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Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his met?tle. ②件件衣服都很漂亮。

All of these suits of clothes are beautiful. ③绿化祖国,人人有责。

It.'s everybody's duty to make our motherland green. ④不要斤斤计较。

Do not haggle over every ounce. ⑤地里的活她样样都会。

She knows how to do every kind of farm work. ⑥他们的战术是步步为营、稳所稳打。

Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench them-selves at every step,and then strike sure blows.


Day after day and year after year,fought and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forests.


Little by little the flood water receded.

③要么就一点也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。 And trust me not at all or all in all. ④农民犁田只能一块一块地犁。

Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot. ⑤他读啊读,读了整整一天,终于把这本书读完了。

He read and read,and finally got the book through after a whole day. ⑥走呀走,走了很久,孩子们才走到目的地。

The children walked on and on.It was after a long walk that they arrived at the destination.


The doctor examined the patient very,very carefully. ⑧我们有许许多多有趣的游戏。

We have many,many interesting games.


The streets were silent except for the clop-clop of their heavy military boots. ⑩行行过太行,迢迢赴延安。 细细问故旧,星星数鬓斑。(陈毅:《赴延安留别华中诸同志》) On and on post Taihang we walk, By and by to Yanan we make our way.

Again and again with old friends we talk,

One by one we count our hairs grey.(许渊冲译) ①学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。

The students their seats in the classroom by twos and threes. ②假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园内。

The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on holidays. ③山林炊烟缕缕上升。

Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the mountain vil-lage chimneys. ④一群一群的人蜂拥而进大厅。

Crowds of people swarmed into the hall. ⑤大批大批的物资被立即送往地震灾区。

Thousands of goods and materials are immediately sent to the earthquake-stricken area.


Hordes of locusts the crops in tracts rice field. ①他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来。

As they listened they burst into laughter. ②数着数着,两只兔子快到对岸了。

As they counted(the turtles)the two found themselves quite near the other side of the river.


There are too many things for me to attend to. ④他思绪滚滚,早已忘却约会一事。 He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the appointment. ⑤他很听话,我们的话句句听。

He was very obedient and always did as we told him. ⑥我们应扎扎实实地把这个问题解决好。 We must work in a down-to-earth way. ①你们只可以吓一吓他,可别把他打伤了。

You may well give him a fright,but be sure not wound him. ②让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道。

Give the enemy a taste of our shells. ③这东西需要检查检查。

It's necessary to have a check-up. ④你们俩交换交换意见。

You two have an exchange of views. ⑤让他试试那件上衣。

Lethim have a try on the coat. ⑥请闻一闻牛奶的气味。

Please take a smell at the milk. 爱情在他们心里噗噗地跳。

Love pit-patted in their heart.


She was so round and rolly-l used to wonder how she ever moved fast enough to catch hold of a bird.


Exhibition floors were chock-a-block with racing and sports cars. ④我们不得不零零星星的偿付。

We have to pay in dribs and drabs.


We wanted things to be completely above board and no hanky-panky.

⑥那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。 The path zigzags up the hill. 1.青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。(古诗十九首) Green grows the grass upon the bank, The willow-shoots are long and lank,(HerbertA.Giles译) ②寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。(李清照:《声声慢》)

So dim,so dark,so dense so dull,so damp, so dank,so dead,(林语堂译) ③祝大家平平安安。

Wish all you safe and sound


My clothes are neat and clean,but my father's were worn and torn. ⑤两家生活都被弄得颠颠倒倒,混乱不堪。

The lives two families are turned topsy-turvy.


We heard the tick-tack of sleet on frosted windowpanes. 1.星星之火,可以燎原。

A single spark can start a prairie fire. ②科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。

Science means honest,solid knowledge,allowing not an iota of false-hood,and it involves Herculean efforts and grueling toil. ③他们的房间暖烘烘的。

Their room was good and warm. ④树阴底下凉凉爽爽。

It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree. ⑤对待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不关心。

We should be warm towards our comrades,not ice cold and indifferent. ⑥兹母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。(孟郊:《游子吟》) Thread from the hands of a doting mother,

Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son.

Before his departure,were the close,fine stitches set,Lest haply his return be long delayed,(Amy Lowell译)


They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds. ②那是万万不行的。

That's absolutely out of the question. ③我万万没有想到。

This idea never occurred to me. ④鲜艳的五星红旗徐徐升起。

The bright Five-Star Red Flag slowly went up the pole ⑤路上的行人渐渐少了。

The number of pedestrians gradually dwindled.


