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1. It is generally believed that schools are well-ordered places where acceptable behavior is the

a) norm b)classics c)religion d)credit

2. Sam’s strength and movement are a result of regular fitness work with a

world-famous coach.

a)sensitive b)exceptional c)realistic d)consistent

3. As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I that I must have been

unconscious most of the time.

a)preach b)theorize c)awaken d) presume

4. The way other people behave towards us influences how we ourselves.

a) confront with b associate with c) conceive of d)go round

5. Based on the that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in

light of the changing market, I would predict a marked improvement in the efficiency of

China’s economy.

a) guidance b)viewpoint c)premise d)initiative

6. With the economy of the country going strong, the mood is one of optimism.

a) symptomatic b)contemporary c) exceptional d)prevailing 7. She is quite capable, but the problem is that she is not . a)consistent b)insistent c)beneficent d)resistant

8. The workers of the textile mill that trade union leaders be elected from the workshops. a)urged b)related c)combated d) adopted

9. I reject absolutely the that privatization is now inevitable in our industry.

a)norm b)notion c)impression d)denial

10. friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France.

a)efficient b)influential c)impressive d)effective

11. I admire her courage, compassion and to the cause of humanity, justice and peace. a)dedication b)determination c)capability d)realism

12. Clare knew who wrote the letter, so without opening it she tore it into pieces in

a)excitement b)disappointment c) disgust d)expectation 13. The remedy proposed by Mr. Maxwell is simple, easy and .

a)eternal b)ultimate c)influential d) practicable

14. Familiarity with a wide range of idiomatic expressions, and the ability to use them

appropriately in , are among the distinguishing marks of a native-like command of


a)context b)practice c)place d)case

15. Democratic government is a phrase that is notoriously hard to .

a)credit b)poke c)discern d)define

16. Despite his newly acquired wealth, George is not a member of the club of


a)consequent b)exclusive c) residential d)elite

17. Before the meaning of a word in a dictionary, try to make a guess from the context

in which it is used.

a)carving out b)bearing out c) storing up d) looking up

18. Throughout their married life she was a support, helping to organize his exhibitions and allowing him the freedom to paint without interruption. a)fluent b)tremendous c )realistic d)external

19. Good referees are quick to spot foul play and penalties for persistent offenders.

a)impose b)stake c)urge d)counter 20. They her to take the job by promising high wages and quick promotion.

a)induced b)tutored c)opposed d)weakened

21. protein intake can be dangerous, putting stress on the kidneys and causing


a)permissive b)excessive c)exclusive d)intrusive

22. Our top is to do all that we can to help those out of work find jobs.

a)priority b)curriculum c)blueprint d)initiative

23. It turned out that the of this foul murder was an entirely innocent man who was on

his way to work. a)delegate b) instrument c)victim d)representative.

24. George said he had decided to join the family firm, but he was about the specific role he would play.

a)vicious b)vague c)literary d)honorable

25. A viewer installed in the door will enable you to the identity of callers before you

open it.

a)verify b)presume c)screen d)correlate

26. The death-watch beetle(红毛窃蠹) has a life cycle of three to ten years depending upon the nature of the timber it .

a)cherishes b)combats c)discerns d)inhabits

27. Though the accident happened 10 years ago, the memory of it still me. a)haunts b)reclaims c)awakens d)paralyzes

28. expense, we must take every measure to save the old man’s life. a)as for b)except for c)apart from d)regardless of

29. It never him that Jerry could turn his back on him when he needed help.

a)related to b)pass for c)occurred to d)came across 30. Training is seen as the of knowledge and skills for a specific purpose.

a)assumption b)acquisition c)conception d) acceptance

31. The secretary the foreign minister an interview he was to give that


a)remind … of b) reassured … about c)credited … with d)passed … for

32. The panel will consider whether or not Mr. Wilson is serious professional misconduct. a)subjected to b)guilty of c) confronted with d)reduced to

33. I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be and, then they it.

a)work … over b)bear …out c)live…out d)cut … off 34. We shall offer you advice, but you are under no to follow it.

a)invitation b)obligation c)momentum d) oppression

35. These technological advances in communication have the way people do business.

a)revolted b)represented c) adopted d) transformed

36. The main reason for using alloys(合金) is to the mechanical and physical properties of metals to suit the item being manufactured.

a)heighten b)modify c)condemn d) impose

37. He said that is remained the aim of true communists to a classless society.

a)strive for b)identify with c)conceive of d)stake on 38. The keys have to be turned in a particular to open the safe.

