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Unit One Love



? 友谊与爱情是人们生活中经常永恒的话题,也是大学校园的常见现象。树立

正确的交友观和爱情观也是大学生素质养成的重要内容。通过对话的方式,让学生表述自己关于友情与爱情的看法。 参考教法

? 让学生搜集关于友谊与爱情的名言警句作为谈论的依据。教师可以给出以下


Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world. Without confidence there is no friendship. Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. The course of true love never did run smooth. Good company on the road is the shortest cut. A friend is a present which you give yourself. The best proof of love is trust.

? 学生根据自己的理解,总结树立正确的交友观和爱情观所必需的因素。给出

以下参考词汇供学生讨论,如:trust, mutual understanding, honesty, help each other, love birds, cyber love, virtual love, find a mate, dating, propose on campus, candle dinner, romantic等。

Language Points in the Dialogue

1. quality n. degree of goodness or worth

e.g. He examined the quality of the furniture carefully. 他仔细检查家俱的质量。

The man had the quality for leading the people.



2. sincere a. (of feeling or behavior) not pretended; genuine e.g. Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.


Please accept our sincere apologies for the error in your bank statement. 对于银行报表中的错误,请接受我们诚挚的道歉。 sincere→sincerely→sincerity

3. mutual a. shared by two or more people e.g. We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。

We should treat each other with mutual respect. 我们应该互相尊敬

4. similarity n. the quality of being similar

e.g. There is a wonderful similarity between the twins. 这对孪生儿相像得惊人。

The similarity lies in the fact that they serve the same purpose. 他们的相同之处在于目标相同。

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

A: Hi, guy, you look upset today. What happened? B: Nothing good. I just had a little quarrel with my girlfriend. A: What’s the trouble?

B: She complained much about my dressing style/the way I dress. I like casual dress too much.

A: It’s not a big deal. You should have a talk with her. Maybe you should make some changes. B: Maybe you’re right. I’ll give it a try.

Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below.


? 通过编写对话,鼓励学生使用自己的语言表述自己的观点。以KFC相遇讨

论兼职为例,练习交流的能力。 参考教法

? 让学生成对讨论,编写对话,然后按角色扮演;

? 鼓励学生使用常用的口语句型;

? 教师可以给出以下词汇或句型作为提示:part-time jobber, off-class activity, do

good to, social experience, social skills, interpersonal communication, better arrange free time, make a good plan for things to do等。



A: 你交朋友看重的是什么?

B: 我喜欢外向型的待人友好的人。他们待人真诚,并且我相信患难之交才是真朋友。

A: 对我来说,诚实很重要,我不喜欢与不诚实的人交朋友。 B: 是的。没有诚实就没有信任。

A: 那么关于爱情呢?对于爱情,你认为什么最重要?

B: 爱情意味着相互理解与尊重。爱情不是寻找共同之处,而是尊重彼此的不同。 A: 说得好!

B: 爱情是两个人的事。我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

A: 爱情是伟大的!



? 爱情之于人生非常重要。如何找寻持久的爱情对于个人幸福有着深远的影


? 通过学习文章,了解在物质世界飞速发展的时代如何寻找并培养永恒的爱

情。 参考教法

1. Pre-reading questions

1) What is the importance of loving relationship?

2) Do you think there is someone who is really right for you?

3) Have you ever seen some love birds on campus? What do you think of them? 2. Do the reading comprehension exercises and ask students to talk about the topic of love with their own words and summarize the importance of a lasting love. 3. After-reading questions:

Nowadays, people’s life is really prosperous, but rate of divorce is getting higher and higher. What do you think of love in modern times?

Language Points in the Text

1. enhance v. increase, promote, cause to look better e.g. He made many efforts to enhance his business. 他做了许多努力来提高他的业务。 This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat.

酱料将会增强肉的香味。 enhance→enhancement 2. emotional a. of the emotions

e.g. Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 人们常说女人比男人更富于感情。

He tends to get emotional on these occasions. 他在这些场合往往容易情绪化。 emotional→emotion

3. frustrate v. (cause sb. to) have feelings of annoyed disappointment

e.g. Delight and satisfy your customers rather than frustrate and annoy them with smart design decisions.


Difficulty and failure do not frustrate his enthusiasm. 困难和失败都没有挫伤他的热情。 frustrate→frustrated→frustration

4. romantic a. showing strong feeling of love e.g. I was told that Spain is a romantic nation.

有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。 She has always been a sucker for romantic movies. 她总是对爱情片很着迷。 5. consist v. be made up of

e.g. The true wealth does not consist in what we are.

真实的财富不在于我们是做什么的。 Our deeds must consist with our words. 我们必须言行一致。

6. issue n. a subject to be talked about, argued about, or decided e.g. The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.

政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。 Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关于税捐问题,大家意见分歧。

7. resolve v. put an end to (doubts, difficulties, etc.) by supplying an answer e.g. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the problem.


Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel. 任何误解都可能酿成一场争吵。

8. assess v. decide or fix the value of (sth.); evaluate e.g. It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech.


We are trying to assess how well the system works. 我们正设法评估该系统运行得是否顺畅。









Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. 1. What can a healthy and loving relationship enhance?

It can enhance many aspects of your life, such as your emotional,mental, physical and overall well-being or happiness.

2. Why finding the right romantic partner is often a difficult journey?

Because your household and history of love may mislead you in finding the right romantic partner

3. What does a relationship require of?

You need lots of work, compromise, and a willingness to resolve conflict in a positive way.

4. What may you need to do to find and build any relationship worth keeping?

You may need to re-assess some of your misconceptions about dating and relationships.

