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航 空 工 程 英 语 基 础



飞机 起落架 分为 玻璃纤维 铰链 进口 电子设备舱 Airplane Landing gear Divide into Fiberglass Hinge Entry 半硬壳式 动力装置 包括 蜂窝状物 Semi-monocoque Power plant Contain Honeycomb 机身 支柱 天线 整流罩 驾驶舱 登机梯 旅客舱 Fuselage Strut Antenna Fairing flight compartment Airstair Passenger cabin 压力密封隔板 Bulkhead 机上厨房 Galley Access door Electronic equipment 检修口 bay Cargo Space 逃逸 燃油箱 货舱 空间 Escape Fule bank Horizontal stabilizer Design 舱口 终止 桁架 Hatch Terminate Truss 辅助动力装置 Auxiliary power unit 水平安定面 排出 伸长 增强 结构 Exhaust 设计 延伸 相对于 修改 和?一样 脊鳍 滑轨 The same as Dorsal fin Skid stretch Strengthen structure Extension Relaviate to revise 二、TEXT 1. the B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.

波音737是一种下单翼飞机。它拥有半硬壳式机身和全收式起落架。两台发动机位于机翼下方短支架上。 0. The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and section 48 .

波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48. 0. Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors. 41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。这部分有两个下检修口。

Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment. 43部分包括客舱和前货舱。 5. Section 46 contain the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin ,two overwing escape hatches and aft entry and service doors. The space below the floor includes the wing center section (fule tank),

air-conditioning bays, wheel well, hydraulic bay and aft cargo compartment. this section terminates at the aft pressure bulkhead.


6、Section 48 contains the auxiliary power unit(APU) and horizontal stabilizer truss. Access to this section is through a door on the left side. Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.

48部分包括辅助动力装置和水平安定面桁架。可以通过左侧口盖接近。在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。 7. The 737-300 is the same basic design as the 737-200, with a body stretch of 104 inches, a wing tip extension of 14 inches, a horizontal tail extention of 36 inches, a larger dorsal fin and strengthened stabilizer. 737-300与737-200具有相同的基本设计,机体伸长了104英寸,翼尖延伸了14英寸,水平尾翼延伸了36英寸,还多了个大的脊鳍和增强的水平尾翼。 8. The 737-400, relative to the 737-300, has body stretch of 120 inches, tow additional overwing exit, tail skid, and strengthened landing gear.




737-400与737-300相比较,机身伸长了120英寸,多了两个逃生出口,尾部滑轨及加强了起落架。 9. The 737-500 uses the 737-300 basic structure with a 94 inches shorter body and a revised forward and aft fairing (wing to body).



一、生词 目的 环境 发动机引气 接头 防冰 饮用水 在?之内 满足 图形 管道 管理、调整 Purpose Environment Engine bleed Connector Anti-icing Potable water Within Meet Figure Duct govern 压缩空气 阶段,相位 外部的 整流罩 也,此外 液压的 正常的 需要,要求 绝缘 结合、连接 适当的 compressure Air Phase External Cowl Also Hydraulic Normal Need Isolation Join appropriate 压缩空气 得到 车 热的 提供 启动器 取代 上部、顶部 活门 交叉、跨接 pneumatic Obtain Cart Thermal provide Starter Substitute Top Valve crossover 二、TEXT 1. the purpose of the pneumatic sysytem is to supply compressed air for a controlled temperature and pressure environment during all phases of flight and ground operation .air is obtained from engine bleeds. APU、or from an extermal ground cart through a connector located on the fuselage.

增压系统的作用是为飞行及地面所有阶段的温度和压力控制提供压缩空气。压缩空气的来源可以是发动机引气、APU、或通过机身上的连接头与地面气源车相连供气。 2. The pneumatic system controls the temperature and the pressure of engine bleed air source. The pneumatic system provides high temperature, high pressure air for the air conditioning .pressurization, wing and cowl thermal anti-icing .also, the pneumatic system provides pressure for the potable water system, hydraulic system and engine starters. The engine bleed air systems are located on the engine and within the support strut. 增压引气控制发动机引气的温度和压力。增压系统为空调、增压系统、机翼及整流罩热防冰系统提供高温、高压引气。同时,增压系统还给饮用水系统、液压系统和发动机起动系统提供压力。发动机引气系统位于支架内部发动机上。


3. The normal cabin air source is obtained from the 5-stage of the engines at low –engine power, 9-stage air automatically substitutes to meet user system needs.

正常情况下,客舱空气来自于发动机低能量的第5级,9级空气自动分配以满足用户系统的需要。 4. On the top of figure 2-1, the isolation valve separates the left and right halves of the system. On the left side of the isolation valve, the APU bleed air duct joins the left side crossover duct; on the right side ,the pneumatic ground service connector joins the right side crossover duct. From these ducts the user system are supplied with pressurized air ,governed by the appropriate control valves.



一、单词 空气调节 加热 引出,放出 独立的 暖,热 Air conditioning heat Bled indenpendent Worm 环境 冷却 总管道 冷却组件 减少 Ambient Cool Manifold Cooling pack Reduce 机组 增压 分离 调节,管理 期望 Crew pressurization Seprate regulate Desire 2



Air cycle machine Common Expand Sub-zero Trim air line Add Collector discharge 整的 轴 膨胀N 分配 混合 头顶上 防护罩 再分配 Integral Shaft Expansion Distribute Mix Overhead Shroud Redistribute 包括 离开 下降 此外 室、容器 竖管 过滤器 二等分 Consist of Leave Drop In addition Chamber Raise Filter halve 涡轮冷却器 共同的 膨胀V 零下 配平空气管道 加上,增加 收集器 排出口 二、TEXT 1. the air conditioning system provides a conditioned air environment for the passengers and crew , heats the cargo compartment, cools the electronic equipment, and supplies air for the pressurization system. 空调系统为旅客和机组提供环境温度的控制,为客舱供热,为电子设备舱降温,还有为增压系统提供空气。 2. Air is bled from the pneumatic manifold and conditioned by 2 separate and independent cooling packs. Air flow into the packs is regulated by the pack valves.

空气从增压主管道和空调中通过2个隔离的,相互独立的冷却组件中被引入。空气流进组件中通过组件活门调节。 3. Air from the pneumatic manifold is too warm and must be cooled. The pupose of 2 packs is to reduce engine bleed air temperature to the desired temperature.

从增压主管道中来的空气太热,需要降温。两个组件的作用就是将发动机引气温度降低到需要的温度。 4. An air cycle machine is an integral unit of each cooling pack. The air cycle machine consists of a turbine wheel and a compressor wheel mounted on a common shaft. Air flowing through the air cycle machine drives the turbine, the turbine drives the compressor section. As the air leaves the turbine it expands greatly. This expansion can cause the temperature of the air to drop to sub-zero levels.

涡轮冷却器是构成每个冷却组件所必需的。它包括一个涡轮和一个压气机,安装在共同的轴上。气流通过涡轮冷却器驱动涡轮,涡轮驱动压气机部分。当空气离开涡轮后急剧膨胀。这种膨胀能够导致空气温度降到零度以下的程度。 5. In figure 3-1, we can see that the conditioned air from the right pack flows into the main distribution manifold, the conditioned air from the left pack flows into the main distribution manifold and into the flight compartment. In addition, a trim air line from the left mix chamber adds hot air to the flight compartment duct. The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers.

在图3-1中,我们可以看出,调节空气从右组件流向主分配管道,还有调节空气从左组件流向主分配管道和进入驾驶舱。另外,从左混合舱出来的配平空气管道增加热空气给驾驶舱管道。主分配管道通过两个侧壁竖管供气给客舱顶部分配系统。 6. A 3-phase fan draws air from the collector shroud through filters and discharges into the main distribution manifold for redistribution.



一、单词 组件 外流阀 目的地 曲线 巡航 爬升 环境 确定、决定 磅/英寸 Pack Outflow valve destination Curve Curise Ascend ambient Determine Psi=pound per square inch 控制 保持 安全的 对时间的 虚线 下降 减小 大气 参照? Control Maintain Safe \\座舱高度 尽可能的? 舒适的 Cabin altitude As as possible Comfortable Takeoff Solid line Near rate Example Chart Against time 起飞 Dotted line Descent decrease Atmosphere 实线 近 变化率 例子 By referring 图表 3



Depict Sytstem identical outbroud 与?的关系曲线 水银 施加 versus mercury exert 称之为? 毫巴 排出 Is referred to as Millibar exhaust 描绘 制度 相等的 向机舱外 二、TEXT 1. the air conditioning packs supply conditioned air into pressurization system. the pressurization system controls cabin altitude by regulating air flow from the fuselage, through the outflow valve. The pressurization system maintains cabin altitude as close to sea level as possible or at an altitude equal to the altitude of the flight destination, so the pressurization system provides a safe comfortable cabin altitude for the crew and passenger at all airplane altitude.

空调组件为增压系统提供调节空气。增压系统通过调节机身气流控制客舱高度,通过外流阀,增压系统保持客舱高度尽可能的接近海平面或等于飞行目的地高度,这样增压系统可为机组和旅客在整个飞行过程中提供一个安全舒适的客舱高度。 2. Figure 4-2 shows a curve of airplane and cabin altitude against time from take off through cruise to landing . airplane altitude is shown in dotted line. Cabin altitude is shown in solid line. The airplane starts its flight at an airport altitude near sea level, ascends, cruises, and descends to a landing airport near sea level.

图4-2显示为飞机和坐舱高度在起飞、巡航及着陆阶段的时间曲线。飞机高度显示为虚线,坐舱高度显示为实线。飞机以接近海平面的机场高度开始飞行、爬升、巡航、下降和接近海平面的机场着陆。 3. Cabin altitude starts at the take off altitude. As the airplane climb, the ambient pressure decreases; the higher the altitude, the lower the pressure. The altitude inside the airplane (cabin altitude)also climbs but at a lower rate than the airplane. The pressurization system provides the pressure differential between the cabin and ambient.

客趁高度开始于起飞高度。当飞机爬升时,环境压力减小,高度越高,压力越低。飞机内部高度(坐舱高度)也以一个低于飞机的速率爬升。增压系统提供客舱与外界环境之间的压力差。 4. The airplane altitude above sea level is determined by measuring the pressure of the ambient atmosphere. For example, see figure4-3, at 30,000 feet above sea level the ambient pressure would be 4.36 psi. the cabin altitude can be measured by adding the ambient pressure to the 7.80 psid maintained in side the airplane by the pressurization system: ambient pressure 4.36 psi at 30,000 ft. Pressuree diffeential 7.80psid 12.16psi

by referring to the chart depicting ambient pressure versus altitude, if the ambient pressure is 12.16psi, the cabin altitude would be 5150 ft (see sigure 4-3).

飞机高度可通过测量环境大气的压力来测得。例如:图4-3,在高于海平面3万英尺的环境压力为4.36PSI。客舱高度可通过环境压力加7.8PSID来测得,7.8PSID由增压系统保持: 环境压力:4.36PSI 30000FT 压力差;7.8PSID


参照图表描述环境压力高度曲线,如果环境压力是12.16PSID,客舱 高度将是5150英尺(图4-3) 5. the cabin pressure is referred to as “psid” and indicates the differential pressure, in pounds per square inch , between inside and outside of the airplane. There are many systems for measuring pressure and “psi” is only one .airplane systems measure pressure in inches of mercury and millibars; these indications are identical to 14.7psi as a measurement of the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level.

客舱压力被称为“PSID”并用“磅/英尺”指出压力差,在飞机内外,有许多系统可测量压力,“PSI”只是其中之一。飞机系统用英寸水银或毫巴来测量压力;这些指示等同于受到海平面大气压力14.7PSI。 6. The pressure control systems provide cabin differential pressure by controlling the outflow of air from the faselage. The pressure control system consists of an aft outflow valve, forward outflow valve, pressure controller, control panel, pressure sensing inputs, and monitoring indicators.

压力控制系统通过控制机外气流来提供客舱压力差。压力控制系统包括一个外流阀、前外流阀、压力控制器、控制面板、压力传感器和监视器。 7. The aft outflow valve allowing cabin air to exhaust overboard to maintain cabin pressure. The forward outflow valve receives a control signal from the aft outflow valve . when the aft outflow valve is closed, the forward outflow valve receives a signal to drive full closed.







Fire detection 在?周围 Monitor Component Overheat Occur Panel Wing Lavatory optional feature Available Location element 存在 警告 铃声 听觉 器件 灭火器 瓶 角落 轮子 放出 完成 天花板 Around Exist Alarm Bell Aural device Extinguish Bottle Corner wheel discharge Accomplish Ceiling 组件 泄漏 报警器 规定 在?之下 与?相对应 盆 擦手纸斜槽 Pack Leak horn specify beneath Respond to basin Tower chute 火警探测 监控 部件 过热 发生 面板 机翼 厕所 可选的 特征 可用的 位置 元件 二、TEXT 1. the fire detection systems monitor airplane components for overheat, fire or smoke condition. Engine and APU fire and overheat indication occurs on the P8 and P7 panels. Wing and body duct overheat warning occurs on the P5 and P7 panels. Lavatory smoke detection indication is an optional feature that is available. Indication can occur at the lavatory location and or on the P5 panel.

