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New Horizon College English

Book III 新视野大学英语教案



Unit1, Book3

I. Section A: Love Without Limitations

1. Teaching Objectives: ? ? ? ?

To understand the true meaning of ―love‖ and talk about it; To read with the skill ―problem + response+ evaluation‖;

To write a composition with the structure ―problem + response + evaluation‖; To learn how to scan a passage.

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

1st---2nd period: Warming-up

Text understanding Notes to the text

Words and expressions, Idea sharing.


3period: Writing

4th periods: Reading Skills

Text understanding Notes to the text

Words and Expressions Idea sharing

Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures:

3.1 Warming-up

Step1. Guess the theme

Look at the following pictures that share the same theme. What is it? (See projects)

Step 2. Family love

Watch a movie clip and answer the questions followed. (See projects)

3.2 Text understanding

Step 1. Pre-reading

Ask students to skim the text in ten minutes.

Step 2. Question asking

Q1. How did Jimmy get his brain damaged? Q2. How did the writer describe her father?

Q3. How much was Jimmy changed after his father’s death? Q4. What did the writer think of her caring for Jimmy?

Q5. Why did the writer invite her friends to Jimmy’s birthday party? Q6. What did the party remind the writer and her friends of?

Step 3. Structure analysis

With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present. The writing method of this text is: ―Problem + Response + Evaluation‖

Step 4. Summary.

Ask students to fill in the blanks with the proper words or phrases.


3.3 Notes to the text

Step1. Active expressions

In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. Try to find out the active expressions in the following sences. See projects)

Step 2. Focus study

Pay attention to some sentence structures which are very commonly used in English.


1… so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.

out-of-control kid-centered fun

= to have as much fun as the kids like


more examples: up-to-date; color-coded; student-centered

2. Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face.

no amount of word could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face = nothing could change the empty look on his face

3. I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world he’d known was gone. no matter (how, who, what, where, etc.) = however, whoever, whatever, wherever stay the same = keep things as they were grasp = understand

4. Just as my father’s death had changed the world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we’d known was gone.

―just as‖ = ―in the way that someone says, or in the same condition something is in” . e.g. Just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat.

3.4 Words and Expressions

Step 1. Word Using

Choose some words for explanation and practice, such as justice n.

e.g. Everyone should be treated with justice.

At last the criminals are being brought to justice.

See Teaching Projects for more words.

Step 2. Translation

Please translate the following from Chinese to English.

See projects.

Step 3. Old to New

Please find the words or phrases with the same meaning as the words or phrases given.

See projects.

3.5 Idea Sharing Step 1. Group work

Students can work in group by discoing the following questions.

1. What is “love” like in your mind? 2. Use one word or one thing to describe “love”. And why is that? Share your thoughts with


your group members.

Step 2. Presentation

A representative from each group is going to show the group’s idea after the discussion.

3.6 Writing

Step 1. A Problem – Response – Evaluation Structure (See Projects).

This is a very commonly used structure in English. Normally, some part of a situation is introduced before the problem. Then, solutions are taken to solve the problem. Afterwards, some evaluation might occur in the actions taken.

Step 2. Writing models (See projects)

Step 3. Tips for writing

a. understanding the situation being faced; b. analyzing the specific problem to be tackled; c. creating, analyzing, and refining a solution;

d. further evaluating, improving, and implementing.

3.7 Assignments

1). Write a paragraph with a problem-response-evaluation structure. Topics:

a. The Fight Against Air Pollution

b. The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog

2). Exercise Doing

Do the exercises from Pages 8 to 15

II. Section B The Framework for Love

Teaching Procedures:

1. Reading Skills -- Scanning Step 1. The ways to scan

Scanning is to read quickly in order to locate and find a piece of information without reading in any detail. Here are some ways to scan.

a. Look at the title.

b. book for the subtitles (小标题).

c. Look at pictures, charts, or drawings if there are any. d. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph.

Step 2. Scanning steps

a. Decide exactly what information you are looking for and think about the form it may


b. Next, decide where you need to read.

c. Move your eyes as quickly as possible down the page until you find the information. d. When you find what you need, do not read further.

Step 3. Practice (See projects)

2. Text Understanding

See projects for the structure of the text.

3. Notes to the Text-Sentence Structure


3.1 Active Expressions

Find out the active expressions: (See projects)

3.2 Focus Study

But I would hedge to bet, there is a framework you must live within to let this gift that has no rivals mature.

hedge to bet: dare say

this gift that has no rivals: the best gift (love) let this gift ? mature: let love develop fully

See projects for more examples.