5. What can prevent you from finding lasting love?

Your misconceptions about dating and relationships can prevent you from finding lasting love.

Task 2 Find the right definition in Column B that matches the word in Column A.

1.c 2.f 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.e 7.h 8.j 9.g 10.i

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.

1. It's healthier to release frustration than to bottle it up. 2. Derik has a weird hair style and enjoys a great recognition on campus. 3. She looks at the house and assesses its market value. 4. Huge efforts are made to resolve the problem. 5. He doesn’t look good, because he's suffering from severe mental disorder. 6. Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. 7. Nobody can prevent him from running the risk. 8. How many players does a baseball team consist of? 9. It is said that Frenchmen are the most romantic people in the world. 10. Women are often said to be more emotional than men. Task 4 Fill in the blanks according to the following passage.

1. The three qualities of love are attraction, closeness and commitment. 2. Attraction is the chemistry part of love. It’s all about the physical interest between the two.

3. Trust is a big part of closeness, the second quality of love. 4. If two people show the quality of closeness, they may share thoughts and feelings. 5. Romantic love is combined with attraction and closeness and it can be hard to tell the difference between attraction and closeness.

Task 5 Translate the following into English or Chinese.

1. The flight has been cancelled due to the bad weather. 2. Genuine beauty consists of inner beauty and outer beauty. 3. Proper exercise can enhance physical health.

4. Nobody can prevent him from traveling around the world.

5. We should resolve problems on our own after we step into the society.

6. 在人生的旅途上你会遇到许多人,从中找到适合你的人,然而你应该不顾一切地避开几种类型的人。他们一开始可能非常绅士体面,试图吸引你的注意力,可是一旦表现出本性,你就会避之唯恐不及。

Reading Practice Passage One

1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A

Passage Two


an appropriate age an independent life social relationship financial support religious institution self-government major life decisions a particular profession cultural value

self-reliance and independence

独立生活 社会关系 经济资助 宗教机构 自制

重大的人生决定 特定行业

文化价值观 自立

Practical Writing


本单元应用文写作选取日常生活和工作中经常会涉及到的请假条作为写作部分教学内容。具体通过“概述、重要句型介绍、例文学习、写作实践”四个步骤让学生掌握请假条的写作。 参考教法 1.导入问题:

In what kind of situation do you have to write a request for leave? 2. 教师简短介绍请假条的定义。 3. 教师讲解请假条的基本格式。 4. 教师讲解重要表达方式和句型。 5. 案例学习。 6. 写作实践。

IV. Read the following letter of showing thanks and answer questions.

1. What is the purpose of writing this letter? To ask leave from the teacher.

2. When will Mary be absent from school? From the 12th to the 17th. 3. Why does Mary ask for leave?

She has to return home to see my grandfather. 4. What does Mary promise to do after coming back? She will do her best to make up for her missed lessons.

V. Writing Practice


April 25th

Director Wang,

I beg to apply for five days’ leave of absence from April 26th to May 1st instant,

in order to return home to see my father, who is now dangerously ill.

I shall be much obliged if you grant me my application. As for the work not done during my absence, I will do my best to make up for them as soon as I come back.

Zhang Qiang

Unit Two Cultural Exchange



? 文化交流发生于两个或者多个具有文化源差异显著的关系之间。随着社会经


? 现代社会中,东西方国家之间的政治、经济合作越来越多,我们应该如何面

对这些文化差异,如何去认识和了解。 参考教法

? 让学生列举一些发生在我们周围的中西方文化差异现象,比如饮食、服装、


? 讨论文化差异是否会给人们的生活带来的误解与冲突。

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

A: Do you know why America is called “melting pot”?

B: Of course. America is a country of immigrants. The immigrants are from corners of the world. A: Yes, such as Europe, South America, Africa and Asia. B: You are right. Every stream of immigrants has its own culture, and since society doesn’t exclude these cultures, it forms a multicultural environment. A: Oh, I see. American culture is just like a big melting pot of different cultures.

Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below.


? 通过对话的学习和讨论,学生对文化交流有了进一步的认识。通过编写对话,

梳理有关文化交流的一些知识,把现实生活中的场景转化为语言情景。 参考教法

? 把班级学生分成若干小组,确定要讨论的文化交流事例,编写英文对话; ? 教师根据学生编写对话的情况,选择几组表现突出的学生,在班级上展示,

锻炼学生,并提高学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。 对话翻译


A:我是唐明,很高兴见到你! B:幸会!我是乔。

A:听说你来自英国,在这里学习汉语吗? B:是的,这是我来中国的第一年。

A:你现在习惯在中国的生活吗?有时候对于西方的学生而言,有些艰难。 B:太对了!我在英格兰长大,第一次出国留学,需要一些时间来习惯这里的文化。


B:我想应该是习俗吧。缺乏对中国风俗习惯的了解,给我带来了很多麻烦。 A:比如呢?

B:西方文化中,即使是好朋友或者父母,一点点帮助都要说谢谢,但是中国不同,例如帮朋友开门之类的小事,他们是不需要说感谢之类的话。 A:的确如此,在中国无需说感谢!

B:有时很担心由于习俗差异对中国的同学们不够礼貌。 A:完全理解!你最好交几个中国朋友,向他们学习。 B:嗯,好主意。



? 由对话导入了文化差异的话题,在课文中进一步的讨论文化差异,了解深层


? 随着社会经济的发展,文化交流日益频繁,为更好的进行国际交流,现代学

生有必要了解一些西方国家的文化现象。 参考教法

? 导入问题:What is Cultural Exchange? Can you give some examples in our life?