a)symphony b)procedure c)sequence d)context

39. To their disappointment, the ambitious schemes for making big money eventually .

a) go to the point b)took the initiative c)lost their never d) came to nothing 40. the accused was to have been the leader of a plot to overthrow the government. a)reconciled b)decreed c)alleged d)pledged

41. Just imagine the shock of the Prime Minister when three of his senior cabinet colleagues

and resigned in protest on Friday night.

a)revolved b)resolved c)revived d)revolted

42. Rumors began to of bombs in New York’s subway system, and the poisoning of

water wells. a)evaporate b)deviate c)radiate d)circulate

43. This thought had crossed Robyn’s mind before, but she had it as ignoble.

a)surpassed b)suppressed c)combated d)banned 44. Independence of Taiwan is unpopular because it the dream of a united China that

people on both sides of the Strait hold dear.

A)contradicts b)mutters c)evokes d)withers

45. The sun on its endless tour round and round the sky gives shadows and hues(色彩) of variety.

a)formidable b)infinite c)compelling d)immense

46. These statistics have to be verified carefully because they are used to policy and

steer the economy. a)proclaim b)publicize c)formulate d)adopt

47. The new full-body X-ray screening system to be used at airports for security check is

regarded by many as an unjustified of privacy. a)reconciliation b)assumption c)validity d)invasion

48. “You’ve knocked over my glass!” “I’m sorry. How of me!”

a)brutal b)clumsy c)disorderly d)blunt

49. Matthew was by a street gang in a dark alley for his refusal to work for it. a)worked over b)broken down c)reigned over d) confronted with

50. I wanted to tell her exactly what I thought, but I when I came face to face with her

and only said something quite irrelevant. a) lost my nerve b)went out of my mind c)got to the point d)took her word

51. The of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.

a)essence b)thesis c)synthesis


52. At the far end of the lake some buffaloes were bathing, so deeply that only their

heads were visible.

a)overwhelmed b)immersed c)degenerated d)engulfed

53. With their far superior technology, the Western forces completely Saddam’s army. a)suppressed b)overwhelmed c)bled d)segregated

54. The two ingredients should be placed together in a bottle and shaken vigorously until they are

. a)filtered b)discriminated c)blended d)engaged 55. The little girl started to cry in order to sympathy and pity in her parents.

a)confine b)evoke c)await d)engaged

56. They to safety as a massive wall of water smashed their caravans(车队) and swept

away dozens of cars.





57. In 20 years only one company with an investment-grade rating from Moody’s has

long-term debt—one that went bankrupt voluntarily to protect itself from lawsuits. a)defaulted on b)relied on c)accounted for d)cried for 58. He said he did not the difficulties the party faced in regaining a measure of

popular trust.





for more than thirty

59. The king was forced to leave the country over which he had years. a)prevail b)reigned c)stumbled d)lingered 60. His health had been affected, and might a)break down

b)cool off

c)lit up

d)sprout up

altogether if the strain continued.


1. It is generally believed that schools are well-ordered places where acceptable behavior is the


a) norm(规范) b)classics (经典,古典文献) c)religion (宗教) d)credit(信用) 人们普遍认为,学校是秩序井然的地方,可接受的行为规范 2. Sam’s B strength and movement are a result of regular fitness(n,适合,健康)

work with a world-famous coach.

a)sensitive(敏感的) b)exceptional (例外的,特别的) c)realistic(现实的) d)consistent (一致的)


3. As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I D that I must have been

unconscious most of the time.

a)preach(说教) b)theorize(建理论,推理) c)awaken (唤醒) d) presume(假定,推测)


4. The way other people behave towards us influences how we C ourselves.

a) confront with(使面临,使面对) b associate with (交联,使联合) c) conceive of (设想,想象,认为) d)go round (绕道走,到处走走)



【详细解答】conceive of的意思是“认为,以为,想象”;consist of的意思是“包括,包含”;confront with的意思是“使某人面对”;conform to的意思是“遵守,遵从,与…相一致”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A

5. Based on the C that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a marked improvement in the efficiency of

China’s economy.

a) guidance (指导) b)viewpoint (观点) c)premise (前提) d)initiative(主动权)


6. With the economy of the country going strong, the D mood is one of optimism.

a) symptomatic(有症状的) b)contemporary(当代的) c) exceptional(例外的) d)prevailing(流行的,普遍的) 【译文】随着这个国家的经济变得越来越强大,普遍的情绪里满是乐观。 7. She is quite capable, but the problem is that she is not A .