4. Words and Expressions

Step 1. Learn to use the following words and expressions.

Lodge, inspire, rival, parallel, provoke, farewell, respective, mislead…into doing, acknowledge, soar,

Step 2. Chinese to English

5. Idea Sharing

Step 1.Express Your Love

Given a chance to express your love to someone whom you deeply love, what way would you like to use? What do you want to say?

Step 2. Group Work : Dubbing

You’ll see a classical movie clip from A Chinese Odyssey (大话西游) starred by Zhou Xingchi. Translate the script into English and dub.


Unit2, Book 3

I. Section A: Iron and the Effects of Exercise

1. Teaching Objectives: ? ?

Learn more about iron and the benefits brought by exercise. Develop related vocabulary.

Write an article in the cause-and-effect pattern.

1st---2nd period: Warming-up

Text understanding Notes to the text

Words and expressions, Idea sharing.


3period: Writing

4th periods: Reading Skills-Distinguishing between facts and opinions

Text understanding Notes to the text

Words and Expressions Idea sharing

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures:

3.1 Warming-up

Ask students to have a nutrition detective and determine which nutrients do we need.

3.2 Text understanding

Step 1. Pre-reading

Ask students to skim the text in ten minutes.

Step 2. Question asking

Q1. What is the use of iron to our body? Q2. What kind of people mostly lack iron? Q3. How does iron influence our body? Q4. What can you eat to get iron?

Step 3. Summary

Ask students to write a summary of the text with about 100 words, among which one of the students can write on blackboard..

3.3 Notes to the text Step1. Sentence analysis

Choose some sentences with appositive (同位语) for analysis to make students understand the use of appositives in a sentence, such as

1. …, says Roseanne M. Lyle. She is an associate professor at Purdue University.

2. The first and most common is having low iron reserves. It is a condition that typically has no symptoms.

Step 2. Sentence combination

Give students some simple sentences to combine into one sentence using appositive structure,

such as

The ancient Chinese were a people of inventors and discoverers.


The ancient Chinese were a people of philosophers and soldiers. The ancient Chinese were a people of poets and craftsmen.

The ancient Chinese gave the world many of its most useful things. Students can write these sentences into one

The ancient Chinese, a people of inventors and discoverers, philosophers and soldiers, poets and craftsmen, gave the world many of its most useful things.

Step 3. Paraphrase

List some sentences and let students to do some paraphrase. (See teaching projects)

Step 4. Translation

Introduce the skill of translation—word transformation, that is how to transform a word from

a noun to a verb in translation, such as

For a woman who already has a poor iron status , any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency … (L27) tip … over the edge:

bring about a noticeable change


Then ask students to do some translation by using the skill of word transformation (See projects)

3.4 Words and Expressions

Step 1. Glossary

List some words and phrases connected with body parts.(See Projects)

e.g. iron deficiency/iron loss 缺铁 digestive system 消化系统

molecules of blood protein 血蛋白分子 iron reserve 铁离子储量

Step 2. Word Using

Choose some words for explanation and practice, such as supplement n. (L10) Translation

a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement 复合维生素和矿物质补剂

a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine 一份金融月刊的特别增刊

They are doing extra jobs outside their regular ones to supplement their incomes. 除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。

See Teaching Projects for more words.

3.5 Idea Sharing

Step 1. Interview

Students can be interviewed in pairs, one is a doctor and another acts as a patient. They can

ask questions like

3. What are included in your meals ? Pork, beef, fish, chicken, tofu, spinach, or … ? 4. Do you like to have some drinks during your meal? If so, what are they? 5. Have you ever had any iron supplement? 6. Do you often donate blood?


Step 2. Presentation

Make a presentation of the iron status of your classmates and your suggestions according to

your interviews.

3.6 Writing

Write an article in the cause-and-effect pattern. (See Projects)

3.7 Assignments

1. Write a short composition using the text structure of cause and effect wit the following topics a. Reasons for obesity

b. Causes for my fear of the water / fire / …

2. Exercise Doing

Do the exercises from Page 36 to 44

II. Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?

Teaching Procedures:

1. Reading Skills

1.1 Distinguishing between facts and opinions

As we learned in Unit 2, Book 1 and Unit 8, Book2, it is very important to tell facts from the writer’s opinions during the course of reading. Then what are facts? And opinions?

facts — what really happened; objective (客观的)

opinions — ideas, feelings, judgments or belief that you get from facts; subjective (主观的)

1.2 The biggest difficulty in distinguishing facts from opinions

When you agree with the writer’s opinions, you may take those subjective things for granted, that is, you may mistake opinions for facts!