What can we learn from cultural exchange?

Language Points in the Text

1. inevitable a.

① certain to happen and impossible to avoid

e.g. It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake.


Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions. 疾病是恶劣的生活条件所带来的必然结果。 ② a situation that is certain to happen:

e.g. One day the inevitable happened and I got a speeding ticket.


2. clash n.

① a short fight between two armies or groups:

violent clashes between police and demonstrators 警察与示威者之间的暴力冲突 ②an argument between two people or groups:

e.g. The plans put oil companies in a head-on clash with environmentalists.


3. enrich v. to improve the quality of something, especially by adding things to it e.g. Add fertilizer to enrich the soil. 施肥使土壤肥沃。

Education can greatly enrich your life. 教育可以极大的丰富你的生活。 4. digest v.

① to change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use: e.g. One or two years old babies can digest a wide range of food easily.


② to understand new information:

e.g. I struggled to digest the news. 我努力去理解这个新闻。 5. eliminate v.

① to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted: e.g. Do you know how to eliminate the pouch? 你知道如何消除眼袋吗?

Fatty foods should be eliminated from the diet. 高脂肪的食物应该从饮食中去除。 ② to defeat a team or person in a competition: e.g. Our team was eliminated in the first round.


6. novelty n. the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting: e.g. Many toys have no attraction beyond their novelty value.

许多玩具除了新奇性,无任何吸引力。 It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off. 它会有趣一段时间,但新鲜感会渐渐消失。 7. imitation n. copy someone else's actions

e.g. Many people think that children learn language by imitation.


8. originality n. something completely new and different e.g. I was impressed by the originality of the plan.

这个计划的创意给我留下了深刻印象。 Her earlier work shows a lot of originality. 她早期的作品展示了很多创意。 A lot of his designs lack originality. 他的很多设计缺乏创意。 课文翻译








Language Practice

Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. Why does the world become smaller?

The world becomes smaller because of different modern transportation and communication.

2. What can we learn from cultural exchange? It can enrich a nation’s own culture.

3. What kind of principle can we adopt in cultural exchange?

Eliminate the false and retain the true, discard the dross and select the essential, export more and import the best, and resist bad influences.

4. How should we do when we absorb the essence of a foreign language?

We should not be content with imitation without creation; we should keep our novelty and originality.

5. When we talk to the westerns, what kinds of questions should be avoided? We should avoid personal questions like these:

How old are you? Are you married? How much do you make? How many children do you have? …

Task 2 Find the right definition in Column B that matches the words in Column A.

1. b 2. d 3.j 4. a 5.h 6.c 7.e 8.f 9.g 10.i

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.

1. It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy.

2. Education can greatly enrich your life. 3. If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet. 4. This country seeks to become stronger through alliance. 5. Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box. 6. Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past. 7. This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 8. The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations. 9. Excessive usage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 10. The accident was the inevitable consequence of carelessness. Task 4 Fill in the blanks according to the following passage. Conflict exits in different cultures or people of different ethnic, political, or other groups in a society. Cross-cultural negotiation, small-group communication decision-making and intercultural or cross-cultural views are included in intercultural communication conflict. There are five conflicts mentioned in the passage. Object conflicts usually happen in conscious or unconscious disagreement and misunderstanding about Task 5 Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese.

1. They appear to be able to handle the problem. something. Relational conflicts refer to individuals’ rights and responsibilities involved in the situation. … Nowadays people increasingly pay attention to different types of conflict. 2. There is more and more culture clash in China as foreign travelers pour into. 3. Chinese government is trying to eliminate the poverty in the countryside. 4. The teacher was very content with students’ homework. 5. Wasting other people’s time is equivalent to killing them.

6. 婚姻是一种古老的、合法的宗教活动,被世界各地的人们所庆祝。虽然许多地方人们结婚的理由相似,但是不同的国家有不同的婚礼习俗。

Reading Practice

Passage One


2. A

3. D

4. A


Passage Two

Choose from below an appropriate Chinese to match each equivalent in the passage.


martial arts barehanded trace back to

Traditional Chinese Medicine a unity of body and mind distinctive feature speed and vigor outwit one’s opponent in appearance

drunk in appearance but not in mind

赤手空拳的 追溯到 中医学 身心合一

鲜明的特征 速度和力量

以智战胜对手 在外表上


Practical Writing



? 随着商业活动及涉外活动的日益频繁,团体或个人的重要信息公之于众非常


或通过网络告示。掌握通知的格式和写作要点,尤为重要。 参考教法

? 授课中,强调通知通常由三部分组成:






? 写作实践。

IV. Read the following Notice and answer questions.

1. Sales Manager,Barry Chen.

2. Tell the customers that JIAXUAN Supermarket will be opened on Sept.28. 3. The goods is in high quality and will be supplied at reasonable prices. 4. 10% reduction.


Boys and girls,

May I have your attention please? Tomorrow is March the 12th—Tree Planting Day. In order to protect our environment, we’ll go to the West Hill to plant trees there. Please meet at 7:00 in the morning at the school gate. We’ll go there by bus. You’d better put on your old clothes and bring tools and lunch with you. Don’t be late.

Thank you.

