈夫也是德国人吗? - 不,他是个荷兰人。这是您的孩子们吗?

- 是的,看,Sley 3岁了,Mark 5岁了。他们是男孩子。这是您的狗吗? - 不是。我的狗是兰色的。您的狗是什么颜色的? - 我的狗也是兰色的。哦,天黑了,很高兴遇见您。 - 我也是。再见,杀手女士。 - 明天见,小偷女士。 (2)把下列名词变成复数形式:

- bag - mouth - fly - fish - policeman - Chinses - wife - boy - apple - employee - factory - wolf

Lesson 17 How do you do?



1) employee - employ – employer employless worker office worker 2) hard .a. 硬的, 坚固的, eg. The stone is very hard hard disk硬盘

b. (问题, 工作等)困难的, 艰苦的 eg. This is a hard work / question. c. 猛烈的 I like hard drinks. 烈酒

hard goods 耐用品 hard luck 不幸 hard news 重要新闻 hard roe 鱼卵3)sale - sell on sale

4)assistant – assist / help Help!!

2. Grammar.

1) This is…

还记得如何介绍别人吗?这就是句型:This is… 让我们来复习一下: a. 你好,Tim,这是我的女朋友Kathy. Kathy, 这是我最好的朋友Tim. b. 爸爸,这些是我的同学们。朋友们,这为是我老爸。

c. 你好,我是Clinton. 这位是我的夫人,而这为是我的情人。 2) 这个家伙是谁?Who is …?

有关Who 的问句,实际上提问方式和Which / what / when 等一样的。 (1)对主语进行提问:只须把要问的那个人(既主语)变成Who 即可。

形式:Who + 原来的语序。

Eg. Karen is my sister-in- law. Who is your sister-in-law? (2)对宾语或其他成分进行提问:

形式:Who + am / is / are + 主语+其他

Eg. Keren is my sister-in-law. Who is Keren? Now, do exercise:

a. 对下列句子划线部分进行提问:

a. Nancy is my step-mother. b. Nancy is my step-mother. c. Jean is Tom‘s girl. d. Jean is Tom‘s girl.

e. My great grandpa is 144 years old. f. The kid is very cute. g. These guys are my friends. h. These guys are my friends. i. My grandma is on the roof.


新概念英语 第一册

b. Now, translate:

a. 你是谁?你是我的朋友吗?

b. 这个孩子是谁?这个孩子是你的儿子吗? c. 我是谁? 我是中国人吗?

d. 这个家伙是谁?这个家伙是你的老公吗?

3) What‘s your job?

问问你旁边的人,What‘s his/ her job? 4) They are lazy!


- 他很瘦,而且高。 - 她很美丽,很善良。 - 我们很好,谢谢。 - 他们很忙。 - 天气很热。 - 牛奶很凉。

- 这个孩子很伶俐。

Lesson 18 What are their jobs?

有关工作: accuntant actor actress bar keeper baker barber banker boss businessman chairman cleaner cook carpenter director driver dancer DJ doctor farmer fisherman gardener judge lawyer manager mayor newsman nurse officer office worker president producer painter robber student singer secretary soldier teacher thief waiter white collar blue collar

Lesson 19 Tried and thirsty

1. Words.

(1)matter What‘s the matter? What‘s wrong? What‘s up?

What happened? What‘s the trouble? Are you all right? 回答: I‘m all right. I‘m fine, don‘t‘ worry. (all right 还能用在什么时候呢?想一想Thank you 的回答方式,


(2)thirsty be thirsty of sth. eg. She is thirsty of knowledge.

(3)Mum mum / mam / mom mother mammy/ mommy /mummy(也有木乃伊的意思:The Mummy

Mummy Back) Mama

(4)sit - sit down. Sit here. n.是seat

对于晚辈或者比自己职位低的人,可以说:Sit down.

对于客人、朋友、或长辈、长官,要说:Take a seat, please. (5)right a. 好,可以。

b. 正确的 eg. You are right! Right way

(6)ice cream ice cream:奶油,面霜 ice cream man milk man policeman postman


2. Grammar.


新概念英语 第一册

(1) 祈使句的分类:


a. 带有命令口气的祈使句(很不客气): eg. Sit here. Sit down. Don‘t cry. Do it.(请参看第29课)

Now, do exercise: a. 过来! b. 起立! c. 滚出去! d. 别说话!

b. 带有要求或请求性质的祈使句: eg. Let‘s go. Three ice creams. Please. (请参看第3课)复习一下带有请求

或者要求性质的祈使句。 Now, do exercise: a. 请坐。

b. 请给我十支笔。 c. 请把她的钱给她。 d. 请您过来。

(2) 复习here you are 和here it is 的用法

Lesson 20

1) Words.

(1)big / large small / little 区别

(2)shut – Shut up!! Get out!!! Get out of here!!!

(3)light / heavy n.光, 日光, 发光体, 灯 adj.轻的, 发光的, 明亮的, 浅的vt.点燃, 照亮

adv.轻地 vi.点着, 变亮

light red / dark red light(n) sunlight moonlight light hand 巧手,巧妙手段

light in the head头晕的,愚蠢的 light music 轻音乐 light snow 小雪 2) Grammar.

复习Look at 以及主系表结构(形容词做表语)的复数形式 3) Supplementary Points. 有关blue:

blue 的原意是一种颜色,然而它还有许多有趣的意思。猜猜下面的词是什么意思? Blue baby n. 有先天性心脏缺陷的婴儿(生下来皮肤发青) Blue belt n.蓝色绶带 , 代表荣耀,官爵等等

Blue blood 呵呵,可不是蓝血人,是n.贵族的血统, <俗>贵族 Blue book n.名人录, 蓝皮书,英国官方报告 Blue film / movie 黄色电影

Blue moon n.不可能或稀有的时期或事情 Blue note 悲伤的音符 Blue water 深海 Blue whale 蓝鲸 Blue black 深蓝色 Blue-eye baby 宠儿

Blue-sky 无价值的,不保险的 Bluecoat 穿蓝制服的人,警察 Blue joke 黄色笑话

总结来看, blue 有以下几个意思:


新概念英语 第一册

a. b. c. d. 兰色的

忧伤的,沮丧的 高贵的,贵族的 黄色的,下流的

Lesson 21 Which book

1. Words.

one 复习数字从1-亿的说法

one可以来替代已经说过的,或者大家知道的单数可数名词。 Eg. - I like this book. I like this one, too.

ones可以来替代已经说过的,或者大家知道的复数可数名词。 Eg. – I like these girls. – Which girls? -The ones on the left. 2. Grammar. 1) 复习祈使句。

2) Give me … 中的双宾结构

先告诉大家,今天讲到的这个句子中,give 有两个宾语:直接宾语和间接宾语。大家猜一猜,哪个是直接宾语,哪个是间接宾语?

Ok, there are someone who has a wife and a lover at the same time. 这种情况我们并不少见,他们之间就象是:AB C 变成了:ACB, 今天我们见到的Give me a book 这个句子中,Give 作为一个句子的灵魂——谓语,就有两个女友:me 和book.但是这两个宾语的地位并不完全相同,他们的关系就向我们刚才看到的一样:直接放在give后面的me,是间接宾语,而和give 间隔了一个第三者的book,才是真正的宾语,称做直接宾语。(给的是东西,不是人,给的对象才是人)这种结构叫双宾结构。

可以用双宾结构的动词,有:give pass tell lend borrow 等等 eg. Could you lend me 1 billion US dolors? Pass me the book, please. Dear. Tell me the truth, John.