1.3 Practice (See Projects)

2. Text Understanding 2.1 Questions and answers

a. What are the general benefits of exercise (Para. 1)?

b. What is another benefit of exercise according to the author (main idea of the text)?

2.2 Matching

Match the experiments with rats and the results so as to get the conclusions.(See Projects)

2.3 Multiple Choice

Choose the most appropriate one according to the text. (See Projects)

3. Notes to the Text-Sentence Structure

For a long sentence, if the sub-clause is too long, we can use the structure of inverted part, such


“In contrast, … possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals.” (L15)

than 从句的主语较长或带有长的修饰语时则倒装 e.g. I spend less than do nine out of ten people in my position.



4. Words and Expressions

Learn to use the following words and expressions.

Succession, primary, provide, in response to, attribute, burn off steam, equip, alike See the projects for detailed explanation.

5. Idea Sharing

Based on the studies in the text, give a mini presentation on any of the following topics:

a. The benefits of exercise to the old b. The benefits of exercise to the young

c. The relationship between exercise and aging


Unit 3, Book Three

I. Section A: Where Principles Come First

1. Teaching Objectives: ? To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns ? To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing ? To improve Ss reading skills by studying section B To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly ? To participate actively

To read sentences and texts with proper intonation ? To write smoothly and legibly

1rd period: Pre-reading activities ( cultural background information; theme-related questions for warming up;)

2st---3nd period: While-reading activities (useful words and expressions; difficult sentences; text structure; main ideas)

Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises) 4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (Making predictions);

T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking comprehension questions based on the


T explains some difficult sentences.

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures:

3.1 Pre-reading Activities

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2. Review

1. Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on the screen). 2. Check the homework. Topics

1. The curriculum design of Purdue University 2. discuss what contributes to good health. Purposes

1. To develop Ss’ online learning ability

2. To improve Ss’ ability to retrieve the relevant information 3. To stimulate Ss’ psychomotor thinking

4. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the unit

Method: Talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, and audiolingual method.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show the Ss some pictures and backgroundground information on the text. Let Ss talk to each other about the topic on the screen.

1. what are the principles?

Teach students the merit of such values as truch, courage, integrity…and academic achievement naturally follows. Prepare kids for a way of life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids.

2. what is the Hyde School famous for?

It is famous for its work with troubled youngsters. 3. what is inner-city school?

Schools that are located in the older, central part of a city, which is typically characterized by crowed neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate.


4. what are the beneficial results of the Hyde School’s principles?

The teachers begin to focus on having a fruitful relationship with each student. The teacher-student relationship is taken een further at Hyde. The students, for example, Jimmy DiBattista had been turned positive.

Step 4. Preparation for details of the text on the screen

Ss are required to look at the words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.

Words and Phrases:

Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using foreign language.

Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.

1) publicity

a) [u] public notice or attention

e.g. The company’s continued use of such dangerous chemical has attracted a lot of negative publicity. 这个公司继续使用这样的危险化学品招来了不少批评。

b) [u] (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention (商业)广告,宣传

e.g. The concert wasn’t given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold. 音乐会事先没有做很多宣传,所以许多票没有卖出去。

2) Comprehensive adj

a) of broad scope or content; including all or much

b) (of a car insurance policy) providing protection against most risks, including third-party liability, fire, theft, and damage

c) having the ability to understand

d) of, relating to, or being a comprehensive school

n. short for comprehensive school

e.g. Comprehensive arrangement for serious disease 大病统筹 a comprehensive test 综合训练

comprehensible adj capable of being comprehended

e.g. It is comprehensible to ordinary minds. 这是普通人都能理解的。

3) cultivate

a) develop and improve培养

e.g. At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach. 在这所学校我们旨在陶冶学生的心灵。

b) prepare and use (land, soil, etc.) for growing crops 耕种

e.g. He cultivated the field with a large tractor. 他使用一台大型的拖拉机耕地。

4) Suspend: vt.

a) stop or delay sth. for a time

e.g. Some rail services were suspended during the strike. 罢工期间,有些铁路服务终止了。 b)hang sth. up

e.g. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯。

c)send sb. away form his/her school, job, position, etc. for a period of time, usu. as a punishment for doing sth. Bad

e.g. He was suspended form school. 他被开除离校。

e.g.She was suspended from her job shortly after the incident. 事故发生后不旧久, 她就被开除了。

5) admission: n.

a) permission to enter a school, a club, a public place, etc.