Unit Three Environment



? 随着经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平逐渐提高,私家车的数量越来越多,



? 让学生谈谈当前的环境现状,例如air pollution, water pollution, white

pollution,traffic jam in big cities等;

? 让学生分组讨论Green Travel的好处,如reduce carbon dioxide emission, make the

environment clean , give people a healthy living environment 等。

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

A: Hello, how do you go to work every day? B: I usually ride a bicycle. A: Why not drive your car? It’s very convenient. B: Yeah, but sometimes there is always a traffic jam during the rush hour, and cars produce too much pollution. A: So you are a green traveler?

B:Absolutely. I get lots of exercise when riding a bicycle. More important, I can save much money on gas, insurance and repairs every month. Why don’t you have a try? A: Wow, good idea. I’ll take it. 对话翻译

A:你通常怎么去上班? B:我常骑自行车,你呢?


B:我认为应该劝阻人们使用私家车。汽车产生了太多的污染。 A:我赞同,但是很难停止使用汽车。开车很方便。

B:开车确实很方便,但是对环境很有害。 A:你有车吗?

B:现在没有,以前有一辆。一旦开始使用自行车,我就发现真的不需要开车了。 A:也许我现在应该卖掉小汽车,这样就可能不那么想用它了。 B:是的。每个月我在汽油、保险和修理费上节省了数百美元。 A:如果你每天骑车而不是开车上班,你会得到很多锻炼的。

Language points in the Dialogue

1. discourage vt. make someone feel less confident

e.g. We discouraged him from giving up the job. 我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。

Don’t let one failure discourage you. 不要因为一次失败就泄气。

2. tempt vt. make someone want to have or do something

e.g. What tempted Arthur to steal the cellphone? 是什么诱使亚瑟偷这部手机的?

The offer of a high salary tempted Tom. 愿出高薪的提议使汤姆动了心。 tempt somebody to do something 诱使某人做… be tempted to do something 被引诱做…

Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below.


? 通过对话的学习和讨论,学生对环境问题有了进一步的认识。通过编写对话,

梳理有关环境污染的一些问题,让学生思考如何面对环境问题,把现实生活中的场景转化为语言情景。 参考教法

? 把班级学生分成若干小组,编写英文对话,并分组练习口语;

? 教师根据学生编写对话的情况,选择几组表现突出的学生,在班上展示,锻




? 由对话导入了环境问题,在课文中进一步展开讨论。让学生们关注我们生存

2)缩进式(Indented Form)

缩进式,亦称“缩行式”、“斜列式”等。这种形式要求信头和收信人地址均较上行缩进一些,一般缩进2~3个英文字母,成倒阶梯形状。正文每行开始,一般缩进5个英文字母。日期写在信笺的右上端,位于信头下一行,信封内地址上一行。 ? 案例学习; ? 实践写作。

IV. Read the following letter of showing apology and answer questions.

1. Bruce Miles makes an apology to Mrs. Dennis.

2. Because bob broken Mrs. Dennis’ window when he played football with boys in the street.

3. He wanted to have the window repaired or pay for the damage.

V. Writing Practice

Dear Frank,

I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. I read it everyday and intended to finish it next month. Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I will try to recover it as soon as possible. If I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you.

But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. Old books are like old friends. Once lost, they can never be replaced. They are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. And for this irrecoverable loss, I am to blame. I was so careless with my things. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.

Yours truly,


Unit Four Graduate Life



? 步入社会,走上工作岗位,是每一位大学生必须面临的现实。对于即将步入

社会或刚走上工作岗位的毕业生来讲,尽快适应新的环境至关重要。通过对话的学习,了解新入职的大学生工作现状,为以后自己的就业做好充分的准备。 参考教法

? Warming up: What’s your ideal job in the future?

How much salary do you expect for your first job? How to get acquainted with your job quickly?

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

Working Overtime

A: It’s dark outside already. B: Yes. It’s time to go home. A: Are you working overtime tonight?

B:Unfortunately, yes! There is a lot of work piled up on my desk. I have to finish all these today.

A: I feel sorry for you, it seems you are working too much. B: How do you feel about overtime work? A: I don’t think it’s very good to work overtime, but I never complained about it. B: That’s because you can get extra pay for extra work. But I get nothing for it. So I’m thinking about changing my job. 对话翻译



B:杰瑞.斯密斯,新来的销售代表?很高兴见到你,我是特蕾西. 菲尔兹。


B:不要再说“但是”了。现在让我带你四周看看。这是我们的接待区,我们的会议室就在那边。 A:办公室很漂亮。

B:其实我们并不怎么喜欢,请别告诉经理。那边是我们的销售部。 A:真的?好小呀!

B:是的,我猜是没有足够的钱来获得更大的空间。你可以在这里复印和传真。 A:听起来你们工作很辛苦!

B:也不是。我们只是把东西弄乱,这样看起来我们工作很努力。你的工作间在那边。最重要的房间… A:是什么?



Language points in the Dialogue

1. acquaint v. to give someone information about something acquaint ….with…

e.g. I acquainted him with the facts of the case. 我让他熟悉了案情。 He is already acquainted with the facts. 他已经知道那些事实了。

2. representative n. someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people

e.g. The tiger is a common representative of the cat family. 虎是一种普通的猫科动物。

She is the club’s representative at the meeting. 她是俱乐部派来参加会议的代表。 3. management n. the control and organization of something

e.g. The management is having talks with the workers. 管理方正在与工人谈话。

He introduced better methods of management in the company. 他为本公司引进了更好地管理方法。

Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below.


