更新时间:2023-09-14 15:25:01 阅读量: 初中教育 文档下载
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系部名称: 测绘工程学院 专业班级: 测绘工程 09-1班 学生姓名: 指导教师:
职 称: 讲 师
The Graduation Thesis for Bachelor's Degree
Precision Analysis of Nanfang 360R Non-reflective Prism Total Station
Specialty:Surveying and Mapping Engineering Class:09-1
************** Institute of Technology
摘 要
With the development of science and technology, the non-prism mode technology is also in the state of updating and further improving. But the non-prism technology has been widely used in measurement. The main idea of the paper introduces the total station non-prism in the digital topographic mapping applications, explore and research the total station non-prism measurement accuracy in digital terrain analysis, including the determina- tion of measurement range, detail survey, laser penetrate narrow slit experiment, the accuracy of triangulateration experiments and measurement of distance on the impact of non-prism, non-prism for total station features in remote elevation measurement, building height measurement, tilt measurement tower building to analyze the application by These functions for Total Station non-prism operational performance and reliability are discussed. It also discuss the operating function and reliability of surveying distance function of non-prism. The author has obtained some useful results in the analysis and research of the achievements through specific examples. At the same time the author also put forward the attention items and improving methods in some special circumstances of engineering measurement. It has practical guidance for undertaking some complex projects and ensuring the time, quality and quantity in future. In addition, compared with traditional total station instrument, the non-prism total station instrument is more convenient in operation, more powerful in function, higher in precision, faster in speed. It is used more widely. The study of the paper help non-prism total station instrument plays greater role in measurement and sum up experience for future easurement.
Key words: Measurement Equipment; Non-reflective Prism Total Station; Distance Measure; Precision Analysis; Digital Topographic Maps
目 录
摘要 ······································································································· I Abstract ·································································································· II 第1章 绪论 ·························································································· 1
1.1 选题的背景、目的、意义·································································· 1 1.2 国内外研究的状况和已有研究成果 ····················································· 1 1.3 论文选题的研究设想 ········································································ 2 1.4 全站仪免棱镜的发展前景·································································· 2
第2章 全站仪免棱镜的测距原理及精度分析········································· 4
2.1 全站仪免棱镜的测距原理和仪器的结构 ··············································· 4
2.1.1 全站仪免棱镜测距的原理 ·························································· 4 2.1.2 全站仪免棱镜系统的组成 ·························································· 6 2.2 全站仪免棱镜的应用及注意问题 ························································ 8
2.2.1 免棱镜测量技术的适用范围 ······················································· 8 2.2.2 免棱镜测量在工程测量中的应用 ················································· 8 2.3 全站仪免棱镜测距误差理论分析 ························································ 9 2.4 本章小结 ······················································································ 10
第3章 全站仪免棱镜在数字地形图测绘中的应用 ································ 11
3.1 南方360R全站仪简介 ····································································· 11
3.1.1 南方360全站仪系列产品 ························································· 11 3.1.2 南方360R全站仪的使用范围和使用限制 ··································· 122 3.2 全站仪免棱镜在地形图测绘中应用 ···················································· 13
3.2.1 施测方案 ·············································································· 13 3.2.2 施测依据 ·············································································· 14 3.2.3 施测的过程 ··········································································· 14 3.3 全站仪免棱镜进行数字地形图测绘的误差来源分析 ······························· 14 3.4 本章小结 ······················································································ 15
第4章 全站仪免棱镜在数字地形测量的精度分析 ································ 15
4.1 测程的测定 ··················································································· 16
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