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一.创伤严重程度评分和结局预测软件 创伤严重程度评分方法

1. 简明损伤程度评分(Abbreviated Injury Severity,AIS -2005版),评价创伤严重程度(解剖学角度) 2. 损伤程度计分法和新损伤程度(Injury Severity Score——News Injury Severity Score,ISS & NISS),评价损伤程度严重程度(解剖学角度)

3. 昏迷程度评价方法(Glasgow coma scale, GCS),评价中枢神经系统损害程度

4. 创伤程度评价方法(Trauma Score, TS),评价创伤程度严重程度(解剖学,生理学角度) 5. 修正创伤评价方法(Revised Trauma Score,RTS),评价损伤程度严重程度

6. 小儿损伤程度评分(Paediatric Trauma Score,PTS),评价小儿损伤程度(解剖学,生理学角度) 7. 院前创伤指数(Prehospital Index,PHI)

8. 腹部创伤指数(Abdominal Trauma Index, ATI),评价腹部创伤程度 9. 贯穿性腹部创伤指数(Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index,PATI) 10. 肺爆震伤评分(Respiratory Severity Score in Acute Blast Injury) 11. 截肢指数(Limb Salvage Index,LSI)

12. 下肢开放性骨折计分(NISSSA score for grading the severity of an open fracture of the lower extrmity) 13. 骨盆骨折内脏伤计分(Risk of Visceral Injury with Pelvic Fracture) 14. 脏器损伤计分(Organ Injury Scaling,OIS) 15. 预测创伤病人的结局

16. 创伤病人存活概率预测方法(Trauma Injury Severity Score , Surivival Probability,TRISS),预测创伤病人的结局(存活概率) -美国版和中国版

17. 创伤严重程度特征评价方法(A Severity Characterization of Trauma, Surivival Probability ,ASCOT),预测创伤病人的结局(存活概率, Ps) ,美国版和中国版

18. 烧伤病人结局预测方法


适用于各专科的危重病人、创伤病人、手术后病人,如ICU .CCU、SICU等。 能够动态判断疾病的严重程度、预测并发症和死亡的危险性。

1. 急性生理功能和慢性健康状况评分系统II、 III (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II,III,简称 APACHE II,III)

2.多系统功能不全评分方法 (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome score, 简称MODS Score) 3.死亡率预测方法 (mortality prediction models, 简称MPM)


4.简明急性生理功能评分方法 (simplified acute physiology score II, 简称SAPS II) 5. 24h-ICU评分法(24h-Point System) 6.营养评价




1. Glasgow 昏迷指数(Glasgow Coma Scale,GCS)

2. Glasgow 脑损伤预后指数(经典型和细化型,Glasgow Outcome Scale & Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale ,GOS & GOS-E)

3. 昏迷严重程度评分(The Coma/Near Coma Scale,CNCS) 4. 脑损伤恢复期过激行为评分(The Agitated Behavior Scale, ABS) 用于脑损伤后残疾程度评分

5. 残疾程度评分(Disability Rating Scale, DRS)

6. 中国版神经功能缺失评分(Chinese Stroke Scale , CSS) 7. 美国版神经功能缺失评分(The NIH Stroke Scale ,NIHSS) 8. 欧洲版神经功能缺失评分(European Stroke Scale, ESS) 9. 功能独立性评分(Functional Independence Measure, FIM) 10. 修订型Barthel功能独立性评分(Modified Barthel Index, MBI) 用于脑损伤后运动功能评分

11. Fugle-Meyer 运动功能评分(Fugle-Meyer Scale,FMS) 12. Brunnstrom 运动功能评分(Brunnstrom Scale,BS) 用于脑损伤后心理状况评分

13. 汉密顿焦虑程度评分(Hamilton Anxiety Scale,HAMA)

14. 汉密顿抑郁程度评分(Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, HAMD)


1. 急性呼吸窘迫症评分方法 (acute respirative distress syndrome score,简称ARDS Score) 2.临床肺部感染评分(Simplified clinical pulmonary infection score,CPIS) 3.呼吸机使用指征(Ventilation Index)

4.呼吸机使用临床指征(Clinical Signs Indicating the Need for Mechanical Ventilation in a Patient)通过呼吸率、节律、脉搏、肌力和反应计分。

5.顺应性-率-氧合-压力指数(Compliance, Rate, Oxygenation, Pressure,CROP Index) 用于呼吸机使用过程的监测和脱机判断

6.呼吸机使用和脱机计分(Ventilator Score),用于呼吸机使用过程的监测和脱机指南 7.呼吸机不良因素评分(Adverse Factor Score),用于呼吸机使用过程的监测和脱机判断




1. 血流动力学、心脏作功和耗氧等评估(Hemodynamic Evaluation ) 2. 氧合评价(Oxygenation Evaluation ) 3. 心功能曲线(Starling Curves): CI-PCWP心功能曲线 SI-LVEDP心功能曲线

Arterial Elastance(Ea)心功能曲线 LVEDP-LVEDV心功能曲线

4. 心衰分期和心功能分级(The Stages of Heart Failure,ACC/AHA制定) 5. 体能指数(The Duke Activity Status Index ) 用于预测心脏并发症的工具

