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句容二中八年级英语学教案8A Unit 3A day out(第一课时)主备:刘后花 审核 王春叶

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 问题导学单(课前预习)

【教学目标】 认知目标 city,etc. a.掌握重点单词ourselves,greetings,present,block,foreign, b. 掌握重点词组be going to do, enjoy oneself, take a boat trip, 教学目标 能力目标 情感目标 教学重点 教学难点


一、翻译下列短语或句子。 1. 需要锻炼____________ 3. 玩的开心_____________ 5. 港湾大桥_____________ 7. 埃菲尔铁塔________________ 9. 外国 _____________ 11. 外出的一天____________ 13. 经过_____________

foreign country c. 熟练运用句型which foreign country do you want to visit? a. 能够用英文说出一些名胜的名称 b. 学会谈论喜欢的地方及原因 培养学生热爱户外活动 运用 which foreign country do you like to visit?进行口语交际 识记名胜的名称 2. 保持健康_______________ 4. 乘船旅行 _______________ 6. 悉尼歌剧院 _______________ 8.白宫 _____________ 10.在塞纳河边 ______________ 12. 过来,快点_______________ 14. 保重小心 _______________ 16.美国总统 _____________

15. 在一家小咖啡店________________


Eddie wants to e_____________ today. He says that he will c______ a hill. Hobo is very happy to hear that because he thinks that Eddie n______ to do that to k______ f_______. But Eddie says he just wants to e_________ but not k _____f_____. Hobo can’t understand it, so he follows Eddie. To his surprise,he finds so much food like a hill outside and Eddie is shouting nearby ,“Come on, let?s enjoy o__________!”

每周一句:Never say die.(永不气馁!)


日期 家长签名 八年级英语(8A) 第 1 页 共 34 页


【课堂探究】 教学流程设计(Teaching Procedures design) Step 1. Warm-up Talk about travelling with students. Presentation 1. Let the students look some places of interest in the world. 2. Match After watching the pictures, let the students to match each building with its city and country. Read the postcards carefully and try to answer the questions: 1. Which city did Nick go to? What did he see there? 2. Where did Leo go ? 3. Which country did Jane go to ? 4. What did Jane think of the White House? 5. Where did Leo write the postcard? Step 4. Comic strip: Listen and answer: 1. What is Eddie going to do? 2. Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? 3. What does Hobo think that Eddie need to do? Step 5. PartB: Which foreign country do you want to visit? 1. Read the conversation and act it out. 2. Replace the underlined words to make new dialogues Homework 1. Revise today?s content. 2. Finish extra exercises.

知识要点记录 Step 2. Step 3. 八年级英语(8A) 第 2 页 共 34 页




1. ----How many f languages can Lily speak?----Only one. 2. “Good morning!”and“Dear Sir” are g . 3. E can help one keep fit.

4. The Class 3,Grade 7 students are p a trip to the Great Wall. ﹡5. The p of the USA lives in the White House.

6. They e themselves very much at yesterday?s party. 7. Shanghai is one of the biggest c in China. 二、根据句意填入合适的国家名称: 1. The Opera House is in . 2. The Eiffel Tower is in . 3. The Harbour Bridge is in . 4. The River Seine is in . 5. The White House is in .

【温故知新】 三、选择填空

( ) 1. ﹡ You needn?t _______ those things if you _______them.

A. buy ; needn?t B. buy ;don?t need C. to buy ;need D. to buy ;needn?t ( ) 2. He is a handsome boy ______ large bright eyes.

A. have B. has C. with D. having ( ) 3. I walked _____a shop on my home yesterday.

A. passed B. past C. by D. on ( ) 4. He is a Chinese but he knows very______ Chinese.

A. a little B. little C. a few. D. few ( ) 5. Did you enjoy _______ at the party , my children?

A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. yourselves , ( ) 6. Sydney is ______ .

A. the capital of Australia B. the name of a big building

C. a big city in Australia D. a big city in America ( ) 7. My uncle lives ______ 105 Beijing street.

A. on B. at C. to D. of

( ) 8. ----Could I have some water? -----Certainly. There is ______ in the bottle. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 9.I spent half an hour ___ my homework.

A. finish doing B. to finish doing C. finish to do D. finishing doing ( ) 10.The window is broken(坏的).Try to ______who broke it.

