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网络编程技术是计算机科学与技术专业、网络工程专业、软件工程专业的一 门专业基础课程。本课程以Java技术为主讲授,Java语言是当前最流行的网络 编程语言。本课程是一门实用性和综合运用性都很强的课程,实践教学环节是教 学过程中必不可少的重要内容。通过实验,让学生熟悉JDK中的主要内容,掌 握用JDK调试和运行程序的方法,掌握网络编程的基本思想和开发方法、面向 对象编程的思想,JAVA中的基本方法和技术,能够熟练使用JAVA设计、编写 程序,特别是基于TCP/IP的Socket编程,并能运用这些知识方法完成C/S和 B/S结构程序的设计工作。通过实验,提高学生使用Java语言程序设计开发的能 力,提高应用面向对象技术分析和解决实际问题的能力,并在此基础上强化学生 的实践意识、提高其分析问题、解决问题的能力以及动手能力和创新能力。


要求学生熟悉JDK中的主要内容,掌握用JDK调试和运行程序的方法,掌 握网络编程的基本思想和开发方法、面向对象编程的思想,JAVA中的基本方法 和技术,能够熟练使用JAVA设计、编写程序,特别是基于TCP/IP的Socket编 程,并能运用这些知识方法完成C/S和B/S结构程序的设计工作。要注意培养学 生良好的编程习惯,自始至终贯彻课程中所介绍的程序设计风格。为保证尽量在 统一安排的上机时间内完成程序设计任务,学生应事先做问题分析,并做静态检 查。学生应记录实验中所遇到的问题,并写出详细的实验报告。课前准备上机程 序,上机认真调试,课后撰写实验报告,实验报告包括实验目的、实验内容、源 程序、实验结果及分析。

实验一 java基本语法


了解Java的数据类型,掌握各种变量的声明方式,理解运算符 的优先级,掌握Java基本数据类型、运算符与表达式,掌握顺序结构、选择 结构和循环结构语法的程序设计方法。


1、编写一个声明Java不同数据类型变量的程序。 2、编写使用不同选择结构的程序。 3、编写使用不同循环结构结构的程序。


1、编写一个声明Java不同数据类型变量的程序。 public class DataTypes {

public static void main(String args[]) {

byte b=127; short s=32767; int i=2147483647;

long l=9223372036l;//为什么long表示的数比Int还小? char c='c'; float f=1.23F; double d=0.9E-3; boolean bool=true;

System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\ System.out.println(\

System.out.println(\ }


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class Testif {

public static void main(String args[]) {

boolean leap; int year=2014;

if((year%4==0&&year0!=0)||(year@0==0))// System.out.println(year+\年是闰年\ else

System.out.println(year+\年不是闰年\ //方法二///////////////////////////////////////

year=2008; if(year%4!=0) leap=false; else if(year0!=0) leap=true; else if(year@0!=0) leap=false; else leap=true; if(leap==true) System.out.println(year+\年是闰年\

else System.out.println(year+\年不是闰年\ //方法三///////////////////////////////////// year=2050; if(year%4==0){

if(year0==0){ if(year@0==0) leap=true; else leap=false; } else leap=false; } else leap=false; if(leap==true) System.out.println(year+\年是闰年\ else System.out.println(year+\年不是闰年\

} }



//1.编写程序用Switch语句实现从键盘上都1,2,3时,屏幕提示不同的信息 import*; class SwitchTest { public static void main(String args[]) throw IOException { char a; System.out.println(\ a=(char); switch(a) { case '1': System.out.println(\ case '2': System.out.println(\ case '3':

System.out.println(\ default:System.out.println(\ } } }



import*; class ForTest { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { int fahr,cels; System.out.println(\ for(cels=0;cels<=100;cels+=5) { fahr=cels*9/5+32; System.out.println(cels+\ }

} }

char a;

outer://this is the lable for the outer loop for(int i=0;i<10;i++) for(int j=0;j<10;j++){ a=(char); if(a=='b') break outer; if(a=='c') continue outer; }

//while循环语句//////////////////////////////////////////// import*; class WhileTest { public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException { char ch; System.out.println(\按1/2/3数字可获大奖!\ System.out.println(\按空格键后回车可退出循环操作\ while((ch=(char)!=' ') {;//跳过回车键 switch(ch){ case'1':