火警探测系统监控飞机组件的过热、失火或烟雾等情况。发动机和APU过热和失火指示出现在P8或P7板上。机翼和机身管道过热警告出现在P5或P7板上。厕所烟雾探测指示是一个可选装配件。指示能够出现在厕所位置或P5板上。 2. Engine fire and overheat detection is provided by detector elements located around the engine. The engine and APU fire detection accessory unit M279, located in the E/E bay determines if a fire or overheat condition exists. When detected indications occur in the flight deck an alarm bell is provided by the aural warning devices unit M315 for a fire condition. The two engine fire extinguisher bottles are located on the upper left aft corner of the main wheel well and are discharged from the flight deck.

发动机失火和过热信号探测由安装在发动机周围的探测元件提供。发动机和APU火警探测组件M279,安装在电子设备舱,用于判断是否有失火或过热情况发生。当在飞机蒙皮探测到火警信号时,音响警告设备M315将给出一个警告铃声。两台发动机灭火瓶安装在主轮舱左下方后角处,并从□□处释放。 3. The APU detectors sense fire conditions only. Monitoring of the sensors is accomplished by the M279. indications occur on the P28 panel in the wheel well and also in the flight deck. The APU fire bottle is located behind the aft pressure bulkhead and is discharged either from the flight deck or P28 panel.

APU探测器只感应火警信号。传感器的监控由M279完成。指示出现在P28板在主轮舱和FLIGHT DECK。 APU灭火瓶后压力隔板上,并通过P28板或FLIGH DECK释放。 4. Wheel well fire detection is provided by detector elements mounted on the wheel well ceiling. The detectors provide input to the M237 module located in the E/E bay. Indications occur on the P7 and P8 panels and an alarm bell is provided by the M315 module.

轮舱火警探测由安装在轮舱天花板上的探测元件来提供。探测器提供信号给安装在电子设备舱的M237组件。指示信号出现在P7和P8板上,警告铃声由M315组件提供。 5. The wing and body overheat detection system exists to monitor the pneumatic system for leaks . the detection system is divided into a left and right system. The detectors provide input to the M237 module. Overheat indication occurs on the P5 and P7 panels.

机翼和机身过热探测系统监控增压系统有无渗漏。探测系统分为左右两部分。探测器提供信号给M237组件。过热指示信号出现在P5和P7板上。 6. The lavatory smoke detector is located in each lavatory, the detector will provide a warning horn and indication at a specified smoke level .located in each lavatory, beneath the wash basin, is a fire extinguisher bottle which responds to high temperature in the tower chute.







Oxygen Install Diluter Attandent Mask Gage Emergence Actuator automatically 要求、命令 气态的 要求 气缸 切断 即使 锁定 机构 人工地 Acquire Gaseous Demand Cylinder Shut off 单独的 称为 化学上 旅客服务设备 数量 independent designate Chemically Passengers service unit Quantity Vent Release activate 氧气 安装 稀释器 服务员 面罩 压强计 紧急情况 作动筒 自动地 In a event of 排出 Latch Mechanism manually 释放 开动,启动 二、TEXT 1. the purpose of the oxygen system is to provide oxygen for the flight crew and passengers when required. Two independent oxygen system are installed in B737. the flight crew oxygen system is a high pressure gaseous system for flight crew use only, this type of system is designated a “diluter demand” system . The passenger oxygen system is a chemically-generated oxygen system for use by passengers and cabin attendants. This type of system is designated a “continuous flow” system.

氧气系统用来为机组及旅客提供氧气。B737上安装有两套氧气系统。机组氧气系统是一个仅供机组使用的高压气态系统,这种系统被称为“稀释要求”系统。旅客氧气系统是一供旅客及乘务员使用个化学制氧系统。这种系统被称为“continuous flow”系统。 2. The flight crew oxygen system consists of an oxygen cylinder. Valves, indicating components, distribution tubing and oxygen mask/regulator. The crew oxygen system components are located in the forward cargo compartment and in the flight compartment.

机组氧气系统包括一个氧气瓶,阀门,指示组件,分配管道及氧气面罩/调节器。机组氧气系统组件安装在前客舱和驾驶舱内。 3. Oxygen flows through the pressure reducing regulator and shut off valve to the masks. Quantity (pressure) indication is provided by a gage in the flight compartment. In the event of an overpressure, the cylinder is vented to ambient through the overboard discharge. The cylinder is serviced after removal from the aircraft. 氧气通过减压调节器和关断活门流向氧气面罩。流量指示由驾驶舱内的压强计指示。一旦过压,气瓶将通过顶部释放开关进行释压。气瓶应从飞机上取下进行勤务。 4. The passenger oxygen system provides an emergency oxygen supply to the passengers and attendants, this system consists of passenger sevice units, control and indication. This service units contain the mask box, door latch release actuator, latching mechanism, chemical oxygen generator and oxygen mask.

旅客氧气系统为旅客及乘务员提供应急氧气,系统包括旅客服务设备,控制及指示器。这个服务设备包括氧气面罩盒、门锁释放作动筒,锁定机械装置、氧气发生器及氧气面罩。 5. The passenger oxygen system can be activated automatically by high cabin altitude (low cabin pressure) or manually from the flight compartment.



一、单词 雨 为?而提供 叶片 视线 迎角叶片 Rain 保护 Protect Wiper Toilet Pitot static Mast Strengthen coating Formatting 帮助 Aid Repellent Drain Probe Buildup Fog expose Freeze 6

Is provided for 雨刷 Vane Vision Alpha vane Impact conductive Airstream 卫生间 皮托静压 防雨剂 排放 探头 堆积 雾 暴露 结冰 支柱管 强度 涂层 形成 碰撞 导电的 气流 专业资料


Cause Sink fitting 出故障的 嵌入 与?结合在一起 Faulty Embed 损失 垫圈 Loss gasket 原因 槽 装置 Are integrated with

二、TEXT 1. the ice and rain protection system protects the airplane and aids the flight crew when operating under ice and rain conditions. Ice and rain protection is provided for: 1. wing leading edge slats outboard of each engine. 2. Flight compartment windows (heat, wiper, rain repellent). 3. Pitot static and temperature probes. 4. Alpha vanes. 5. Toilet drains.

防冰、防雨系统用于保护飞机及帮助机组在雨雪天气下操作飞机。此系统为下列部件提供保护: 1. 发动机外前缘缝翼; 2. 驾驶舱玻璃窗(加热、雨刷、防雨剂); 3. 皮托静压管及总温探头; 4. 迎角叶片; 5. 厕所排水。 2. Wing leading slats use hot air from the pneumatic system. Flight compartment windows are electrically heated. The wipers and rain repellent are used for providing clear vision. The pitot static probes, alpha vanes, drain masts, and toilet drains use electric heaters.

前缘缝翼用增压系统的热引气加温。驾驶舱窗口用电加温。雨刷和防雨剂用来提供清晰视野。皮托静压探头、迎角叶片、排水管及厕所排水都是用电加温。 3. The wing anti-ice system prevents ice buildup on the wing leading edge slats, this system consists of air supply ducts, valves, terminal switches, controls and indications.

防冰系统可防止冰在缝翼前缘堆积,此系统包括供气管道、活门、终端开关、控制及指示器。 4. The window heat system improves the impact strength of the flight compartment windows and prevents fog and ice-buildup, this system consists of conductive coating in the window structure, heat control units, controls and indications.

窗口加热系统提高了驾驶舱窗口的撞击强度并防止雾和冰的堆积,此系统包括窗口结构上的导电涂层、加热控制组件、控制及指示器。 5. The pitot static probes, temperature probe and alpha vanes provide air data information to the various using system, they are located on the left and right sides of the forward fuselage. Since all the probes and vanes are exposed to the airstream, internal heating is provided to prevent ice formation. Freezing could cause faulty inputs or possible loss of all data.

皮托静压探头、总温探头和迎角叶片用来提供大气数据信息给不同的应用系统,他们位于前机身在右侧。因为所有的探头及叶片都暴露在气流里,需要加热以防止结冰。结冰可以导致所有数据的丢失或输入错误信息。 6. The drain anti-icing system prevents ice buildup on the drains from the toilets and lavatory sinks. The aft toilet drain heater is embedded in gasket between the drain tube and the drain outlet fitting. The lavatory sink drain heater are integrated with the drain mast. The power supply for the toilet drain heaters is 115 volts ac and for the lavatory sink drain is 115 volts ac or 28 volts ac.



一、单词 饮用水 油箱 支架 园筒形的 外泄管道 簧片 磁铁 Potable water tank bracket Cylindrical Overflow line Reed Magnet 浪废 数量 3.785公升 覆盖层 水量传感器 二极管 包围 Waste Quantity U.S. gallon blanket 由?组成 制作 4.546公升 充注管道 Be composed of Construct Imperial gallon Fill line Capacity Float Label Quantity transmitter 容积 Diode Surround 浮子 标明 7



associate 相应的 corresponding 空 emptiness 关联的 二、TEXT 1. the potable water system supplies potable water to the galleys and lavatories. The waste system is for storing and removing waste from the toilets. The water and waste system is composed of independent but related systems.

饮用水系统为机上厨房及卫生间提供饮用水。水系统是用于贮水及排放卫生间废水饮用水及废水系统是由相互独立并相互关联的系统。 2. The potable water system consists of a water tank, quantity indication, pressurization components, and distribution tubing. The water tank and pressurization components are located aft of the aft cargo compartment. The quantity indication is in the aft section of the passenger cabin.

饮用水系统由一个水箱、流量指示器、增压组件及分配管道组成。水箱及增压组件位于后货舱的后面,流里指示器位于客舱后部。 3. The water tank stores potable water for use by the passengers and crew.the tank is constructed of fiberglass and attached by struts and mounting brackets to the airplane structure. The 30 U.S. gallon tank is cylindrical. It is protected from freezing by a 3-pieces fiberglass blanket. On the upper section of the tank are connections for the air pressure line, fill line, overflow line, supply line, and a quantity transmitter, the fill and overflow valve is used to fill the tank to the capacity determined by a standpipe, this valve is operated a handle. A drain valve is located on the bottom of the tank.

水箱用以贮存供旅客及机组使用 的饮用水。水箱由玻璃纤维制成,并固定在飞机桁架上。30加仑的圆柱形水箱。用三个玻璃纤维垫片防止结冰。水箱上部连结着一个空气连接管道,充注管道,过流管道,供水管道及一个流量传感器,注水及过流阀 此阀门被一个手柄控制。一个排放活门被安装在水箱底部。 4. The quantity indication shows the amount of water in the tank. The quantity transmitter consists of 10 reed switches and 3 inside a tube. A float with 3 magnets surrounds the tube. In addition, the indicator consists of 5 lights the tank determines the position of the float. The magnets on the float close the associated reed switches. Using the push button on the quantity indicator, allows the corresponding quantity lights to illuminate if the tank is emptiness, the E light is illuminated, if the tank is full, all lights are illuminated. 流量指示器显示水箱水量。流量传感器包括10个簧片、3个管道。1个浮子和3个磁铁包围着管道。另外,指示器包括5个水位指示灯。浮子上的磁铁与弹簧开关相关联。按下水量指示器上的按钮,当水箱空了时,相关的指示灯E灯就会亮,若水箱是满的,所有的灯都会亮。


一、单词 照明 最佳的 主要的 总体的 遮光板 标记 亮度 AFDS Lighting Optimum Major Integral Glareshield Identify Brightness Autopilot flight director system Space Thrust lever quadrant 照明 效能 可变的 机长 发荧光的 顺时针方向的 白灼灯 暗淡 Illumination Performance Available Captain Fluorescent Clockwise Incandescent Dim 舒适 操作 强度 副驾驶 泛光灯 增长 自动驾驶仪 试验 Comfort Handing Strength First office Floodlight Increase Autopilot Test 空间 推力手柄盘 控制台 电路跳开关 Control stand 与?类似 Similar to Circuit breaker 二、TEXT 1. the purpose of the lighting system is to provide the necessary illumination for passenger comfort, optimum flight crew work performance, service and cargo handling, and provide for lighting undremergency conditions. 灯光系统的作用是为旅客舒适、极佳的机组工作效能、服务及货舱操作,及在应急条件下提供灯光。 2. The major systems are :flight compartment lights, passenger compartment lights, exterior lights and emergency lights. In this lesson, we will introduce the flight deck lighting only. 主系统包括:驾驶舱灯光、客舱灯光、外部灯光及应急灯光。本文中,我们将只讲驾驶舱灯光。 3. Variable intensity controls for the integral instrument and main instrument panel lights are identified as PANEL and located on the lower portion of the captain’s and first officer’s panels. The captain’s variable




intensity PANEL switch controls these lights on the captain’s main panel, the center panel and the glareshied. The first officer’s PANEL switch controls these lights on the first officer’s panel.