A. look for B. look C. find out D. find


1. Here is a card for you with our best ________ (greet) .

2. Most of people enjoy _________ (travel) by train because it?s safe and comfortable. 3. He kept __________(sit) there for tow hours without _________(move) .

八年级英语(8A) 第 3 页 共 34 页

句容二中八年级英语学教案﹡4. Our English teacher often tells us ________(do) many _________(exercise) after class. ﹡5. You can see many ____________(foreign) in Beijing. 6. Nobody else is here. I can?t do it by _________ (I). 7. Lucy has _______(little) coffee than the other girls.

8. We often exchange our_______(greet) when we see each other in the morning. 9. We can?t live _________ (with) air or water. 10 . I was very ________ (surprise) at that news.


Swimming is very popular .People like swimming in summer because water makes people feel cool ,If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place ,it may not be safe ,These years , a lot of people died when they were enjoying themselves in the water ,and most of them were students . Some people are not careful in swimming , They often think they swim so well that nothing will happen to them in the water .Summer is here again ,If you go swimming in summer ,don?t forget that better swimmers have died in water ,They died because they were not careful, not because they could not swim . So don?t get into the water when you are alone. Don?t get into the water if there is a “No swimming ”sign . If you remember these , swimming will be safe.

( )1.People like to swim in summer because___________

A. they feel cool in the water B. they feel free in the water

C. swimming makes them strong D. swimming makes them popular ( )2. Swimming may not be safe if _______

A. it is popular enough B. you like swimming very much C. it makes people excited D. you swim in dangerous places

( )3. These years many _______ died in the water when they were swimming happily

A. old people B. young people C. women D. men

( )4.Some swimming die In water because________

A. they swim so well B. they are not strong enough C. they are not careful D. they can?t swim well ( )5.The writer wants to tell us that________.

A. swimming is a good sport B. we should not go swimming in summer C. we must be careful when we swim C. we must learn swim well 教师评价 日期 家长签名 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 学后/教后反思:


八年级英语(8A) 第 4 页 共 34 页

句容二中八年级英语学教案8A Unit 3A day out(第二课时)主备:刘后花 审核 王春叶

Reading (1)


【教学目标】 认知目标 教学目标 能力目标 情感目标 教学重点 教学难点 【预习导航】


a. 掌握重点单词coach, traffic, whole, model, interest ,main, etc. b. 掌握重点词组invite sb. to do sth., at the beginning , places of interest, all over the world, the song and dance parade, teach oneself/learn by oneself, be made of metal c. 熟练运用句型1. It?s made of metal. 2. I can?t believe my eyes. 学会用英文介绍各国名胜 培养学生热爱世界文化 学会介绍各地名胜 学会介绍各地名胜 1. 一天时间环游世界____________ 3. 加入某人的学校旅行_____________ 5. 上/下长途汽车_____________ 7. 在高速公路上________________ 9.大多数旅途中________________ 11.由金属制成________________ 13.来自全世界________________ 15.歌舞游行________________ 17.自学怎样做某事________________ 19亲自去看看________________ 21.太多的小汽车行进________________ 23.从胃里上来________________

2. 邀请某人做某事_______________ 4. 在最初 _______________ 6. 乘长途汽车 _______________ 8.感到恶心 _____________ 10变得非常兴奋________________ 12.名胜________________

14.看起来就像是真的一样________________ 16.加人跳舞中________________ 18.制作主页________________

20.从一个地方旅行到另一个地方____________ 22.在干道上________________


25.埃及的古石建筑________________ 二.读课文,回答下列问题。

1.Where did the students in Class 1, Grade 8 go for their school trip? ______________________________ 2.Where did they meet in the morning? ________________________________ 3.How did they go there? ________________________________ 4.How did they feel when they saw the Eiffel Tower? ________________________________ 5.How many places of interest were there inside? ________________________________ 6. What did they see in the park? Please give three examples. ________________________________ 7.What was the most amazing thing of the day? ________________________________ 三、听磁带熟读Reading部分,并完成课文P42-43练习。 每周一句:Never say die.(永不气馁!)

教师评价 八年级英语(8A) 第 5 页 共 34 页

日期 家长签名