? 通过对话的学习和讨论,学生对新的工作环境有了一定的认识。通过编写新

的对话,激发学生对未来工作的思考,如薪酬、工作环境、地点等,为未来就业做好一定的思想准备。 参考教法

? 把班级学生分成若干小组,编写英文对话,并分组练习口语;

? 教师选择几组表现突出的学生,在班上展示,锻炼学生的勇气,并提高学生




? 在对话中讨论了如何适应新的工作,在课文中进一步描写了毕业生刚步入社

会所遇到的一些问题,如毕业前后的环境差异,工作薪酬待遇等问题,从而帮助毕业生树立良好的就业观,学会如何处理新问题,如何对待自己的第一份工作等。 参考教法

? 讨论以下问题:

What’s the best way to adjust yourself to a new environment? How will you spend your first pay in your first job?

Why do many graduates feel the pinch when they get to work?

Language points in the Text

1. rent v. a fixed amount of money that you pay regularly for the use of a room, house, etc.

e.g. They rented a cabin for their vacation. 他们为度假租了一间小屋。

This house rents for 1500RMB a month. 这间房子月租1500元。

2. pinch n. have financial difficulties, especially because you are not making as much money as you used to make

e.g. Many college students usually feel the pinch at the end of a month.


Local stores and businesses are beginning to feel the pinch.


3.budget v. to carefully plan and control how much money you spend and what you will buy with it

e.g. The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library.


She is extremely busy, so she has to budget her time carefully. 她很忙,所以必须好好安排时间。

4. complain about

I have nothing to complain about except the salary. 除了薪水,我没什么可抱怨的。

She often complains about not being appreciated at work. 她总是抱怨在工作中没有受到欣赏。 5. in spite of

She rushed out in spite of the heavy rain. 她不顾大雨冲出家门。 He went on working in spite of his illness. 他不顾有病,继续工作。 6. depend on

You can depend on him. 你可以依赖他。

They depend on the executive directors for their information. 他们依靠执行董事获取信息。 课文翻译







在租金方面的花费,不要超过你个人收入的1/3。求职招聘网站HiAll求职帮的职业顾问Hao Qian称,如果租金只占你个人收入的1/4,那就更好了。

Hao Qian还提醒毕业生们应预留1/5的收入,用于社交活动。由于娱乐形式的改变,人们在社交方面的花费增多。例如,你新结识的朋友可能不会约你在廉价饭馆见面,而会选择在spa水疗会所碰头。


Hao Qian建议这些毕业生尽量减少购物开销。

Hao Qian表示:“如果你不是从事公关或销售这类需要衣着光鲜的职业,你就不需要在衣物和饰品花费过多。购物方面的开销不要超过月收入的1/8。”


Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What kinds of daily necessities do grads usually pay for?

They usually pay for daily necessities, such as water, gas and electricity. 2. What does Hao Qian do?

He is a career consultant with a website. 3. Where do grads usually work after graduation? They usually work in big cities.

4. Why do grads feel the pinch after graduation?

They just begin to work with a low salary, but they need to spend much on daily necessities, making friends and renting a house.

5. Where do you want to work after graduation, big city or countryside? I want to work in big cities, because there are more opportunities.

I want to work in countryside, because people live a comfortable life and environment is very great. …

Task 2 Find the right definition in Column B that matches the words in

Column A.

1. e 2. f 3. b 4. g 5. c 6. h

7. a 8. d 9. j 10. i

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.

1. Tourism on the island has boomed since 2010. 2. Every year, many grads go to Shanghai to look for jobs. 3. The soldiers were sweltering in their uniforms. 4. Will you rent a car while you're in Spain? 5. Her home is a rented one-bedroom flat in a shabby part of town. 6. We brought only the necessities with us. 7. The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year. 8. These shoes are too tight, they pinch my feet. 9. She complained that she had too much work to do. 10. Governments expend a lot of resources on war every year. IV. Fill in the blanks according to the following passage. The first job for a graduate can be very scary. Here are a few tips for you to follow: Task 5 Translate the following into English or Chinese.

1. The graduate gradually gets acquainted with the work environment. 2. I show her around the museum.

3. Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods. 1. Accept Your Newbie Status and the Work that Comes with It. 2. Stay Organized and Never Miss a Deadline. It is very important to be on time, get your job done and keep it all together at a new job. 3. Pay Attention to the Company Culture. 4. Ask Questions. The best way to do your job correctly the first time is to ask questions when you are starting out. 4. In order to buy a house, Tom sets some money aside every month. 5. In spite of raining outside, we still went out for shopping.

6. 一位研究生的生活结构比本科生简单的多。在课堂上的时间很少,但是与课程有关的学习时间大大增多, 像本科生那样的宿舍生活、女生联谊会、兄弟会等已经一去不复返了。你可能发现自己第一次远离家乡,或者因结婚或生儿育女家庭责任感增加了。不管怎么样,你可依赖的地方越来越少,而是忙于应对越来越多的责任。

Reading Practice Passage One 1.B




Passage Two


knowledge work overall job growth rate corporate strategy outsource cloud computing

construction of senior communities assisted-living facilities by some counts clean-energy projects capping carbon emissions

总的工作增长率 企业发展战略 服务外包 云计算

老年社区建设 生活辅助设施 在某种意义上 清洁能源项目 限制碳排放

Practical Writing


? 感谢信是为了向曾经给你帮助或对你慷慨、周到的人说“谢谢”。学习感谢

信的写法,礼貌、正式地向对方表达感谢之意。通过“概述、重要句型介绍、例文学习、写作实践”,掌握感谢信的写作。 参考教法

? 简要介绍感谢信的定义;

? 讲解感谢信的基本格式; ? 讲解重要表达方式和句型; ? 案例学习; ? 写作实践。

IV. Read the following letter of showing thanks and answer questions.

1. Debra Turner shows her thanks to Principal Hill for his help. 2. Principal Hill showed Debra around Westwood High School.