3) Which girl? 以Which 开头的特殊疑问句

以Which 开头的特殊疑问句,是在对定语成分进行提问。 Eg. I like the blond girl. Which girl do you like? 提问方式:

(1) 对主语进行提问:

只须把要问的那个人或物(既主语)前的形容词变成Which 即可。

形式:Which + 名词+原来的语序。

Eg. The fat man is on the ballon. Which man is on the ballon? Now, do exercise:

a. The old policeman is on the left. b. The tall woman is my step-sister. c. The black soldier is my enemy. d. Thses blue skirts are Tom‘s. (2)对宾语或其他成分进行提问:

形式:Which +要问的名词+ am / is / are + 主语+其他

Eg. My boyfriend is a fat man. Which man is your boyfriend? Now, do exercise:

I am the middle girl. Lesson 22


新概念英语 第一册

1) Words.

(1)full- be full of full of love My heart is full of love.

Full of money The robber‘s bag is full of money. Full of hate Her eyes are full of hate.

(2)sharp - shark sharp as needle 非常机灵的 sharp-eared 听觉敏锐的 sharp-eyed 视觉敏锐的 sharp

–nosed 嗅觉敏锐的 sharp- shooter神枪手,奸商 sharp-tongued说话尖酸刻薄的 sharpen v. sharper 磨具,赌博中的骗子(老千)

(3)small - small ads 报纸上的分类广告 small arms 轻武器 small beer 淡啤酒,琐事 small farmer 小农 small hours 后半夜 small letter 小写字母 small potatoes小人物,不重要的事情 small talk 闲聊

small-fry 儿童,幼小的动物 small-town 土里土气的 smallness n.小, 少, 贫乏, 小气 smallpox n.[医]天花

(4)big – Big Apple 纽约 big beat 摇摆舞 big boy大人物,大亨 Big Brother 黑社会老大 big cheese 重要人物,具有影响力的人 big dipper 过山车 big dog 看门狗,大人物 big game 大猎物 big gun 具有影响力的重要人物 big house 监狱,感化院 big idea 鬼主意 big john 新兵 big money 大笔的钱 big mouth 长舌妇,多嘴人 big name 知名人士,众所周知的事情 big news 头条新闻 big notes 要人 big one 千元钞票,大便 big talk 大话 big-ticket 高价的 big-time 一流的,快乐时光(美俚)

(5)box – Box and Cox 轮流做某事 box and needle 罗盘 box lunch 盒饭

box office 票房,票房收入 box sb‘s ears 打某人耳光 box supper 慈善餐会 boxcar 货车车厢 boxer 拳击手 boxers 拳击短裤

boxing拳击 boxing ring 拳击场 boxroom(英)储藏室 (6)glass – galss arm 容易发酸的手臂 glass case 玻璃橱窗 glass cutter 玻璃刀 glass eye 玻璃假眼 glasses 眼镜 glassless 无玻璃的 2) Exercise.

Now, do exercise:

a. - 哪个女孩子是他的女朋友? - 胖的那个。 b. – 哪个人是杀手? - 高的那个。 c. – 哪个杯子是干净的? - 绿色的那个。

d. – 哪个公文包(briefcase)是你的? - 黑色的那个。

e. – 请给我我的孩子。 - 哪一个? - 白的那个。

Lesson 23 Which glasses?

1. Words.

1)on 在…之上 , 表方位 例如:on the moon Now, do exercise:

a. 在桌子上 他在桌子上 b. 在床上 宝宝在床上 c. 在他头上 孩子在他头上 d. 在地上 我的鞋子在地上

e. 在树上 ? on the tree / in the tree 的区别

f. 在天上 ? in the air 而不是on the air(在广播)

2. Grammar.

Lesson 24


新概念英语 第一册

1) Words. 2) Exercise.

3) Supplementary Points. 4) Homework.

Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith?s Kitchen

1. Words.

1) 复习Mrs. 等有关人的称谓 2) Kitchen

What can you see in a kitchen?

Pot bowl spoon spatula(炒菜铲) cooker micro-wave oven oven(烤箱) toaster(面包机)(抽油烟机) hook oil salt source vinegar 3) right ---a. n. left right front back up down on the left/right in the front of sth.

b. the left one./

? Gloria, please pass me the book ? Which one? ? The right one.

c. 正确的

You‘re right. I‘m wrong. Give me a right answer.

4) cooker—cook

cook n. 厨师 chief 主厨,大厨

v. cook a meal /prepare breakfast 5) middle

in the middle of sth. (city/room/river) middle school No. 18 middle school mid-- mid—wife mid—night 6) of ……的 有生命的东西―的‖用‘s

无……………………………….. sth of sth. 如: 狗的腿:dog‘s legs 桌子腿 legs of desk Now , do exercise:

a. 我的头 b. 这只狗的头 c. 这本书的名字 d. 国王的子民 e. 这个城市的人民 f. 中国的人民 my father‘s friends 还可以说成:friends of my father‘s

? 我爸的一个朋友 (1)one of my father‘s friends (2) a friend of my father‘s 7) room --house

bedroom living room sitting room restroom dinning room (smoke room) washing room 2. Grammar.

1) there be 句型 表示某处有某物 (1) eg. There‘s a dog on his head.

There is/are 由后面直接跟的第一个名词的单数/复数决定

eg: There are two men near the door. There is a woman and two men near the door. Now , do exercises:


新概念英语 第一册

a. 你头上有只鸟。 b. 他手里有个钱包。 c. 我心里有个女孩。 d. 这座房子有8个房间。 e. 这个房间中间有张桌子。 f. 桌子上有个冰箱。 g. 冰箱里有只大象。

h. 有4个家庭主妇在厨房里。 i. 有1个男孩和一个女孩在河里。

2)* 不可数名词的 there be句型

There is some water in the glass. Now , do exercises: a. 他手上有土。 b. 他脸上有泪。 c. 他口袋里有钱。 d. 杯子里有牛奶。 e. 桌子上有面包。

(3) There be 句型的疑问句(一般) Be there……….?

a. 可数名词单数 Is there a ……? b. 可数名词复数 Are there any ……? c. 不可数名词 Is there any ……? Now , do exercises: 变上列例句为一般疑问句 (4) There be 句型的否定句 There isn‘t ……….

a. 可数单数 There isn‘t a …… b. 可数复数 There aren‘t any …… c. 不可数名词 There is no ……

Now, do exercises: 变以上例句为否定句。

Lesson 26 Where is it?

1. words.

1) where 对方位进行提问 Where is/are ……? Now , do exercises:

a. 他在哪?b. 他们在哪? c. 那女孩在哪? d. 我的钱在哪? e. 你在哪? f. 我们在哪?

g. 那个杀手在哪? h. 水在哪? i. 我在哪? j. 它在哪? k. 那些金子在哪?l. 你的书在哪儿?2) in

--在心里 --在眼里 --在房间里 --在手里 --在河里 --在树上 --在包里 2. do exercises:

1) What‘s on the table? Where is the cup? Is the cup clean?

Is the cup clean or dirty?

Lesson 27


新概念英语 第一册

1. Words:

1) living room—live

sitting room /restroom/bedroom/washingroom/dinning room 2) near

靠近门 靠近窗户 靠近河 靠近我 靠近墙 靠近大海 3) armchair

arm+chair arm: n. 1.胳膊2. 武器 sofa stool 长椅 茶几 落地灯 wall lamp spotlight 聚光灯 台灯 客厅:

table vase safa television clock pendant (由天花板吊下的灯) 饰灯ashtray rug (地毯) carpet ceiling (天花板) telephone bookcase 4) door

gate backdoor key lock 2. Grammar: 复习There be 句型

Do exercise: Describe your house

Lesson 28 Where are they?

