专题 书面表达一经典精讲(上)-讲义 - 图文

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主讲教师:林斌 北京八十中学英语高级教师

开篇语 地点描写

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1. 海淀区位于北京市西北部;面积约426平方公里;人口有184万。 2. 海淀特色:

是中国高科技中心,有万余家高科技公司; 是重要的教育科研基地,有78所高校;

是著名的旅游区,有众多名胜古迹,如颐和园、圆明园等; …… 说明:

1. 词数不少于60。

2. 开头和结尾已经给出。 Dear Jim,

I am so glad that you are interested in Haidian District. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best regards.


Li Hua

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Dear Bob,

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua 题三:


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1.他的梦想是当一名教师。 2.他考入北京大学。

3.他总是第一个来最后一个走的学生。 4.我是在北极独自旅行的第一位女性。 5.有志者事竟成。


His dream is to become a teacher. He dreams of becoming a teacher. 他从小就梦想当美国总统。

He dreamt of becoming the president of the United States in his childhood. 他考入北京大学。

He entered Peking University.

He was admitted to/ into Peking University. 1988 年他考入哈佛法学院。

In 1988, he was admitted into Havard Law School. 他总是第一个来最后一个走的学生。

He is always the first student to come and the last to leave. 我是在北极独自旅行的第一位女性。

I was the first woman to travel alone at the North Pole. 他是美国历史上的第一位黑人美国总统。

He is the first African American to be the President of the United States in the US history. 有志者事竟成。

Where there is a will, there is a way.

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假如你是Jason, 你的网友李华向你询问有关美国新任总统奥巴马的情况。请你根据在网站上收集到的有关信息给她回复一封电子邮件,谈谈奥巴马的情况。 注意:

1. 邮件的开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数; 2. 词数100左右。 姓名 出生时间 出生地点 家庭情况 小时梦想 教育 职业及 政治生涯 成功意义 巴拉克· 奥巴马(Barack Obama) 1961年8月4日 夏威夷檀香山(Honolulu, Hawaii) 父亲是肯尼亚黑人,母亲是美国白人 当总统 1988年考入哈佛法学院(Harvard Law School ),1991年获博士学位 毕业后当律师、大学讲师,后来从政。2008.11.4在美国大选中(the general election)击败John McCain,成为美国首位黑人总统。 (自拟) Hi, Li Hua,

You asked me about Barack Obama. Here is something about him I got when I searched the websites at home.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

Yours, Jason

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Beautify the simple sentences 句式美化

In 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School. In 1991, he got his Doctor’s Degree there.

In 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School, _______he got his Doctor’s Degree in 1991.

2008 年11月4日对于奥巴马来说是一个重要的日子。 November 4th, 2008 is an important day for Barack Obama.

在总统大选(the general election)中他击败约翰.麦凯恩(John McCain) 。 He defeated John McCain in the general election.

November 4th, 2008 is an important day for Barack Obama, ______he defeated John McCain in the general election.

在总统大选(the general election)中他击败约翰.麦凯恩(John McCain) 。 He defeated John McCain in the general election. 他成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统。

He became the first African American to be the president of the United States in the US history.

He defeated John McCain in the general election, __________ the first African American to

be the president of the United States in the US history.


他的成功绝非偶然。 His success is no accident.


If one has a dream, work hard for it and he will succeed one day. 有志者事竟成。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 付出的越多,得到的就越多。

The more you pain, the more you will gain.

read the three sentences

In 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School, being he got his Doctor’s Degree in 1991.

November 4th, 2008 is an important day for Barack Obama, when he defeated John McCain in the general election.

He defeated John McCain in the general election, becoming the first African American to be the president of the United States in the US history.

Basic Writing--Character introduction

Just guess the man described in the following sentences!

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1.他1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭, 2005年4月24日因病于北京逝世。(due to)

①He was born into a rich family on November 2,1910 and died due to disease in Beijing on April 24,2005. ②Born into a rich family on November 2,1910, he passed away due to disease in Beijing on April 24, 2005.


When he went to college, he first chose to work on medicine but then changed his mind. 3.他1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到英国继续深造。(further education)

Between 1930 and 1935, he studied in Tsinghua University and then went to England for further education.

4. 他获得博士学位。

He received his doctor’s degree.


He devoted himself to the research on sociologyand advanced the development of China’s rural economy.

