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Unit 3 Travel journal



Have you ever been given something you don't like or that doesn't fit,but you don't want to hurt the feelings of the person who thinks about you?You're not alone.Everyone has received an unwanted gift at least once in his or her life.That doesn't mean the item is bad or useless.It simply means that it doesn't work for you.

If you find yourself with something nice but that doesn't fit into your lifestyle,consider regifting it.Before you do that,make sure you understand the manners of this practice that is more and more common as people find it difficult to make ends meet to a great extent.

There are specific things you should do to an item.Failure to do any of them may create an awkward situation.You never have to lie about what you are doing,but you don't want to be in the position of having to explain anything.For example,remove the original wrapping paper and rewrap it in your own way;make sure the box is in good condition so the item doesn't appear used;check the item and make sure there are no cards or names on the packaging;inspect the item and make sure it is in excellent condition.

When you get ready for regifting,consider having a white_elephant gift exchange for your next celebration.This removes all the embarrassment of being caught regifting because that's the whole purpose of the event.In order to prevent hurting feelings,provide everyone with a guest list and ask them not to bring anything given by the people on that list.

1.Why does the author begin the passage with a question? A.To share a hot phenomenon. B.To introduce the following part. C.To ask for readers' answers. D.To point out a common opinion.

2.What most contributes to the growing regifting? A.People's lack of money. B.People's dislike of the gifts. C.People's reduced desire for gifts.


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D.People's understanding of its manners. 3.What's mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? A.What to do before regifting. B.How to make use of unwanted gifts. C.What kind of gifts to be regifted. D.Why regifting can cause embarrassment.

4.What does the underlined phrase in the last paragraph mean? A.Suitable but valueless. B.Expensive and useful. C.Packaged and invaluable. D.Nice but unsuitable.

【解题导语】本篇文章是说明文,讲述怎样转送不喜欢或者不太适合自己的礼物。 【难句分析】In order to prevent hurting feelings,provide everyone with a guest list and ask them not to bring anything given by the people on that list.

分析:这是一个复杂的简单句。In order to prevent hurting feelings是目的状语;过去分词短语given by the people on that list作anything的后置定语;provide everyone with a guest list and ask them not to bring anything是由and连接的两个并列祈使句。


1.B 考查推理判断。第一段点出了文章主旨,首句采用设问句是为了引出全文的话题“Everyone has received an unwanted gift...It simply means that it doesn't work for you”,从而引出下文,所以选B。

2.A 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“this practice that is more and more common as people find it difficult to make ends meet to a great extent”可知,转送礼物变得越来越常见是因为人们发现在很大程度上实现收支平衡很难,故选项A“人们缺钱”正确。

3.A 考查段落大意。通读第三段可知,该段首句为段落中心句,指出对于一件将被转送的礼物你有几件具体事情要做,故选项A“在转送礼物之前该做什么”与中心句意思最接近,所以选A。B项意为“怎么充分利用不想要的礼物”;C项意为“什么类型的礼物可以转送”;D项意为“为什么转送礼物可能引起尴尬”。这三个选项与该段主题不符,故排除。

4.D 考查词义猜测。根据第二段首句“If you find yourself with something nice but that doesn't fit into your lifestyle,consider regifting it”并结合第三段内容可知,要转送的礼物应是很好的但不适合自己的,所以D选项正确。white elephant意为“昂贵而无用之物”。


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Over the years, I have met some interesting people. Two of __1__ most interesting people were two elderly sisters, Joan and Bernice, __2__ way of talking about people inspired me.

It was always a __3__ (pleasant) to visit these two sisters. Just being greeted at the door was a joy. They couldn't be __4__ (happy) when seeing me. I always heard about the people who were there before me. Every person __5__ (talk) about in a positive way. The conversation would go something like this, “Oh, Kay, so-and-so was here yesterday, she __6__ (be) just ‘the salt of the earth’, isn't she? ” The other sister would reply, “Oh, yes! You just can't believe __7__ wonderful she is. ” I never heard they said a negative word about anyone. NEVER!

I understood why these two had so much company when other people complained that no one cared about __8__ (they). It was their attitude __9__ people. There was no doubt that when the next person came to visit, he was going to hear how I was “the salt of the earth”.

What a wonderful example these two elderly sisters were to me! I will always be __10__ (thank) that I had the opportunity to know them.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


1.the 考查冠词。由空后的“most interesting”的提示可知,此处为形容词的最高级,应用定冠词修饰。

2.whose 考查定语从句的引导词。whose引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作定语,先行词为Joan and Bernice。

3.pleasure 考查词性转换。结合语境和冠词a的提示可知,此处应用名词形式。 4.happier 考查形容词的比较级。否定词与比较级连用表达最高级含义,与上文的joy呼应。

5.was talked 考查动词的时态和语态。由语境可知,Every person和talk之间是被动关系;再由前一句的时态可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态。

6.is 考查动词的时态。由附加问句“isn't she?”可知,此处应用is。

7.how 考查宾语从句的连接词。how引导宾语从句且在从句中修饰形容词wonderful。


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8.them 考查代词。介词about后应跟代词的宾格形式且表示“他们”,故填them。 9.toward(s)/to 考查介词。attitude toward(s)/to sb. 意为“对某人的态度”,符合语义。

10.thankful 考查词性转换。be动词后一般跟形容词作表语,故此处用形容词形式。


For me,two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”. I __1__ them years ago as a college student,sitting in the library,__2__,working on a paper.Out of nowhere,those words came __3__ off the page in a quote(引语):“In the midst of death life persists,in the midst of __4__ truth persists,in the midst of darkness light persists.”

Suddenly I wasn't unhappy and impatient any more.Then I __5__ my granddad.I loved to talk with him.And I was __6__ to hear what he'd think of it.He had poor hearing,so I had to __7__ it a few times,but once he __8__ it,he laughed.“All I can say to that is totally __9__,” he said on the phone.I told him how glad I was,after a long winter,to finally see spring and __10__ to find that quote.“Why is that?” he asked.“Well,spring is a sure __11__ that life persists.And it just makes me __12__.”

He laughed again,and then __13__ his lovely voice,he recited for me his __14__“spring time” words:“The desert shall rejoice(高兴),and __15__ as the rose does...even with joy and singing.”

Many years later,__16__ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛开的)cactuses,I could __17__ hear my granddad laughing:“The desert shall rejoice.”

Life persists,and so do we,in the silence of __18__ and the blooming of cactuses;and in the dead of __19__ and the green of spring.Spring __20__ us that we're alive forever.

1.A.looked for B.happened on C.picked out D.made up 2.A.bored B.concentrated C.tired D.confused 3.A.running B.dancing C.rushing D.moving


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4.A.fear B.accusation C.suspicion D.untruth 5.A.called B.visited C.consulted D.informed 6.A.patient B.confident C.upset D.desperate 7.A.copy B.print C.repeat D8.A.got BC.undertook D9.A.puzzlement BC.agreement D10.A.practically BC.obviously D11.A.way BC.remark D12.A.astonished BC.merry D13.A.in BC.of D14.A.impressive BC.classical D15.A.exist BC.survive D16.A.after BC.until D17.A.hardly BC.almost D18.A.journeys BC.world D19.A.winter BC.summer D20.A.convinces B.recite .made .managed .scepticism .disapproval .especially

.naturally .inspiration

.sign .energetic

.alive .with

.beyond .superb

.favorite .flower

.sow .when

.although .always

.mostly .words

.desert .spring

.autumn .assures