1. words:

trouble pants jeans 2. exercise:

变图片句型为一般疑问句和否定句 3. supplementary points:

选择疑问句: or

1) 形式:Is this good or bad? 2) 语调:前升后降

3) 回答:不能用yes,no要用It‘s good./It‘s bad. There is honour among thieves. 盗亦有道。 There is one born every minute. 随时有人 There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no pleasure without pain. There is another side to the picture.

There is no rose without thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。 There are wheels with in wheels. 错综复杂。 There is black sheep in every flock.

There is no gardon without its weeds. 人无完人。 Homework:

1.郑州有座山。 2.山里有个庙。

3.庙里有两个和尚。一个老和尚和一个小和尚。 4.庙里有一个锅和两个碗。



Lesson 29 Come in, Amy

mirror curtain 23

新概念英语 第一册


1) shut ----close Shut up!

Close your mouth! Stop talking, please.

2) untidy----tidy --un前缀如:unfair unquiet

3) open 打开门 打开窗户 张开你的眼 开放你的思想 4) air v./n. 通风/空气 I am a dreamer on air.

5) put put sth. here/there/up/down/left/right/front/back 6) dust----dusty 7) then

2. Grammar:

1) 情态动词must与命令式祈使句

(1)musst后直接加动词原形,不因人称而变化: eg: I must go. You must go. He/She/They/It must go. Now translate: a. 他必须来。

b. 你必须听我说。 c. 她必须看着它。 d. 我们必须微笑。 e. 这孩子必须看书。 f. 她必须死。


a. must提前,其余照抄:

如:You must go. Must you go?

a. 回答:不能用mustn‘t ,应用needn‘t ,与mustn‘t 之间的区别


听! 看! 进来吧! 开开门! 去死吧! Now, do exericise:

a. 你必须现在上床睡觉! b. 我必须睡着吗,妈妈? c. 不,你不必。

d. 但是你必须在十点钟睡着。 e. 她必须恨他。 f. 为什么?

g. 因为他是她的敌人。 h. 可是她爱他。他必须走。 i. 他不必走,但他必须死。 j. 也许是吧,我不知道。 2)What must I do?

用what提问时,也就是对发生的动作提问时,所有行为动词皆转化为do. Eg: I must jump. What must you do? ------ What+must+sub.+do? Now, do exercise:


Lesson 30 What must I do?

1. words:


新概念英语 第一册

1) empty----v./a. ----full

2) read----write read books/newspapers/magazine 3) sharpen----sharp----blunt 2. exercise:

1) What must I do?

2) Must I open your window? 3) You needn‘t open my window. 4) Open your window.

Lesson 31 Where?s Sallly?

1. words:

1) garden/park yellow stone park 2) under/on

3) tree root---trunk/---branches---leaf/leaves/flowers---seeds 4) climb---攀岩 5) who

6) run---walk---jump---

7) cat---kitty rains cats and dags 2. grammar:

1) He is climbing the tree.

(1) 现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作。 (2) 形式: 主语+be+doing sth. eg: I am sleeping. Now, do exercise:

A: She ____ crying. He ____ reading. They _____ talking. It ____ walking. (3) 动词如何加—ing: 参见:page 62. Now, do exericse:

B: look put take smile cry jump (4) 现在进行时的一般疑问句:

Be (Am/Is/Are)+主语+doing+其它+? Eg: I am sleeping on the bed. Am I sleeping on the bed?

Now, do exercise: 把上列例句改为一般疑问句。 (5)现在进行时的特殊疑问句:

eg: I am sleeping on the bed at 11 o‘clock.

Who: Who is sleeping on the bed at 11 o‘clock? What: Where: When:

注意对主语提问及对其它成分提问的不同之处。 (6)现在进行时的否定句: 主语+be (am/is/are)+not+doing+其它。 eg: I am sleeping. I am not sleeping.

(7)现在进行时和一般现在时的区别(放第一) 2)I beg your pardon?

You _____ running. 25

新概念英语 第一册

Pardon? (British)

Could you speak it again?(American) Say again, please. Sorry?

3) What about the dog? What about &. How about

(1) What about--- 意为那么---呢?可代表前面用过的句式。 Eg: I‘ll go to Canada next year. What about your girlfriend? (2) How about--- 表示一种建议,意为做---怎么样? Eg: How about we go swimming this afternoon? That‘s a good idea. 4) 复习too的用法:

Eg: Is Tim in the garden, too? 5) run after

Eg: a. He is running after a girl.

b. The boy is running after the dog.

Lesson 32 What?s he/she/it is doing?

1. words:

1) type --- type writer ---typist

2) letter---write a letter---write back n.---26 English letters

3) basket---basket-ball ---football---pingpang ball---net ball---tennis---badminton---golf---bowling---polo--- ice hockey

4) eat—drink most time we say ?have‘ 5) clean---v. clean the house/car a. It‘s clean. clear clean and clear 6) cook---cooker 7) milk (UN)

杯子里有一些牛奶。 我想喝些牛奶。 8)meal (CN)

一日三餐:breakfast/lunch/supper the difference between supper and dinner. 2. do exercise:

Nicola is typing a letter. Is Nicola typing a letter? Nicola isn‘t typing a letter. What is Nicola doing now? She is typing a letter.

Lesson 33 A fine day

1. words:

1) day ---night day and night daytime 一年有365天。(There be句型复习)

2) cloud---cloudy rain---rainy sun---sunny wind---windy snow---snowy 3) sun---son sunshine/sunlight a sunny day


新概念英语 第一册

It‘s sunny today. It‘s a sunny day today. It‘s a fine day today. 4) sky ---/ / 复习清辅音浊化。 5) family 复习家庭成员

6) boat---ship---sheep shit---sheet life boat (救生艇) Song: Row your boat Row, row ,row your boat Gently down the strem

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.

7) fly v./n. 飞翔/苍蝇 butterfly A fly is flying. 2. grammar:

1) It‘s a fine day today.

练习: (1) 今天星期一。

(1) 今天多云。 (2) 今天刮风。 (3) 今天很热。

2) There are some clouds in the sky. 复习: (1) 天上有些飞机。

(1) 飞机上有许多人。

(2) 河里有一只轮船和一些小船。 (3) 河面上有一座大桥。 3) Mrs. Jones is with his family. with: 和--- 带着---

练习: (1) 他和家人在一起。 (2) 她和小狗在一起。 (3) 他和妈妈在一起。 (4) 我和你在一起。

主语带有动作时,既可以用and,也可用with. Eg: My mother and I are swimming now. My mother is swimming with me. With介词短语可以作定语: Eg: a woman with a girl. a girl with a dog.

a lady with a white hat. Now, do exercise:

我和丈夫一起在看书。 辛迪在和她儿子玩足球。


Lesson 34 What are they doing?

1. words:

1) sleep ---go to bed之间的区别, 反义词: wake up 2) cry --- 几种哭

3) wash --- washroom, washing machine, v. wash your face


新概念英语 第一册

4) wait --- wait for

Please wait for me, lady. Wait! Look at me! 5) jump --- jump over/down 2. exercise: (不明白,待补) 3. supplementary points:

Monday ------Sunday <趣味单词>15页 Homework : Willy 在哪儿?

他和一个男人在桥上。 他正在干什么? 他正在杀那个男人。 那个男人是谁?

那个男人是这个女孩的父亲。 她是谁?

她是他的女友。 她正在干什么?

她正在写一封情书给那个男孩。 那个女人在干什么?

那个女人是她母亲,她正在跳楼。 今天天气真好啊。

是啊,一丝云彩都没有。 看,河水是红色的。

是的,河上还有几具尸体。 伦敦真可怕。

Lesson 35 Our village

1. words:

1) photograph --- photographer photo picture film camera lens (透镜,镜头) button 2) village --- villager valley --- Red River Valley

3) between --- among 在你和我之间; 在A和B之间; 在两座山之间; 在郑州和北京之间 4) hill --- mountain mountain city

Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.