费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家。请根据下文提示,用英文写一篇短文介绍一下费孝通先生。 生平 经历 1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭。2005年4月24日因病于北京逝世。 1、大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。 2、1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到英国继续深造,并获得博士学位。 3、1938年后,曾任教于清华大学和北京大学。 第 - 7 - 页

评价 1、致力于社会科学研究,促使中国农村经济发展。 2、费孝通是一个活到老,学到老的人。 参考词汇:

社会学家 sociologist; 社会活动家 social activist


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you do the Basic Writing? The suggested steps:

1. 审题: 确定文体、人称和时态 2. 整合信息 :把所有内容整合成5句 3. 翻译句子:考虑语法结构 4. 连句成篇 5. 检查 生平 经历 1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭。2005年4月24日因病于北京逝世。① 1、大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。② 2、1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到英国继续深造,并获得博士学位。③ 3、1938年后,曾任教于清华大学和北京大学。④ 1、致力于社会科学研究,促使中国农村经济发展。 2、费孝通是一个活到老,学到老的人。⑤ 评价 检查(How to correct?) 1、是否恰好五句话?

2、是否每句都含必要信息? 3、可否自由发挥? 4、pants纠错原则: 1)pattern 2)agreement 3)number 4)tense 5)spelling

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Dear Jim,

I am so glad that you are interested in Haidian District.Haidian District lies in the northwestern part of Beijing. It covers an area of 426 square kilometers and has a population of 1.84 million. It is the country’s center for high technology, with more than ten thousand hi-tech companies like Lenovo.

It is also home to 78 famous universities and institutes, including Peking University and Tsinghua University. At the

same time, it is well-known for many world-famous places of interest, such as the Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan Park.

In a word, it’s a nice place for people to study, work and live.I am really proud of being a citizen of Haidian. I hope you can come and see it for yourself some day. Best regards.


Li Hua 题二: Dear Bob,

Thank you for your last letter asking about our library.Our library is in the centre of the school. There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building is right behind it. The library is big. When you get inside, you will see many shelves full of books on different subjects. There are also lots of newspapers and magazines. We borrow books and do some reading in the library. According to the rule, every student can borrow up to 5 books each time and keep them for 10 days. It is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday and closed on weekends. We all like our library very much.


Li Hua


Founded in 1956, No.80 High School is now one of the most distinguished schools in Beijing. Currently we have more than 3000 students, ranging from Year 7 to Year 12, along with 400 staff members. The whole school is divided into two sections, with junior section located near downtown while senior section further away at outskirts. Our school has won the fame as a “garden-like school” due to its impressive landscaping and facilities.

The moment you enter the campus, you will see “the way to success”. The road starts from the east gate. At the end of the road is the auditorium where graduation ceremony is held every summer. The auditorium is shaped like a hat of a doctorate, which symbolizes academic success. That’s why this road has got such a name. On the left hand side is our classroom building while on the right is the Complex where most laboratories are located.

East of the school stands the library, right behind which is the astrodome, where we observe stars and the universe.

South of the school lies the garden where students spend time reading or studying plants in biology lessons. West of the school lies the playground in the open air. Students do morning exercises and have PE lessons here. Right in the middle is the football field.

When the weather is bad, we have PE lessons in the gymnasium. School basketball team trains here at the basketball court.

No. 80 High School, Beijing, opens her arms, ready to embrace friends coming from every part of the world. Such is Beijing No. 80, where we live and study.

Next to the garden is students’ dormitory. Four students share a room and each room is air-conditioned.

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Barack Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white American mother, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. When he was only a little boy, he dreamt of becoming the president of the United States. In 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School, where he gained his doctor’s degree in 1991. After graduation, he worked as a lawyer, lecturer and then took up politics. On November 4th, 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the general election, becoming the elected president of the United States. So far, he is the first African American to be the US President in the US history.

The success of Obama, which shows that black people can reach their goals as white people do, inspires those who want to make great achievements in their life.

Basic Writing--Character introduction

Born into a rich family on November 2, 1910, Fei Xiaotong, a famous Chinese sociologist and social activist, passed away due to disease in Beijing on April 24, 2005.

When going to college, he first chose to study medicine but then changed his mind. Between 1930 and 1935, he studied in Tsinghua University and then went to England for further education, where he received his doctor’s degree. After 1938, he once taught in Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Fei, who studied hard all his whole life, devoted himself to the research on sociology and advanced the development of China’s rural economy.

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