a)consistent(一致的,坚持的) b)insistent(坚持的) c)beneficent(仁慈的) d)resistant(抵抗的) 她非常有能力,但是问题是她不能坚持下去。

8. The workers of the textile mill A that trade union leaders be elected from the


a)urged(要求) b)related (有关) c)combated(战斗) d) adopted(采纳) 【译文】纺织厂的工人们要求工会领导要从车间选出。。 9. I reject absolutely the B that privatization is now inevitable in our industry. 我断然否定的观念私有,现在不可避免的在我们的工厂。

a)norm (规范) b)notion (想法) c)impression (印象) d)denial(否认)

10. B friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France.

a)efficient(效率高的) b)influential(有影响的) c)impressive(印象深的) d)effective(有效的)




11. I admire her courage, compassion and A to the cause of humanity, justice and peace.

a)dedication(奉献) b)determination(决定)

c)capability (才能) d)realism(现实主义)


12. Clare knew who wrote the letter, so without opening it she tore it into pieces in C a)excitement(兴奋) b)disappointment(失望)

c) disgust(厌恶) d)expectation(期待)


13. The remedy proposed by Mr. Maxwell is simple, easy and D . a)eternal (永恒的) b)ultimate (最终的)

c)influential(有影响的) d) practicable(可用的,可实行的 麦克斯韦尔先生提出的补救办法很简单,容易,可实行的。

14. Familiarity with a wide range of idiomatic expressions, and the ability to use them

appropriately in A , are among the distinguishing marks of a native-like command of English.(和网上有差别) a)context(上下文),语境,环境) b)practice (练习,实践) c)place (地点) d)case(实例)

对大量习语的熟悉以及在上下文中合适地使用是像要求英国本族人一样掌握英语的显著标志之一 15. Democratic government is a phrase that is notoriously hard to D .

a)credit(信用) b)poke(戳,手戳) c)discern(看出,差别) d)define(定义) 民主政府是一个臭名昭著到很难定义的术语 16. Despite his newly acquired wealth, George is not a member of the B club of


a)consequent(结果,随之发生的) b)exclusive (独家,独有的) c) residential(住宅的) d)elite(精英)


17. Before D the meaning of a word in a dictionary, try to make a guess from the context

in which it is used.

a)carving out (创业,雕刻) b)bearing out(证实)

c) storing up (储备) d) looking up(查阅)


18. Throughout their married life she was a B support, helping to organize his

exhibitions and allowing him the freedom to paint without interruption. a)fluent(流畅的) b)tremendous (极大的,惊人的) c )realistic(现实的) d)external(外部的)


19. Good referees are quick to spot foul play and A penalties for persistent offenders.

a)impose(强加,征税,限制) b)stake(赌注,利害关系) c)urge(强烈的欲望,要求) d)counter(柜台,反击) 好裁判很快发现犯罪动作和惩罚累犯者。 20. They her to take the job by promising high wages and quick promotion.

a)induced (感应,引诱,说服) b)tutored (辅导,教导)0 c)opposed (反对的,对立的) d)weakened(变弱) 他们诱导她接受这个项目, 许诺有高工资和快速提升

21. B protein intake can be dangerous, putting stress on the kidneys and causing


a)permissive(宽容的,容许的) b)excessive(过多的) c)exclusive(独家,独有) d)intrusive(侵入的,打扰的) 过多蛋白质摄入量可能是危险的,给肾脏压力,导致脱水

22. Our top A is to do all that we can to help those out of work find jobs.

a)priority(优先权) b)curriculum (课程) c)blueprint (蓝图) d)initiative(主动性)


23. It turned out that the C of this foul murder was an entirely innocent man who was

on his way to work.

a) delegate(代表) b) instrument (仪器) c) victim (受害者) d) representative(代表)

事实证明,这个犯规谋杀的受害者是一个完全无辜的人,只是在上班的路上。 24. George said he had decided to join the family firm, but he was B about the specific

role he would play.

a)vicious(邪恶的) b)vague(模糊的)

c)literary(文学的) d)honorable(体面的,可敬的)


25. A viewer installed in the door will enable you to A the identity of callers before

you open it.

a)verify(证实) b)presume(假定) c)screen(屏幕) d)correlate(相关联的) 一个查看器安装在门口将使您能够验证调用者的身份在你打开它之前。 26. The death-watch beetle(红毛窃蠹) has a life cycle of three to ten years depending upon the

nature of the timber it D . a)cherishes(珍爱) b)combats(战斗) c)discerns(看出) d)inhabits(居住于) 红毛窃蠹有一个生命周期从三年到十年根据它栖息的木材的性质