5) another eg: This is my gf, that is another gf of mine. 6) wife --- husband, mid-wife 7) along --- along the river/street 8) bank ---河岸/银行 Bank of China

Construction Bank of China Agriculture Bank of China Everbright Bank

Citibank 花旗银行

9) water ---n./v. 水/浇水 make water

10) swim --- swimming swimming pool indoor swimming pool outdoor swimming pool swimming suit swimming cap 11) building ---build


新概念英语 第一册

12) park --- n./v. 公园/停车 2.Grammar:

1) This is a picture of our willage. of 的用法:---的

练习: 我儿子的一张照片。 我们城市的人民。 我父亲的一位朋友。 这棵树的叶子。 这个国家的名字。 这个门的钥匙。(to) 2) on a river page: 76

3) Here is another photograph of our village. 复习Here is --- 句型 以及This is --- 4) We are on the left.

On the left/right 练习:

Tina在左边 Tim在右边 Jones在我前面 Anna在我后面 左边是老虎前面有狼 后面有豹子(leopard) 5) It‘s beside a park.

beside在---旁边 hear 在---附近

在我旁边 这个男孩在我旁边 她在游泳池旁边 6) some of them are---

(1) 直接用 eg: There are 36 students in the classroom. Some are studing.

(2) 后加名词 Some students are sleeping.

(3) 后加of +代词宾格 Some of them are writing love letters. Now, do exercise:

一些朋友 我的一些朋友 我的一些朋友在美国。 动物园里有许多野兽。 一些野兽在打瞌睡。

一些野兽在散步。一些在吃兔子。 一些在吼叫。 这是另一个动物园。这个动物园里没有野兽。

这个动物园在我家附近。 那个动物园在我家旁边。 7) go into --- go out of

look into --- look out of the window 走出来/进去这个公园 走出来/进去这个房子 8) 复习现在进行时 我正在读书。 他正在写情书。 我母亲正在做晚餐。 我父亲正在看电视。 我表兄正在弹吉他。 老师正在清洁房子。 Barb正在哭。 Mike正在小便。 飞机正在飞往泰国。 他们正在沿着街道散步。

Lesson 36 Where---?

1. words:


新概念英语 第一册

of off 2. do exercise;

Where is/are--- 对划线部分进行提问并回答: They are playing near the gate. Ellen is cleaning her teeth in the toilet. Debbie is writing a business letter to a company. Ken is coming into his house. Lesson 37 Making a bookcase

1. words: 1) work ---

a, the difference between job and work

b, 你是做什么的?What‘s your job? What do you do? What‘s your occupation? c, 你父亲呢?他正在上班。 d, hard-working 2) hard --- revision

3) make v.---make water make bed make supper made in China make by me 4) hammar ---nail

5) paint v.---漆,刷,画 painting n.---油画 painter n.---画家,油漆工,粉刷匠

eg: Paint the house green. Chinese painting国画 brush刷子 Chinese brush毛笔 Chinese knit中国结6) favourite --- It‘s my favourite!

Eg: Who is your favourite movie star? What‘s your favourite dish/color? Do exercise: My favourite -------- is ----. 2. grammar:

1) Give me------ (参看21至23课,复习句型) 2)What are you going to do now, Geroge? a, be going to 表示准备、打算做的事。 b, 结构:主语+be(am is are) going to do sth. eg: I am going to swim. Now, do exercise: 他准备去学英语。 他们准备飞去墨西哥。 它准备跳下墙。

我们打算把我们的房子粉一下。 c, be going to 的一般疑问形式:

Be+主语+going to do sth?

Eg: Are you going to swim across the sea?

Now, do exercise: 把上列句子变为一般疑问句。 d, be going to 的特殊疑问句形式: 对下列句子划线部分进行提问: She is going to die. Frank is going to climb to her window. The singer is going to retire at 60. Paul is going to write a novel. e, 否定句在be后加not即可


新概念英语 第一册

3) Paint it pink. 宾语补足语

eg: Sweep the floor clean. Make it dirty. 4) It‘s for sb. 为了---人所做的 eg: It‘s for my sister.

Why do you buy the car? It‘s for my girl.

Just for you! For my dearist mom.(If you want to send them a card or a present.)

Lesson 38 What are you going to do? What are you doing now?

1. words:

1) homework ---housework/housewife do noe‘s homework 2) listen --- Listen! Listen to sb./Look at sb. hear---listen to see---look at 2. exercise:

1) be doing &. be going to do now, translate:

I am dying. I‘m going to die.

我正在看报纸。 我准备看报纸。 他正在吃早饭。 他打算去吃早饭。 他正在打儿子。 他准备打儿子。 她正在哭。 她准备笑。

2)对各句的主语、宾语分别进行提问。 3. supplementary points:

be going to ---gonna want to/want---wanna 练习gonna和wanna的发音。 2. homework:

请用be going to /be doing 各造5个句子。 歌曲:红河谷

Lesson 39 Don?t drop it!

1. words:

1) front --- in the front of /in front of 在我面前 在汽车前面/前部 在黑板前 在房子前面/前部 在老师面前 在飞机的前部

2) careful ---care v. take care of sb. 照顾某人 Be careful=Look out!/Watch!

Be careful of sth. 小心那家伙,他是个杀手!

3) flower ---petal(花瓣) flower bud(花蕾) flower pot(花盆) gardener a bunch of flower (一束花) rose tulip(郁金香) 2. grammar:

助动词do和行为动词do 1) 学过的有关do的句子:

a, What must I do, Mrs. Jones? (lesson 29) page: 58 b, What‘s he/she/it doing? (lesson 32) page: 63 c, What are you doing? (lesson 34) page: 67


(花匠)新概念英语 第一册

d, What are you going to do now, George? (lesson 37) page: 73

我们学过的do,全是代表实义动词的do,do代表一个动作,但是在问句中我们不知道这是什么动作。 Eg: You must wash your hair. What must I do? He is sleeping. What is he doing? I‘m going to die. What are you going to do? 既然行为动词do的用途广泛,那我们来看看有关行为动词的句子。 2) 主、谓、宾结构:

a, 以前我们学习到主、系、表结构,大家知道他的构成是:主+系动词(am, is, are)+表语 eg: I am an engineer. He is a mechanic. 但实际生活中,我们会发生很多动作,例如:开门 (open the door) 杀人 (kill people) 跳下去 (jump off/down)等等,如何表达这些动作呢? 我们就要借助主、谓、宾结构。 b, 句式:主语+谓语动词(即动作)+宾语(动作的对象) eg: I hate you. I love you. Now, do exercise:

我想念你。 我杀了你。 我抓住你。 我吻你。 c, 第三人称单数作主语

学了这么长时间,大家一定会发现只要是第三人称单数作主语,就跟其它不一样,例如:他,她,它,我爸,你弟弟,他爱人,Linda, George等等后面都要用is,(情态动词后除外, 跟动词原形) 在主谓宾结构中,同样要产生变化: eg: I love you. She loves you, too.

这是因为第三人称单数后的谓语动词要加s或es,变化形式与名词变复数完全相同。 Now, do exercise:

把下列单词变为第三人称单数形式: swim wash buy study leave wait 翻译下列句子:

他游泳。 她洗衣服。 他买车。 她学习英语。 他离开这儿。 她等待他。 d, 否定句

第三人称单数:主语+doesn‘t+动词原形+宾语 其它人称: 主语+don‘t+动词原形+宾语 Now, do exercise:

把上列八组练习变为否定句,再把下列句子变为否定句。 I love you. He hates you. We want it. They like money. She studies English. You drop the vase. 祈使句的否定形式

因为祈使句的主语是you,所以直接在动词前加Do not/Don‘t即可。 Eg: Open the door. Don‘t open the door.

