托福写作Golden rules同义替换

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TOFEL writing 重述语意


?写作评分要求。 ?行文需要。

2. 方法

?同义词替换; ?同根词替换;



1. 同义词替换

?科学技术的发展使人们能够非常轻松的学习知识。 ?发展

?development, progress, update, advance, evolution, growth, expansion, ?学习知识 ?acquire ?accumulate

?gain knowledge ?obtain ?enrich

2. 同根词替换


?添加前缀:改变词的意义。 ?后缀:主要改变词性。


?避免重复原文当中的词语, ?显现词汇变化技巧。

Happiness v.s. pleasure

?例如: 科学技术的发展使人们能够非常轻松的学习知识。


?The development of science and technology… ?As science and technology develop … ?能够:

?be able to do sth

?be capable of doing sth

?have the ability (capability) of doing sth ?enable sb. to do sth

More examples


?discover > discovery ?move > movement ?react > reaction ?fail > failure

?refuse > refusal ?形容词转名词

?careless > carelessness ?difficult > difficulty ?different > difference

?applicable > applicability ?intense > intensity




?利用动词的名词性后缀,-tion, -ment, -isation, -ness, -ity等。 ?He can not be persuaded.

?He is immune to all persuasion. ?Human activity has damaged natural environment and almost exhausted natural resources.

?Human activity has caused severe damage to natural environment and natural resources exhaustion.


?1) More and more students go abroad because they want to receive better education and find a better job in the future.

?Going abroad could provide students with better education and a better job in the future. ?2) If people drink tea habitually over several years, bone density could be preserved in both men and women.

?Habitual tea drinking over several years preserves bone density in both men and women. ?3) It reveals human kindness that rich countries give help to other countries in trouble time. ?Helping other countries in troubled times also reveals human kindness. 方法3:固定的转换表达 ?if there is no…

?= lack of=the absence of ?= …shortage/ scarcity

?don’t know … ?= the ignorance of

?didn’t do…

?=failure in doing…

?can read…/ can write… ?= literacy

?can’t read…/ can’t write… ?= illiteracy …

名词化的结构 ?1. of +noun

?Some courses are shorter and some are longer. ?=Courses of varying length ?A truly significant matter ?= a matter of true significance



?Children cannot be really happy if they are compelled by parents to do what they do not enjoy doing, or if what they enjoy doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance. 2. Noun+of

?To study Chinese history

?= the study of Chinese history

?To misunderstand the meaning of happiness

?=The misunderstanding of the meaning of happiness



?Nowadays, encouragement and development of the city was to be a national priority. 3. noun+prep. (with, to about, at) ?students were able to reach the computer. ?=students’ access to the computer ?Technology is getting better. ?=Advance in technology



?Many people grew up with the television as teachers and babysitters, and have lifelong exposure to its influence. 4. with+noun

?With indifference

?With surprising rapidity



?We are taught from childhood to accept defeat with dignity, a conception that is certainly not


5. sb’s +noun


They are astonished = their astonishment He supports


= his support




Being aware of animals' significance, I could not help wondering what steps man could take to ensure their survival. 6. Noun



?Unlike newspapers and magazines, television does not require literacy.



?Not at all, experts say, but they claim true happiness comes more in the striving to fulfill desires than in the attainment. Summary ?1. S+V

?He escaped.= his escape

?World population has grown. ?= the growth of world population

?2. S+V+O

?He controlled the environment. ?= His control of the environment ?He depended on them. ?=His dependence on them

?3. S+V+O+O

?He denied any opportunity to his opponents. ?=his deny of any opportunity to his opponents

?4. S+V+O+C

?They elected her as the leader. ?=their election of her as the leader

?5. S+Be+P

?He is intelligent.= his intelligence ?Her statement is true.

?=the truth of her statement Learn by doing!

?The ancient Greeks developed geometry, which helped other European scientists analyze the solar system, which in turn helped us to understand our place in the universe.

?The ancient Greeks’ development of geometry provided a great help in other European scientists’ analysis of the solar system, which in turn offered us a new understanding of our place in the universe. 如何使用―名词化‖?

?1. 名词化的部分是主语。

?What we have decided might lead to costly consequences. ?This decision can lead to costly consequences.


?If people decide without enough persuasive information,…

?If a decision is reached without enough persuasive information,…

?3. 前文出现过可用。

?We have captured Saddam Hussein, which does not mean that conflict in Iraq ends. ?The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of conflict in Iraq.


?I do not understand either what she meant for or what he intended. ?I do not understand either her meaning or his intentions. ?We must examine everything that they propose. ?We must examine all of their proposals.

?5.名词化部分用在there is/are的后面。

?We demand that the government stop taxing entertainment. ?There is a demand for an end to taxation on entertainment.

?6. 取代the fact可用。

?原句:The fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury. ?名词化:

?When I denied his accusations, I impressed the jury. ?更好的名词化:

?a. My denial of his accusations impressed the jury. ?b. In denying his accusations, I impressed the jury. NB:连用不可

?First, there was a review of the evolution of the dorsal fin.


?First, she reviewed the evolution of the dorsal fin. ?First, she reviewed how the dorsal fin evolved.


?His expulsion by school officials caused serious personal reflection.


?Being expelled from school caused him to reflect seriously about his life. ?He reflected seriously after the school officials expelled him.

?After he was expelled by the school officials, he reflected seriously. ?He reflected on his life seriously when the school officials expelled him.

Over to you!

?His absolute dedication to his visions resulted in overcoming all his obstacles.