3. The school placed great emphasis on the importance of technology in the lives of the graduates and the school is a type of student-centered program.

V. Writing Practice

Dear Professor Zhang,

I am writing to express my thanks for yesterday evening’s party on the occasion of your 60th birthday. It really was a most enjoyable evening, and Jane and I were delighted to attend.

The food was absolutely delicious, and it was a great pleasure to meet your wife and children as well as some new friends.

Yours sincerely,


Unit Five

Task 1 Find the right definition in Column B that matches the word in Column A.

1. j 2. h 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. i 7. e 8. f 9. g 10. b

Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.

1.The new film has enhanced his reputation. 2.He told us a romance about a prince who married a poor girl. 3. Don’t complain about life since complaining is pointless. 4. We have to budget more carefully since our income is limited. 5. Woman is physically but not mentally weaker than man. 6. She did not cry out; her tears were exhausted. 7. Mobile phones become the daily necessity. 8. This center provides help for people who are suffering from mental illness. 9. He transformed his idea into action.

10. Mike always struggles to control his temper whenever he is in argument.

Task 3 Translate the following into English or Chinese.

1. Due to the fact that our products are very popular in the market, you’d better place an order with us soon.

2. American education pays close attention to students’ ability to resolve problems. 3. I am writing to complain about the quality of your products.

4. In order to spend a holiday abroad, he sets aside some money every month. 5. In some African countries, people struggle for water in order to live. 6. Tom was not content with what he did. 7. This country is suffering from serious pollution. 8. Do you know how to eliminate facial wrinkles?

9. 我们很荣幸今天下午有机会与布朗教授见面,布朗教授因其对禽流感病毒有

深入的研究而著名。首先,请允许我代表在座各位,热烈欢迎我们的客人 10. 史密斯教授多年来致力于研究这种疾病,并因其出版了多部与该疾病相关的著作而著称。近年来,他主要集中研究非洲的情况。

Task4 Reading Practice Passage One

1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C

Passage Two

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B

Passage Three

1. What was the news report about according to paragraph one? It was about a famine in Ethiopia. 2. What did the people in the pictures of the report look like? The looked like beings from another planet. 3. How did the report feel about the people who suffered from hunger? He felt deeply sad. 4. What was the writer? The writer was a pop singer. 5. What would the writer do if he could help those poor people? He would give all the profits of his next Rats to the poor people. Task 5 Writing

Dear Sir/Madam,

I beg to report that I shall be absent from school from May 20th to May 22nd due to the fact that I have got a serious cold and cough.

I would be very much obliged if you would grant me my leave. As for the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make up for them as soon as I come back.

Yours sincerely,


Unit Six Mobile Era



? 移动互联网是科技发展的必然趋势,对人们日常生活的影响也更加广泛,移

动微博便是一例。对话以移动微博为例,导入移动网络时代的话题,让学生探讨移动网络对人们生活带来的影响。 参考教法

? 提前布置学生调查生活中移动网络的流行情况,让学生了解手机移动网络能


? 鼓励学生介绍自己正在使用的某种移动互联网服务,以及由此带来的便利和


? 组织学生讨论在移动网络时代如何获得信息以及如何保护个人隐私。可以给

出以下参考词汇:Apple, android, app, iPad, tablet computer, platform, audio-visual media, Wi-Fi(wireless fidelity), twitter, facebook,pros and cons, privacy等。

Language Points in the Dialogue

1. combination n. the act of combining or state of being combined e.g.

These players made a very good combination. 这些球员们配合得很好。

A combination of factors led to her decision to resign. 综合各种因素之后她决定辞职。 combine→combination

2. device n. a piece of equipment intended for a particular purpose e.g.

Let's put the new device to the test now. 现在让我们来试验这部新装置。

They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand. 他们把电视广告作为刺激需求的方法。

3. shoot v. fire; hit; kill with a bullet, etc. e.g. Can you shoot up at the bird on the roof?


I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him! 我宁死也不向他道歉! shoot→shot

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

I am a Blogger

A: Are you a blogger?

B: Sure I am . I’ve been writing a blog for about three years. A: What do you usually write about?

B: Just write about my life, or share my opinions on any topic I like. A: It’s fun/interesting/fantastic. How often do you write a blog?

B: It’s random. If there are a lot of things going on, I may add several new entries in a week; and if I have nothing to share, I may leave my blog untouched for weeks. Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below.


? 通过编写对话,启发学生探讨微博的利与弊,引导学生使用所学语言知识表

述自己的观点。 参考教法

? 给学生预留思考时间,准备阐述观点的语言材料; ? 让学生参考对话内容,使用对话中出现的句型;

? 教师可以给出以下词汇作为提示:pros and cons, deeply affect, in the long run, make

friends quickly, know each other, convenient, access to information world, let out personal information, right for privacy, distraction等。



A: 你在用手机做什么呢? B: 我在发移动微博。

A: 移动微博? 什么是移动微博?

B: 移动微博就是移动和微博的组合,微博的一种形式,博主可以用手机或者其他移动设备发送微博。

A: 听起来很有趣。这样发微博一定很方便。

B: 是的。我可以随时随地发送微博,尤其是出差时笔记本电脑不在身边,发移动微博非常便利。 A: 怎么发移动微博?

B: 使用手机浏览器编辑文字,然后以邮件的形式发送,非常简单。 A: 怎么样发送图片呢?