System.out.println(\恭喜你获得大奖,一辆汽车\ case'2': System.out.println(\不错呀,你得到一台笔记本电脑\ case '3':

System.out.println(\没白来,你得到一台冰箱\ default:


} } } }


public class Mul99 { public static void main(String[] args) { int i,j, n=9;

System.out.print(\ * |\ for(i=1;i<10;i++) System.out.print(\ \ System.out.print(\ for(i=1;i<10;i++) System.out.print(\ System.out.println(); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ System.out.print(\ \ |\ for(j=1;j<=i;j++) System.out.print(\ \ System.out.println(); } } }


实验二 面向对象编程试验


通过编程和上机实验理解Java语言是如何体现面向对象编程基 本思想,熟悉类的封装方法以及如何创建类和对象,熟悉成员变量和成员方法的 特性,熟悉类的继承性和多态性的作用,熟悉包、接口的使用方法,掌握OOP 方式进行程序设计的方法。




3、编写体现类的继承性(成员变量、成员方法、成员变量隐藏)的程序 和多态性(成员方法重载、构造方法重载)的程序。 4、编写接口的定义和使用的程序。 5、编写包的定义和使用的程序。


1. 日期类输出当前日期

import*; public class Date {

private int year,month,day; //private static thisYear;

public Date(int y,int m,int d){ this.year=y; this.month=m;; }

public void read(int y,int m,int d) {


int; int; }

public void set(int y,int m,int d) { if(m>=1&&m<=12) { return m; }else{

System.out.println(\该日期错误\ } if(d>=1&&d<=31) { return d; }else System.out.println(\该日期错误\ }

public void show( ) {

System.out.println(\ }

public static void main(String args[])throws IOException

{ Date s=new Date();; s.set();;




2. 桌子类

public class Table {

private String name; private int longs; private int weight; private int height; private int width;

public Table(String n,int l,int we,int h,int wi) {; this.longs=l; this.weight=we; this.height=h; this.width=wi; }

int Area() {

return this.longs*this.width; }

public void Display() {



public void ChangeWeight(int s) {

this.weight=s; }

public static void main(String args[]) { Table T=new Table(\ T.Area(); T.Display();

T.ChangeWeight(90); T.Display(); }



class StaticDemo {

static int x; int y;

public static int getX(){ return x; }

public static void setX(int newX){ x=newX; }

public int getY(){ return y; }

public void setY(int newY){ y=newY; } }

public class TestDemo {

public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(\静态变量\

System.out.println(\实例变量\非法编译时将出错 StaticDemo a=new StaticDemo(); StaticDemo b=new StaticDemo(); a.setX(1); a.setY(2); b.setX(3); b.setY(4);

System.out.println(\静态变量a.x=\ System.out.println(\静态变量a.y=\ System.out.println(\静态变量b.x=\ System.out.println(\静态变量b.x=\ } }

3. 继承和多态的作用


Date:2014.11.23 9:56:00 @author:Devon function:功能

?创建Rodent (啮齿动物):Mouse (老鼠),Gerbil (沙鼠),Hamster (大频 鼠)等 的一个继承分级结构。在基础类中,提供适用于所有Rodent的方法,并 在衍生类中覆盖它们,

从而根据不同类型的Rodent釆取不同的行动。创建一个 Rodent数组,在其中填充不同类型的Rodent,

然后调用自己的基础类方法,看 看会有什么情况发生。 */

class Rodent {

Rodent r[]=new Rodent[4]; public void TowTooth() { }

public static void main(String args[]) {

Rodent rodent=new Rodent(); Mouth mouth=new Mouth(); Gerbil gerbil=new Gerbil();

Hamster hamster=new Hamster();

r[0]=rodent,r[1]=mouth,r[2]=gerbil,r[3]=hamster; for(int i=0,i

r[i].TowTooth(); } } }

class Mouae extends Rodent { }

class Gerbil extends Mouse { }

class Hamster extends Gerbil { }


public class InterfaceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { double x; circle y= circle;; x=y.calculate.area(); System.out.println(\面积为:\ } }

interface cal_area {

double PI=3.14;

double claculate_area(); }

class circle implements cla_area {

double r;

circle(double r) {

this.r=r; }

//实现接口中的抽象方法,求圆面积 public double calculate_area() {

return PI*r*r; } }

5、包的定义和使用 ?创建自定义包Mypackage

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Mvpackage; //声明存放类的包 import java.util. * ; //引用 java.util 包 public class Test_YMD { private int year,month,day;