亮度调节面板作为调节亮度的整体及主要手,段位于机长及副驾面板的下方。机长的亮度调节面板开关控制着机长面板、中央面板及遮光板上的灯光。副驾驶面板开关控制副驾驶面板上的灯光。 4. White fluorescent floodlights are positioned under the glareshield to direct background lighting onto the main panels. One variable –intensity switch, which controls these lights, is on the lower portion of the captain’s main panel and identified as ACKGROUND, movement of this switch in a clockwise direction increases the brightness of the fluorescent lights.

白色的荧光屏泛光灯位于遮光板下方。一个亮度调节开关控制着这些灯,它是位于机长主面板下方标识为ACKGROUND的开关,顺时针转动开关增加荧光屏亮度。 5. White incandescent floodlights are positioned above the autopilot flight director sysem (afds)panel, one variable –intensity switch, which controls these lights, is on the lower portion of the captain’s main panel and identified as AFDS FLOOD. Clockwise movement of this switch increases brightness of the lights 白色荧光指示灯位于自动飞行指引系统面板上方,一个控制这些灯的亮度调节开关位于机长主面板的下方,并标识为AFDSFLOOD。顺时针转动开关可增加灯光亮度。 6. The flight compartment system indicator lights may be dimmed or tested by the use of a LIGHT switch located on the center instrument panel. Placing the switch in the test position illuminates the indicator lights, and placing the switch in the dim position dims them.

驾驶舱指示器系统的灯光可通过中央面板上的“灯光”开关来调暗或测试。将开关置于测试位照亮指示器灯光,将开关置于暗位来调暗灯光。 7. The control stand instrument panels are integrally lighted similar to those unit on the main instrument panels. In addition, there is a white flood light on the forward overhead panel which directs light downward onto the thrust lever quadrant on the control stand. Variable-intensity controls for these lights are on the control stand and identified as PANEL and FLOOD.

控制台面板整体灯光的控制与主面板灯光相似。另外,有一个白色的泛光灯在顶置面板上,它可直接为控制台上的推力手柄扇形盘提供照明,这些灯光的亮度调节钮在控制台上标识为“FLOOD”。 8. a variable intensity control for the integral instrument panel lights and for instrument lights on the overhead panels is located on the forward overhead panels and identified as PANEL. 9. In addition, there are two map lights mounted above each pilot’s seat, two circuit breaker panel floodlights on the sidewall by each pilot’s seat, two white dome lights on the circuit breaker panels behind the crew provide general flight compartment area illumination.


一、单词 可以达到的 排故 装配 大气数据 数字式 温度 飞行管理计算机 适配器 信号 accessible Troubleshooting Assembly Air data Digital Temperature Flight management computer Adapter Signal 到达 简化 支架 计算机 失速 控制器 惯性基准系统 reach Simplify Rack Computer Stall Controller 修改 可移动的 搁板 自动油门 警告 设置 modification Removable Shelf Auto throttle Warning Location Analog Inertial 模拟量 reference system Engine 振动 发动机 选择呼叫系统 Vibration Yaw damper Selective calling 偏航阻尼system 器 Passenger address 放大器 综合飞行系统附件组件 遥控电子装置 Integrated flight 旅客广播 system accessory unit Remote equipment unit 甚高频 Amplifier Very hight frequency 通信 Communication 空中交通管制 Air traffic control 数字飞行数据采集装置 Digital flight 测距机 data acquisition Distance measuring equipment 9



Static inverter Rectifier Slat Fire relay 电瓶充电器 减速板 电门 探测器 Battery charge Speed break Switch detector 变压器 襟翼 过热 导航 transformer Flap Overheat navigation 静变流机 整流器 缝翼 失火 继电器 二、TEXT 1. electronic equipments are located in a compartment below the cabin floor aft or the nose gear. This electronic equipment compartment is accessible on the ground through a door in the lower fuselage. If necessary, the compartment can be reached in flight through a floor panel In the forward part of the passenger cabin. Modification and troubleshooting are simplified through use of easily removable shelf assemblies.

电子设备被安装在客舱地板下前轮舱的后面。电子设备组件可通过机身下方的检修口盖来接近。如果有必要,在飞行中,这些组件可通过客舱前端地板上的面板来接近。维修或排故通过用可更换件的装配很容易完成。 2. There are 3 electronic equipment racks in the electronic equipment bay. They are rack E1, E2 and rack E3.

电子设备舱中有三个电子设备架,分别是:E1,E2,E3. 3. Air data computer ,auto throttle computer, digital stall warning computer, auto –slat computer, cabin temperature controller, and pressure controller are located on rackE1, shelf1. flight management computer (FMC), inertial reference system relay, digital analog adapter and engine vibration signal conditional are located on rack E1, shelf2. SELCAL, flight control computer, yaw damper compute and IFSAU are located on rack E1, shelf3. 大气数据计算机、自动油门计算机、数字失速警告机算机、自动缝翼计算机、客舱温度计算机和压力控制器位于E1架上。飞行管理计算机、惯性基准系统继电器、数模适配器位于E2架上。选择呼叫系统、飞行控制计算机、偏航阻尼器及综合飞行系统附件组件位于E3架。 4. The electronic equipment rack E2 has four shelves. Shelf E2-1 contains P/A ampl, REU and VHF communication wquipments, shelf E2-2 contains ATC, DFDAU and DME. Shelf E2-3 contains symbol generator, shelf E2-4 contains radio altimeter, ground proximity warning equipment ,ADF(automatic direction finder) and marker beacon etc. E2架有四层,第一层有旅客广播放大器、遥控电子组件及甚高频通讯;第二层包括ATC应答机、数字式飞行数据采集器及测距机;第三层包括SYMBOL发电机;第四层有雷达高度,地面接近警告设备,自动定向机及MAKER BEACON等。 5. The static inverter, battery charger, transformers, rectifiers, auto speed brake, flap and slat position switches, overheat and fire detector, navigation switches and a lot os relays are located on electronic equipment rack E3.



一、单词: 电源 Electrical power Generator 不同的 Various 电瓶 battery 发电机 地面保障设备 Ground support equipment 插座 产生 千伏安 电刷 整流器 转 子 引出 Receptacle Produce Kilovolt ampere Brush Rectifier Armature Develop 交流 Alternating current Convertion Primarily Slip-ring Exciter Pole Is supplied with Fed into 驱动 分布 Drive Distribute 转换 主要是 汇流条 励磁器 磁极 装有 送入 额定容量 Is rated at 换向器 完整的 磁场 调节器 定子 关键的 备份的 Commutator Complete Field Regulator Stator critical backup 恒速传动装置 Constant speed drive 缺少 absence 附件齿轮箱 Accessory gearbox 变压器 transformer 10



二、TEXT: 1. the electrical power is used for the control, operation, and indication of the various airplane systems on the ground and inflight. The electrical power is obtained from the battery, generator and ground support equipment. Is is controlled and monitored prior to distribution as 115 volt ac, 28 volt ac and 28 volt dc supply to using systems.

电源系统用于在飞行或地面飞机系统的控制、操作及指示。电源来源于电瓶、发电机及地面电源设备。它被控制并监控优先分配成115V交流、28V交流及28V直流提供给用户系统。 2. The alternating current power is supplied by two engine driven generators for normal infligt operation. A generator, driven by the auxiliary power unit, can supply all power for ground or flight operation。 power can be supplied on the ground through the external power (ac) receptacle. The dc power is supplied from the battery or conversion from the ac power.

正常飞行时,交流电由两台发动机驱动发电机提供。一台发电机由辅助动力装置驱动,能够在飞行操作中提供各种电源。飞机在地面时可通过地面电源插头由地面电源供电。直流电由电瓶或交流电转换而来。 3. The ac and dc power is distributed to the various system through the left and right load control centers in the flight compartment. The control and indication of the electrical system is from the P5 overhead panel in the flight compartment.

直流及交流电源在驾驶舱中通过左右LOAD控制中心被分配到不同系统中去。电源系统的指示及控制位于驾驶舱P5顶置面板上。 4. The generators driven by the engine produce the ac power required by the airplane systems primarily for flight operation. The ac generator is rated at 50 kilovolt –amperes, 120/208 volts, 400Hz . The unit is without slip-rings.commutator, or brushes on either the main generator or the exciter. A complete generator assembly consists of an exciter generator, a rotating rectifier and a main gererator.

发电机由发电机驱动产生飞行操作中各系统所需的交流电。交流发电机额定功率为50KV/A,120/208伏,400Hz,在每个主发电机或励磁器上没有汇流坏、换向器及电刷。一个完整的发电机组件上包括一个激励发电机,一个转子整流器及主发电机。 5. The exciter consists of a six – pole dc field and a rotating armature. The exciter field is supplied with dc power from the voltage regulator. This causes a 3-phase voltage to be developed in the exciter armature. The 3-phase voltage is rectified and fed into the ac generator rotating field. The rotating field generates the useful 115v output voltage in the ac stator.

励磁器上包括一个6柱直流磁场和一个转子电枢。激励磁场由电压调节器来的直流电源提供,使得在励磁电枢中引出3相电压。这3相电压被整流并注入交流发电机转子磁场,在交流定子电枢输出可用的115V电压。 6. The constant speed drive(CSD) is located on the left side of the engine, on the front of the accessory gearbox. The purpose of the CSD is to convert the variable speed of the engine to a constant speed for the driven generator to produce ac power at constant frequency.

恒速传动装置位于发动机的左侧,附件齿轮箱前面。恒速齿轮箱的作用是将发动机变化的速度转换成恒速,以使发电机产生恒频交流电。 7. The electrical power for the ground operation of all electrical loads on the airplane is supplied by an external 3-phase, 115vlot , 400Hertz alternating current system. The power is supplied through an external power receptacle. The ac external power receptacle is located on the right side of the airplane forward of the nose wheel well.

飞机在地面进行操作时,使用外部的3相115v,400Hz交流电源。外部电源通过一个外部电源插座连接飞机系统。外部交流电源插座位于飞机前轮舱右侧。 8. The battery is located in the electronic compartment, left side just forward of the E2 rack. The purpose of the battery is to provide dc power to critical airplane systems in absence of normal dc supply from the transformer rectifier. It is also used as a backup power for the ac system control and protection and for starting the APU.

电瓶安装于电子设备舱,E2架左侧。电瓶用来在无法通过转换整流器得到正常直流电时为飞机关键系统提供直流电。同时也作为直流系统控制、保护及APU启动的备用直流电源。 9. Three transformer rectifier units are located in the electronic compartment on E3 rack. The purpose of the 3 transformer rectifiers is to convert 115 vlot ac ,400Hz, 3-phase power to 28 vlot dc power for use by the airplane’s systems.

3个整流器组件位于电子设备舱E3架上。他们的作用是将115v,400Hz交流电转换成飞机系统使用的28v直流电。 10. The purpose of electrical power distribution system is to provide and control generated ac and dc power for use by the various airplane systems, the distribution system consists of 115 volt ac, 28 vlot ac and 28 vlot dc power obtained from generators and battery.




燃油 Fuel 存贮 Store 运送 Deliver 11



Subdivide Tank Temporary Fit Fastener 贮藏 通气装置 燃油密封的 化合剂 接口 单向活门 加油站 完全地 转移 防止?做? 用泵抽 交输 容量 Storage Vent Fueling tight Compound Joint Check valve Fueling station Completely Transfer 加燃油 Fueling 细分 油箱 暂时的 装配 紧固件 通气均压油箱 Vent surge tank 金属和金属 密封剂 翼肋 增压泵 填充 另一方面 浮子 Metal to metal Sealing compound Rib Boost pump Fill Alternately Float Defueling Feed Usable Stick Liquid crystal display Unacceptable 缓冲挡板 Baffer 离开 部份的 入口 过满 利用 各自的 重量 芯片 Away off Partially port Overfill Utilize Weight Chip Prevent M from doing 放油 Boost pump Crossfeed Capacitance 供油 可使用的 杆 液晶显示 微电子计算机 Microcomputer 电阻电流 Resistive current 错误 带 Error tape 泄漏 Leakage 不能接受的 代码 高度 Code Height 刻度 Graduate 二、TEXT 1. the purpose of the fuel system is to store and deliver fuel to the engine and APU. The fuel system is subdivided into dotrage, fueling, distribution and indicating systems.