喝了它。不要喝了它。 放下它。不要放下它。 看窗外。不要看窗外。 哭吧。不要哭。 放在动词后,作为宾语的人称代词要产生变化。我们已经学过了me . 主格: I we you he she it they 宾格:me us you him her it them 用一些简单的动词来进行练习。 e, 一般疑问句。

第三人称单数:Does+主语+动词原形+宾语 eg: Does she love me?


新概念英语 第一册

其它人称: Do+主语+动词原形+宾语 eg: Do you love me? Now, do exercise:

We know him. She studies Italian. He buys a beautiful car. I want some money. f, 特殊疑问句:

请对以下句子划线部分进行提问。 He goes to bed at 11 o‘clock. She studies English. They like the girl very much. We often drink tea on Sundays. Lesson 40

1. words:

1) show ---v. Show me your love. n. talk show car show 2) send ---v. send sb. sth.

send him a letter send her a bunch of roses sender 3) take ---bring 2. do exercise: 句型练习:

复习be going to句型

to do with sth./sb.把某人或某物怎样 你准备把那个女人怎么样? 你准备把你兄弟怎么样? 他准备把那只狗怎么样? 他们准备把那些钱怎样?

Lesson 41 Penny?s bag

1. words:

1) sugar --- sugar daddy (老色鬼) candy sweets dessert 2) coffee --- black coffee (pure coffee) white coffee

tea: green/black/flower tea jasmine (茉莉花) tea

drink: soft drink coca, tea, coffee, soda, pure water, mineral water, purified water, wine, red wine, white wine, vodica, Jean, wisky, brandy, spirit (white spirit), cocktail, cocktail party 3) tobacoo --- smoke. n./v. Would you like a smoke? No smoking. 2. grammar:

1) 不可数名词如何论量:

a (glass, cup, pound, bottle etc.) +of+不可数名词 eg: a glass of water

一瓶牛奶 一口袋钱 一杯茶 一包茶叶 一公斤巧克力 一磅面包 一张纸 半磅肉 参看82页 2)Well, I‘ts certainly not for me.

certainly作为副词的位置,是在系动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。 Now, do exercise: 请在下列句中加上certainly或really I don‘t like meat.

He wants to go to Africa. The girl is very pretty. He is a gentleman.


新概念英语 第一册

Lesson 42 Is there a … in/on that…? Is there any… in/on that…?


1) bird --- Kill two birds with one stone.

It‘s the early bird that catches the worm. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

2) any --- some 用法比较:前者用于疑问句和否定句,后者用于肯定句。 (1) I have two brothers. Do you have any brothers?

(2) There is some water in the glass. Is there any water in the glass? (3) Would you like some tea? Could you lend me some money? 2. exercise:

There be 句型中可数/不可数一般疑问句方式 3. supplementary points:

(1) Man remember love because of romance only. (2) a, 分数的英文说法:

1/2 half 1/4 a quarter of 1/3 one third 3/4 three forth b, 小数点的说法:

1.5 one half one point five c, http://www.371.net three ?w‘s dot 371 dot net. d, 复习从1到亿的说法: 4. homework: translate 她恨他,但是他喜欢她。 你想要这块香皂吗?

别动!我抓住你了!我看到你了! 把钱放下来!转过身!别睁眼! 把钥匙给我!你想要我死吗?

请把书放回书架。请顺便给我带块巧克力。 这个花瓶吗?当然是中国制造的。 飞机正在飞过爱尔兰,他正在看飞机。 你在干什么呢,亲爱的?什么也没干。

Lesson 43 Hurry up!

1. words:

1) of course --- certainly/sure

2) kettle --- The kettle is boiling./The water is boiling. 3) teapot ---flower pot 4) find --- look for

I‘m looking for my billcase. I find it. (right) I‘m finding my billcase. (wrong) 2. grammar: 1) I can do it.

(1) 情态动词Can(能够),你还记得must吗? Eg: You must go. He must die.



新概念英语 第一册

我能飞。 I can fly. 他会游泳。 He can swim. Now, do exercise:

我会说英语。 他能借给你钱。 他们会开车。 她会泡红茶。 这孩子会跑了。 他会抽烟。 (2) 否定句

记得must的否定句吗?不是mustn‘t, 而是needn‘t. can的否定句 can not/can‘t now, do exercise: 把上列句子变为否定句。 (3) 疑问句

a, 一般疑问句

eg: I must go. Must you go? I can go. Can you go?

把上列句子变为一般疑问句并回答。 b, 试一试:对下列句子划线部分提问: He can speak Italian. I can help her. She can drive cars. I can go home at 11 p.m.. You can fly to NewYork. 2) make the tea/coffee/water/bed/a kite 3) Is there any water in this kettle? 壶里有水吗? 瓶子里有牛奶吗?

桌子上有面包吗? 盒子里有巧克力吗? 杯子里有茶叶吗? 杯子后面有咖啡吗? 4) behind 方位词,在---之后。 反义词:in front of 在我后面有只狗。 在我前面有个美女。 在房子前面有一辆车。 在房子后面有一条河。.

5) There it is! Here we are! Here it is. 6) Hurry up! = Quickly! Come on!

Lesson 44 Are there any ----? Is there any -----?

1. exercise:

可数名词复数的There be句型和不可数名词的There be句型的复习。 2. p.s. Can I help you?

Is there anything I can do for you? Can you help me?

Can you give me a hand? Can I help you?

Yes, I want some coffee. Black coffee or white? Black, please.

Here is your black coffee, sir.


新概念英语 第一册

Thank you. How much? 3 pounds, sir.

Here it is. And this is your tip.

You are so kind, sir. See you next time. See you.

Lesson 45 The boss?s letter

1. words: 1) minute

second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, wait a minute a minute=a short time 2) ask

ask sb. to do sth. ask sb. sth.

eg: ask him to make coffee ask him a question 3) terrible

a terrible thing/person Terrible! That‘s terrible!

Great! Wonderful! Fabulous! Fantastic! Horrible! Good! 2. grammar: 1) next

Next one! Next!

next to sb. She is next to me. next door (look at page 90) 2) Can you do this for me?

do sth. for sb. 为某人做某事 你能为我买辆车吗?

你能为妈妈清理一下房间吗? 他能为她去死吗?

你们能为我照顾一下孩子吗? 3) What‘s the matter? What‘s wrong? What‘s the trouble? What‘s up?

What happened? Can I help you? Are you all right?

Is there anything I can do for you? 4) The boss‘s handwritting is terrible. 他是个糟糕透顶的家伙。 我的生活一团糟。 他的女友很糟糕。

Lesson 46 Can you----?

1. words:

1) cake--- a piece of cake /a little potato


新概念英语 第一册

2. exercise:

can do sth. and can‘t do sth. 3. supplementary points: 1) A man can only die once.

2) Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. (小事注意,大事自成) 4. homework:


我不能! 我不能为了你去杀人。 你会游泳吗? 你能救了那个人吗/

我会游泳,但是我不能救他,他是我的敌人。 你会飞吗? 傻子,没有人会飞。 Translate:

He can hear, he can see, he can know everything you do. He can kill people‘s hate, he can help the poor. He can swim across the Atlantic, he can fly over Alps. He can see everythig in dark, he can hear everything in siletnt. He can do everything, he is God.

Lesson 47 a cup of coffee

1. words:

1) like 喜欢 I like the girl, she‘s cute.