public static void main(String[] args){} public Test_YMD(int y,int m,int d) { year = y;

month = (((m>=1) & (m<=12)) ? m :1); day = (((d>=1) & (d<=31)) ? d :1); }

public Test_YMD() { this(0,0,0); }

public static int thisyear() {

return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);//返回当年的年份 }

public int year() {

return year;//返回年份 }

public String toString(){

return year+\返回转化为字符串的年-月-日 } }


import Mypackage.KY4_1_YMD;//引用 Mypackage 包中的 KY4_1_YMD 类 public class YMD_2 { private String name; private Test_YMD birth;

public static void main(String args[]) {

YMD_2 a = new YMD_2(\张驰\a.output(); }

public YMD_2(String nl,Test_YMD dl){ name = nl; birth = dl; }

public YMD_2(String nl,int y,int m,int d){

this(nl,new Test_YMD(y,m,d));//初始化变量与对象 }

public int age() //计算年龄 {

return TESt_YMD.thisyear() - birth.yearO;//返回当前年与出生年的差即年龄 }

public void output() {




实验三 异常处理程序设计






Class InsufficientFoundsException extends Exception { private BankAccount m-ba; private double getAmount; InsufficientFoundsException(BankAccount ba,double dAmount) { super(\ m-ba=ba; getAmount=dAmount; } public String toString() StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); sb.append(\ sb.append(m-ba.getAccountNumber()); sb.append(\ sb.append(m-ba.Balance()) sb.append(\ sb.append(getAmount); return sb,toString(); } }

public class TestExcepl { public static void main( string args[] ){ int 1=0; String greeting[]={ \ while(I<4){ try{ System.out.println(greeting[I]);


catch(ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException e { system.out.println( \越界\

I = -l }finally{

system, out.println(\总会运行\

I++ } } }

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class Excep2Test{

public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(\这是一个异常处理的例子\\n\ try{

int i=10; }

catch (ArithmeticException e) {

System.out.println(\异常是:\ }

finally {

System.out.println(\语句被执行”); } } }




理解线程的概念、线程的生命周期,掌握多线程的编程:继承 Thread 类与使用 Runnable 接 口。


掌握两种创建线程的方法:一种是创建用户自己的线程子类, 另一种是在用户自己的类中实现Rimable接口。



class FruitThread extends Thread { public FruitThread(String str) { super(str); } public void run() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { System.out.println(i+\ \ try{ sleep((int)(Math.random()*3000)); }catch(InterruptedException e) { } } } }

public class TowFruit { public static void main(String args[]) { FruitThread apple=new FruitThread(\苹果\ FruitThread banana=new FruitThread(\香蕉\ apple.start(); banana.start(); } }

class TowFruit1 implements Runnable { String name;

public TowFruit1(String name) {;


public void run() {

for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {

System.out.println(name); Thread.yield(); } }

public static void main(String[] args)

{ TowFruit1 apple=new TowFruit1(\苹果\ TowFruit1 banana=new TowFruit1(\香蕉\

Thread t1=new Thread(apple); Thread t2=new Thread(banana); t1.start(); t2.start(); System.out.println(\ } }

public class ThreadVSRunnable extends Thread implements Runnable { String name;

public ThreadVSRunnable(String str) { super(str); name=Tstr; } public void run() { for(int i=0;i<20;i++) {

System.out.println(\第\ // System.out.println(name); //sleep/////////////////////// /*try{ sleep((int)(Math.random()*10000)); }catch(InterruptedException e) { }*/ //yeild/////////////////////////// Thread.yield(); } }

public static void main(String[] args) {

FruitThread apple=new FruitThread(\生产的 苹果\ FruitThread banana=new FruitThread(\生产的 香蕉\ apple.start(); banana.start();

FruitThread apple1=new FruitThread(\生产的 苹果\ FruitThread banana1=new FruitThread(\生产的 香蕉\ }


Thread t1=new Thread(apple1); Thread t2=new Thread(banana1); t1.start(); t2.start();


实验结果: 实验感想:



理解数据流的概念、Java流的层次结构及文件的概念;熟悉图形 用户界面基本组件的使用方法,熟悉如何使用布局管理器对组件进行管理及如何 使用Java的事件处理机制。