燃油系统用于贮存并传输燃油给发动机和APU。燃油系统细分为贮藏、供油、分配及指示系统。 2. There are 3 tanks for fuel storage and 2 vent surge tanks for temporary fuel storage. Tank No.1 is located in the left wing, tank No.2 is located in the right wing and center tank is located in the fuselage under the passenger cabin. The 2 vent surge tanks are located outboard of the main tanks. All fuel tanks are fuel tight. Close metal-to –metal fit of all parts forms the basic seal. Sealing compounds and sealed fasteners are used on all joints to complete the fluid tight seal. Two of the wing ribs contain a series of baffle check valves to prevent fuel flow away from the boost pumps.

燃油系统有3个贮油箱和2个用于临时贮油的油箱。1号油箱位于左机翼,2号油箱位于右机翼,中央油箱位于机身客舱下方。2个通气均压油箱位于两个主油箱的外侧。Close metal-to –metal fit of all parts forms the basic seal.所有的油箱都是密封的。所有的接头处都用密封剂和密封紧固件进行密封。两个翼肋处包括又个连续的缓冲隔板单向活门,防止燃油从增压泵中流出。 3. The fueling system provides a means of filling the fuel tanks on the airplane. Fueling can be accomplished by the use of a single pressure fueling station through which all tanks can be filled partially or completely. Alternately, the main tanks(No.1 and No.2) can be filled through the overwing ports. The center tank can be filled by transferring fuel from the main tanks using the fuel station.

燃油系统提供一种在飞机上给油箱注油的方式。供油可以通过一个单压力加油口来完成,通过它,可以为所有的油箱全部或部份的加油。另一方面,主油箱(1、2号)可以通过机翼上方口注油。中央油箱可以用加油站从主油箱中传输来过。 4. The components associated with the fueling system are the fueling station located under the right wing leading edge outboard of the engine, 3 float switches – one for each tank, prevent the tanks from being overfilled. The tank fueling float switches are located near the top of e ach tank and sense full tank quantity. The tanks can be filled to any desired quantity, the float switches sense full tank condition and automatically stop the fueling. Power requirements are supplied by ground power, APU or the battery. Pressure fueling can also be done manually. Maximum fuel pressure is 55 psi.





5. The distribution system allows fuel to be supplied to the engines and APU. In addition, the system can be used for defueling the tanks and for fuel transfer between the tanks. The distribution system utilizes pumps, valves and truing for engine and APU feed. The fueling station is used for defueling and transfer operations which are only possible on the ground.

燃油分配系统可为发动机及APU供油。另外,分配系统可用于油箱放油及油箱之间的输油。分配系统利用泵、阀门及涡轮为发动机及APU供油。加油口只能在地面进行放油及输油操作。 6. Fuel is first supplied to both engines from the center tank and then from the respective tanks to engines. The crossfeed valve allows fuel from one tank to be supplied to both engine. Fuel to the APU is primarily supplied from tank No.1, but it can be supplied from any tank.

燃油 is first supplied to both engines from the center tank and then from the respective tanks

to engines.交输活门允许燃油从一个油箱同时给两台发动机供油。为APU供油主要是用1号油箱,但也可从任一油箱供

油。 7. The fuel quantity indicating units measure the weight of usable fuel in the tanks. Two types of quantity indicators are used, one is capacitance indication, another one is a manual measuring stick. 油量指示组件测量油箱中油的重量。一般使用两种油量指示,一个是容量指示,一种是人工用棒测量。 8. Digital fuel quantity indicators show the weight of fuel ing each tank. Each indicator consists of a single chip microcomputer system and a digital liquid crystal display(LCD). The microcomputer measures the capacitance and resistive current in the tank units. It monitors the leakage current and when is reaches an unacceptable level, an drror code o through 10 illuminates to assist in troubleshooting the system.

数字油量指示器显示每个油箱中的油量。每个指示器包括一个单芯片微型计算机系统和一个数字式液晶显示器。微型电子计算机测量油箱中的容量和电阻电流。它监控着泄漏电流,当泄漏达到一定程度时,会指示一个0到10的代码,以帮助进行系统排故。 9. The measuring sticks are graduated tape which can be pulled down for reading of fuel height. 测量棒是一个刻度尺,它能够放进油箱来读出燃油深度。



单词 液压的 共享 有要求的 副翼 Hydraulic Share On demond aileron 动力,电源 责任、负责 起落架 Powr Landing gear 反推装置 液压传动的 前轮转弯 升降舵 Reverser Dydrallically Nose wheel steering Elevator 动力控制组件 Power control unit 飞行扰流板 方向舵 动力转换装置 关闭 压力过滤器 热交换器 前缘 龙骨 Rudder Flight spoiler 刹车 电动马达传动泵 油箱 润滑 后缘 单独地 Brake Electric motor driven pump Reservoir Lubricate Trailing edge individually Driven transfer 发动机传动泵 Engine driven unit pump Shutoff 截流阀 Shutoff valve Relief Return Alternate Pressure filter 消除 Exchanger Leading edge Keel beam 返回 交替的 带保护罩的开关 Guarded switch 节 二、TEXT 1. three separate and independent hydraulic system are provided to power the flight controls, landing gear, and thrust reversers. System A and system B are full-time operating system during flight that share rsesponsibility for all hydraulically powered components. The standby system is operated only on demand.

三个分隔独立的液压系统用以为飞行控制、起落架和反推装置提供动力。A系统和B系统在飞行中为全时操作系统,共同负责对所有受液压动力控制的组件进行控制。备用系统只在需要时工作。 2. System A draulic power operates the following systems: Landing gear

Nose wheel steering Left thrust reverser




Ailerons – power control unit and autopilot actuator Elevators – power control unit and autopilot actuator. Elevator feel Rudder

Inboard flight spoilers 3 and 6 Cround spoilers. Alternate brakes. Power transfer unit.

A系统为下列系统提供动力: 起落架

前轮转弯系统 左反推装置

副翼—动力控制组件及自动驾驶作动筒 升降舵—动力控制组件及自动驾驶作动筒 升降舵FEEL 方向舵

内侧飞行扰流板3#及6# 地面扰流板 备用刹车

动力传输组件 3. System A pressure is provided by one engine driven pump(EDP) and one electric motor driven pump(EMDP). A 28v dc motor operated shutoff valve in the supply line between the reservoir and the engine driven pump is normally open . this valve is closed and stops the flow of hydraulic fluid to the engine when the fire handle is pulled.

A系统压力由一个发动机驱动泵和一个电动免马达驱动泵提供。一个28v直流免达操作位于油箱及发动机驱动泵之间传送管内的截流阀,正常情况下,它是打开的。当火警手柄拉上时,阀门关闭并停止压力流向发动机。 4. Normal system configuration is with both pumps operating to output fluid pressurized to 3000 psi through the pressure module to the using system. The pressure module contains pressure filter, low pressure switches, check valves and a pressure relief valve. Cooling and lubricating fluid from the pumps is filtered and routed through a heat exchanger in the number one fuel tank before entering the reservoir. Return fluid from the suing systems is filtered at the return module before entering the reservoir.

系统正常构造是通过操作泵输出3000PSI的压力,通过压力组件给用户系统。压力组件包括压力油滤,低压开关,单向活门和一个压力释放活门。 5. Hydraulic system B provides fluid under pressure of 3000 psi to portions of the flight control, landing gear, and thrust reverser systems. System B hydraulic power operates the following system: Main wheel brakes Right thrust reverser

Ailerons – power control unit and autopilot actuator. Elevators – power control unit and autopilot actuator. Elevator feel Rudder

Outboard flight spoiler 2 and 7 Trailing edge flaps

Leading edge flaps and slats

Alternate landing gear retraction Alternate nose wheel steering

液压B系统提供小于3000PSI的压力给飞行控制、起落架及反推装置系统。液压B系统为下列系统提供压力: 主轮刹车 右反推装置

副翼—动力控制组件及自动驾驶作动筒 升降舵—动力控制组件及自动驾驶作动筒 升降舵FEEL 方向舵

外侧飞行扰流板2#和7# 后缘襟翼

前缘襟翼和缝翼 备用起落架收起 备用前轮转弯 6. System Bhydraulic pressoure is provided by two hydraulic pumps, an EDP(engine driven pump) and an EMDP(electric motor driven pump).the pumps are supplied with fluid from a reservoir pressurized with pneumatic air from the ECS(environmental control system). Output of the pumps is routed to a pressure module and from there




to the using systems. Return fluid from the using system is routed through a return filter module then to the reservoir. Drain fluid from both pumps is routed through a heat exchanger before going to the reservoir. B系统压力油两个液压泵、一个发动机驱动泵和一个电动马达泵来提供。泵内装有从油箱来的液体,用环境控制系统的增压空气产生压力。泵内输出的压力被送往压力组件并从这儿传给用户系统。从用户系统返回的流体通过一个回油滤组件被送往油箱。泵中排出的流体通过一个热交换器后被送往油箱。 7. The standby system components are located in the main gear wheel well,on the keel beam and the aft bulkhead. The standby pump is operated when required to power the rudder, thrust reversers, or to extend the leading edge devices. The pump can be turned on by either of three guarded switches on the forward overhead panel(P5). In addition, the pump automatically switches on and provides standby pressure to the rudder whenever hydraulic system A or Bis lost, the flaps are not up, the airplane is either in the air or on the ground with wheel speed above 60 knots, and at least one flight control switch, system A or B, is ON.

备用系统组件位于主轮舱,压力隔板后方龙骨上方。当需要操作方向舵、反推装置或打开前缘设备时,备用泵开始工作。这个泵能够被头顶(P5)面板前方的三个带保护罩的开关中的任一个打开。另外,无论A系统或B系统哪一个失效时,这个泵将自动工作并为方向舵提供备用压力,襟翼不会打开,飞机无论在空中或地面轮速都将大于60节,并且至少有一个飞行控制开关,A系统或B系统是打开的。 8. When the standby pump is turned on, pressurized fluid is delivered to two motor-operated shutoff valves on the standby pressure module and to two thrust reverser shuttlee valves. The motor operated shutoff valves which control pressure to the leading edge devices and to the standby rudder actrator are individually controlled by switches on the forward overhead panel. The standby rudder shutoff valve is also opened when the standby hydraulic pump is automatically turned on.




主起落架 防滑的 解除预位 减压 相应的 充当 故障 碰撞 滑行 保证 圆筒 牵引 牵引杆 氮气 转弯力矩 Main gear Antiskid Disarm Depressurize Respective Serve as Malfunction Inpact Taxi Assure Cylinder tow tow bar Nitrogen Turning moment 前起落架 无效的 使动作 电磁线圈 移动,变换 形态 减震支柱 冲撞 整流罩 阻力杆 轴颈销钉 环 碰撞 折迭 手轮 Nose gear Inoperative Actuate Solenoid Transit Configuration Shock strut Shock Fairing Drag brace Trunnion pin Lug Bump Fold Handwheel 梁 自动刹车 借助于? 限制 一致 在?情况下 缓冲 振动 机构 扭力臂 稳定性 横向螺栓 注入 环 脚蹬 Spar Autobrake By means of Restrict Agree In case of Absorb Vibration Mechanism Torsion link Stability crossbolt Charge collar pedal 二、TEXT 1. the landing gear consists of two main gear and a nose gear. The main gear are located inboard of each engine, aft of the rear wing spar. The nose gear is located below the aft bulkhead of the flight compartment. Braking is provided by four brake assemblies, one mounted on each main gear wheel. Landing gear control and indication components located in the flight compartment include: the landing gear selector lever and indication lights, manual extension handles, parking brake lever and indicator, nose gear steering control wheel, antiskid control switch and inoperative indicator, and the autobrake control switch and disarm indicator.





选择手柄和指示灯,人工释放手柄,停留刹车手柄及指示器,前轮控制器,防滑控制开关及无效指示器,及自动刹车控制及解除预位控制。 2. The landing gear is hydraulically actuated to extend and retract by means of a landing gear selector lever located on the center instrument panel (P2-2).when the selector lever is placed in the UP position, all three gear retract. Each main gear retracts into the fuselage. The nose gear retracts into the nose wheel well. When the selector lever is placed in the DOWN position, all three gear extend. The OFF position is the normal cruise mode and all landing gear are locked up and depressurized. A solenoid lock system restricts the selector lever to the UP position when the airplane is on the ground .

起落架借助于位于中央控制面板P2-2的起落架选择手柄通过液压作动进行起落架收放操作。当起落架控制手柄置于“UP”位时,三个起落架收起。各主起落架收起到机身内;前起落架收起到前轮舱。当控制手柄置于“DOWN”位时,三个起落架放下。置于“OFF”位为正常巡航模式,起落架锁好并释压。当飞机在地面时,一个电磁锁系统限定控制手柄在“UP”位。 3. Six lights located above the landing gear selector lever provide indication and warning for the landing gear. A green light is illuminated when the respective gear is down and locked .the red light is illuminated when the landing gear is in transit or the landing gear lever and the landing gear do not agree. The red lights also serve as warning lights when the airplane is in a possible landing configuration and the gear is not down and locked.

