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800个有趣句子帮你记忆7000个单词(完整修正版)-4 【本期趣味句子选录】

坚定的消防员首先克服口渴欲望。 而且,新政府忽视了炉子上方的州长。 谁在神圣的假日里打了一个完整的孔? 那个家伙的黄色枕头被他的跟随者掏空了。 在远方的农场上,陆军的武器被一群蜜蜂保暖。 已婚男子把有疤痕的汽车和马车带到了航母上。 在平坦的站台上,蝙蝠会拍打它喜欢的任何帽子。 食堂里的少年们巴望见到坐在温室里绿色屏风间的女王。

301. The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal. 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。 302. In the chimney the donkey and monkey found the key to the money monitor. 猴和驴在烟囱里找到了货币监视器的钥匙。303. At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man.

304. The shark's remark on the marble mark in the market is remarkable. 骗子关于市场上大理石标记的评论值得关注。

305. In the sparking park, the darling dark dog barked at the embarked larks. 在闪着火花的公园里, 可爱的深色狗对着装载于船云雀吠叫。 306. The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift. 307. The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance.

发抖的司机从这个事实得出结论说跳水员可以靠河流繁荣。 310. The lively survivor surveyed the conveyer. 311. The living olive keeps the deliverer's liver alive. 313. Who made a whole hole in the holy holiday? .

在开始,这一套设置解决了水壶的弥补问题。 我打赌他忘记了按字母顺序排列的锻造靶子。 订购航空器的汇票用航空邮件寄给了航空公司。 早餐时,肉片从缺口处漏出来。

323. The weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak. 虚弱的讲话者在荒凉的山峰上发表了演说。

324. The mouse's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife's anger. 老鼠撕咬短衫和裤子激起了主妇的怒火。325. We beat (defeated the cheat who heated the wheat. 我们打败了给小麦加热的骗子。

326. He created the great creature with concrete for recreation. 他用混凝土创造了这个伟大的创造物作消遣。

327. In the theater I threatened to treat the treaty with retreat. 在剧院里,我威胁要以退却来对待条约。

328. The man in neat sweaty sweater seated himself in the rear. 穿整洁的汗湿毛衣的男子在后面就坐。

329. The lagging man tagged the bags among the luggage with small flags. 落伍者给行李中的袋子加上小旗标签。

330. The ragged man drags a waggon of rag fragments. 那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车破布碎片。

331. The lawyer's son-in-law likes hawk's claws and jaws. 律师的女婿喜欢鹰爪和下颌。

332. The drawer put the strawberries and raw paws into a drawer in the saw-mill. 绘图者把草莓和生熊掌放进锯板厂的抽屉里。333. I had appetite for inviting the man who bit me despite I had spite against him. 我有意邀请咬我的人,尽管我怨恨他。

334. On the exciting kite site, the excited reciter cited my verse. 在激动人心的风筝现场,激动的朗诵者应用了我的诗句。

335. The photographer put the graph in the paragraph on geographical geometry. 摄影师将图表插到论述地理几何学的段落。

336. The telegram says that the diagrams show the grammar of the program. 电报说图表表示程序的语法。

337. With gratitude he congratulated me on the celebration. 他怀着感激向我祝贺庆典。

338. The rational operator started a new era of opera cooperation in AD 2000. 理性的操作者在公元2000年开创了一个歌剧合作的新时代。

339. I can't tolerate the acceleration in decorating the refrigerator. 我不能容忍对冷库装饰的加速。

340. The fateful up-to-date data of the gate have a fatal error. 大门的决定性最新数据有一个致命错误。

341. I've hatred for the hateful man's skates bought with prior private privilege. 我对那个可恶男子用优先个人特权购买的冰鞋感到厌恶。

342. With one penny I had this peculiar pen opened. 我花了一便士让人把这支奇特的钢笔打开了。

343. I lowered flowing flowers below the table. 我把飘垂的花降低到桌子之下。 344. The plowman slowly blows at the glowing globe. 犁地者对着发红的球体慢慢吹气。

345. The fellow's yellow pillow is hollowed by his follower.

346. The junior and senior of the senate all have driver's licenses. 参议院的年长者和年少者都有驾驶执照。

347. The immense expense in condensing the steam made me tense. 348. A sensible man's sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census. 349. The offensive offender defended himself with the fence. 350. The dependent dependant can't live independently.

351. The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive. 352. The tenderer surrendered her tremendously slender tender fingers. 353. The tension tends to extend to a more extensive extent. 所以开支趋向上升。

疯狂的爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。 . 图解阐明了正在示威的民主党党员的渗透策略。 猫抓了一只肥鼠并驱散了席子下面的其它老鼠。 在平坦的站台上,蝙蝠会拍打它喜欢的任何帽子。 从此每当那只母鸡看见小鸡时就叫。

那个坏人吃了一颗药丸后静止不动地坐在柱子上直到现在。 技术娴熟的磨坊主用雪橇杀死了上百万头狮子。 傻子把牛奶溅到银白色的丝绸上。

369. On the far farm the army's arms are kept warm by a swarm of bees. 在远方的农场上,陆军的武器被一群蜜蜂保暖。

370. The alarm harmed the charming harmony of the ceremony. 警报声损害了典礼迷人的和谐。

371. Squirrel inquired an acquaintance and acquired the requirements. 松鼠询问了一位熟人,得知了那些要求。

372. A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the entire tire tirelessly. 那个不倦地修理了整个轮胎的退休工人被授予了一个头衔。

373. The hired admirer inspired his desire for the wire. 雇佣钦佩者激发了他对铁丝的渴望。

374. The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire. 坚定的消防员首先克服口渴欲望。