1、掌握字节流和字符流的基本使用方法。 2、能够创建、读写、更新文件。

3、掌握在Applet容器中添加组件的方法,掌握使用布局管理器对组件进行 管理


4、理解Java的事件处理机制,掌握为不同组件编写事件处理程序的方法。 5、掌握编写独立运行的窗口界面的方法。 6、了解对话框及Java



public class IOinTest { public static void main(String[] args) { byte[] buffer=new byte[255]; System.out.println(\请在下面输入一行字符:\\n\

try {; }

catch(Exception e) {

System.out.println(\读取输入字符出错,错误信息为:\ }


String inputStr=new String(buffer,0); System.out.println(inputStr); } }

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.devon.demo01; import*;

class FileStreamsTest { public static void main(String args[]) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(\ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(\ int c; while ((c = != -1) { fos.write(c); }

fis.close(); fos.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(\ } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(\ } } }


package com.devon.demo01;

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.Applet;

public class ButtonTest extends Applet { Label ll; Button bl, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6; public void init() { setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3)); // 设置网格布局(3 行3 列共9 个网格) ll = new Label(\标签 1\ bl = new Button(\按钮 1\ b2 = new Button(\按钮2\ b3 = new Button(\按钮3\ b4 = new Button(\按钮4\

add(ll); add(bl); add(b2); add(b3);

add(new Label()); add(b4);

add(new Button(\按钮5\add(new Button(\按钮6\add(new Label(\标签2\

} }

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.devon.demo01;

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.applet.Applet;

public class ComponentTest extends Applet { public void init() { // 设置最底层# Applet容器为顺序布局 }


setFont(new Font(\

Label l = new Label(\这是最底层的 Applet 容器中的标签\add(l);

Panel panel1 = new Panel(); add(panel1);

panel1.setBackground(; panel1.setForeground(;

panel1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());// 设置边界布局 panel1.add(\北\panel1.add(\南\panel1.add(\东\panel1.add(\西\

panel1.add(\这是在 Panell 面板中部添加的标签\Panel panel2 = new Panel(); add(panel2);

panel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); // 设置网格布局 Choice c = new Choice();// 创建下拉式列表 c.addItem(\北京\c.addItem(\上海\c.addItem(\天津\

Label ll = new Label(\这是在Panel2面板中的标签\Button b1 = new Button(\中的按钮\panel2.setBackground(; panel2.add(ll); panel2.add(b1); panel2.add(c);


4、从标准设备中输入若干行英文句子,直到输入”bye”结束,将这些字符串 写入文件。

package com.devon.demo01;


public class bye {

System.out.println(\); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

} }







if (ss)


BufferedReader keyin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

String s;

RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(\, \); boolean ss;

while ((s = keyin.readLine()) != null) {

ss = s.endsWith(\);

5、从键盘输入一个整型数,一个双精度型和一个字符串,用DataOutputStream 将这些数据输出到文件中,然后用DatalnputStream从文件中读出这些数据并打 印到标准输出设备

package com.devon.demo01;








public class TestDataOutputStream {

double d = Double.parseDouble(bf.readLine());


float f = Float.parseFloat(bf.readLine());


int i = Integer.parseInt(bf.readLine());


DataOutputStream dOut = new DataOutputStream(fOut);

FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(newFile);

try {


File newFile = new File(

BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new


public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {




boolean b = new Boolean(bf.readLine()).booleanValue(); dOut.writeInt(i); dOut.writeFloat(f); dOut.writeDouble(d); dOut.writeBoolean(b); dOut.close();

} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {


} catch (IOException e) { }


6、一个窗口中,在四个位置循环显示四种不同颜色的正方形,当鼠标点击 时,停止循环显示,再次点击,恢复显示

package com.devon.demo01;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class CycleRecTest extends JFrame {

public static void main(String[] args) }





if (pane.isPlay())


public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)


addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()

content.add(pane, \);

content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

Container content = getContentPane();

final CycleRec pane = new CycleRec();

setSize(470, 470);

setTitle(\图形循环显示\); {

public CycleRecTest() JButton stopButton; JButton playButton;


class CycleRec extends JPanel implements Runnable {


if (imgID == 0) {

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) } {

public CycleRec() boolean bPlay = true; int imgID = 0;

private Color greenCor =; private Color cyanCor = Color.cyan; private Color blueCor =; private Color blackCor =; private Thread show; }