六个位于起落架手柄上方的指示灯用来起落架指示及警告。当起落架移动或起落架手柄和起落架不一致时绿灯亮。红灯亮用作当飞机可能在降落状态而起落架没有放下并锁好时,用作警告。 4. Three red manual extension handles are located on the floor of the flight compartment. Just aft of the first officer’s station, for manual extension of the landing gear in case of hydraulic malfunction in hydraulic system “A”. the manual extension handles are independently operated for each gear. The landing gear selector lever should be in the OFF position for manual extension. 三个红色的人工放下手柄位于驾驶舱地板上,正位于副驾位置,用来在液压“A”系统发生故障的情况下,人工放下起落架。三个人工释放手柄独立控制每个起落架。人工放下起落架时,起落架选择手柄将被放在OFF位。 5. The main gear provides the support for the aft section of the fuselage. It uses a shock strut to absorb impact on landing,And shocks and vibration while taxiing . each main gear is hydraulically actuated to retract inboard into the fuselage. Doors and wheel well seals provide fairing with the gear retracted. Lock mechanisms and sensors assure that the main gear is down and locked or up and locked.

主起落架支撑机身和部。通过一个减震支柱来减弱与地面的撞击,及滑行时的冲撞和振动。各主起落架都是通过液压作动向内侧收起到机身内部。可通过舱门及轮舱密封性来判断起落架收起是否失效。上锁机构和传感器确保主起落架放下锁好或收起锁好。 6. The nose gear, located below the aft bulkhead of the control cabin, provides the support for the forward section of the fuselage. The nose gear includes a drag brace, shock strut, torsion links, a hydrauic nose gear actuator and a hydraulic lock actuator. The shock strut consists of inner and outer cylinders. The upper part of the outer cylinderis “Y” shaped with arms extended to the sidewalls of the wheel well. Trunnion pins connect the gear to airplane structure. The “Y” arms and pins provide lateral stability. The gear rotates about the trunnion pins during extension and retraction. A tow lug and crossbolt are installed for attaching a tow bar to the nose gear.

前起落架,位于驾驶舱后压力隔板的下方,为机身前段提供支撑。前起落架包括一个阻力杆、减震支柱、扭力臂、一个液压前起作动筒和一个液压锁作动筒。减震支柱包括内、外作动筒。外部作动筒的上部是一个“Y”形的有一伸向轮舱侧壁的杆。轴向销钉连接着机轮与机身。“Y”形杆和销钉可提供稳定性。轮子在收放时以轴向销钉为轴旋转。牵引环和横向螺栓安装在前起落架上用来连接牵引杆。 7. Shocks and bumps during taxi, take off and landing are absorbed by the shock strut which contains oil and is charged with compressed air or nitrogen. Longitudinal stability is provided by a hinged drag brace which folds upward and aft during gear retraction。for steering, the shock strut inner cylinder turns within the outer cylinder. Torsion links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment supplied by hydraulically actuated steering cylinders. The steering is controlled by the handwheel on the pilots sidewall or by the rudder pedals. The handwheel can turn the nose wheel 78 from center and the rudder pedals at full deflection can turn the nose wheel 7 from center.



一、单词 飞行 水平的 轴 起飞 Flight Lateral Axes Takeoff 操纵 纵向的 增加 着陆 Control longitudinal Increase Landing 机动动作 垂直的 升力 阻力 maneuver Vertical Lift Drag 16



Ground Primary 被分成 次要的 Are divided into Secondary Trim Rotate Amount Magnitude Total remain Angle Flight deck Feedback bus Drum 集团 方法、手段 位置 姿.态 操纵面 达到 对?起作用 稳定的 降低 操纵台 信号 驾驶盘操纵 Group Means Position Attitude Control surface Reach Act on Stable Lose Control stand Signal Control wheel steering Consider 地面 主要的 驾驶盘 导致 角度 建立 再成流线型 平衡 坡度 命令 传感器 自动驾驶仪 Control wheel 配平 Cause Angular Establish Refair Balance bank Command Sensor Autopilot 转 动 量; 值 大小、尺寸 全部的 保持 角度 驾驶舱 反馈 转动鼓轮 换能器 transducer 副翼操纵力限制 Aileron force limiter Center gravity Pitch rate Tab Crank 考虑 升力中心 横滚 扭力管 操纵杆 Center lift Roll Torque tube Control rod 重心 俯仰(率) 调整片 曲柄 反向力 驾驶杆 扇形盘 供给、容许 Counter force Control column quadrant admit 二、TEXT 1. the flight controls provide maneuvering control about the lateral, longitudinal, and vertical axes. They also provide increased lift for take off and landing as well as increased aerodynamic drag both in flight and on ground. Flight controls are divided into two major groups: primary and secondary. The primary flight controls consist of the ailerons, elevators, and rudder. The secondary flight controls consist of the spoilers, trailing edge flaps, leading edge devices, and the stabilizer. We will introduce the primary flight controls in this lesson. 飞行控制系统提供水平、纵向及垂直方向上的机动控制。它们同时也为飞机在地面起飞时提供升力及从空中降落时提供空气阻力。飞控系统分为两个主要部分:主飞控系统及次飞控系统。主飞行控制系统包含副翼、升降舵及方向舵。次飞控系统包含扰流板、后缘襟翼、前缘襟翼及水平安定面。本课主要讲述主飞控系统。 2. The aileron control system provides the means of rotating the airplane about the longitudinal axis. The aileron control system is actuated by rotation of either the captain’s or first officer’s aileron control wheel. The autopilot system also provides a control input. These inputs control a hydraulic powered system which drives the ailerons. Moving the ailerons out of their trimmed position causes the airplane to ratote and change attitude. The angular amount of control surface moved establishes the “rate-of –change”. When the desired magnitude of attitude change has been reached, the control surfaces are refaired, total forces acting on the airplane are balanced and the airplane remains stable in a bank angle. Since the airplane is in a bank, the wing loses some of its lift, so up elevator command is used by the pilot or by the autopilot.

副翼控制系统提供飞机纵向转动的方式。副翼控制系统通过转动机长或副驾位的副翼控制轮作动。自动驾驶系统也可提供控制输入。这些输入控制驱动副翼的液压动力系统。转动副翼离开配平位置,致使飞机转动并改变姿态。控制面角度的移动形成“变化率”。当姿态变化达到希望的量值时,控制面再成流线型,作用在飞机上的合力达到平衡,同时飞机在一个角度上保持稳定。因飞机有一定的角度,机翼升力降低,所以驾驶员或自动驾驶系统会给出升降舵上升的命令。 3. The ailerons are located on the outboard trailing edge of each wing. Other aileron components are located in 3 main areas:

Flight deck ?

The control wheels are located in the forward portion of the flight deck. The aileron trim switch is located on the control stand.

Wheel well area ?

The aileron power control units(PCU, convert a pilot or autopilot mechanical driven input to a hydraulic power driven mechanical output to drive the aileron) are located on the forward wall of the main wheel well. The autopilot




aileron actuators are located on the forward wall of the main wheel well. The aileron position sensor provides two feedback postion signal from the aileron system to the A/P system.

Lower nose compartment ?

The control drum and bus drum are connected to the control wheel, located in the lower nose compartment. The roll CWS force transducer is connected between the bus drum and the control drum, the output of the force transducer provides signals to the autopilot. The aileron force limiter limits control wheel movement during A/P operation, the control wheel rotation is limited to 17°with flaps up and 25°with flaps down. 副翼位于每个机翼前缘外侧,其它副翼组件位于3个主要区域:

驾驶舱 ?


轮舱区域 ?


机头下方 ?

控制鼓及转动鼓轮连接到控制轮上,位于机头下方。横滚驾驶盘操纵反向换能器连接在转 动鼓轮与控制鼓之间,力量转换器的输出为自动驾驶提供信号。副翼操纵力限制器限制控制轮在自动驾驶仪操作时移动。控制轮的转动被限制在襟翼上升17°及襟翼下降25°之间。

To understand elevator poeration consider the airplane balanced about the center of lift (CL). ?

The center of gravity (CG) is shown forward of the center of lift. The stabilizer provides a counter force to the CG. The stabilizer may be trimmed to changer the force as required to maintain balance.

The elevators are used to change the pitch attitude. Moving the elevators out of their faired position causes the airplane to change the pitch attitude about the lateral axis. The amount of elevator movement establishes the airplane pitch rate. When the desired attitude is reached, the elevators are faired and the air-plane maintains the new pitch attitude.


升降舵用来改变飞机俯仰姿态。移动升降舵离开它们的流线型位置,使得飞机改变水平轴上的俯仰姿态。升降舵的移动量形成俯仰率。当达到希望的姿态时,升降舵再成流线型,飞机保持新的俯仰姿态。 5. Two control columns provide pitch control of the airplane . each control column extends through the floor into the lower nose compartment. A torque tube connects the control columns together. The control columns allow the pilots to control the airplane about the lateral axis.

两个驾驶杆提供飞机俯仰控制。每个控制杆通过地板沿伸到前舱。一个扭个管将驾驶杆连在一起。驾驶杆允许驾驶员沿水平轴控制飞机。 6. Control about the vertical axis is provided by the rudder. Control is provided by a single rudder without tab. The rudder is pedal operated by the captain or the first officer. Pedal movement rotates the forward quadrants, which are cable connected to the aft quadrant. Rotation of the aft quadrant moves a control rod connected to a torque tube. Rotation of the torque tube moves a crank connected to the rudder power control unit linkage. This admits hydraulic fluid to the actuating cylinder, which moves the rudder. 飞机垂直方向上的控制由方向舵提供。通过一个单独的不含调整片的方向舵提供控制。方向舵由机长或副驾驶的脚蹬控制。随着脚蹬的移动,使得前扇形盘转动,前扇形盘由线缆连接到后扇形盘。后扇形盘的转动带动一个连接着一个扭力管的操纵杆。扭力管的转动带动了连接着方向舵动力控制组件的曲柄移动,它提供液压压力给员筒型作动筒,作的筒作的使得方向舵移动。


一、单词 动力装置 反推装置 高函道比 相同的 定子叶片 轴 独立的 燃烧 排气 Power plant Thrust reverser High bypass rate State vane shaft independent combusion Discharger air 推力 驱动 涡轮风扇 轴流 压缩机 涡轮 相互 环形的 能够 thrust drive turbofan axes compressure turbine Each other Is capable of 帮助 齿轮箱 装配 转子 经由 机械地 气流 提高 大约 aid gearbox fitting rotor Via mechanically Airstream increase approximately 18



major 组件 维护 入口 防护罩 加速 交付 起动手柄 照亮 过滤器 module maintenance inlet shroud accelerate deliver Start lever illuminate filter 核心 助推器 支架 转换 引导 用泵抽 警告 暗淡的 失败 core booster frame transfer direct pump waring dim failure leave In conjunction with transmitter 主要的 附件齿轮箱 Accessory gearbox 轴承支座 喷嘴 继续 结果 截流阀 Bearing support nozzle continue result Shutoff valve 头顶上方的 overhead 热交换器 堵塞 转入 转/分 Heat exchange blockage Is ported to Revolution per minute measure Bypass valve 主发动机控制器 Main engine control 离开 机械 测量 mechanism meter 和?一起 发射机 测量 旁通活门 指示器 indicator 回油 scavenge 二、TEXT 1. the power plant on the 737-300/400/500 provides the thrust required for flight and also supplies power to in stopping the airplane (thrust reversers ), provides bleed air for air conditioning, pressurization, anti-icing , and drives a gearbox used for electrical power and hydraulic power. The 737 airplane are powered by two wing-mounted CFM 56-3 high bypass-ratio turbofan engine, the engine buildup is identical for left or right engines.

