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1. Tactics to implement SCM

? Developing strong relationships with supply chain members ? Developing high-quality products and services

? Sharing information among supply chain management members ? Reducing the order cycle time

? Minimizing inventory levels across the supply chain ? Reducing the number of suppliers and carriers ? Building commitment to supply chain management

2.Elements and evolution of supply chain management (3 components of SCM)

? Supply management (Purchasing or procurement) ? Operations management ? Integrated Logistics

3. In terms of enterprise extension, describe the importance of the information sharing and process specialization paradigms.(Q6,P20) ? 1. The information sharing paradigm is the widespread belief that achieving a high degree of cooperative behavior requires that supply chain participants voluntarily share operating information and jointly plan strategies.

? 2. The process specialization paradigm is commitment to focusing collaborative arrangements on planning joint operations

toward a goal of eliminating nonproductive or non-value-adding work by firms in a supply chain.

4.Why has responsiveness become popular in supply chain strategy and collaboration?

? The fundamental difference in anticipatory and response-based supply chain arrangements is timing. The response-based business model seeks to reduce or eliminate forecast reliance by joint planning and rapid exchange of information between supply chain participants.

? The fundamental difference is the sequence of events that drive business practice. The response-based sequence is initiated by a sale followed by a sequence of material purchase, custom manufacturing, and direct customer delivery.

5. Compare and contrast manufacturing and geographic postponement. ? Manufacturing





6 Describe the logistics value proposition. Be specific regarding specific customer accommodation and cost. (Question 5, P46) ? Service

? Cost Minimization ? Logistics value generation 7.Integrated logistics

? Order Processing ? Inventory ? Transportation

? Warehousing, Materials Handling, Packaging ? Facility Network Design

8.Discuss and illustrate the statement “logistics and supply chain are not one in the same concept”( Question 10, P46 )

? Logistics and supply chain are not one and the same concepts. Supply chain is a strategy that integrates all aspects of satisfying customer requirements. Logistics is the process of positioning and managing inventory throughout the supply chain 9. 3 levels of customer focus Customer service Customer satisfaction Customer success

10.basic service element(基本的属性)

Availability, Operational performance, service reliability, the perfect order, basic service platforms

11. Satisfaction and quality model(6 个差距) a. knowledge b. standards

c. performance d. communications e. perception(感受) f. satisfaction/quality 12.客服期望如何形成的 Word of mouth communications Requirements Past experience External communications

13. 那八个方面影响产品质量 p72 Dimensions of product quality a. Performance b. Reliability

c. Durability (持续性) d. Conformance(一致性) e. Features

f. Aesthetics (美观) g. Serviceability(可维护性) h. perceived quality

14. How can strategic procurement contribute to quality of products produced by a manufacturing organization.(Q3 P94)

? The emphasis has shifted from adversarial, transaction-focused

negotiation with suppliers to ensuring that the firm is positioned to implement its manufacturing and marketing strategies with support from its supply base.

? In particular, considerable focus is placed on ensuring supply, inventory





development, and lowest total cost of ownership. 15. Explain the rationale underlying volume consolidation. 1. Spreading fixed cost over a larger volume of output 2. assured of a volume of purchases, 3. Leveraged its share of supplier?s business 4. Enhanced negotiations and contracting skills


1. Increased supplier fixed cost utilization 2. Capitalize on competitive supply base structure 3. leveraged buyer?s share

4. Enhanced negotiations and contracting skills

16. Why dose the contemporary view of procurement as a strategy activity differ from the more traditional view of purchasing.

? Numerous opportunities for improvement arise from closer working relationships with suppliers than would be possible if adversarial price negotiation dominates the buyer-seller