JFrame app = new CycleRecTest(); {

fillR(g, 100, 100, 100, blueCor);


else if (imgID == 3)


fillR(g, 200, 200, 100, blackCor);

fillR(g, 100, 200, 100, blueCor);

fillR(g, 200, 100, 100, cyanCor);

fillR(g, 100, 100, 100, greenCor);


else if (imgID == 2)


fillR(g, 200, 200, 100, blueCor);

fillR(g, 100, 200, 100, greenCor);

fillR(g, 200, 100, 100, blackCor);

fillR(g, 100, 100, 100, cyanCor);


else if (imgID == 1)


fillR(g, 200, 200, 100, greenCor);

fillR(g, 100, 200, 100, cyanCor);

fillR(g, 200, 100, 100, blueCor);

fillR(g, 100, 100, 100, blackCor);


showpic = 0;

if (showpic > 3)




imgID = showpic;


while (bPlay = true)

int showpic = 0; {

public void run() }

g.fillRect(x, y, length, length);

g.setColor(color); {

public static void fillR(Graphics g, int x, int y, int length, Color color) }


fillR(g, 200, 200, 100, cyanCor);

fillR(g, 100, 200, 100, blackCor);

fillR(g, 200, 100, 100, greenCor);

public void stop() }



bPlay = true;

show = new Thread(this);


if (show == null) {

public void play() }




catch (InterruptedException e)




try {

public void pause(int time) }



return false;


return true;

if (show != null) {

public boolean isPlay() }


bPlay = false;

show = null;


if (show != null) {

7、在窗口的一个区域进行鼠标操作:mouseEnter,mouseExit、 mousePress,mouseDrage、mouseClick。在窗口的另一个区域以文字显不鼠标所进 行的相应操作。另外当鼠标进行mousePress、mouseDrage、mouseClick操作时, 将显示一个图片。当鼠标拖拉时,图片随鼠标移动。

package com.devon.demo01;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class MyClass {

private JFrame fm = new JFrame(\鼠标移动示例\);

private JLabel lb = new JLabel(\拖动测试对象\); private Thread th = new Thread(new dothread()); private boolean canmove = false; private Component com = null; private Point pt = new Point(); MyClass() { }

class dothread implements Runnable {

public void run() {

// TODO 自动生成方法存根 while (true) {

if (canmove) {

if (fm.getMousePosition() != null) {


fm.setDefaultCloseOperation(3); fm.setBounds(300, 200, 450, 300); fm.addMouseListener(new mouselisten()); lb.setBounds(10, 10, 100, 25); // lb.hide(); th.start();







pt.x = fm.getMousePosition().x; pt.y = fm.getMousePosition().y; lb.setLocation(pt);

class mouselisten implements MouseListener {

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {


if (arg0.getButton() == 1) { } else { }

canmove = false; canmove = true;

public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) { }

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) { }

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {



new MyClass();

public static void main(String[] args) { }


canmove = false;

public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {


canmove = false;


package Frame;

public class Compute { public static void main(String args[]) { ComputeFrame s=new ComputeFrame(); }


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Frame;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.GridLayout;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.*;

public class ComputeFrame extends JFrame { private JPanel EditTextPanel,ButtonPanel; private JTextField input; private JButton numbutton[]; private JButton btnDot, btnPosMinus, btnBackspace, btnDivide1, btnEqual, btnClear; private JButton btnAdd, btnSubtract, btnMultiply, btnDivide; private JButton btnX2, btnX3, btnXY, btnSin, btnCos, btnTan, btnSqrt, btnN, btnLeft, btnRight; private int i; ComputeControler comControler; public ComputeFrame() { this.setBounds(300, 300, 400, 300); //this.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE(this); setVisible(true); setLocation(400, 200); EditTextPanel=new JPanel(); ButtonPanel=new JPanel(); input =new JTextField(20); comControler=new ComputeControler(input); input.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.HEIGHT); input.setEditable(false); numbutton=new JButton[10]; for( i=0;i<10;i++) { numbutton[i]=new JButton(\ } btnDot=new JButton(\ btnPosMinus=new JButton(\ btnBackspace=new JButton(\ btnDivide1=new JButton(\

btnEqual=new JButton(\ btnClear=new JButton(\ btnAdd=new JButton(\ btnSubtract=new JButton(\ btnMultiply=new JButton(\ btnDivide=new JButton(\ btnLeft = new JButton(\ btnRight = new JButton(\ btnX2 = new JButton(\ btnX3 = new JButton(\ btnXY = new JButton(\ btnSqrt = new JButton(\ btnSin = new JButton(\ btnCos = new JButton(\ btnTan = new JButton(\ btnN = new JButton(\

