
更新时间:2023-10-27 00:45:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1、Ben and I are (be)in the park.We like (like)filying kites. 2、I like playing with my yellow ball. 3、The boys can play football very well. 4、Alice can dance well(good)

5、I have some nice deesses.(一般疑问句,肯定回答。划线提问)。 Have you any nice dresses? Yes,I have. What have you?

6、 IS the baby lovely?(肯定句).This baby is lovely. 7、The boy has(have)some sweets.

8、I like cats.They like dogs,rabbits,cows,and chicks. ANIMALS (动物)

.家禽:chicken 鸡 rooster 鸡;公鸡 cow 奶牛 duck 鸭子

.pig 猪 .cat 猫 .dog 狗 goat 山羊 .sheep 绵羊 bird 鸟 rabbit 兔子 mouse 老鼠 .horse 马 动物:lion 狮子 tiger 老虎 elephant 大象 monkey 猴子 .wolf 狼giraffe 长颈鹿 panda 熊猫snake 蛇 .zebra 斑马.dragon 龙 .wing 翅膀 .tail 尾巴

9、They are orange drseees.(单数)。 It is an orange dresses. 10、What do you like to do? I like riding (ride)bikes. 11.My father and mother have (have) got some cakes.

12.There are some melons,banans.apples.pineapplesand oranges.. Fruit:peach(es); pear 梨plum 李子lemon 柠檬 13.Danny Lu likes to eat biscuits,jelly and cakes..

Food: meat 肉 cookies 饼干 sugar 糖 egg 鸡蛋chicken 鸡肉 14.I can A.write B. writing C. to write


15.A plate please,please.

A.I’m very well. B.Here you are.

16.Here are your A .banana B.orange C.pears 17.Here your gifts,Tom. A.am B.is C.are 18.Happy birthday to you? A.thank you B.Thank C.Thanks 19.圈出不同类的词 stand sit clean dance 20.( F )bee cilmb ( T )fly five 21. He is my grandfather. A.She B.He 22.This is a black and white dog.(划线部分提问) What is this? 23.she I his he

24.Can your sister ?A.skating on the ice B.Skate on the ice C.hopping 25.My eyes are big.(改为否定句意思不变) My eyes aren’t small.

26.Peter is my good friend.(划线部分提问) Who in your good friend?

27.中译英:一张旧桌子 an old table 在学校 at school

我新来的。I’m new here

( hot )photo hot go rose

28.That’s my sister.(改为一般疑问句,并否定回答) Is that your sisten ? No,she isn’t. 29.The photo is old.(换一种说法但意思不变) It’s an old photo.

30.There _____a big ball and some dolls in the shop. A.is B.are

31.There is some bread(不可数名词) and noodles on the table.But there is only one egg on the plate.

32.( )room classroom good book ( )there here hair where ( F )nose dog


.33.Please open the door.(改变句子,但意思不变) Please don’t close the door. 34.We are at school.(划线提问) Where are you?

35.It has (have)a small mouth.

36.( classroom )classroom spoon school noodles 37.fly(复数) flies down(反义词) up this(反义词) that these -those It(复数) they they(所有格) their mice(单数)mouth

many(同义单词) much we (所有格) our on----- under up------down Smooth----rough hard--- soft dirty---clean meat(同音字) meet

38.It’s a small ant.(改复数) They’re small ants.

39.Is that an insect?(否定回答)NO,it isn’t. (肯定句)That’s an insect.

40.This is (Mrs,Mr)Li,She(is,are)a teacher.She (like,likes)pizzas. 41.( )that have apple dance

42.There is some milk in the glass.There are two eggs and a big cake on the table.

43.I hve a big desk.It’s not _____.A.small B.smooth 44.There are some books and a pencil on the desk. 45.That is an orange ballon.

46.Have you got an apple? Yes,I have got a big apple. 47.Do you like the peach?Yse,it’s yummy.

48.Thert are some pencils,pens,rulers,and a rubber in my bag.