想要 Would you like some coffee? (客气) Do you like some coffee? (随便) 你想要些牛奶吗? 回答: 是的。/不是。 你想要些面包吗? 2) want

a, I want some water. Do you want some water? b, want to do sth. I want to drink some water? c, want to = wanna Do you wanna go with me? Now, do exercise: 你想喝茶吗? 是的。

红茶怎么样? 我不喜欢红茶。 那么绿茶呢? 不。

那你想喝什么茶? 我想喝花茶。 给你。 谢谢。 2. grammar:

复习主谓宾形式的一般疑问句。 把课文中的 (看不懂)

Lesson 48 Do you like---? Do you want---?

1. words:

1) fresh ---fresh air, freshman, fresh water The bread is fresh.


新概念英语 第一册

2) butter ---butterfly butter knife 3) pure --- a pure man purified water

4) honey --- darling dear sweet heart honey 5) ripe --- row

6) banana --- a, 黄色的 b, ABC在西方(美国生的黄种人) 7) jam --- a, 果酱 b, 交通堵塞 traffic jam 8) sweet --- sour sweet bitter hot salty 9) choice --- a, 上等的 (形容词)

10)apple --- Big Apple 纽约 You are an apple in my eye.

11) wine --- red wine, white wine, whisky, brandy, vodica, beer 12) blackboard --- board 2. do exercise:

1) Do you like/want---? 2) 介词的用法

lesson 49 At the butcher?s1. words:

1) chicken --- 鸡肉,小鸡, 胆小鬼 2) tell

tell sb. sth. tell me the truth 3) either --- too

eg: I love you. I love you, too.

I don‘t love you. I don‘t love you, either Now, do exercise:.

我不想要车。 他也不想要车。 她不喜欢咖啡。他也不喜欢咖啡。 我不会游泳。 你也不会游泳。 他们必须走了。 我们也必须走了。 2. grammar:

1) 复习any, some 的用法 2) 选择疑问句

eg: Are you 15 or 16? I am 16.

Do you want coffee or tea?

Who is your true love, Carol or Jessica?

Where do you want to go, BeiJing or ShangHai? What do you want, meat or lamb? Now, do exericse:

谁是你姐姐? 左边的还是右边的? 你想吃蛋糕还是橘子? 你想去美国还是加拿大? 你想买房子还是汽车?

你喜欢哪一个?红的还是蓝的? 3) I like lamb, but my husband doesn‘t. 主谓宾句型的否定形式(复习)

第三人称单数: 主+doesn‘t+动词原形+其它。


新概念英语 第一册

其它人称: 主+don‘t+动词原形+其它。 Now, do exercise:


她不想在咖啡里加糖,她想加牛奶。 Hans不学德语,他学日语。

Christine不在大山外语学校教德语,他在教法语。 4) What about some steak?

What about and how about (review) How about ---提议 What about---再次选择 5) To tell you the truth,--- To be frank, true, truth

Lesson 50 He likes---- But he doesn?t like---

1. words:

1) 有关蔬菜:potato, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, pea, bean, carrot, celery(芹菜), garlic(蒜头), onion(洋葱), radish(白萝卜), spinach(菠菜), mushroom(蘑菇)

2)有关水果:apple, pear, banana, grape, lemon, orange, peach, berry, cherry. 2. do exercise:

1) 第三人称单数的肯定句,否定句和一般疑问句。 2) 否定句: be not/can‘t/don‘t/doesn‘t/mustn‘t/needn‘t 3. supplementary points: 英美人的饮食文化 4. homework:

What do you do everyday? 1) 描述你的一天。

2) 并把它变成第三人称单数he or she.

Lesson 51 A pleasant climate

1. words:

1) Greece ---Greek ---雅典 2) climate ---weather

climate: 气候:大,潮湿,干燥,宜人 weather: 天气:小,windy, sunny等 3) please ---v. 令人高兴的

Little things please little minds. 小人物易满足 pleasant a. 4) spring --- a. 春季,弹簧,泉水

stream, spring, well, river, lake, summer, autumn, winter 5) windy ---wind

windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, foggy, misty, hail stone(冰雹), shower(阵雨), thunder(雷), lights(闪电), mist(薄雾), fog(大雾), frost(霜), rain, snow, tornado, warm, cool, hot, cold 6) sometimes:

some times some time sometime

一般现在时典型的时间状语: often, always, sometimes, usually, seldom, hardly, never, everyday 2. grammar:

1) Where do you come from? ---Where are you from? I come from China. I am from China.


新概念英语 第一册

2) What‘s the climate/weather like in your country?

a, like的第二种用法,除了当?喜欢‘讲外,如:I like this guy. 可以当副词?像‘He looks like tired. b, 在这里,?like‘是一种辅助用法,本句是固定句式,回答:It‘s---即可,不用加like。 3) 月份前,季节前直接加in.

4) Is it cold or warm in autumn? 选择疑问句 Now, do exercise:

Try to discribe the climate and weather in ZhengZhou or your hometown. Do it with your patener. (采取和课文相同的一问一答形式)

Lesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?

1. words:

1) the U.S. page:104 U.N. : United Nation

2) Holland --- Dutch/Dutchman

Let‘s go dutch. --- Fifty fifty I‘ll treat you. 2. Do exercise:

a, What nationality are they? b, Where do they come from? c, Where are they from? d, Where is your hometown?

这些句子的不同回答方式, 并把主语变成第三人称单数,然后再回答。

Lesson 53 An interesting climate

1. words: 1) mild

He is a mild man. as mild as lamp 2) east---south---west---north 3) wet---dry

4) season : spring summer autuma winter 5) best

She is the best. She is my best love. 6) day and night

review from early mornig to mid-night 7) rise --- set---sink --- think 8) early--- late

She gets up very early everyday. He gets up very late everyday. 9) interesting

interest be interested in sth.

这个人很有趣。 我对这个人感兴趣。 这本书很有趣。 我对这本书感兴趣。 这个故事很有趣。 我对这个故事感兴趣。 太有趣了。 10) subject

a, 话题 b, 科目


新概念英语 第一册

11) conversation 谈话

have a conversation an interesting conversation the subject of our conversation 2. grammar:

1) Which season do you like best? a, like best 最喜欢

你最爱谁? 谁最爱你? 你认为谁最好? 你最讨厌哪个国家? b, 回答时, best放最后 eg: I like Jacky Zhang best. 2) The sun rises early and sets late.

副词的位置,修饰句子:放在助动词,系动词的后面和行为动词的前面。 修饰动词:放在最后 eg: I seldom go to cinema.

He studies English very hard. Thank you very much. 3) It‘s our favourite subject. Review favourite=like best

Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?

1. words:

1) canadian the pronunciation 2) China china

2. supplementary points: How to say: ―某月某日‖ 例如: 5月1日

1 st. May, 2002 (英) May, 1 st. 2002(美) 例如: 1日----12日的说法 重大节日的说法

春节 Spring Festival 元旦 New Year 圣诞 Christmas

复活 Easter day 中秋 Mid-autumn Day the Moon‘s Day

Lesson 55 The sawyer family

1. words:

1) live --- life --- living make a living 2) home n./adv.

stay home stay at home 副词前不可加介词 3) housework --- homework --- housewife --- midwife 4) lunch --- supper, dinner, breakfast, meal, food 5) usually --- always--- often (the difference) 6) together --- adv.

get together work together live together stay together 7) arrive arrive in/at


新概念英语 第一册

8) night

复习从早到晚的英语表达 2. grammar:

1) The sawyers live at---

a, the sawyers= the sawyer family b, lives at (small place)

2) 复习第三人称单数和其它人称的一般现在时, 主谓宾形式:

3)几个经常用作一般现在时的时间状语(复习) such as: usually, often, always, everyday, sometimes 我通常上午九点钟上班。 你经常给父母打电话吗? 他总是吃饭前看报纸。 她每天送我一支玫瑰花。 我们有时到海边。


4) come home from school/work 下班/放学回家 from从---, 自--- from---to--- 从---到--- eg: from 9 o‘clock to 12 o‘clock from BJ to ShHai

from school to home

5) do one‘s homework read one‘s newspaper

Lesson 56 What do they usually do?