B737-300/400/500上的动力装置提供飞机飞行所需的推力及飞机停止时的反推力,同时为空调、增压系统及防冰系统提供引气,并驱动一个电源及液压系统使用的齿轮箱。B737飞机的动力来自于安装于机翼上的两台CFM56-3型高函道比的涡扇发动机,左右发动机的结构是相同的。 2. The engine is an axial flow turbofan with two rotors and variable stator vanes. The single-stage fan and three –stage low pressure compressor(LPC) are driven, via the low –speed(N1) shaft, by a four-stage low pressure turbine(LPT), the nine stage high pressure compressor(HPC) is driven, via the high speed(N2) shaft, by a single stage high pressure turbine(HPT). The two rotors are mechanically independent of each other. Air entering the engine is divided into a primary(inner) and a secondary (outer) airstream. After the primary airstream has been compressed by the LPC and HPC , combustin of fuel in the annular combustion chamber increases the HPC discharge air velocity to drive the high and low pressure turbines. The engine is capable of producing approximately 18,500 to 23,500 pounds of thrust at sea level static condition. 发动机是一个有两个转子和不同的定子叶片的轴流式涡轮风扇发动机。单级风扇和三级低压压气机被驱动,经由N1低速轴,通过一个四级低压涡轮。九级高压压气机被驱动,经由N2高速轴,通过一个单级高压涡轮。两个转子是彼此独立的机械结构。进入发动机的空气被分成主(内)次(外)两个气流。当主气流被低压压气机和高压压气机压缩后,环形燃烧室内的燃油开始燃烧,增加了高压压气机的排气速度以驱动高、低压涡轮。发动机能够产生在海平面条件下大约18,500到23,500磅的推力。 3. The engine consist of 4 major modules; fan, core, low pressure turbine and accessory gearbox. The fan major module consists of 4 maintenance modules, they are fan and booster, No.1 and No.2 bearing support, inlet gearbox. No.3 bearing and fan frame. The core major module consist of 8 maintenance modules, they are high pressure compressor (HPC) rotor, HPC front stator, HPC rear stator, combustion outer case, combustion chamber,


high pressure turbine (HPT) nozzle, HPT rotor, HPT shroud and 1 – stage LPT nozzle. The low pressure turbine module consisis of 3 maintenance modules, they are low pressure turbine, low pressure turbine shaft and turbine frame. The accessory drive module consists of 2 maintenance modules, they are the transfer gear box and the accessory gearbox.





4. The fan and booster provide two separate air stream, the primary airflow passes through the inner portion of the fan rotor, then continues through the booster, the core engine and the LPT, exiting through the core exhaust nozzle. The secondary airflow passes through the fan outer portion and exits through the fan discharge duct(fan air ). The fan is located on the front of the engine, the main function of the fan is to accelerate the air directed to the engine secondary airflow nozzle. This results in producing approximately 78% of the total engine thrust.

风扇及助推器提供两个隔离的气流,主气流通过风扇转子内部,接着穿过助推器、发动机主体及低压压气机,从排放喷嘴核心排出。次级气流通过风扇外部从风扇排气管道喷出。风扇安装于发动机前端,其主要功能是给气流加速引导气流到发动机次级气流喷嘴。这样产生的动力占发动机总推力的78%。 5. Fuel is delivered to the fuel nozzles at pressure and flow-rate required to obtain the desired engine thrust. Fuel is pumped from the fuel tank and enters through the engine fuel shutoff valve. The engine fuel shutoff valve is controlled by the engine start lever and the engine fire warning switch. When the engine fuel shutoff valve is closed ,the FUEL VALVE CLOSED light located on the forward overhead panel illuminates dim. 燃油根据发动机推力的需求在压力作用下流到燃油喷嘴。燃油在油箱中用泵抽出并流过燃油关断活门。发动机燃油关断活门由发动机起动手柄和发动机火警开关控制。当发动机燃油关断活门关闭时,位于前顶置面板上的“FUEL VALVE CLOSED”灯燃亮。 6. Fuel passes from the first stage of the engine driven fuel pump through a fuel/oil heat exchanger to a filter. Provisions are made to bypass the filter in the event of failure or blockage. The second stage of the fuel pump provides high pressure fuel to the main engine control(MEC). As the fuel leaves the second stage fuel pump, it passes through another filter where a portion of the fuel is ported to a servo fuel heater before entering the MEC. The servo fuel heater uses engine oil to heat the servo fuel to prevent icing of control mechanisms control(PMC) uses power lever angle, fan inlet pressure and temperature, N1 rpm and N2 rpm to meter the correct amount of fuel to the combustor. A fuel-flow transmitter measures the rate of fuel flow from the MEC and provide a signal to the fuel flow indicator.

燃油从第一级发动机驱动燃油泵中通过燃油/滑油热交换器到一个油滤。当油滤万一失效或堵塞时将被旁通。燃油泵的第二级提供高压燃油给主发动机控制器。当燃油离开燃油泵第二级,流到另一个油滤,在那里,一部份燃油在进入主发动机控制器前前转到一个伺服燃油加热器。这个伺服燃油加热器用发动机滑油加热伺服燃油以防止控制机械内部主发动机控制器结冰。主发动机控制器与电源管理控制器相连,用动力杆角度、风扇入口压力及温度、N1转速和N2转速来测量燃烧室燃油量。燃油流量传感器从主发动机控制器测量燃油流率并为燃油流量指示器提供信号。 7. The oil system is pressurized by the engine driven oil pump. The oil leaves the oil pump, where sensors for oil pressure and the LOW OIL PRESSURE switch are located, passes through an oil filter and continues to the engine bearing and gearbox, the oil is returned to the oil tank by means of engine driven scavenge pump. From the scavenge pumps the oil passes through a scavenge filter. Bypass valve is mounted to prevent filter from blocking. scavenge oil temperature is sensed as the oil returns to the scavenge pump. The oil then passes through the servo fuel heater and fuel/oil heat exchanger where it is cooled by fuel before returning to the oil tank. 滑油系统通过发动机驱动的滑油泵增压。滑油离开装有滑油压力传感器及“LOW OIL PRESSURE”开关的滑油泵,流向一个滑油油滤并流到发动机轴承及齿轮箱。滑油通过发动机驱动的回油泵回到滑油箱。从回油泵返回的滑油流经一个油滤,旁通活门用来防止油滤堵塞。当滑油回到回油泵时,通过一个传感器来感受回油滑油温度,然后,滑油通过伺服燃油加热器及燃油/滑油热交换器,在这,滑油在回到滑油箱之前被燃油冷却。


一、单词 起动 转动 起动器 Start Rotate Starter 点火 加速 一套电路 Ignition Accelerate Circuitry 扭矩 慢车 Torque Idle 高压压气机 High pressure compressor 完成 把?转换 地面源 与?有关 起飞 天气 点火 屏蔽 Accomplish Convert into Ground source Related to Take off Weather Ignite Shield 20

外壳 级 能量 交叉引气 火花 着落 情况 励磁器 Case Stage Energy Crossbleed Spark Landing Condition Exciter 位置 Position 空气涡流发动机 Turbine-air motor 足够的 另一个 混合物 有害的 要求 三维的 Sufficient Another Mixture Adverse Require triaxial



lead Limit revers Remote Deployment 入口整流罩 温度 方向 展开 阻流门 Inlet cowl Temperature Director Deploy Blocker door Bolt Translate Segment Instrument Exhaust gas temperature Weight Sequence maximum 预冷器 总管道 套筒 在?之前 排列 阻力连杆 强迫 形成 Percooler manifold sleeve Prior to Arrange Drag link Forcing Form 引线 限制 相反 遥控器 展开 连接在?上 Is attached to 螺栓 装置 级联的 参数 百分比 Fitting Cascade Parameter Percent 移动 部分、段 仪表 排气温度 发光二极管 Light emitting diode 超出 Exceed 红线 消耗 振动 Redline Consume Vibration 重量 顺序 最大的 总的 复位 Total Reset 二、TEXT 1. the engine starting system provides air, fuel, ignition and torque for rotating the engine to an rpm at which the engine can accelerate to idle rpm. The system consists of the starters, start valves, start bleed valves, pneumatic ducting, control and power circuitry, start levers and start selector switches. The start valve and starter are located on the forward side of the engine accessory gearbox, the start bleed valve is located on the left side of the HPC case at the 11 o’clock position, the start levers, start selector switches and start valve open light are in the flight compartment. Engine starting is accomplished by supplying air from the pneumatic system through the start valve to the starter.

发动机起动系统提供引气、燃油、点火及扭矩,以使发动机转动并加速到慢车所需的转速。系统包括起动器、起动活门、起动引起活门、增压管道、控制及电源线路,起动手柄及起动选择开关。起动活门及起动器安装于发动机附件齿轮箱,起动引气活门安装于高压压气机左侧11点钟位置,起动手柄、起动选择开关及起动活门打开指示灯位于驾驶舱。发动机起动过程通过发动机增压系统提供空气经过起动活门给起动器来完成。 2. The engine starter is a single-stage, axial flow, turbine-air motor, the starter converts compressed air pressure into rotational mechanical energy sufficient to accelerate the engine to starting speed. Pressurized air and electrical power are required for starter operation. The engine may be started with air from the APU(we will introduce APU in the next lesson), from a ground source, or by using engine crossbleed. Another important system related to engine operation is the ignition system. The purpose of the ignition system is to produce a high current electrical spark to ignite the fuel /air mixture in the engine combustion chamber during starting and to provide continuons ignition during takeoff, landing and operation in adverse weather conditions. The ignition system consists of the ignition power supply, engine ignition control, 2 ignition exciters, 2 spark igniters and 2 triaxial shielded ignition leads.

发动机起动器是一个单级、轴流式空气涡轮发动机,起动器将压缩空气的压力转换为足够的转动机械能以加速发动机的转速。起动操作时需要增压空气及电源。发动机可以用APU来的引气、地面气源或发动机交输引气起动(我们将在下一课介绍APU)。另一个与发动机起动有关的重要系统是点火系统。点火系统的作用是在起动过程中产生高压电火花点燃发动机燃烧室中的燃油/空气的混合气,并在起飞、降落阶段及恶劣天气下提供持续的点火。点火系统包括点火电源、发动机点火控制、2个点火励磁器、2个火花点火器及2个三相点火屏蔽线。 3. Bleed air is extracted from the high pressure compressor for the following system: Air-conditioning Cabin pressurizatin

Wing and engine inlet cowl anti-icing Hydraulic tank pressurization Potable water tank pressurization Fan air is used as cooling air for the precooler to limit the temperature of the bleed air in the pneumatic manifold. Fan air is also used for cooling the generator and thrust reverser. 引气从高压压气机中释放给列镣系统: 空调系统





机翼及发动机入口整流罩防冰 液压油箱增压 饮用水箱增压

风扇空气做为预冷器中的冷却空气用以限制增压总管中的引气温度。风扇空气也可用于冷却发电机和反推装置。 4. The thrust reverser system reversers the direction of the fan exhaust during landing and provides additional brakeing of the airplane. The reverser sleeve is part of the engine cowling . the actuating system is on the reverser. The control and indicatin system are located remote from the engine. The reverser can only be deployed on the ground with hydraulic pressure available. Prior to deployment the engine thrust lever must be at idle position.

In figure17-1,10blocker doors are arranged around the forward section of the thrust reverser sleeve. The forward section of the blocker door is attached to the sleeve with two bolts, the blocker door drag link attaches the blocker door to the inner duct. The ddrag link attaches to the blocker door with a link attachment fittin and to the inner duct with a bolt. As the sleeve translate aft, the blocker doors rotate into a blocking position, due to sleeve movement and the door’s attachment to the inner duct. When extended, the blocker doors block the fan exhaust, forcing air in the reverse direction through the cascade segments. When retracted, the doors form part of the outer duct for fan exhaust air.


在图17-1里,10个阻流门围绕着反推装置外壳前部排列。阻流门前段用两个螺栓与外壳相连,阻流门阻力连杆将阻流门连接在内部管道上。阻力连杆用一个连接装置连接到阻流门并用一个螺栓连接到内部管道上。当外壳移动后部,阻流门转到阻流位,由于外壳转动,并且门连接在内部管道。当扩展时,阻流门阻止风扇排气,迫使空气反向通过级联段。当收回时,阻流门将作为风扇向外排气的外部管道的一部份。 5. The engine and hydraulic parameters are displayed on two engine instrument panel(ELS)using light emitting diodes(LED).

Engine displays and controls on the center panel consist of the following : ·N1 displays—— indicate fan speed in percent rpm.

·N2 displays —indicate high pressure compressor speed in percent rpm . ·Exhaust gas temperature(EGT)displays 1. indicate temperature of exhaust gas in °C. 2. a red light above each N1,N2,and EGT display illuminates if that engine exceed its redline. ·Fuel flow displays

Indicate fuel flow in weight of fuel per hour and also total fuel consumed per engine.

The FUEL FLOW/FUEL USED switch is used to change display from FUEL FLOW to FUEL USED, after 10 seconds the FUEL USED display reverts to FUEL FLOW.

·The FUEL USED RESET display a sequence:fuel used since last trset or power— up, then 000, and finally fuel flow.

·Engine oil pressure displays —display engine oil pressure in psi.

·Engine oil temperature displays— display engine oil temperature in°C.

·Engine oil quantity displays —display oil quantity of engine in percent of full. ·Engine vibration displays —display engine maximum vibration.

·Hydraulic pressure displays —display hydraulic systems pressure in psi.

