三年级英语下册 Lesson7 Where s Wangwang教案(2)

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Lesson7 Where’s Wangwang?








通过本节课学习,学生能够了解捉迷藏游戏的有关表达;听、说、读、写、并熟练使用重点单词及短语:in, on, under, behind,next to等。能够掌握并运用重点句型Where is…?及其答语来针对人物或物品所在位置进行问答和描述。







了解捉迷藏游戏的有关表达; 掌握词汇in, on, under, behind,next to的听说读写并运用重点句型Where is…?及其答语来针对人物或物品所在位置进行问答.


教学策略:我采用游戏引导法,情景法,直观法等教学方法.坚持以Free Talk为核心,以功能,结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课教学.






一. Greetings.


T: Good morning ,Boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, Ms Li!

T: How are you today?

Ss: I'm fine, thanks.


Review numbers.

三. Lead-in & New lesson

Step 1. Lead-in

T:Let’s play a game“Hide-n-Seek”. This is my pen, I will hide it. Close your eyes ,please.

S: OK.

T:You count from one to ten, please.

S: OK. One, two, three, …. Ready?

T:Ready. Where is my pen?

S1: …

S2: …

Step 2. Listen to the tape and try to repeat.

T:You are so smart! Now we’re going to learn the new lesson. Fisrt listen and try to repeat.

Step 3. Presentation

T: Hide-n-Seek is a game that we usually play, it means hide and seek.(let the students read and practice one by one)

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a room.

T: Yes, this is my room. Come in, please.(point to the things and ask the students to say) There is a

Ss: window/desk/bed/chair/computer/bag…

T: The computer is on the desk.(use hands to explain‘on’)

T: The bag is under the chair.(use hands to explain‘under’)

T: The ball is in the box.(use hands to explain‘in’)

T: The chair is next to the desk.(use hands to explain‘next to’)

T: The bag is behind the box.(use hands to explain‘behind’)

The students read after the teacher and learn the new words by using their hands. T: Very good. Now we can express places, but how to ask?


Ss: Where ?

T: Yes .You are so clever!

T: Who’s this?

Ss: It’s Tutu.

T: OK. Now where’s Tuto?(put Tuto in different places)

Ss: It’s on the bed/in the box/behind the door/next to the desk/under the chair.(practice this dialog for a while in order to master them well)

Step 4. Read the dialog together.


1. 看到我手中抽出的图片,迅速读出单词。

T:Look at my picture and read it quickly.

Ss: in, on, under, behind,next to….

2. 给图片找到家,将图片贴在相应的单词后面。

T:I have some pictures, please stick them.

3. 游戏:让4个学生到前面和老师玩捉迷藏并练习以下句式:

Ss:Let’s play “Hide-n-Seek”.

--- OK.

Ss: You count, please.

--- 1,2,3.Ready?

Ss: Where’s xxx?

--- He/She is in/ on/ under/ behind/next to…

每组一名同学,共4人,在前面背向全体学生闭上眼睛等待.老师指定一人藏好后大家一起问Where’s xxx? 4个人分别进行猜测,猜对者获胜。再选4人继续游戏.


通过一系列的游戏活动,极大地调动了学生的学习热情, 使本来很难的句子变得朗朗上口, 最后大家一起用手演示表示位置的词汇进行总结.


Lesson7 Where’s Wangwang?(I)

Let’s play “Hide-n-Seek”.

Where is…?

He/She is in/ on/ under/ behind/next to…

Lesson 7 Where’s Wangwang ? (第二课时)



