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课题 教 学 目 标 教法 学法 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学 准备 Unit 6Meet my family 第 2 课时 1、能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情景中运用。 2、能听、说、认读本课句型:How many people are there in your family? 并能在Let’s practise活动中做替换练习。 3、教学单词:people little puppy Reading , listening ,game,practicing 熟练掌握句型How many ??are there?的用法并能在实践中运用。 理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用 1.配套生词的单词卡片 2.配套的教学课件 Unit 4/B/ Let’s talk] 3、相配套的教学录音带 4、教师和学生的家庭照片 师生活动 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) Sing the song (上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲) 鼓励孩子边唱边演 单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答 教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片码成一沓,问:“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片藏在身后,问:“How many cards in my hand?” (二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 教师出示上一课Let’s learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amy’s family. How many people are there in the family? Who are they?” 引导学生回答。 猜一猜: 教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”There are ?people in the picture. They are my?.”来回答。小组里进行猜一猜的活动。 教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family has 6 people” 教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has ?people.二次 备课 教学 流程 的句型说一说。 学生在小组中进行问答练习。 教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“That’s only 3”学生跟读练习。 教师出示课件: 播放课件,让孩子边听边看。但学生在最后一组对话发生疑问时,教师说:“But, that’s only 5.”学生提出疑问时,教师指着小狗说:“Gee, and my little puppy.”节puppy的含义。 再放录音,让孩子跟读课文。小组分角色朗读。给课件中的人物配音。 7、Let’s count (本节课授课中,根据各小组回答问题和听讲情况,教师为每组设立一个苹果树,随时根据学生的表现贴苹果评价) 教师和学生一起总结:问:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。 然后看书中的练习,孩子两人一小组作问答练习 (三)趣味操练 (Practice) 1、Who are they? 教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they? 学生小组游戏。 2、猜一猜 一学生蒙上眼睛,几组学生分别clap hands、step feet、knock at the door, 让孩子猜一猜How many people are there? (四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 小组活动:相互了解一下同学的家庭情况 运用句型: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? My family has ?people. 小组活动时更换自己的同伴,跟新同伴做对话. 板书设计: Unit 6 Meet my family How many people are there in your family? Who are they? My family has six people. But that’s only five. 教学札记:

