12星座 英文版

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egoistic adj. [,i:ɡ u istik]自私自利的,自我中心的 jovial [‘d uvi l] adj. 天性快活的 indecisive [,indi‘saisiv] adj.优柔寡断的,犹豫不决的,无决断力的 inquisitive [in'kwiz tiv] adj. 好问的,爱钻研的;喜欢探讨的 forthright [,f :θ‘rait] adj. 直率的,坦率的,直截了当的 intuitive [in‘tju:itiv] adj.有直觉力的;有敏锐洞察力的 demonstrativeness感情(尤指爱情)外露 gregarious [ɡri‘ɡε ri s] adj.合群的;爱好交际的,好社交的 indulgence [in‘d ld ns] n. 放纵;沉溺,沉迷;纵情 passionate [‘pæ nit] adj.1. 具有强烈感情的;热烈的;激昂的 charismatic [,kæriz‘mætik] adj. (有领袖人物的) 超凡魅力的 flirtatious [fl :‘tei s] adj.爱调情的,卖俏的,轻佻的,轻浮的 introvert [ intr uv :t] n. 内向的人 obstinate [‘ bstinit; -n t] adj.1. 固执的,倔强的;顽固的 wistful [‘wistful]n.深思的;忧思的

AriesStrengths Adventurous Energetic Courageous Confident Weaknesses Self-centered Short-tempered Impulsive Impatient

TaurusStrengths Compassionate Dependable Loyal and reliable Strong - physically as well as emotionally Weaknesses Stubborn Sensitive Aggressive Dislikes change



Good at communicationInquisitive Flexible

RestlessConfused Personality Find it hard to be punctual

CancerStrengths Adaptable Loyal Attached to family Empathetic Weaknesses Moody Sensitive Emotional May be indecisive at times

LeoStrengths Weaknesses

Kind and big-hearted Prone to jealousy

EnergeticOptimistic Honest and loyal

Too much possessiveEgoistic Dominating


WeaknessesToo critical

Realistic/PracticalDependable and sincere Patient

Lacks demonstrativeness RestlessPush himself too much

LibraLibra Weaknesses

Patient and balanced Indecisive Gregarious and sociable Loving and affectionate Cheerful and energetic May become careless Prone to indulgenceEmotional and sensitive



Loyal and trustworthy Becomes jealous easily Passionate Charismatic and mystifying Caring and patient Stubborn Sensitive Egoistic