All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club. 凡不带领带的人都不允许进入俱乐部。

b)the amount of money that one pays to enter a place

The museum charges $5 admission.博物馆的门票是5元。 c) a statement that sth., usually unpleasant, is true I viewed her silence as an admission of guilt. 我认为她的沉默就说承认有罪。

Compare:admission and admittance

Admittance: n.(fml.) being allowed to enter a place (esp. a private one); the right to enter The journalist tried to gain admittance to the minister’s office. 记者力争获得进入部长办公室的权利。

No admittance. 禁止入内。

6) curse v.

a) swear at sb. Or sth.; use rue language to express one’s anger

He dropped the box, cursed, and began to pick up the contents. 箱子掉了下来, 他骂了一声,然后开始捡散落的东西。

They cursed the traffic, realizing they would be late. 意识到他们有可能会迟到, 他们开始咒骂交通情况。

b) use a word or words to express an evil wish She cursed his family.她诅咒他的家庭。

curse n.

a) a word used for expressing anger; a swear word He uttered a curse. 他骂了一声。

b)a word or words expressing the wish that sth. terrible will happen to sb. The witch put a curse on him.这巫婆对他下了咒。

The family seemed to be under a curse. 这家人好像被人诅咒了。

7) to be associated with 与······相关

People often complain about the mental strain associated with modern life. 人们经常抱怨现代生活给他们带来的精神压力。

8) to be scheduled to (某事)计划

This school’s new educational reform project is scheduled to be started up in three months.这个学校新的教育改革项目定于三个月后启动。

9) over parents’ protests 不顾家长们的抗议

The nurse gave the boy an injection over his protest. 护士不顾男孩的抗议给他打了一针。

10) the quest for truth对真理的追求

There will be no limit to our quest for a better life. 我们对美好生活的追求将是无止境的。

11) to put one’s best effort forth / to do one’s utmost 全力以赴 I will put my best effort forth if it is for the sake of my motherland. 为了祖国的利益,我定会全力以赴。

12) to be measured by …, not …由······来衡量,而不是由······来衡量

The value of one’s life should be measured by how much good he does to society, not how long he lives in the world.



13) complete with English 包括英语学习

There is a good hotel not far from the city, complete with a swimming pool and a garden leading to the beach.


14) at the outset of sth. 在(某事的)一开始

The committee did not run into any difficulty from the outset of the investigation. 委员会从调查的一开始就未遇到任何困难。

15) kind of sort of

I’m not sure why, but, I feel kind of sorry for him. 不知为什么我有点为他感到惋惜。

Step 5. Text Stucture Analysis

Look at the stucture of the text on the screen. Make the student clear about the text. Text structure: ( structured writing )

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching

method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Where Principles Comes First

Quertion 1: What are the principles? Teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity…and academic achievement naturally follows. Prepare kids for a way of life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids. ↓

Question 2: Are the Hyde principles accepted by other schools? The efforts to make the Character First idea accepted by public schools: ∣ Failure in spreading the Hyde principles: The first Hyde public school program opened in September 1992, which was suspended within months. Reasons: teachers protested the program’s demands and the strain associated with more intense work.. The Hyde School principles being appreciated: the Hyde Foundation opened another program in a public high school in the suburbs of New Haven, Connecticut. At the school, the quest for truth is also widespread. Students were asked to exchange their evaluations on their class performance.


Question 3 : What are the detailed principles or approaches advocated by the Hyde School? The Hyde School’s approaches to education: the school assumes: 1. Every human being has a unique potential based on character, not intelligence or wealth. 2. conscience and hard work are valued. 3. success is measured by growth, not academic achievement. 4. students are required to take responsibility for each other. Courses and management: 1. The school provides preparation for college, with a curriculum complete with English, history, math and science. 2. all students are required to take performing arts and sports, and to provide a community service. 3. for each course, students get a grade for academic achievement and for ―best effort‖. 1. a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture is requiring commitment and participation from parents 2. difficulties occur in carrying out the requirements 3. once the parents are convinced, Hyde’s requirements 4. once the parents are convinced, Hyde’s requirement of parents’ participation should work well in public schools.

Question 4: What are the beneficial results of the Hyde School’s principles?

beneficial results for the teachers as well as the students for the students: Beneficial results for the teachers: 1. beginning to focus on having a fruitful relationship with each student. 2. the teacher-student relationship is taken even further at Hyde: Faculty evaluations are conducted by the students.