EditTextPanel.add(input); //布局

ButtonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 5));

ButtonPanel.add( btnLeft ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnRight ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnSin ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnCos ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnTan ).setForeground(;

ButtonPanel.add( btnX2 ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnX3 ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnXY ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnSqrt ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnN ).setForeground(;

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[7] ).setForeground(; numbutton[7].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[8] ).setForeground(; numbutton[8].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[9] ).setForeground(; numbutton[9].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); ButtonPanel.add( btnAdd ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnClear ).setForeground(;

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[4] ).setForeground(; numbutton[4].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[5] ).setForeground(; numbutton[5].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[6] ).setForeground(; numbutton[6].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( btnSubtract ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnBackspace ).setForeground(;

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[1] ).setForeground(; numbutton[1].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[2] ).setForeground(; numbutton[2].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[3] ).setForeground(; numbutton[3].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( btnMultiply ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnDivide1 ).setForeground(;

ButtonPanel.add( numbutton[0] ).setForeground(; numbutton[0].setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); ButtonPanel.add( btnDot ).setForeground(; btnDot.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( btnPosMinus ).setForeground(; btnPosMinus.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

ButtonPanel.add( btnDivide ).setForeground(; ButtonPanel.add( btnEqual ).setForeground(;


for(i=0;i<10;i++) { numbutton[i].addActionListener(comControler); }


btnPosMinus.addActionListener(comControler); btnBackspace.addActionListener(comControler); btnDivide1.addActionListener(comControler); btnEqual.addActionListener(comControler); btnClear.addActionListener(comControler); btnAdd.addActionListener(comControler); btnSubtract.addActionListener(comControler); btnMultiply.addActionListener(comControler); btnDivide.addActionListener(comControler); btnX2.addActionListener(comControler);

btnX3.addActionListener(comControler); btnXY.addActionListener(comControler); btnSin.addActionListener(comControler); btnCos.addActionListener(comControler); btnTan.addActionListener(comControler); btnSqrt.addActionListener(comControler); btnN.addActionListener(comControler); btnLeft.addActionListener(comControler); btnRight.addActionListener(comControler);

add( EditTextPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH ); add( ButtonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

} }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Frame;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class ComputeControler implements ActionListener{ JTextField textField; //integer1 ,integer2 String op1, op2, operator; String errMsg = \ //the state for now ,begin state = 0 int state = 0; ComputeControler( JTextField tf) { textField = tf; } @Override

public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {

String s;

s = e.getActionCommand();

switch( state ) {

case 0:

inputState0(s); break; case 1:

inputState1(s); break; case 2:

inputState2(s); break; case 3:

inputState3(s); break; case 4:

inputState4(s); break; case 5:

inputState5(s); break; default:

System.out.println( \ System.exit(1); } }

private boolean isDigit( String s ) {

boolean b;

b = s.equals(\ ||s.equals(\ return b; }

private int fN( float fop1 ) {

int ruslt=0;

if ( fop1 == 0 || fop1 == 1 ) {

ruslt = 1;

} else {

ruslt = (int) (fop1 * fN(fop1-1) ); }

return ruslt; }

private boolean isOperator(String s) {

return s.equals(\ ||s.equals(\ ||s.equals(\

||s.equals(\ }

//state 0 start

private void inputState0( String s ) {

if ( isDigit(s)||s.equals(\ {

state = 2;

textField.setText(\ inputState2(s); }

if ( isOperator(s) ) {

op1 = \ operator = s; state = 4; }

if ( s.equals(\ {

textField.setText(errMsg); state = 1; } }

//state 1 error

private void inputState1( String s ) {

if ( isDigit(s)||s.equals(\ {


state = 0;

inputState0(s); } else {

state = 0;

textField.setText(\ } }

//state 2 op1 reading,op1 is being input private void inputState2( String s ) {

if ( isDigit(s) ) {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( text.equals(\ text = s; else

text = text + s; textField.setText(text); }

if ( s.equals(\ {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( !text.contains(\ {

text = text + s;

textField.setText(text); } }

if ( s.equals(\ {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( text.charAt(0) == '-' ) text = text.substring(1); else

