Multiple chioces
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Multiple-Choice Questions
Click on the answer you think is correct. 1. I have a lot of problems with my boss. We are always disagreeing about things. We don't really see eye to ___b__ about anything. a)b)c)d)
nose eye head ear
2. We're getting more and more irritated with each other. There is going to be a big argument soon. Things are coming to a ___c___ . a)b)c)d)
nose finger head ear
3. I don't think we can plan this in advance. Time to improvise. We should just play it by __c____ . a)b)c)d)
nose eye head ear
4. I just cannot seem to do any manual task today. I'm all fingers and __b____ . a)b)c)
nose thumbs toes
5. He didn't give me any help at all. He didn't lift a __d____ a)
eye head finger
6. I don't really know what is going to happen in the next year but, sticking my __d____ out, I would guess we will have a good year. a)b)c)d)
nose neck head finger
7. I don't like him very much as a person but you've got to ___a___ it to him, he does his job well. a)b)c)d)
nose eye hand finger
8. I asked John who was responsible for the mistake and he pointed the __b____ at Allison. a)b)c)d)
nose finger head ear
9. I'm worried about this. I can feel it in my __c____ that this is going to be a failure. a)b)c)d)
nose eye bones ear
10. I'm having a problem with Word. Could you lend me a __b____ ? a)
hand head finger
11. I know something is wrong somewhere but I cannot put my __b____ on it. a)b)c)d)
nose eye head finger
12. I wasn't serious. I was pulling your __b____ . a)b)c)d)
nose leg head finger
13. Monique said that Guillaume has assaulted her but he claimed he hadn't laid a __d____ on her. a)b)c)d)
nose eye head finger
14. I think we will have to __b____ the facts. This product is a failure. a)b)c)d)
nose face finger ear
15. I hate it when the auditors come. They __a___ around everywhere, asking difficult questions. a)b)
nose eye
head leg
16. He really seems able to anticipate where the next problem will be. He has a real __a____ for it. a)b)c)d)
nose mouth head ear
17. If I were you, I would keep away from the problems. Stay out of it and keep your __a____ clean. a)b)c)d)
nose eye tongue ear
18. Don't let her provoke you into saying something stupid. Just hold your __d___ . a)b)c)d)
nose tongue head ear
19. This is my problem, not yours. Mind your own business and keep your ___a___ out of my affairs. a)b)c)d)
nose eye head ear
20. It cost a great deal of money. We really paid through the ___a___ for it. a)b)
nose leg
head finger
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