STATIONERY (文具): book 书;notebook 笔记本pencil 铅笔 pencil case 笔袋 pen 钢笔 rubber 橡皮 ruler 尺子 pencil box

49.There is some milk in the glass.(一般疑问句) Is there any milk in the glass ?


50.Are you a tall girl?( 改为肯定句) I am a tall girl.

51.Can you jump high? ( 改为肯定句) I am jump high.

52.Here is your box.(复数) Here are your boxes. 53.Don’t write, open the book ,please. 54.My mother is an English teacher.


1. blue 蓝色(的) 2. green 绿色(的)3. red 红色(的) 4. yellow黄色(的) 5. orange橘色(的) 6. purple紫色(的)7. white 白色(的)8. black 黑色(的) 9. brown 棕色(的) 9.gray 灰色(的)


10. school 学校 11. book 书 12. chair 椅子 13. class 班 14. desk 书桌 15. student 学生16. teacher 老师 17. hall 礼堂 18. classroom 教室 20. blackboard 黑板 21. library(libraries)图书馆


number 数字号码 zero 零


81. family 家庭 82. father 爸爸 83. dad 爸爸 84. mother 妈妈

85. mum 妈妈 86. aunt 姨/姑 87. uncle 叔/舅 91. brother 哥/弟 92. sister 姐/妹 93. daughter 女儿 94. son 儿子 95. grandpa 爷爷/姥爷 96. grandma 奶奶/姥姥


97. body 身体 98. arm 胳膊 99. ear 耳朵 100.eye 眼睛


101.face 脸 102.foot 脚 103.hand 手 104.head 头

105.leg 腿 106.mouth 嘴 107.nose 鼻子 109.finger 手指 110.shoulder 肩膀 112.knee 膝盖

HOME (家)

116.home 家 118.bed 床 120.kitchen 厨房 121.living room 客厅 122.room 房间 123.house 房子 124.door 门 125.window 窗户 133.toilet 厕所 134.wall 墙 135.lamp 灯 CLOTHES (衣物)

142.blouse 女衬衫 143.clothes 衣服 144.dress 连衣裙 145.pants 裤子 146.shirt 衬衣 147.shorts 短裤 148. skirt 短裙 149.T-shirt T恤衫 150.socks 袜子 151.pajamas 睡衣裤 152.gloves 手套 153.boots 靴子 154.jacket 夹克 155.scarf 围巾

156.sweater 毛衣 157.swimsuit 女式游泳衣

TIME (时间)

160.year 年 161.time 时间 162.day 天 163.week 周 164.morning 早上 165.noon 中午 166.evening 晚上 167. night 夜晚 168.today 今天 169. tomorrow 明天 170.birthday n. 生日 171.holiday n. 假日;节日 172.Christmas n. 圣诞节


173.Monday 星期一 174.Tuesday 星期二


175.Wednesday 星期三 176.Thursday 星期四 177.Friday 星期五 178.Saturday 星期六 179.Sunday 星期日 SEASONS(季节)

192.season 季节 193.spring 春天194.summer 夏天 195.autumn 秋天 196. winter冬天


197.people 人(们) 198.boy 男孩 199.girl 女孩 200.Chinese 中国人 201.doctor 医生 202.friend 朋友 213.baby 婴儿 214.child 孩子 215. children孩子们 216.man 男人 217.men 男人们 218.woman 女人 221.singer 歌手 NATURE 自然界

244.sky 天空 245.cloud 云246.beach 海滩 247.boat 船 250.wind 风 253.tree 树254.river 河 255.grass 草 256.flower 花 257.leaves 树叶258.farm 农场 262.sand 沙 263.rose 玫瑰264.star 星星 265.sun 太阳266. snow 下雪 267. rain 下雨 268. wind 风


471.I 我 472.me 我(宾格) 473.you 你;你们 474.he 他 475.she 她 476.they 他(她)们 477.their 他(她)们的 478.my 我的 479.your 你的 480. them 他们(宾格)481.mine 我的 482.yours 你的483.that 那;那个 484.these 这些 485.this 这;这个 486.those 那些 487.some 一些 488.any 任何一个 489.all 全部,都 490.something 某物 491.every 每个