text = \ textField.setText(text); }

if ( isOperator(s)||s.equals(\ {

state = 3;

op1 = textField.getText(); inputState3(s); } if ( s.equals(\ { state = 3; op1 = textField.getText(); } if ( s.equals(\ textField.setText(\ if ( s.equals(\ { String text = textField.getText(); if ( text.length() == 1 ) textField.setText(\ else textField.setText( text.substring(0, text.length()-1) ); } } //state 3 op1 read only, only op1 was input ,op2 = operator = null private void inputState3( String s ) { if ( isDigit(s)||s.equals(\ { op1 = \ textField.setText(\ state = 2; inputState2(s); } if ( s.equals(\ { state = 2; op1 = \ inputState2(s); } if ( isOperator(s) ) { operator = s; state = 4; if (operator.equals(\


||operator.equals(\ {

inputState6(s); } }

if ( s.equals(\ {

Float fOp1 = new Float(op1); if ( fOp1.floatValue() ==0.0 ) {

state = 1; //error

textField.setText(errMsg); } else {

float f = 1.0f/fOp1.floatValue(); op1 = String.valueOf(f); textField.setText(op1); } }

if ( s.equals(\ {

state = 0;

textField.setText(\ } }

//state 2, op1 and operator are read, op2 = null private void inputState4( String s ) {

if ( isDigit(s)||s.equals(\ {

textField.setText(\ state = 5;

inputState5(s); }

if ( isOperator(s)) operator = s; if ( s.equals(\ {

state = 3;

operator = \ inputState3(s); }

if ( s.equals(\ {

state = 0;

textField.setText(\ } }

//state5,op2 reading,in reading of op2 private void inputState5( String s ) {

if ( isDigit(s) ) {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( text.equals(\ text = s; else

text = text + s; textField.setText(text); }

if ( s.equals(\ {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( !text.contains(\ {

text = text + s;

textField.setText(text); } }

if ( s.equals(\ {

String text = textField.getText(); if (text.charAt(0) == '-' )

text = text.substring(1); else

text = '-' + text; textField.setText(text); }

if ( isOperator(s) ) {

op2 = textField.getText();

Float f1, f2;

f1 = new Float(op1); f2 = new Float(op2); float fop1, fop2;

fop1 = f1.floatValue(); fop2 = f2.floatValue(); if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 + fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 - fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 * fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ {

if ( fop2 != 0.0f )

fop1 = fop1 / fop2; else {

state = 1;

textField.setText(errMsg); return; } } else {

System.out.println(\ state = 1;

textField.setText(errMsg); return; }

//here we got good calculating result op1 = String.valueOf(fop1); textField.setText(op1); operator = s; state = 4; }

if ( s.equals(\ {

op1 = textField.getText(); state = 3;

inputState3(s); }

if ( s.equals(\


op2 = textField.getText(); Float f1, f2;

f1 = new Float(op1); f2 = new Float(op2); float fop1, fop2;

fop1 = f1.floatValue(); fop2 = f2.floatValue(); if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 + fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 - fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 * fop2;

else if ( operator.equals(\ {

if ( fop2 != 0.0f )

fop1 = fop1 / fop2; else {

state = 1;

textField.setText(errMsg); return; } }

else if ( operator.equals(\

fop1 = (float) Math.pow( fop1, fop2 ); else {

System.out.println(\ state = 1;

textField.setText(errMsg); return; }

//here we got good calculating result op1 = String.valueOf(fop1); textField.setText(op1); state = 3; }

if ( s.equals(\ {

state = 0;



if ( s.equals(\ {

String text = textField.getText(); if ( text.length() == 1 )

textField.setText(\ else

textField.setText( text.substring(0, text.length()-1) ); } }

//state6, new calculation

private void inputState6( String s ) {

Float f1;

f1 = new Float(op1); float fop1;

fop1 = f1.floatValue();

if ( operator.equals(\ {

if ( fop1 < 0 ) {

textField.setText(errMsg); return; } else

fop1 = (float) Math.sqrt( fop1 ); }

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 * fop1;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = fop1 * fop1 * fop1;

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = (float) Math.sin( fop1 );

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = (float) Math.cos( fop1 );

else if ( operator.equals(\ fop1 = (float) Math.tan( fop1 );

else if( operator.equals(\


fop1 = this.fN(fop1);

op1 = String.valueOf(fop1); textField.setText(op1); }