Beneficial results for the students: One example: Jimmy DiBattista, 19, who had seen his future as jail, not college, had been turned positive. Now he plans to attend a university. 14

3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1) Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.

Meaning: Joseph Gauld, the founder of the Hyde School, declares that the program at the high school in Bath, Maine is successful. The school, which charges a student $18,000 per year, has drawn considerable attention from the public and news media because of its successful work with troubled students.

2) We don't see ourselves as a school for a type of kid, … (Para. 2)

Meaning: In our opinion, our school is not a school for a particular type of students, …

see … as: consider sb. or sth. to be

Do you see the new leader as the hope of the company? 你认为新领导是公司的希望吗? Most people see his action as possibly dangerous. 多数人认为他的行动可能很危险。 Why are deaf children so often seen as stupid? 为什么聋哑儿童常常被认为是傻子? Her questions were seen as interrupting the class. 她不时的提问被认为是打断讲课。

3) Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Now Joe Gauld is trying to spread his idea that character comes first —an idea that has caused much public discussion and disagreement — to inner-city public schools which used to spend the tax dollars on a traditional program but now are willing to spend the money on the new program.

Note that Joe stands for Joseph. This is the so-called ―pet name‖ — a name that is given to someone whom one specially likes or loves, used instead of that person’s real name. Other examples are Rick standing for Richard, Tom standing for Tommy, Bill standing for William, etc.

4) Las Fall, the Hyde Foundation opened a magnet program within a public high school in the suburbs of New Haven Connecticut, over parents’ protest. (Para.4)

Meaning: Last Fall, in spite of protests from parents, the Hyde Foundation opened an attractive program within a public school in the suburbs of New Haven, Connecticut.

A magnet program is one that attracts students by offering unique opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific educational fields.

5) As in Maine the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut. (Para. 5)

Meaning: The search for truth is prevailing in Maine, and the same thing happens at the school in Connecticut.

Please note that here ―as‖ is used to compare situations (or sometimes actions) by saying that they are similar. For example:

In Greece, as in Italy, they use a lot of olive oil in cooking. 与在意大利一样,在希腊,人们做饭时用很多橄榄油。

In 1939, as in 1914, there was a great surge of patriotic feeling. 与1914年一样,1939年也出现了一股狂热的爱国潮。

6) I challenge that. You didn't do either your grammar or your spelling homework. (Para. 7) Meaning: I don't agree. You didn't do your grammar exercises, nor did you do your spelling homework.


same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themselves.

Teacher checks if students have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some common errors that crop up.

II. Section B Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game

Teaching Procedures: 1. Reading Skills

Appreciating Figurative Language

―Grammar tells what is correct; figures of speech tells what is effective and pleasing.‖ Purpose: Introducing the reading skill to the students and improve their reading abilities. Method: Using multimedia instruction and talking in groups; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Explaining the reading skill to students (Appreciating Figurative Language). Asking students to practise the skill by doing the exercise on page 108 in pairs.

* The classifications of figures of speech 1)词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices)

词义修辞格主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法。主要包括: metaphor, metonymy, personification, irony, hyperbole, understatement(低调、掩饰), euphemism, contrast, oxymoron, transferred epithet(移就), pun, parody(仿拟), paradox(反论)

2) 结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices)

repetition(反复), parallelism(平行结构), antithesis(对偶), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降)

3)音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices)

alliteration(头韵), onomatopoeia(拟声法) Introducing 2 typical figures of speech * Personification

It is a figure that endows objects, animals and ideas with human character or sensibility. (attribution of personality to an impersonal thing.)

There are three chief kinds of personifications. a) That produced by the use of adjectives. * the blushing roses; the thirsty ground b) That produced by the use of verbs. *the kettle sings; the waves danced * Time and tide wait for no man. c) That produced by the use of nouns. * the smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves Hyperbole Definitions:

* It is an exaggeration for emphasis or for rhetorical effect (humor, sarcasm, irony etc.) *―exaggerated statement used to make a strong impression, but not intended to be taken literally ‖(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English)

*It is a figure of speech which deliberately exaggerates the truth. Examples

* Hamlet: I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum.

* Dear, I love you. You are the whole world to me. * Prices are soaring these days. * Never, never shall I forget your kindness.

* America laughed with Mark Twain. *The noise can wake the dead.

*When I heard the news, each hair on my head seemed to be standing on end. *The wave ran mountain high.