The hometown was full of reminiscence,many going back to early childhood.


Day after day and year after year,fought and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forests.

②洪水慢慢地退了。Little by little the flood water receded. ③走呀走,走了很久,孩子们才走到目的地。

The children walked on and on. It was after a long walk that they arrived at the destination.


One sigh after another, Mulan sat opposite the door weavig. ⑤我们有许许多多有趣的游戏。

We have many,many interesting games.

⑥行行过太行,迢迢赴延安。细细问故旧,星星数鬓斑。(陈毅:《赴 延安留别华中诸同志》)

On and on post Taihang we walk, By and by to Yanan we make our way.

Again and again with old friends we talk,

One by one we count our hairs grey.(许渊冲译) ①学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。

The students sit in the classroom by twos and threes. ②假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园内。

The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on holidays.


Crowds of people swarmed into the hall. ④枝枝相覆盖,叶叶相交通。

Like loving arms the branches interweave, And lovingly the leaves and sprays caress. ①他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来。

As they listened they burst into laughter. ②我们的事情太多了,做都做不完。

There are too many things for me to attend to. ③他思绪滚滚,早已忘却约会一事。

He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the appointment.

④我们应扎扎实实地把这个问题解决好。 We must work in a down-to-earth way.

①让他试试那件上衣。Let him have a try on the coat.

②让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道。Give the enemy a taste of our shells. ③请闻一闻玫瑰花的香味。Please take a smell of the rose. ①爱情在他们心里噗噗地跳。Love pit-patted in their heart. ②我们不得不零零星星的偿付。We have to pay in dribs and drabs.

③曲曲折折的荷塘上面, 弥望的是田田的叶子。All over this

zigzag stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves.

①青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。(古诗十九首) Green grows the grass upon the bank,

The willow-shoots are long and lank.(HerbertA.Giles 译) ②寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。(李清照:《声声慢》)

So dim,so dark,so dense so dull,so damp,so dank,so dead(林语堂 译)


My clothes are neat and clean,but my father's were worn and torn。 ①星星之火,可以燎原。A single spark can start a prairie fire。 ②对待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不关心。

We should be warm towards our comrades,not ice cold and indifferent。

③慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。(孟郊:《游 子吟》)

Thread from the hands of a doting mother,Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son。

Before his departure,were the close,fine stitches set,Lest haply his return be long delayed,(Amy Lowell 译)

①那是万万不行的。That's absolutely out of the question。

②鲜艳的五星红旗徐徐升起。The bright Five -Star Red Flag slowly went up the pole. ③念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。

Ahead lies a journey a thousand Li of misty waves

And the vast sky of chu hangs with heavy evening haze. ( 1) 微霜凄凄簟仓寒( 李白长相思)

A light frost falls: chill , chill the colour. Of the sleeping mat ( 张廷琛译)

译文中, chill 与凄的音相似,chill 的重复使用呼应了原文中的凄凄, 把原诗所表达的那种霜后寒意深深的意境表现得淋漓尽致。又如: ( 2) 澹澹长江水,悠悠远客情。(韦承庆??行别弟) Mournfully , mournfully rolls theLong Rive. Saddened, ah saddened, the stranger ' s Breast.

( 3) 汽车喀哒喀哒地沿街驶了过去。

The car chattered and chattered down the street .

战士指看南粤, 更加郁郁葱葱。( 毛泽东清平乐会昌)译成: Our warriors, pointing south, see Guangdong loom.In a richer green and lusher gloom. 熙熙攘攘hustle and bustle 辛辛苦苦toil and moil

兢兢业业caut ious and conscientious ( 1) 你能听见马达的砰砰声吗?

Can you hear the put-put of motor? ( 2) 那个男人根本不像军人。做事犹 犹豫豫的, 倒似个老妇女。

That man is not at all like a military man.Shilly-shallying about like an old woman. ( 1) 坎坎伐檀兮??

Kan-kan go his blows on the sandal trees ( 2) 风萧萧兮 ", Winds cry xiao-xiao ", 硬梆梆very stiff

静悄悄perfectly quiet 结结实实pretty tight 清清楚楚crystal clear

1,茅檐低小,溪上青青草。( 辛弃疾清平乐)Beside the little reed-thatched hut, How green they look , the stream-fed grasses there!