1) 各个时间段前的不同介词

2) 动词的第三人称单数形式+es/s 3) Do exercise:

回答,提问(What does he/she usually do?) 图片练习,并将其变为一般疑问句或否定句。

Lesson 57 An unusual day

1. words:

1) o‘clock 正点

1 o‘clock a.m. p.m. 2) shop n.商店 v.购物

go shopping/fishing/swimming

Would you like go shopping with me?

Sorry, I have to go swimming with Jenny. 3) moment n. --- a short time , a minute

wait a moment at the moment at that moment 2. grammar:

1) It‘s eight o‘clock.

How do you express time? What time is it? 2) The children go to school by car.

A, by car/bike/air/plane/sea/ship/train on foot B, go to school go home go to work 3) 一般现在时和现在进行时的区a别(复习) A, 形式:be/do sth. be doing sth.


新概念英语 第一册

表达区别:一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态。现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作。 4) but today----

lesson 58 What?s the time?

1) Try to say the time below:

5:18 6:00 7:30 8:42 4:45 3:15 9:07 10:52 11:11 12:00 2) Do exercise:

区别一般现在时和现在进行时 3)supplementary points

a, in is used before year, month and season b, on is used before date and week c, at is used before 点钟 d, 一天当中的

4) homework: 用两种时态各造5个句子

lesson 59

1. words: 1) assistant

assit v. lab assistant 2) size n.

What‘s your size? L=large S=small M=middle XL=extra large 3) change v.

零钱: No change (不用找了) change into 变成 2. grammar:

1) I want some---- a, want 的用法

我想要些钱。 你想要些牛奶加入咖啡吗? 我不想要牛奶。 想走吗? b, want to = wanna want to do sth.

我想和你说再见。 我想飞。 我想走。 她想和你一起走。 他们想买房子。 2) Do you want large size or ---?

选择疑问句在一般现在时(主谓宾结构中)的用法。 Mr. Johns 9点上班还是8:30上班? Lady住在巴黎还是纽约? 你喜欢男孩儿还是女孩? 她想要钱还是要你?

3) Do you have any writing paper? A, have / has

Eg: I have three brothers.

他有三个老婆。 她有2个儿子。 Julia 有三只眼睛。 你有孩子吗? 我没有钱。 我们没有爱情。 B, some ---any (复习)

可数名词及不可数名词在疑问句和否定句中的用法。 4) I only fave large ones.

only adv.仅仅 Only you ---- adv. 副词的位置(第三次复习)


新概念英语 第一册

我只知道我喜欢你。 他只在周一早起。 她只会工作,不会说话。 我只有钱。 5) a bottle of glue

a+量词+of+un.(不可数名词) 6) Is that all?

That‘s all 的用法(总结性的句子) 7) What else do you want?

else Anything else? She loves someone else, not me.

Lesson 60 What ?s the time?

1) 区别可数与不可数名词

2) any-some Is there any---/Are there any---? 句型的应用。 3) I have some---, but I don‘t have any---.句型运用到图例中。

Lesson 61 A bad cold


1) feel ---feeling n.

v. 我很热,不可以说 I‘m hot. 应该说: I feel hot. feel 系动词,后直接+a./adv. What is your feeling?

I feel wonderful./terrible/good./great./hot./cold./tired./sick. Do you feel me? 2) look v.

看Look! Look at me!

看起来You look good. She looks tired. 3) 必须must


人们必须学英语。 你必须在10点之前离开这里。 她必须9:00给这个人打电话。 我们必须请医生。 4) call

呼,呼我 call me

叫 call sb. sth. call the dog Tim 打电话 call cops (police) 5) telephone n.

v. telephone sb. = call sb. = give sb. a phone call 6) remember --- froget

Do /Can you remember me? 你记得我吗? remember to do sth. 记得去做某事。

remember doing sth. 记得已经做过某事了。 Eg: Remember to lock the door.

I remember locking the door. forget to do sth. /forget doing sth.

Eg: I forget to tell her my phone number. I forget telling ------. 7) bad (待查)


新概念英语 第一册

8) cold a. 冷的 n.

have a cold get a cold catch a cold 他感冒了。 我也感冒了。 9) news n. (un)

news paper newsman (新闻记者) No news is good news. 2. grammar:

1) in bed (卧床)

2) What‘s the matter with him? What‘s wrong with him? Is he alright?

What happened to him? 3) He feels ill.

我感觉遭透了。 她感到很冷。

他们感到很恶心。 他感觉到她的心。 我知道你的感觉。 我什么也没感觉到。 Willam感觉很好。 你热吗? 4) He looks ill.

你看起来气色很好。 他看起来很胖。 这儿看起来很不错。 她看起来挺漂亮。 5) Can you remember---?

这只鸟能从美国飞到法国。 我会开车。 我不会开车。 你能从这儿游到英国吗? 你会跳舞吗?

小姐,能和您跳支舞吗? 你忘了我,好吗? 不,忘不了。 6) Open your mouth, Jimmy.

闭上你的眼睛。转过身去。 别看我。 把钥匙拿出来。 把钱给我。 别报警。 7) Show me your tongue.

把我的衬衫给我。 把盐递过来。 告诉她真相。 把儿子给他。 8) So, he must stay in bed for a week. A, so 所以


他是你的仇人,所以你必须杀了他。 B, for a week for, 表示延续的时间 9) because he doesn‘t like school. A, because 因为

你为什么不杀我? 因为你是我的儿子。 你为什么说这些? 因为我爱你。 妈,你为什么上班? 今天是星期一。 B, doesn‘t like 复习主谓宾形式的否定句。

Lesson 62 What?s the matter with them? What must they do?1.words: 1) headache

head --- ache stomachache washboard stomach toothache earache


新概念英语 第一册

dentist doctor surgeon nurse 2) medicine

take some aspirin tablet (药片) 3) temperature

have a temperature take one‘s temperature thermometer 2. do exercise:

1) have a --- 2) must 的用法 3. supplementary points:

head hair face forehead eye brow cheek nose mouth lips teeth ear neck shoulder back throat chest waist hips arm navel hand finger knee foot leg 4. homework:


为什么? 为什么你不能和我呆在一起?

因为你是我的仇人的女儿。你父亲帮助那个混蛋杀了我父亲。 所以你不爱我。

我爱你,但是我恨他们。 那你准备去哪里? 我准备明天到荷兰去。 我和你一起走! 不,你呆在这里。



Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor

1. words:

1) better adj.


It‘s better to know everything of something than something of everything. 2) certainly adv. of course sure 3) get up

wake up go to bed/sleep 4) yet adv.

你还不能起床。 他还不能死。 5) rich adj.

a, 油腻的 eg: The meal is too rich, I like light food.

b, 富裕的 eg: I want to be a rich man. ---poor 他们讨厌穷人。 6) remain. (待查) 2. practise:

你感觉怎么样? 我感觉现在好多了。 在咖啡中加点牛奶怎么样? 当然好。 他每天早上必须4点起床。 3. grammar:

1) How is Jimmy today? How‘ s ---? 你父亲怎么样? 好多了,谢谢。 家怎么样? 挺好的。


新概念英语 第一册

他这些天怎么样? 不太好,他病了。 2) Can I see him, please? 我现在可以走了吗? 我可以和您女儿结婚吗? Could you do sth., please? 你可以借我点钱吗? 你可以把窗户打开吗? Would you do sth., please?