·Hydraulic quantity displays —display hydraulic system quantity in % of full. 发动机及液压参数用发光二极管显示在两个发动机指示面板上。 发动机在中央面板上显示及控制包括以下内容: ·N1显示—用转速百分比指示风扇转速

·N2显示—用转速百分比指示高压压气机转速。 ·排气温度指示 1. 用°C指示排气温度。 2. 如果发动机超出红线,N1,N2上方的红灯及发动机排气温度指示灯亮。 ·燃油流量指示


FUEL FLOW/FUEL USED开关用于改变FUEL FLOW/FUEL USED的显示模式,10秒后FUEL USED显示恢复到FUEL FLOW。 ·FUEL USED RESET—显示一个顺序:上次重置后上电后的燃油使用,然后是000,最终燃油流量。 ·发动机滑油压力指示—用PSI指示发动机滑油压力。 ·发动机滑油温度指示—用°C指示发动机滑油温度。 ·发动机滑油量指示—用百分比显示发动机滑油量。 ·发动机振动值指示—显示发动机最大振动值。 ·液压指示—用PSI显示液压系统压力。 ·液压油量显示—用百分比显示液压油量。



专业资料 一、单词 电的 钛 分开 喷射管 容易接近地 简单的 离心的 电磁线圈 调节 施加 恒定的 插头 密封的 安装 通电 最低 表压 引导 因而 衬垫 Electrical Titanium Split Jet pipe Accessible Simple Centrifugal Solenoid Regulate apply Constant Plug hermetically Install Energize Minimum Psig Conduct Thus Liner 完全地 入口 通路 组件 检查 吊车 径向的 放置 最初的 测量 速度 电路 密封 连接 保证 润滑 释放 噪音 园柱体 集油盘 航空工程英语

Completely Inlet Path Pack Inspection Hoist radial Place initial Meter Speed Circuit Seal interface Ensure lubricate De-energize Noise Cylindrical Drip pan 封入 入口 孔、洞 容易地 拆卸 电缆 流入、内流 超控 污染 接近 安全的 点火激励器 金属 程序化的 起燃 形成 保持?状态 消音器 绝缘纸 间隔 Enclose Entrance Hole Readily removal Cable Inflow Override contamination Near Safe Ignition exciter Metal Sequencing Initiate Build up Remain Muffler Felt Gap 二、TEXT 1. the auxiliary power unit (APU) is used for providing: 1. compressed air for engine starting. 2. Compressed air to the air conditining system on the ground or in flight. 3. Electrical power to the airplane electrical system on the ground or in -flight ,(we will discuss APU electrical power in the next lesson). 辅助动力装置APU被用于提供以下: 1) 为发动机起动提供压缩空气

2) 在地面或飞行中为空调系统提供压缩空气 3) 在地面或飞行中为飞机电源系统提供电源 2. The APU engine is located in the aft end of the fuselage, behind the pressure bulkhead and below the horizontal stabilizer. The APU engine is completely enclosed in a titanium shroud. The air inlet door is located on the right side of the aft fuselage for air entrance. The airflow is split into two paths, one for the engine and the second for the accessories cooling. The cooling air exhaust overboard through a hole in lower shroud. The exhaust ducting is cooled by four air inlets around the jet pipe. Fuel is supplied through a shrouded line from fuel tank. Bleed air from the APU is supplied to the pneumatic system through a bleed valve, the bleed air can be used to perate either of the two air —conditioning packs or for main engine starting. The APU is readily accessible for inspection, maintenance or removal through a large door in the fuselage directly below it . removal is accomplished by lowering the assembly with a simple hoist and cable system.

The APU is a singe shaft gas turbine engine with a two stage centrifugal compressor, a single combustion chamber and one radial inflow turbine. The accessories group, driven by the gear box , is at the front of the unit. APU发动机安装于机身尾部、压力隔板后面及水平安定面下方。APU发动机被完全地封进一个钛防护罩中。空气进口安装于机身后部右侧。进入APU的空气被分成两个通路,一个供给发动机,另一个供给容易接近的冷却器。冷却空气通过保护罩下方的一个孔排放出去。排气管道被四个围绕喷射管道的进口空气冷却。燃油从燃油箱通过一个带保护的管道提供。从APU出来的引气通过一个引气阀门被提供到增压系统,引气可以被用来控制两个空调组件中的任一个,也可用于发动机起动。





APU是一个单轴气动涡轮发动机,它有一个两级离心压气机,一个单燃烧室和一个径向内流式涡轮。由齿轮箱驱动的附件组位于组件前面。 3. The APU fuel system consist of a fuel valve, control unit, solenoid valve, f ilter, heater and control valve. The fuel valve allows fuel supply from the tank to the APU engine. This valve operation is controlled by the APU switch on P5 panel, is it opened by placing the APU switch to the ON postion and closed by the switch placed to the OFF position. The valve can be operated manually without power by the override handle. The control unit regulates the fuel flow to the combustion chamber, during starting and normal operation. The solenoid valve allows fuel flow to the combustion chamber after the initial rotation of the APU. The two fuel filters are used to prevent contamination of the pump and fuel control unit. The fuel heater is used to prevent ice from blocking the fuel filter.

APU燃油系统包括一个燃油活门、控制组件、电磁活门油滤、加热器及控制活门。燃油活门允许燃油从燃油箱提供给APU发动机。此活门是通过P5板上的APU开关操作的,当APU开关置于ON位时打开,置于OFF位时关闭。此开关在没有电源情况下可通过超控手柄进行人工操作。控制组件用来在起动及正常操作期间调节流进燃烧室的燃油量。电磁开关允许燃油当APU初始转动后流向燃烧室。两个油滤用来防止污染泵及燃油控制组件。燃油加热器用来防止燃油结冰堵塞燃油油滤。 4. The fuel from the tank is delivered to the fuel control unit through the fuel valve. The fuel control unit supplies and regulates the fuel to the combustion chamber. The regulated fuel flow controls the acceleration of the APU engine during the starting operation. When a load is applied to the APU, the fuel control unit meters the fuel flow to maintain a near constant speed and a safe operating temperature of the unit. 燃油箱中的燃油通过燃油活门被送到燃油控制组件。燃油控制组件对进入燃烧室的燃油进行调节。调节燃油量可对APU发动机起动时的加速进行控制。当一个负载被加到APU上时,燃油控制组件测量燃油量以保持一个相近的恒定速度及组件的安全温度。 5. The APU ignition and starting system provides the means of rotating the APU engine to starting speed and for igniting the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber. This system consists of a start switch, starter, start relay, ignition exciter, igniter plug, and control circuit. The starter provides initial power for rotatin the APU engine compressor, tubine, and engine –driven accessories to a speed high enough to obtain good airflow for combustion. The ignition exciter provides the high voltage required to produce the spark at the ignitor plug, the ignition exciter electrical components are enclosed in a hermetically sealed metal container. The igniter plug is installed on the forward side of the combustion chamber, it is used to provide the high energy spark for igniting the fuel/air mixture.

APU点火及起动系统提供APU发动机起动速度时的转动及点燃燃烧室中的油气混合物。这系统包括一个起动开关、起动器、起动继电器、点火励磁器、点火器插头及控制电路。起动器为APU发动机压气机、涡轮及发动机驱动附件到足够高的速度以得到燃烧所需的气流转动提供初始动力。点火励磁器为在点火器插头上产生火花提供高压电能,点火励磁器电子组件被封入一个密封地金属容器内。点火插头被安装在燃烧室的前面,被用来提供点燃油气混合物的高能花火。 6. The start system interfaces with the sequencing oil pressure switch, speed switch, APU control unit and APU switch. During APU start, the starter is energized and APU rotates. The ignition exciter is energized by the action of the sequencing oil pressure switch(this switch ensures that combustion cannot be initiated during an APU start until a minimum lubricating oil pressure has been buildup during APU start, with increasing oil pressure, this switch closes at 4 psig oil pressure and provides 28 volt dc power to the fuel solenoid valve and the ignition exciter). The starter and ignition circuits are de-energized by the action of the speed switch during APU engine acceleration. During normal engine operation, the exciter remains de-energized.

起动系统连接着程序化的滑油压力开关、速度开关、APU控制组件及APU开关。APU起动期间,起动器被接通,APU转动。点火励磁器通过程序化的滑油压力开关(此开关确保在APU起动到建立最小的滑油润滑压力期间不会燃烧。在APU起动期间,随着滑油压力增加,当滑油压力达到4PSIG时,开关关闭,并且提供28伏直流电给燃油电磁活门及点火励磁器)动作被接通。起动器及点火线圈在APU发动机加速期间通过速度开关被释放。在发动机正常操作期间,励磁器保持断开。 7. The APU exhaust conducts the engine exhaust gas overboard and reduces the noise level of the high velocity gas flow. The exhaust duct consists of a heat shield and a muffler. The muffler is inside the heat shield. A felt metal liner is installed on the inside surface of the muffler for noise reduction. At the forward end ,the heat shield has a drip pan and is supported by the engine shroud. There si a gap between the muffler and the APU engine exhaust. At the aft end ,the exhaust duct is supported by the aft fairing . APU排放口引导发动机排出气体到外面并降低高速气流的噪音。排放管道包括一个加热保护罩和一个消音器。消音器安装于加热保护罩内部。一个绝缘金属垫片消音器内表面上,用来降低噪音。在加热器前端有一个集油盘并被发动机保护罩支持。在消音器与APU发动机排气口之间有一个间隙。排气管道后端由后整流罩支撑。


一、单词 首先 中线 放电器 Primarily Neutral Discharger 供给 导线 开缝的 Furnish Lead slotted 接线端 在?外面 频率 teminal Outside Frequency 24



Achieve Tripping Latch Contact Gain Momentary polarity Charger stud 跳开关 永久磁铁 弹簧 接触器 应用 通电 插座 主要的 Breaker Permanent magnet Spring Contactor Application Energize Receptacle Essential 闭合 帮助 保持 信号 允许 线圈 汇流条防护 缺席 Closing Assist hold Signal Allow Coil Bus protection panel Absence 得到 松开 锁定 触点 获得 短暂的 极性 充电器 柱螺栓 二、TEXT 1. the APU driven generator is mounted on the foreard face of the APU accessory drive gearbox. The APU generator produces the AC power required by the airplane systems primarily for ground operation, the generator can also be used as a backup generator in flight. APU is used to furnish 60 KVA of electrical power on the ground and used as AC power source of 50 KVA in flight.

APU驱动的发电机安装在APU附件齿轮箱前表面上。APU发电机可产生飞机在地面操作时系统所需基本交流电,此发电机同时也可做为飞行中的备用电源。APU被用来在地面提供60千伏安的电源及飞行中提供50千伏安的交流电源。 2. The APU ac generator has 6 ac terminals:

T1,T2,and T3 are the power terminals, T4,T5 and T6 are the neutral or ground terminals. T1 and T4 are for phase A, the leads are color-coded red. T2 and T5 are for phase C, the leads are color-coded blue. T3 and T6 are for phase B, the leads are color-coded yellow.

These terminal numbering and color-coding is the same as for the engine –driven generators. Cooling air enters through a duct from outside the APU compartment, passes through the generator and discharges into the APU. The generator is attached to the APU accessory drive gearbox with 12 slotted holes over mounting studs. The neutral current transformer sense the total current flowing through the APU generator at the neutral terminal. APU发电机有六个交流接线端:

T1,T2和T3是电源接线端,T4,T5和T6是中线或地面接线端。 T1和T4为A相,导线颜色为红色。 T2和T5为C相,导线颜色为蓝色。 T3和T6为B相,导线颜色为黄色。

这些接线端号码及颜色代码与发动机驱动的发电机是相同的。冷却空气通过一个APU外面的管道进来,通过发电机和排气装置进入APU。发电机被放在APU附件驱动齿轮箱上,用12个双头螺栓固定。中线电流转换感受流过APU发电机中线接线端的总的电流。 3. The ac power produced by APU generator is of constant frequency. To achieve this, the APU generator drive( including a gearbox) can be used for reducing the high speed of the APU engine to a lower speed. The APU engine drive the generator in lower speed to produce ac power at constant frequency.