羞羞答答as shy as Daphne 忙忙碌碌as busy as a bee ( 1) 我们谈了足足2 个小时。

We have talked for two full ( solid )hours. ( 2) 学校离这足足5 英里。

The school is a good five miles from here. ( 3) 他们在那儿等了整整3 天。

They waited there for three clear days. ( 4) 那天我整整走了30 里路。

I walked a cool thirty miles that day. ( 1) 尝尝这个。 Just taste this.

( 2) 给我们介绍介绍经验, 好吗? Give us some t ips, will you? ( 1) 说说笑笑

chatting and laughing ( 2) 来来往往 coming and going

星期天上午他打打网球, 或者和妻子上街逛逛商场。

On Sunday mornings, he would play tennis,or go shopping with his better half. ( 1) 一日三餐顿顿有鱼虾。

Everyday each of the three square meals is served with both fish and shrimps. ( 2) 这种事情不是天天都会发生。

Such things do not happen every day. ( 3) 他觉得事事不如人。

He feels inferior in everything . ( 1) 小伙子们干起活来个个赛过小老虎。

The lads threw themselves into the work more vigor than young tigers . ( 2) 革命传统代代相传。

Revolutionary traditions are passed over for generations . ( 3) 阵阵晚霜导致水果歉收。

Late f rosts accounted for the poor fruit Crop.

( 1) 一幢幢摩天大楼迅速出现在市中心。

Skyscrapers have sprouted in the heart of the city. ( 2) 我们取得了一个个伟大胜利。

We achieved one great victory af ter another.

( 3) 少年是艺术的,一件一件地创作;壮年是工程的,一座一座地建筑;老年是历史的,一页一页地翻阅。(刘大白??梦之群)

Youth is for the artist To create piece by piece;Manhood for the architect To build Structure up on structure;Old age for the historian To read page af ter page. ( 1) 十年生死两茫茫, 不思量, 自难忘。千里孤坟, 无处话凄凉。( 苏轼??城子) Ten years parted, one living, one dead; Not thinking

Yet never forgetting;

A thousand li from her lonely grave I have nowhere to tell my grief. ( 2) 行行过太行, 迢迢赴延安。 细细问故旧, 星星数鬓斑。

( 陈毅??延安留别华中诸同志) On and on past Taihang we walk, By and by to Yenan we make our way.

Again and again with old friends we talk, One by one we count our hairs grey.

1,There are so much to see, and we’d always stopped to chit-chat with friends.(My Fair Lady, Readers Digest, Dec.1991) 可观看的东西多着呢,于是我们常常停下来和朋友聊一聊。

There are so much to see, and we’d always stopped to chit-chat with friends.(My Fair Lady, Readers Digest, Dec.1991) 可观看的东西多着呢,于是我们常常停下来和朋友聊一聊。

现在我的衣服干干净净,但过去我父亲却穿得破破烂烂。 译文:My clothes are neat and clean,but my father’s were worn and torn. 荷塘四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,而杨柳最多。(朱自清,《荷塘月色》) Skirting the lotus pond, far and near, high and low, are trees among which willows predominate. (王椒升译)

好一似食尽鸟投林,罗了片白茫茫大地真干净。(曹雪芹,《红楼梦》) When the food is gone the bird return to the wood; All that’s left is emptiness and great void. 你能听见马达的砰砰声吗? Can you hear the put-put of motor? 温庭筠《望江南》中的“斜晖脉脉水悠悠” 许渊冲译:The slanting sun sheds sympathetic ray; /The carefree river carries it away.

大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。?(白居易《琵琶行》) The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain, /The fine strings softly tinkled in amurmuring strain; /When mingling loud and soft notes were together played, /It was like large and small pearls dropping on plate of jade. 罗袖动香香不已,红蕖袅袅秋烟里。轻云岭上乍摇风,嫩柳池边初拂水。 译文:Wide sleeves sway. /Scents, /Sweet scents /Incessant coming. //It is red lilies, /Lotus lilies, /Floating up,/And up, /Out of autumn mist. //Thin clouds /Puffed /Fluttered, /Blown

on a rippling wind /Through a mountain pass. //Young willow shoots /Touching /Brushing /The water /Of the garden pool.