汉语诗歌中的夸张气势恢弘,如: 李白的―白发三千丈‖,李贺的―遥望七州一点烟,一泓海水杯中泻‖;成语如:海枯石烂、怒发冲冠、挥汗如雨、口若悬河和一尘不染等。又如宋玉《登徒子好色赋》中的描写―增之一分则太长,减之一分则太短,着粉则太白,施朱则太赤‖.

T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage. T explains some difficult sentences

2. Passage Reading (Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game) 2.1 Warming-up exercise

Asking students to discuss the figures of speech that the writer uses to convery her idea. With a partener, examining and discussing the underlined words and phrases in the sentences. What comparisions are being made? What pictures do they bring to your mind? What ideas is the writer trying to convey?

e.g. Since her introduction in 1959, Barbie has become the universally recognized Queen of the dolls. Illustration: A queen is the number one woman of the country. Here Barbie is compared to a queen of dolls, which means she is the number one doll in the world.

Purpose: Helping students’ enjoy the figurative language.

Method: Using the CAI and talking in pairs; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, audiolingual method, and total physical response method.

2.2 Comprehension Questions

Asking students to read the passage as quickly as they can. and find the key idea in sentences and answer the questions shown on the screen:

1. What’s the story about?

2. What was the author’s expectation when she flew to New York? 3. Why did she say she was crushed after being turned down?

4.According to Engelbreit, what could help people deal with the demands of modern life? (old-fashioned things)

5. What did the author think of the birth of her son? (It helped her broader her vision of art.) 6. How did she become sucessful? 7. Did she realize her dream finally?

8. What can you get from the author’s experience?

2.3 Difficult Sentences

1. Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game (the tiltle)

Meaning: My name is Engelbreit, and being cute is my way of doing thins. (Noting that the inversion here is used for emphasis)

2. Mary Engelbreit was a talented but struggling artist in her mid-twenties when she flew to New York from her native Saint Louis, hoping to find work illustrating children’s books—her life’s goal. (Para. 1)

Meaning: when she flew to New York from her native land Saint Louis, Mary Engelbreit was a talented young artist who tried hard to succeed. Her hope at that time was to find work drawing pictures for children’s books. That was also her life’s goal.

in one’s mid-twenties 25左右 in one’s fifties 50多岁

3. Once you know Engelbreit’s distinctive style, you can recognize her cards from 20 paces away---bright, funny, and with an eye to the past. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Once you get familiar with Engelbreit’s unique style, you can tell her cards from 20 paces away---they are bright, funny, with a feeling of affection for things in the past.

*with an eye to:showing an interest in or concern for


Most cartoons are published with an eye to commercial success. 大多数漫画书出版时都会考虑商业上的成功。

*distinctive: easy to recognize because of being different from others Her voice is very distinctive. 她的嗓音很特别。

4. She ignored her teachers’ advice to become an English teacher and didn’t bother with going on to a university because ―I was ready to plunge into my life as an artist.‖

(Para. 8)

Meaning: She didn’t take her teachers’s advice that she should become an English teacher, nor did she make the effort to go to study in a university because , as she says, ―I was ready to start my life as an artist.‖

*Bother with: to disturb or anger, esp. by minor irritations; annoy为…而费心/ 烦恼 Don’t bother yourself about me.别为我操心了。

I’m too busy to bother with fixing the machine now.我太忙,没时间修理机器。 * plunge into: to throw forcefully into a substance or place to plunge a country into war使一个国家陷入战争

to plunge sb. into deep sorrow使某人陷入深深的悲痛中

5. Despite her success, Engelbreit’s feet are planted firmly on the ground. (Para. 12) Meaning: Although she has achieved great success, Engelbreit is still very realistic. * have/ keep/ with one’s feet (planted/ set) on the ground: 脚踏实地

Bill has his feet on the ground; he knows he cannot finish everything at once. 比尔是个脚踏实地的人, 他知道不可能一时半刻就完成一切。

2.4 Checking students’ comprehension of the text by dealing with exercises on Page115 and Page116

3. Assignment

Doing the exercises about vocabulary and phrases on students’ comprehensive Exercises book in unit 4.

Previewing unit5.

Purpose: To know if students master the vocabulary and phrases in this class. Method: Using task-based method.


Unit 5, Book Three

I. Section A: Graceful Hands

1. Teaching Objectives: ? To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns ? To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing ? To Improve Ss reading skills by studying section B To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly ? To participate actively

To read sentences and texts with proper intonation ? To write smoothly and legibly

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;)

While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions;

difficult sentences)


3period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas)

Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises) 4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (understanding idiomatic expressions);

T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage. T explains some difficult sentences

Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures:

3.1 Pre-reading Activities

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2. Review

1. Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on the screen).

