Peppa Pig

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Peppa Pig第1集:吹泡泡

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1. Bubble 泡泡 吹泡泡:blow bubbles

例句:Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. 佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。 2. Orange Juice 橘子汁 柠檬汽水:lemonade 3. too 也……

例句:George wants to blow bubbles too. 乔治也想吹泡泡。 4. play with your food 玩你的食物

例句:Geroge, you really shoudn't play with your food. 乔治,你真的不应该玩你的食物。

这句话经常可以听到外国的父母对自己的孩子说哦! 5. bubble mixture 泡泡液 6. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 7. Now it's your turn. 现在该你了!

8. running out of breath 呼吸不过来了、喘不过气来了 9. be used up 用完了

例句:The bubble mixture is all used up. 泡泡液都用完了。 10. tennis racket 网球拍 11. muddy puddle 泥坑

Peppa Pig第2集:泰迪的一天

【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解 1, stuff 物品、东西

例句:have you go your stuff ready? 你们都带好自己的东西了吗? 2, look after 照看、看管

例句:You must look after them. 你们必须好好照看他们。 3, leave……(behind) 忘带、遗留

例句:George left Mr. Dinosaur behind. 乔治忘记带恐龙先生了。 4, Here we go again! 我们又出发了! 5, day off 放假、假日

例句:It's my day off. 今天我放假。 6, picnic lunch 野餐

例句:We have a picnic lunch. 我们来野餐。 7, leave the table 离席

例句:Please may George and I leave the table? 我和乔治能离席去玩吗? 8, play with 与 ... 一起玩

例句:I play with Zebi. 我要和泽比一起玩。 9, I got the picnic toy sets. 我带了一套野餐玩具。 10, pretend 假装、装作

例句:We got pretend cake. 我们假装着是蛋糕。 11, The best cake ever! 有史以来最好吃的蛋糕! 12, Home time。回家的时间到了/该回家了。

13, Oh, no. You shouldn't be here Teddy! 噢,不。你不应该在这的,泰迪。

14, We bought him home. 我们把它带回家。 15, naughty 淘气的

例句:You are a very naughty Teddy. 你是真是个很淘气的泰迪。 16, I promise! 我保证!

Peppa Pig第3集:小象艾米丽

【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解 1,play group:游戏小组 2,hook:挂钩

例句:The children each have their own hook to hung their coats on. 孩子们都有自己挂衣服的衣帽钩。 3,shy:害羞

例句:Emily is a bit shy.艾米丽有点害羞。 4,show:指示,表示

例句:Who would like to show Emily where to hung her coat?谁愿意告诉艾米丽把衣服挂在哪?

5,would like:想要,意愿

例句:What would you like to do today?你今天想做什么? 6,building blocks:积木 7,goodness:天哪,啊呀 例句:My goodness!我的天呀! 8,play with……:和……玩

例句:Would you like to play outside with others?你愿意和大家去外面玩吗?

9,I'm not too sure.我不太确定。 10,I'll try.我试试看。

11,Emily is not shy any more.艾米丽不在害羞了。

12,Have you enjoyed your first day at our play group?你在游戏小组的第一天玩的高兴吗?

13,Who do you like best?你最喜欢谁?

Peppa Pig第4集:Polly的假期

1,going on holiday:度假

例句:Granny and Grandpa are going on holiday. 爷爷奶奶要去度假。 2, be excited about:对……感到兴奋

例句:Polly is very excited about his holiday with Peppa and George. Polly很兴奋能和Peppa和George一起过这个假期。 3,suitcase:手提箱

例句:What's in Polly's suitcase? Polly的手提箱里装的什么? 4, chocolate cake:巧克力蛋糕 5, bird seed:鸟食

例句:Polly like bird seed. Polly喜欢鸟食。 6, feed:喂养,喂

例句:Can I feed it? 我能喂它吗? 7, come out:出来

例句:Can Polly come out to the cage? Polly可以从笼子里出来吗?

8, fly away:飞走

例句:Polly doesn't fly away. Polly就飞不走了。 9, a cup of tea:一杯茶

例句:Would you like a cup of tea? 你想来杯茶吗? 10, burst:爆炸

例句:Polly will be very big and burst like a balloon. Polly会变得非常大,然后像气球一样爆炸。 11, rescue:营救

例句:Don't worry Peppa, I'll rescue Polly. Peppa 别着急,我来营救Polly. 12,Are you have a nice holiday? 你过了一个愉快的假期吗?

Peppa Pig第5集:George 的朋友

1, round about:大转盘

例句:George is a bit too little for the round about. George 太小了,不能玩大转盘。

2, swing:秋千

例句:He is playing on the swing. 他在玩秋千。

3,George's dinosaur is just like yours. George 的恐龙和你的很像。 4, Let's go and see. 我们去看看吧。

5, Richard rabbit is the same age as George. 兔子 Richard 和 George 同龄。 6, share:分享

例句:George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs. George 和 Richard 都不愿意分享自己的恐龙。

7, That is really nice of George. George 人太好了。

8, neither:也不,既不

例句:George does not like sharing. Richard does not like sharing neither. George 不喜欢分享,Richard 也是。 9, sand castle:沙堡,沙丘城堡