你会跟他一起离开这个城市吗? 你坐在这儿,好吗? 3) You are better, now. 比较级、最高级

(1)原形+er ---比较级 the+原形+est ---最高级 eg: cold colder coldest

Zhengzhou is cold in winter. BeiJing is colder in winter. Haerbin is the coldest. 试一试,把下列形容词+er变成比较级,+est变成最高级

cool hot tall chort fat thin pretty interesting beautiful (2)形容词的比较级、最高级

a, 一般情况下+er est eg: cool full short

b, 重读闭音节,双写辅音字母再加er, est eg: hot fat thin c, 以辅音字母加y结尾, 变y为i , 再加er,est eg: pretty easy busy d, 多音节形容词前加more, the most eg: interesting beautiful e, 不规则形容词 eg: good—better—best bad—worse—worst


练习: Jean很高,Tim更高,Candy是三个人中最高的。 郑州很热,广州更热,三亚是三个城市中最热的。 4) but you mustn‘t get up yet.

must --- mustn‘t --- needn‘t eg: You mustn‘t get up late. You needn‘t get up early. Exercise: 你不能离开上海。 你不准和她说话。 你不必去他家。 他不必听你的。 5) He can get up for about 2 hours each day.

about 大约 如:现在几点了? 大约9点了。 房间里有几个人? 大约5个。 each day每天,强调个体 everyday每天,强调整体。 6) Keep the room warm.

宾补: 把屋子扫干净。 把房子粉成白色。 把花园弄漂亮。 把他的脸洗干净。

Lesson 64 Don?t ---! You mustn?t ---!

1. words: 1) play

play football/basketball/tennis---(球类不加the) play the piano/violin---(乐器要加the) play games play computergames 2) match (待查) 3) talk

conversation talk phrase: have a talk/conversation talk to/with sb. 不要和他讲话。 No talking, please.


新概念英语 第一册

4) drive

drive a car driver ph: drive me mad/crazy eg: 那个男孩另我发狂。 5) so

adv. 如此 eg: so good/beautiful so+adj. conj: 因此 2. do exercise:

Don‘t ----! Mustn‘t ----!句型操练:


Lesson 65 Not a baby

1. words:

1) dad --- daddy father papa pa 2) key --- lock the key to sth.

3) baby --- baby-boy baby-girl baby-bus 4) hear --- hear listen

你能听见我吗? 听不见啊! 你不能吃鱼,听到了吗? 是的,医生。 我什么也听不见。 我听到什么了。 5) enjoy

enjoy oneself 反身代词:myself yourself himself herself themselves ourselves 语和作宾语。

5) mum --- mother mama mummy 2. grammar:

1) What are you going to do this evening? 复习be going to 结构:

她准备晚上做晚饭。 他准备明天把房子粉一下。 我今天晚上什么也不准备干。 我们现在准备去游泳。 他们准备干什么? 他们准备去图书馆。 2) I am going to meet some friends. meet some friends a, Nice to meet you.

b, I‘m meeting Mr. Jones now, sorry.

c, I‘m going to have a meeting this afternoon. 3) You must --- Must I ---?

You mustn‘t --- Mustn‘t I ---? You needn‘t --- Needn‘t I ---? You can --- Can I ---? You can‘t --- Can‘t I ---?

Don‘t you do sth.---? 难道----?

你必须6点钟回家。 你不能在舞会上和他说话。 你不必买那所破旧的老房子。 他可以和你跳舞,但他不会跳。 我不能看看我儿子吗? 我不必离开上海吗? 可以和您说会儿话吗? 我难道不能和您跳舞吗? 不可以。 你难道不知道吗? 我看不见,也听不见,我只会说。 4) Can I have the key to the front door?

the key to the door /safer/ gate---

5) She is not a baby. ---She is not a baby any more. (只用于前面有否定词的句子中) Eg: Don‘t cry any more.

Exercise: 别再看那个MM了。 我再也不相信你了。 她再也不能走路了。

itself 两种用法:作同位48

新概念英语 第一册

6) Do you hear?

Do you hear me? You hear?/clear? You see?/understand? 本课要点:1) be going to 和主谓宾一般现在时的比较。 2) 情态动词can, must 的否定及回答。 3) 如何表示时间。

Lesson 66 What?s the time?

Do exercise:

1) When is your birthday?

It‘s on ---.

When were you born?

I was born in (year) in (month/year) on (day/month/year) 2) How old are you?

I am 15. I am 15 years old.

3) 图表中from Sunday---Monday的写法。 4) enjoy yourself

a, 一般现在时与现在进行时的区别, b, 第三人称单数和其它人称谓语动词的区别。 5) supplementary points:

《单词趣味记忆法》15页趣味单词小故事。 6) homework:

用下列词组造句: be going to (I /he )

must/mustn‘t/needn‘t (we/she) can/can‘t (you/it)

must/can/can‘t/don‘t/mustn‘t (we/I/you/he) Don‘t --- (you) anymore

enjoy oneself(they/he)

Lesson 67 The weekend

1. words:

1) weekend

week+end cigarette end end结束 the end

月末:the end of this month 年末和本世纪末怎么说? 2) keep 要求学生回去查字典

3) spend (待查,待议是否应讲太多) 4) lucky

lucky dog --- unlucky n. luck Good luck. Bad luck.

倒霉:I have bad luck today. I‘m out of luck. What lousy luck! 2. grammar:

1) Were you at the butcher‘s? Yes, I was. 一般过去时中的主系表结构:

A. 注意,英文中时态的变化只变两种东西:谓语动词和时间状语。 Eg: I am at the butcher‘s today. I was at the butcher‘s yesterday.


新概念英语 第一册

B. 动词如何变化: 在主系表结构中,只须将系动词(am, is, are)变为(was, were)即可。 Now, do exercise: 把下列句子变为过去式。

I am 45 this year. She is beautiful. They are my friends. 由此可以推断,含有Be动词的句型均可以如此变化。 Eg: There is --- There was---.

I am going to --- I was going to --- Now, do exercise:

There are some books in my bag. She is going to Paris next year.

C. 一般过去时的问句、否定句和回答:变化方式和一般现在时中的主系表完全相同。 回答:Yes, I was. No, I wasn‘t.

Yes, they were. No, they weren‘t.

Now, do exercise: 把下列句子变为一般疑问句和否定句。

It is windy yesterday. I am going to die. She is a beauty in our village.

There are some dogs in this country. We are best friends. It‘s a wonderful party. 2) Was he absent from school?

be absent from(the party/meeting/work/school---)

昨天开会时Sally缺席了。 两天前的party, Alan缺席了吗? 3) How are you all keeping? 复习How are you的说法: 4) spend three days

spend+time+in doing sth.

eg: I spent 2 days in brushing my house.

Lesson 68 What‘s the time?

1. words:

1) church --- at church a church mouse He is as poor as a church mouse. 2) baker--- bake 烤,烘培 3) grocer --- grocery 2. do exercise:

1) the expression of time

2) supplementary points: the revision of on at in over etc. prep. p.s. 什么时候+定冠词 ?the‘?

Lesson 69 The car race

1. words: 1) year

一年有365天,但去年有366天。 2) race

速度型的比赛。 Game 娱乐型 match对抗型 3) crowd n.人群 v.拥挤 4) stand (待查)

5) exciting --- excited

interesting --- interested

eg: This is an exciting football match, and he is very excited. 6) finish n. /v.