2. Check the homework(made a survey about a doctor’s life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people);


1. discussion about ― a medical eye ‖ 2. Preparation for studying Graceful Hands Purposes

1. To develop Ss’ online learning ability

2. To improve Ss’ ability to retrieve the relevant information 3. To stimulate Ss’ psychomotor thinking

4. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the unit

Method: Talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, and audio-lingual method.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the topic on the screen. . 1. Why does the writer wonder whether Mrs. Clark has anyone loves her? 2. Why did Mrs. Clark want the writer to be with her when she died? 3. Why did Mrs. Clark send her family home that night?

4. What does the newspaper report on Mrs. Clark infer about the importance of her life? 5. Give your comment on Mrs. Clark after reading the passage. Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.

Step 4. Fast reading


Ask the Ss read the passage as quickly as they can and answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.

Text structure: (structured writing )

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; introduce chronological order---listing events according to time sequence;

For this passage, the writer is describing what happens according to time sequence, she takes care to focus on single dominant impression that is to be left to readers.

The passage can be divided into 6 parts:

Part one (para1- para.4 ) telling us something about the writer and the patient Para1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Telling us that Describing what Giving a Giving a detailed description she has never she sees and detailed about the patient’s seen the patient feels on entering description conditions: and that she the room about the She is shocked to find her learns from the patient’s thin fingers ice-cold and her medical report conditions: pulse faint that the patient She is very thin; will die that The skin hangs night. loosely around her skeleton; her sunken chest rises and falls;

Part two (para. 5) creating a dominant impression on readers that the patient is seriously ill, too

weak for anything

Para 5 after the writer examines the patient, she does something for the patient as a medical worker.

Part three (para 6- para 7) the real exchange between the two human beings.

Para 6 Para 7 The writer The writer mentions that comes to the patient’s understand graceful hands what is in catch her the patient’s attention. mind.


Part four ( para 8 ) seeming to have a better understanding of the patient

Para 8 Mrs. Clark spares her family from seeing her die and the writer feels it a privilege to be there with the patient.

Part five (para 9 ) coming to learn more about her from the newspaper two days after her


Para 9 Two days later, the writer read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper.

Part six (para 10 ) leaving readers much space for further thoughts

Para 10 Remembering her long and graceful fingers

Step 5. Preparation for details of the text on the screen

Ss are required to look at the words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.

Words and Phrases:

Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.

Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.

1) preceding: adj. coming or going earlier in time, order, etc. This kind of dress was very fashionable in the preceding years. 这种裙子在前几年很流行。

We can learn a lot from the preceding paragraph.


2)decay: n. [U] the state of gradually going bad The industry has been in decay for some time. 这一行业进入衰退期已有一段时间。 decay: v. (cause to ) become bad Sugar can decay the teeth. 糖会蛀蚀牙齿。

3) reach for: stretch one’s hand in order to touch or take something The little girl reached for a packet of mint. 小女孩伸手去拿一盒薄荷糖。 He reached for the dictionary. 他伸出手拿词典。

4)provide for: make arrangement to deal with something that might happen in the future; give someone the things they need to live, such as money, food, etc. How can we provide for unexpected events?


我们应如何应付意料不到的事件呢? He has a large family to provide for. 他要养活一大家子人。

5)privilege: n.[C,U] a special advantage that is given only to a particular person or group

It was a privilege to hear her sing. 听她唱歌是一件很荣幸的事情。

It was a time when education was a privilege. 在那个时代,受教育是一种特权。

6)read about: find information from books, newspapers, etc. I read about the murder in newspaper. 我在报上读到这宗谋杀案。

I read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper. 我在报上读到克拉克夫人的消息。

3.2 While-reading Activities Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen and. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1.The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is

flashing its red light as if in warning.

Meaning: The red light on a piece of medical equipment is shining off and on, as if it is making a warning. This is the only light in the room.

2. In my mouth I have a sour, vinegar taste coming from the pit of my stomach..

Meaning: In my mouth there is a sour taste coming from the bottom of my stomach. (I

feel terrible.)

the pit of one’s stomach: the place in your stomach where you experience unpleasant

feelings when you are worried, upset or frightened (胸口,心窝)

3. …allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst. Meaning: …and let a few drops of water drip into her mouth to relieve her thirst. ―Moisture‖ means ―tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc.‖ ―Damp‖ means ―slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant‖

4. Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again, only this time there is no response in them, just a blank stare.