B: 拍照并调整照片大小,上传照片并加上照片说明就可以了。



? 科技发展影响并改变着人们的生活方式。微信作为一种新型的沟通形式,正


? 通过学习文章,以微信为例,了解新科技是如何渗透并改变人们的生活方式

的。 参考教法

1. Pre-reading questions

1) How do you communicate with your family, classmates and friends?

2) Do you think Weixin is a good way to get you close to your friends? Why or

why not?

3) Does Weixin only give an edge when we use it? Tell us some inconvenience

caused by Weixin in your life.

2. Do the reading comprehension exercises and ask students to talk about the topic of Weixin with their own words and summarize the importance of Weixin. 3. After-reading questions:

Nowadays, people’s life is flourished with so many kinds of apps in the cell phone. Do you feel satisfied with all of them? Talk something about it.

Language Points in the Text

1. application n.

① (the act of making) a request

e.g. Don't forget to send in your application for the job.

别忘了送交你的工作申请表。 His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。

The deadline for making an application is next Friday. 申请于下星期五截止。 ② a particular practical use

e.g. Delete this help topic if your application supports only one document type.

如果你的应用程序仅仅支持一种文档类型,删除此帮助话题。 You can run several applications at the same time. 你可以同时运行好几个应用程序。 apply for 申请 apply to 应用于

2. combine v. cause to join together

e.g. We can't always combine work with pleasure.

我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。 Efforts and confidence combine to make a full man. 努力与信心结合造就完人。 combine→combination 3. function n.

① a natural or usual duty of a person or purpose of a thing e.g. The function of the ear is to listen.


What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务? ② a public ceremony

e.g. Heads of state attend numerous functions every year.

国家首脑每年要出席很多重大宴会。 family function 家庭聚会 social function 盛大的公共集会

4. contact n. having a connection or exchanging information or ideas with sb. else e.g. I finally made contact with her in Paris.


She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。

5. access n. a way of entering or reaching a place e.g. Students must have access to a good library.


Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。

6. gradual a. happening or developing slowly and by degrees; not sudden e.g. It’s a process of gradual development.


His health showed gradual improvement. 他的健康逐渐恢复。

7. account n. an arrangement with a bank, etc. to keep money there. e.g. Please charge these bills to my account.


You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。

8. promotional a. of or relating to serving as publicity; or relating to advancement e.g. Our staff produced promotional brochures.


We need to design some promotional campaigns to suit clients’ needs. 我们必须设计一些促销活动以切合客户需求。 9. expand v. become larger in size or volume or quantity e.g. The company is eager to expand into new markets.

那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。 He is trying to expand his business. 他正努力扩大生意。



倘若你不知道微信为何物,你可能就不了解当今中国最新的移动通信趋势。微信(英语名称是WeChat)是由腾讯公司研发的一款多功能通信应用软件, 它结合了文本、语音和视频通信功能,类似西方流行的Talkbox软件。





Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What is the latest trend in mobile communication in China today? Weixin.

2. Which corporation created WeChat? Tencent Corporation.

3. What are users able to do with WeChat?

They are able to communicate through voice message and even video message. You can even chat with strangers just by shaking the phone to build up the connection. 4. What do most young people find about WeChat compared to the older text message format?

They find Weixin is more fashionable and interesting. 5. What does Starbucks do with Wechat?

Starbucks leads the interaction between brands and consumers with WeChat.

Task 2 Find the right definition in Column B that matches the word in Column A.

1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.g 6.e 7.h 8.f 9.j 10.i

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.

1. The company is eager to expand into new markets. 2. It’s not easy to learn English well. It’s a process of gradual development. 3. Citizens may have free access to the museum. 4. For further information, please contact your local travel agent. 5. How much do you wish to pay into your account? 6. Many a woman has great influence on her husband. 7. She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact with her boss. 8. I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 9. A healthy diet is a combination of different nutrition. 10. This girl gave a vivid description of the event.

Task 4 Fill in the blanks according to the following passage. 1. Henry Ford was the first one to build cars which were fast,reliable and cheap. 2. Henry Ford was able to sell millions of cars because he mass-produced them. 3. Henry Ford’s father had hoped that his son would become a farmer. 4. By the time he was twenty-nine, in 1892, he had built his first car.

Task 5 Translate the following into English or Chinese.

1. Please keep in touch with your parents when you’re out. 2. He spent three hours applying for a job online.

3. Good habits will be developed by gradual change everyday. 4. Shopping online is a fashionable and cost-effective way of life. 5. The Internet has a great influence on modern people’s life.

6. 社交网络是当前世界的需要。我们生活在网络媒体的世界里。过去,我们生活在一个很小天地里,我们只了解我们的村庄。但是,今天的世界是不同的。我们需要大量的知识、技能以及社会关系,因此社交网络就成为我们可以学习的媒介。

5. Since Henry Ford’s time, mass-production techniques have become common in industry and reduced the price of a great many products which otherwise would be very expensive. Reading Practice Passage One

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C

Passage Two

书面通信 written correspondence 邮政服务

postal service

紧急文件 传真机

urgent document fax machine telephone service fast correspondence computer user

advantages and disadvantages the speed of delivery second thoughts

电话服务 快捷通信 电脑用户 利与弊 邮寄速度 重新考虑

Practical Writing


? 本单元应用文写作选取贸易活动中经常会涉及到的询问信作为该部分的教

学内容。具体通过“概述、重要句型介绍、例文学习、写作实践”四个步骤让学生掌握询问信的写作。 参考教法 1.导入问题:

In what kind of situation do you have to write a letter of inquiry? 2. 教师简短介绍询问信的定义。 3. 教师讲解询问信的基本格式。 4. 教师讲解重要表达方式和句型。 5. 案例学习。 6. 写作实践。

IV. Read the following letter of showing thanks and answer questions.

1. How did the writer get to know the mobile phones?

The writer saw the advertisement of the mobile phones on television. 2. What did the writer inquire about?