6.心肌梗塞溶栓风险预测(ST抬高型,TIMI Risk Score for STEMI) 7.心肌梗塞溶栓风险预测(非ST抬高型,TIMI Risk Score for non-STEMI) 8.经皮冠脉成形术风险预测(Risk Score for PTCA) 9.房颤病人中风风险预测(Risk of Stroke with AF) 预测冠心病和其他心血管疾病风险的工具

10.Pocock氏5-年心血管风险预测(Pocock's 5-Yr CVD Risk Prediction) 11.欧洲10-年心血管风险预测(SCORE in Europe)

12.Framingham氏10-年心血管风险预测(Framingham's Estimation of Risk of CVD)

六.肾脏功能评分软件 1.急性肾功能不全诊断系统 2.肾衰病人抗菌素剂量调整 3. 血透充分性评估 4.酸碱平衡评估和纠正 5.水电解质平衡评估和纠正


1.上消化道出血预测(Predictive Index for Upper GI Hemorrhage )

2.上消化道出血危因计分(Risk Factors of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding)

3.胃肠道出血危因死亡率预测(Scoring System for Predicting the Mortality Rate Associated with Severe Gastroduodenal Hemorrhage)

Outcome after Acute Hemorrhage from Esophageal Varices

4.ICU病人急性消化道出血危因计分(Illness Severity Index Score for Risk of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding for Patients in the Intensive Care Unit)

5.肝硬化Child-pugh分级(The Child-Pugh Score for Grading Hepatic Cirrhosis)[8] 6.非出血性肝硬化预后指数(Prognostic Index for Nonbleeding Cirrhosis) 7.肝炎后肝硬化预后计分(Erasme Prognostic Score for Hepatic Cirrhosis)

8.肝硬化病人首次胃肠出血或昏迷后预后计分(Prognostic Index for Patients with Cirrhosis After the First Episode of Gastrointestinal Bleeding or Coma)

9.急性胰腺炎预后标准(Glasgow Prognostic Criteria in Acute Pancreatitis (Imrie Criteria)) 10.急性胰腺炎CT计分(CT Severity Index (Balthazar Score) in Acute Pancreatitis)

11.胆源性和酒精性急性胰腺炎鉴别计分(Scoring System to Distinguish Biliary from Alcoholic Pancreatitis) 12.急性胰腺炎死亡率预测(Prediction of Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis Using Serum Creatinine and Chest Radiographs)


1.弥漫性血管内凝血评分方法 (disseminated intravascular coagulation score, DIC Score) 2.肝素诱导的血小板减少评分(A Score for Estimating the Likelihood of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia )

3.抗凝相关大出血风险预测(Risk Score for Anticoagulant-related Major Bleeding in Hospitalized Patients) 4.急性静脉栓塞治疗期出血风险预测(Utrecht Bleeding Risk Score During Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism)


用于手术病人,判断病人对手术的耐受性,预测并发症和死亡的危险性。 用于预测麻醉手术风险[并发症和死亡率]

1.Peter's麻醉风险预测法(Modification of the Anesthetic Risk Assessment by Peter and Lutz) 2.麻醉风险预测法[E-PASS](Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS), with Preoperative Risk Score (PRS), Surgical Stress Score (SSS) and Comprehensive Risk Score (CRS)) 3.Detsky'非心脏手术心脏风险指数(Detsky's Modified Cardiac Risk Index) 用于预测普外手术风险[并发症和死亡率]

4.手术并发症和死亡率评分系统(Physiological and Operatiive severity Score for the enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity, POSSUM)用于预测各类手术并发症和死亡概率

Portsmouth-POSSUM(P-POSSUM)、结直肠-POSSUM(colorectal-POSSUM, Cr-POSSUM)、上消化道-POSSUM (Oesophagogastric-POSSUM, O-POSSUM)、血管-POSSUM(Vascular-POSSUM , V-POSSUM)

5.高龄病人手术死亡率预测(Predicting Operative Mortality in Geriatric Patients)

6.术后院内死亡率预测(Risk Indicators of Mortality in Hospital After Anaesthesia and Surgery) 7.Wells's深静脉和肺栓塞风险预测(Prediction of Risk of DVT and PE) 8.体能状况指数(The Duke Activity Status Index) 用于预测获得性心脏手术风险[并发症和死亡率]

9.Parsonnet's 心脏手术风险预测 96版(Predictive score for acquired adult heart surgery,Parsonnet Score)

10.Parsonnet's 心脏手术风险预测 97版(Predictive score for acquired adult heart surgery,System 97 Score)

11.Parsonnet's 心脏手术风险预测 2000版(Predictive score for acquired adult heart surgery,System 2000 Score)

12.心脏手术风险预测[欧洲版](European System for Cardical Operation Risk Evalution ,EuroScore)

十.护理评分方法 用于预测护理相关性并发症

1. Waterlow's褥疮风险预测(Waterlow's Pressure Ulcer Score) 2. Braden’s褥疮风险预测(Braden Risk Assessment Scale)

3.褥疮风险预测和护理监控(Prediction of Pressure Ulcer Risk and Preventive Measures) 4.深静脉和肺动脉栓塞风险预测 5.莫尔斯跌跤预测(Morse Fall Scale) 用于病情严重程度

6.健康状况评价(Health Utilities Index Mark 3)

7.健康状况自估(Dartmouth COOP Functional Health Assessment System)

8.出苏醒室标准(The Aldrete Score)

(另外还有GCS、GOS & GOS-E、DRS、心功能分级分度、创伤严重程度评分等)