APU发电机产生的交流电源是恒频的。为得到恒频电源,APU驱动发电机可将APU发动机高速度降成低速使用。APU发动机以低速驱动发电机,从而产生恒频的交流电。 4. The two APU generator breakers( see figure 19-2) connect 115 volt ac, 400 hertz, 3-phase power to the distribution system from the APU generator. The APU generator breakers are located in the bottom of the P6 panel in the flight compartment. The breaker has a dc coil for closing and tripping. A permanent magnet assists closing and latches the breaker in the closed position. An internal spring assists opening and holds it in the open position. The breaker has 6 main 115 volt ac contacts and 20 auxiliary contacts. The auxiliary contacts are used to control the positions of APU generator breakers and external power contactors, and for indicating lights in the flights in the flight compartment. The closing and tripping signals for the breakers are from the P5-4 panel. The breaker conacts position is indicated by the blue APU GEN OFF BUS light on the P5-4 panel. Access to the breaker is gained by opening circuit breaker panerls p6-11 and P6-12 at the bottom of P6 panel. 两中APU发电机跳开关将115伏,400HZ的三相交流电连接到APU发电机的分配系统。APU发电机跳开关安装在驾驶舱P6面板的低部。跳开关有一个打开/闭合用的直流线圈。一个永久磁铁帮助跳开关闭合并锁定在闭合位。一个内部弹簧帮助跳开关打开并保持在松开位。这个跳开关有6个主115伏交流触点和20个辅助触点。这些辅助触点用来控制APU发电机跳开关位置及外部电源接触器,及驾驶舱内的灯光指示。跳开关的闭合或松开信号指示来自P5-4面板。跳开关触点位置由P5-4面板上的蓝色“APU GEN OFF BUS”灯指示。跳开关可通过打开P6面板低部的P6-11及P6-12电路跳开关后接近。 5. Application of 28 volt dc to close, allows momentary energizing of the coil . when the breaker closes, the coil deenergizes through the auxiliary contact and the breaker is held closed by the permanent magnet.




Application of 28 volt dc to trip. Reverses the polarity of the coil and the contactor opens assisted by the spring. The coil deenergizes through the auxiliary contact.

28伏直流电关闭的应用,允许线圈瞬时接通。当跳开关闭合时,线圈通过辅助触点断电,跳开关通过永久磁铁被保持在闭合位。28伏直流电松开的应用,将线圈极性反向,触点在弹簧的帮助下打开。线圈通过辅助触点断电。 6. The 115 volt ac, 400HZ, 3-pahse power from an external source (ground power unit ) can also be supplied to the airplane for systems use. The external ac power system consists of an external power receptacle, bus protection panel, two external power contactors, relays, switches and indicating lights. The ac external power receptacle is located on the right side of the airplane, forward of the nose wheel well, the bus protection panel (BPP) is used for control and protection of the airplane circuits connected to external power. The two external power contactors connect 115 volt ac, 400Hertz, 3-phase power to the distribution system from external power source.

从外部电源的(地面电源)400HZ,115伏三相交流电也能够提供到飞机上供系统使用。外部交流电源系统包括一个外部电源插座,汇流条防换板,两个外部电源接触器、继电器、开关及指示灯。外部交流电源插座位于飞机右侧、前轮舱前方。汇流条防护板用来保护与外部电源连接的飞机线路。两个接触器将外部来的115伏,400HZ的三相交流电源接到分配系统。 7. The 115 volt ac system is supplied by two engine driven generators, APU driven generator or external power. The powr is connected to the generator main busses by engine generator breakers. APU breakers and external power contactors. Power is also supplied to two transfer busses through transfer relays. External power can be supplied to the external ac bus and the ground service bus (this bus is used for servicing of the airplane). The ground service bus can also be supplied from generator bus NO.1.

115伏交流电源由两台发动机驱动的发电机、APU发电机或地面电源提供。它被发动机跳开关、APU跳开关或地面电源触点连接到发电机主汇流条上,它也可以通过转换继电器接到两个转换汇流条上。外部电源也能够供到外部交流汇流条及地面服务汇流条上。地面服务汇流条也能够从一号发电机汇流条供电。 8. The 28 volt ac system is obtained through transrformers from main, transfer ,and ground service busses. The 28 volt dc power is supplied from the battery and transformer rectifiers to the battery bus and two dc busses. The power is connected to the busses by relays. The battery charger is supplied with power from the 115 volt ac system. The electronic system power is supplied from the 115 volt ac and 28 volt dc system. The standby ac and dc busses are powered normally from the generated ac and dc power. Alternately, the battery supplies power to the standby system. The standby power components are located in the electronics compartment, P6 panel and p5 panel .the purpose of the standby power distribution is to provide 115 volt ac and 28 volt dc power to essential system during absence of normal supply. 通过转换主汇流条、转换汇流条或地面服务汇流条上的电源可得到28伏交流电。28伏直流电由电瓶及转换整流器到电瓶汇流条和两个直流汇流条。28伏直流电被继电器接到这个汇流条上。电瓶充电器由115伏交流电供电。电源系统由115伏交流和28伏直流电提供。备用交流和直流电由正常交流和直流电提供。另一方面,电瓶为备用系统提供电源。备用电源组件位于电子舱、P5及P6面板。备用电源分配的目的是在无法正常供电的期间为必要系统提供115伏交流电或28伏直流电。


一、单词 导航 包含 Navigation Include 计算 子系统 Compute Subsystem 运动 自动定向仪 Movement Automatic director finder 相对方位 Relative bearing 甚高频全向信标 Magnetic bearing 偏离 Turn 最佳的 Very high frequency 仪表着陆系统 Instrument landing omnirange system Optimum 航线 测距仪 Course Distance measure equipment Identification Pitot pressure 磁方位角 转动 斜距 高度 静压 Slant range Altitude Static pressure 空中交通管制 Air traffic control 识别 大气数据系统 Air data system 不同的 Various 全压 惯性基准系统 Inertial reference system 姿态 气象雷达 Attitude Weather radar 关键的 当前位置 Key Present position 航向 电子飞行仪表系统 低空无线电高度表 Hearing Electronic flight instrument system Low range radio altimeter 地图 Map 绝对的 Absolute 26



Height 近地警告系统 Ground proximity warning system 不安全的 Unsafe 听觉 Aural 高度 视觉的 Visual 飞行管理计算机系统 指点标 起源 Flight management computer system Maker beacon Origin 领航 特殊的 Navigate Specific 最佳的 Optimization 以前 到来 大圆弧 可能的 计算 适合于 远距离的 爬高 previously advent Great circle Possible Computation Suit Distant Climb 终点 直接 destination Direct 随着?出现 With the advent of 强烈期望的 误差 冗长 机载的 复杂的 Highly desirable Error Lengthy Onboard Complex 有可能的 核实 耗费 附近的 最佳的 potential verify Comsume Nearby Optimize 剖面 计划 profile Projection 预测 分段爬升 下降 利用 predict Step climb Descent Utilization 更进一步 巡航 贯穿 综合飞行系统附件装置 further Cruise Throughout Integrated flight system accessory unit Test Failure 以及 As well as 把?做为目标 Target 航线可更换件 Line replaceable unit 印刷电路板 数模适配器 Print circuit card 试验 Data analog adapter Status 故障 抑制 存储器 suppression Memory 状态 航空无线电公司 自检测设备 Aeronautical radio 数据总线 incorporated Build –in text equipment Data bus 无线电距离磁Radio distance 指示器 magnetic indicator 离散的 discrete 完成 perform 任务 Task 燃油累加装置 Fuel summation unit 飞行控制计算Flight control 机 computer 2. TEXT 1. the navigation system compute and display the airplane’s position and movement over the earth’s surface. The navigation systems include the following main subsystems:

ADF automatic direction finder — ADF system provide a display of the relative bearing ?

to a selected ground transmitter.

VOR/ILS(very high frequency omnirange/instrument landing system)— this system provide ?

displays of relative and magnetic bearing to a selected VOR station and deviation from a preselected course. When truned to an ILS frequency, the system provides a display of the lateral and vertical deviation from the optimum landing path.

DOM(distance measuring equipment) —DME system measures the slant range distance to the ?

selected DME facility.




ATC (air traffic control)— ATC system transmits airplane identification and altitude ?

data to a ground facility.

ADS (air data system)— ADS system measures pitot and static pressure and total air ?

temperature and computes various air data parameters.

IRS(inertial reference system)— this system provides outputs of key navigation ?

parameters such as heading, attitude, and airplane present position.

EFIS(electronic flight instrument system )— this system providesdisplays of ?

information from various airplane systems.

WXR(weather radar) —this system provides a display of the weather conditions forward ?

of the airplane, and can also provide a map display.

LRRA(low range radio altimeter)— this system measures the absolute height of the ?

airplane above the earth’s surface.

GPWS(ground proximity warning system)— this system uses inputs from other systems to ?

navigatee the airplane and provide optimization of the flight plan.

FMCS(flight management computer system)— this system provides the pitot with aural and ?

visual warning of an unsafe flight path relative to the earth’s surface.

MKR BCN(marker beacon ) —this system provides an indication when the airpnale is passing ?

over a specific position.

TCAS(traffic alert and collision avoidance system)— this system provides the pitots ?

with warnings and advisories of unsafe flight conditions with regard to other airplanes operating in the area.

导航系统计算并显示飞机的位置及其在地球表面的移动。导航系统包括下列子系统: ?

自动定向机——此系统提供一个相对一个选定的地面发射台的相对方位角显示。 ?



测距机—— 此系统用来测量飞机与选定的DME设备的斜距。 ?

空中交通管制—— 此系统发射飞机识别码及高度信号给地面设备。 ?

大气数据系统—— 此系统测量皮托管压力、静压及空气总温并计算出不同的大气数据参数。 ?

惯性基准系统—— 此系统输出例如像航向、高度及飞机当前位置等关键导航参数。 ?

电子飞行仪表系统—— 此系统提供飞机各系统不同系统的显示。 ?

气象雷达—— 此系统提供飞机前方气象状况的显示,并能进行地图显示。 ?

低空无线电高度表—— 此系统测量飞机与地球表面的绝对高度。 ?

近地警告系统—— 此系统通过其它系统的输入引导飞机并提供最佳参数选定的飞行计划。 ?

飞行管理计算机系统—— 此系统用音响或视觉警告给飞行员相对于地球表面不安全的飞行路?


指点信标—— 此系统提供当飞机飞经一个特定的位置时进行指示。 ?

警告及防撞系统—— 此系统为飞行员提供在此区域内相对于其它飞机处在不安全的情况下提?

供警告及建议。 2. Previously, airplanes were navigated by flying from station to station along the route from the airplane’s origin to destination. The pitot used distance measuring equipment(DME), VHF omnirange (VOR)and automatic direction finder(ADF) to fly to each station. With the advent of inertial navigation system(INS), it became possible to fly a more direct route from origin to destinatin. A direct, great circle route is highly desirable because of potential fuel and time savings. Because of possible position errors in inertial systems the pitot is required to verify the inertial position with the DOME, VOR and ADF system. The computations required to verify the inertial position are lengthy and time consuming and are much more suited to an onboard computer. Also, since the airplane is not on a course to a nearby station but on a direct course to a distant destination, the computations are move complex. 3. The flight management computer system (FMCS) continuously calculates the optimum flight path and engine thrust to save time and fuel. During takeoff, the FMCS provides optimized thrust setting for takeoff based on gross weight of the airplane and outside temperature. During climb, the FMCS provides optimized climb profiles by predicting both opimum altitude and cruise speeds.further, the FMCS provides projections of top of climb and step climbs. During cruise, the FMCS optimizes descents by predicting top of descent speeds are targeted to make maximum utilization of the potential energy of the airplane.

飞行管理计算机系统继续计算最佳的飞行路径及发动机推力,以节省时间和燃油。在起飞期间,飞行管理计算机系统依据飞机总重及外界温度为飞机起飞提供最佳的推力设置。在爬升阶段,飞行管理计算机系统通过预测最佳姿态及巡航速度来提供最佳的爬升剖面。更进一步的,飞行管理计算机系统提供爬升到顶的计划及分段爬升。在巡航阶段,飞行管理计算机系统在导航数据的基础上通过预测下降顶端来优化下降。在整个下降阶段,下降速度是 4. There are two important equipment used in navigation system, one is the integrated flight systems accessory unit (IFSAU), the other is the digital to analog adapter(DAA). This IFSAU is line replaceable unit (LRU) located in the electronic equipment compartment. Is contains two printed circuit card(A1,A2). Each of the cards is connected to a different rear connector on the LRU. The A1 card is the IFSAU autopilot card, it has cirnce system(IRS). It stores inflight failures of the IRS in memory and monitors the IRS for current status.




THE DAA converts the ARINC 429 data bus output from the IRS into an analog format and sends that data to the radio distance magnetic indicator9RDMI). The DAA converts an IRS BITE request discrete from the flight management computer system into an analog signal and sends it to the IRS. 6. The DAA perform other tasks not related with the IRS. They convert VOR/ILS navigation system signals from analog format into ARINC 429 format and sent the data to the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) for display to the flight crew. The DAA convert analog information from the fuel summation unit into data information and send the information on an ARINC 429 data bus to the FMCS. The DAA also converts the low speed N1 from ARINC 429 format into analog format and sends the N1 information to the engine indicator. The DAA alos converts DME distance from ARINC 568 to ARINC 429 and sends it to the flight control computer(FCC) and the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS).