例句:We are going to make a sand castle. 我们要做个沙堡。 10, fill……with……:用……填充

例句:We fill the buckets with the sand. 11, turn over:翻倒,倾覆

例句:We turn the buckets over and give them a little tight. 我们把桶翻过来,敲紧。

12,play on a seesaw:玩跷跷板

例句:It is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own. 一个人玩跷跷板有点困难呀。

Peppa Pig第6集:谜

1, a favorite television program 最喜欢的电视节目

例句:Peppa and her family are watching a favorite television program. Peppa 和她的家人在看最喜欢的电视节目。 2, Detective potato:土豆侦探 3, on the top of ……:在……上

例句: Your flower is on the top of your head. 你的花在头上。 4, That's too easy, I can do that. 这题简单了,我也能做到。 5, I want to be a famous detective. 我想成为一个著名的侦探。

6, wear:穿,戴

例句:Detectives always wear hats. 侦探总是戴着帽子。 7, magnifying glass:放大镜

8, How does it work? 它是怎么工作(此处指放大东西)的? 9, Can I have a go? 我能试一试吗? 10, mystery:神秘的事物,谜

例句:Now,what you detectives need is a mystery to solve. 现在,侦探们需要的就是一个神秘案件了。 11, It's not fair. 这不公平。

12, Have you remember this? 你们记住了吗? 13, upstairs:楼上

例句:It sounds like daddy is going upstairs. 这声音好像是爸爸上楼的声音。 14, crumb:面包屑,碎屑,糕饼屑

例句:The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see. 放大镜把蛋糕屑放大,更容易看清楚。

Peppa Pig第7集:岩池

1, rocky beach:岩滩

例句:There are lots of exciting things to do on this rocky beach. 在岩滩上有很多有意思的事。

2, go out:出去,退去

例句:When the sea goes out, it leaves little pools of water in the mounts of rock. 退潮的时候,会在岩石堆里发现小水池。 3, rock pool:岩池

例句:In every rock pool, there is something special that sea is left behind. 每个岩滩都有大海留下的特别的东西。

4, treasure:宝藏

例句:It's a pirate's treasure.这是一个海盗的宝藏。 5, collection:收集

例句:Let's make a collection of all the things we find.我们收集所有找到的东西。 6, There is nothing especially in this one. 这一个没什么特别的。 7, crab:螃蟹

例句:The crab is pinching grandpa's pig's finger.螃蟹夹住了爷爷的猪脚。 8, naughty: 淘气的。

例句:Naughty Mr. Crab。淘气的螃蟹先生。 9, Mr. Crab is walking side away.螃蟹先生横着走。 10, sea shell:海螺

例句:If you put the sea shell to your ear, you can hear the sea.如果你把海螺放在耳边,你就能听到海的声音。 11, fossil:化石

例句:A fossil is the remains of animal that lived long ago.化石就是保留这很久以前生存过的生物。

12, trap:陷入,陷阱,被困

例句:The fish is traped. 鱼被困住了。 13, pose:姿势

例句:I love that pose. 我喜欢那个姿势。

Peppa Pig第10集:稻草人

1, flower garden:花园,花圃

例句:I’m making a flower garden.我在做一个花圃。 2, grow into:长成

例句:These seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.这些种子将会长成美丽的花朵。

3, earth:土

例句:I will cover the seeds with earth.我用土把花种子埋起来。 4, get off:从 ... 下来,离开,出发,动身 例句:Get off my seeds. 别吃我的种子。 5, chase:追逐,驱逐

例句:We chasing the birds away. 我们把鸟赶走了。 6, scarecrow:稻草人,恐吓物

例句:A scarecrow is a straw man that gets birds away. 恐吓物是一个能吓走鸟儿的稻草人。

7, Mr. Scarecrow will scare them off. 稻草人先生会把他们吓跑。 8, bird feeder:喂鸟器

Peppa Pig第9集:时间囊

1, time capsule:时代文物密藏容器,时间囊

例句:A time capsule is something that you show the future people how we live.时间囊是为未来的人展示我们如何生活的东西。 2, bury:埋

例句:We put special things in this box and then we buried in the school garden.我们放一些特别的东西在这个盒子里,然后埋在学校的花园。 3,Will it grow? 它能长大吗?

4, What the future be like?将来会是什么样子的? 5, space rocket:宇宙火箭

例句:I will fly the space rocket. 我将开宇宙火箭。 6, record a message:录制一段信息

例句:We record a message for the people of the future.我们给未来的人录一段信息。

7, dig:挖

例句:You just help me to dig a hole.你正好帮我挖一个坑。 8, comic:连环画

例句:That's my favorite comic. 那是我最爱的连环画。 9, What's a good choice, mammy! 这是个多好的选择呀,妈咪! 10, silly:傻,愚蠢,可笑的

例句:Silly little daddy pig.小猪爸爸真傻。

Peppa Pig第11集:划船湖

1, swimming:游泳

例句:The ducks are swimming in that pond. 鸭子们在那个水池游泳。 2, wind:上发条

例句:Let's wind your boat up, George. George,我们给你的船上发条。 3, clockwork:发条装置

例句:George‘s boat is worked with clockwork. George 的船是用发条的。 4, speed boat:快艇

例句:I‘v got my speed boat. 我带来了我的快艇。 5, battery:电池

例句:It has batteries. 它是用电池的。 6, steam power:蒸汽动力

例句:It’s steam powered. 它是蒸汽动力的。 7, lever:控制杆,杠杆

例句:I just push this little lever. 我就推一下这个小控制杆。 8, I wish I had a boat! 我多想也有个船呀!

9, fold:折叠

例句:I used to fold used paper like this. 我以前经常这么折叠用过的纸。 10, race:竞赛,赛跑

例句:Let's have a race. 我们来比赛。 11, We have a winner. 有人赢拉!