He/She inquired about the catalog and current price list for mobile phones. 3. What do you know about the writer’s company? It’s the leading mobile phone dealer in Wuhan.

4. What is the writer ready to do if the product is satisfactory? He/She will place regular orders for fairly large numbers.

V. Writing Practice


June 9th, 2013 Dear Sir or Madam,

We have seen the advertisement of your umbrellas on television, and we are very interested in your items. Would you please send us a copy of your catalog and current price list for umbrellas?

We are the leading umbrellas dealer in Europe, and have branches in ten countries. If the quality of your umbrellas is satisfactory and the price is reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers.

We look forward to your early reply!

Yours sincerely, Steven Sales Manager

Unit Seven Success



? 对于成功的追求是人类不断前进的动力。对话以祝贺成功为例,引入本单元

主题,引导学生探讨如何成功,以及为获得成功要做好哪些准备。 参考教法

? 提前布置学生调查当今世界有哪些著名的成功人士,让学生了解他们成功背


? 教师鼓励学生介绍自己发现的身边的成功人士,并让学生探讨自己对成功的


? 组织学生讨论为获得成功,个人应该在哪些方面加强训练。可以给出以下参

考词汇:goal, target, ambition, determination, approach, self-confidence, responsibility, work hard, pull sb. together等。

Language Points in the Dialogue

1. schedule n. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to e.g.

I'll work out the schedule. 我来拟定时间表。

The project was completed ahead of the schedule. 这项工程提前完工。

The plane's departure was on schedule. 飞机准时起飞。

2. packed a. pressed together or compressed; filled to capacity e.g. Yet he took time out from his packed schedule to receive us.

他非常繁忙,但仍挤出时间来接见我们。 The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren. 这辆公共汽车里挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的小学生。

Complete the following dialogue according to the hints given below.

A: Howard, are you free tomorrow?

B: No, I will be busy with my paper. What’s up? A: John is going to study abroad. We want to hold a farewell party for him. B: I’d love to, but I have an appointment with my instructor. I’m afraid I can not make it. A: It would be fine if you’re there. You did a great favor for John’s success in his applying for the university . B: Ok, I’ll try to fit some time. If I can spare some time, I’ll give you a call. Ok? A: Ok. Create a new dialogue according to the situation given below. 设计思路

? 通过编写对话,鼓励学生使用自己的语言表述自己的观点。以参加聚会为例,

用打电话的形式练习交流的能力。 参考教法

? 让学生成对讨论,编写对话,然后按角色扮演; ? 鼓励学生使用常用的口语句型;

? 教师可以给出以下词汇或句型作为提示:

Are you free/available…? Can you spare…? Would you join us for…? I’d like to, but…, I’d love to, but…, I’m afraid I can’t…等。



A: Nate,明天下午你有空吗? B: 怎么了?你有什么安排吗?

A: 我们打算给Derik一个庆祝派对。他申请到英国读大学了。

B: 这是个好消息。他一直为他的目标奋斗,现在终于成功了。派对几点开始?

A: 下午两点开始,持续整个下午。 B: 我很想去,但是我的日程真的很满。

A: 干吗不暂时放下手头的工作?你能参加派对才完美。 B: 我尽量抽时间吧。下午三点左右我能抽出一点时间。 A: 好极了。让我们一起为他庆祝。回见。 B: 好的,回见。



? 生而为赢既是一篇美文,也是一种崇高的人生态度。课文以此为主题,意在

引导学生树立积极而正确的人生观,在以后的人生道路上不畏风雨,为自己的人生目标奋斗终生。 参考教法

? 让学生提前预习课文,掌握课文大意。

? 课上请学生用英语表述文章大意,并讲解重点词汇和表达法。

? 让学生完成课后阅读练习,并引导学生进一步探讨成功和生而为赢这一人生


Language Points in the Text

1. capacity n.

① the amount that can be contained e.g. The lift has a capacity of 15 persons.

这部电梯的载容量为15 人。

② ability or power

e.g. He has a great capacity for learning languages.


He owed his success to luck more than to capacity. 他把成功归于运气,而不是能力。

2. creative a. producing new and original ideas and things; imaginative and

inventive e.g.

Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神的优先。 She was suddenly fired with creative inspiration. 她突然爆发出创作灵感。

3. credible a. capable of being believed e.g. Again, these protests are not credible.


Do you have a credible reason for going to the U.S. 你有可信的理由前往美国吗? credible→incredible

4. genuine a. real; true; natural e.g. He has a genuine desire to help us.


I like Norma because she's a genuine person and never puts on side. 我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。

5. evaluate v. find out or form an idea of the amount or value of (sb./sth.); assess e.g. Don't only evaluate a student on the basis of grade.


We need to evaluate how well the policy is working. 我们需要对这一政策产生的效果做出评价。

6. admire

v. look at sth. with pleasure; think that sth. is good

e.g. Bryant is a good team mate. I really admire his team spirit.

布莱恩特是一位好队友,我很欣赏他的团队精神。 I cannot but admire his wise plan. 我不得不赞美他的计划。

7. postpone v. hold back to a later time e.g. Would it be possible to postpone the party?


He proposed that we should postpone the trip.