Meaning: I have no idea how long it passes before her eyes open again, but this time there is no life in her eyes, just an empty stare.

interval: a period of time between two acts or events

Tea is available during intervals. 中间休息时提供茶水。 Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the key information. in the patient’s room

about the patient’s conditions

the exchange between the two human beings the patient dies

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, to show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading


approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Discussion

Show a movie clip about a patient’s life in a hospital and ask the Ss the following


Purpose: To present a real situation To grasp the main idea

To consolidate language points

To fossilize the way of structured writing

Method: Use the CAI and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method,

reading approach, communicative approach, audio-lingual method, Audio-visual Method

and total physical response method.

Step 9. Assignment

Review the key points of Section A Finish the exercises after class Finish online homework Preview Section B Step 10. Assessment

Write a composition organized with the dominant impression supported by details.

T checks if Ss have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some

common errors that crop up.

Writing: Dominant impression: To many people, a cowboy is a hero. Details: tall and strong, alert all the time skilled horseman and gunman help the good, punish the bad do what’s right, not for money Pre-view Section B

II. Section B Decisions of the Heart

Teaching Procedures:

1. Reading Skills

Understanding idiomatic expressions

In order to choose the best definition we have to: a) search for contextual clues b) find examples

c) find explanations

d) locate opposite or similar expressions

Purpose: Introduce the reading skill to the Ss and improve their reading abilities.

Method: Use multimedia instruction and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching

method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

T explains the reading skill (understanding idiomatic expressions) Ss practice the skill by doing the exercise on page 136 in pairs.

2. Passage Reading (Decisions of the Heart)

2.1 Lead-in and preparation for reading

Introduce Ss some information about euthanasia and let them talk to each other, http://www.religioustolerance.org/euth1.htm/; or http//www.euthanasia.com Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Decisions of the Heart Method: Use the CAI and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, audio-lingual method, and total physical response method.

2.2 Comprehension Questions

Read the passage as quickly as they can. and ask the Ss to answer the questions show on the screen:


1. What is the tough question according to the writer? 2. What is the writer’s decision about the tough question? 3. What is the writer against? Why?

4. What is a decision of the heart according to your opinion?

2.3 Difficult Sentences

On the one hand, you cannot bear to see your once vigorous mother living the painful, limited life to which the stroke has condemned her. On the other hand, you hate to be the one to decide to let nature take its course.(Para. 5)

Meaning: On the one hand, it makes you feel painful to see your mother, who was once healthy and active, living a painful, limited life because of the stroke. On the other hand, you hate to be the person who has to make the decision to do nothing about it and let your mother die that way.

I can make this decision because I’ve gone down this road with patients many times.(Para. 7) Meaning: I’m able to make this decision because I’ve experienced the same thing with patients many times.

What it comes down to is common sense. (Para.14)

Meaning: Actually, it is only a question of common sense..

2.4 Key Words and Expressions arbitrary transparent elect sympathetic withdraw phase come along fight off in vain slip away come down to bring in 3. Assignment

Do a quiz on the vocabulary

Do the exercises in the book of ―Comprehensive Exercises‖ (p81-p85) Timed reading

Read a passage (College English Fast Reading , book 3 )

Do the exercises about vocabulary and phrases Ss learnt in unit 5. T checks on Ss’ exercises on pages 108—110. T asks Ss to prepare the next unit.

Purpose: To know if students master the vocabulary and phrases in this class. Method: Use task-based method.


Unit 6, Book Three

I. Section A: How to Prepare for Earthquakes

1. Teaching Objectives: ? To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns ? To to be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing ? To Improve Ss reading skills by studying section B To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly ? To participate actively

To read sentences and texts with proper intonation ? To write smoothly and legibly

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;)

While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions;

difficult sentences)


3period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas)

Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises) 4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (skimming);

T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage. T explains some difficult sentences

Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures:

3.1 Pre-reading Activities

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2. Review

1. Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on the screen). 2. Check the homework(browse the Internet for the story about earthquakes that impress you most);


1. The formation of an earthquake by surfing the Internet 2. Preparation for an earthquake Purposes

1. To develop Ss’ online learning ability

2. To improve Ss’ ability to retrieve the relevant information 3. To stimulate Ss’ psychomotor thinking

4. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the unit

Method: Talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, and audio-lingual method.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the topic on the screen. . http://www.answers.com/Great Hanshin

1. Have you experienced an earthquake?

2. Where would you want to be if the ground started to shake? 3. How to prepare for earthquakes?

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: How to Prepare for Earthquakes

Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.

Step 4. Fast reading