27. Though the accident happened 10 years ago, the memory of it still A me.

a)haunts(常来常往的地方,出没) b)reclaims (改造,回收)

c)awakens(唤醒) d)paralyzes(使瘫痪,使麻痹) 虽然这次事故发生在10年前,它的记忆仍然困扰着我

28. D expense, we must take every measure to save the old man’s life.

a)as for (关于) b)except for(除了……以外)

c)apart from(远离,除了) d)regardless of(不管,不顾) 不管费用多少,我们必须采取一切措施抢救这位老人的生活

29. It never C him that Jerry could turn his back on him when he needed help.

a)related to(与有关) b)pass for (被认为,冒充) c)occurred to(想起,被想到) d)came across(偶见) 他从来没有想到过,杰里可以背对他当他需要帮助

30. Training is seen as the B of knowledge and skills for a specific purpose.

a)assumption(假设,设想) b)acquisition(收购,获得,获得物) .

c)conception(观念,怀念) d) acceptance(接受,承兑,验收) 训练被视为采集的知识和技能为一个特定的目的

31. The secretary A the foreign minister an interview he was to give that


a)remind … of (提醒) b) reassured … about (放心)

c)credited …with (相信什么有) d)passed … for(冒充) 秘书提醒外交部长的采访那个下午。

32. The panel will consider whether or not Mr. Wilson is B serious professional misconduct.

a)subjected to(受到,经过) b)guilty of(犯了)

c) confronted with(面临) d)reduced to(变成,认为) 委员会将考虑是否威尔逊先生犯有严重失职。

33. I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be and, then they

C it . a)work … over(彻底查) b)bear …out (证明) c)live…out(活着) d)cut … off(削减了)

【译文】我认为有些人想象自己成为什么样的人,而且他们证明了这一点。 【试题分析】词语辨析题,要求学生能够辨认出这四个近义动词短语的区别。

【详细解答】work...over的意思是“彻底查”;bear...out的意思是“证明…,证实”;live...out的意思是“活过…,度过…,熬过;不在工作处住,通勤”;get...over的意思是“爬过,越过;克服,超越;淡忘,恢复;知道相信”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。 书上C

34. We shall offer you advice, but you are under no B to follow it. a)invitation(邀请) b)obligation(义务)

c)momentum(动量,动力) d) oppression(压迫,压制,迫害) 我们将为您提供建议,但你没有义务遵循它

35. These technological advances in communication have D the way people do


a)revolted(起义的,反叛) b)represented(代表,表现)

c) adopted (被收养的,被采用的,采用) d) transformed(变形,转变) 在通讯领域里的这些技术革新改变了人们做事的方式。

36. The main reason for using alloys(合金) is to the mechanical and physical properties of metals to suit the item being manufactured.

a)heighten (提高) b)modify (更改,修饰) c)condemn(谴责) d) impose(强加,征税,限制)


37. He said that is remained the aim of true communists to a classless society.

a)strive for (争取,奋斗) b)identify with (认为)

c)conceive of(设想,想像,认为) d)stake on(在……打赌) 他说,争取一个没有阶级的社会,仍然是真正的共产主义者的目标。 38. The keys have to be turned in a particular C to open the safe.

a)symphony(交响乐) b)procedure (程序) c)sequence(顺序,连续) d)context(环境,上下文) 密钥必须把在一个特定的序列打开保险柜

39. To their disappointment, the ambitious schemes for making big money eventually . a) go to the point(切中要害) b)took the initiative(主动)

c)lost their never (失去勇气) d) came to nothing(化为泡影)


40. The accused was C to have been the leader of a plot to overthrow the government.

a)reconciled(和解) b)decreed (任命的,颁布法令)

c)alleged(宣称) d)pledged(保证,承诺) 被告宣称领导的一个阴谋推翻政府。

41. Just imagine the shock of the Prime Minister when three of his senior cabinet colleagues

D and resigned in protest on Friday night.

a)revolved(旋转) b)resolved (解决,下定决心的) c)revived(复活的,注入活力的) d)revolted(反叛)


42. Rumors began to D of bombs in New York’s subway system, and the poisoning of

water wells.

a)evaporate (蒸发) b)deviate(偏离)

c)radiate(辐射,放射) d)circulate(传播,流通,循环) 谣言开始的炸弹在纽约的地铁系统,和被污染的水井

43. This thought had crossed Robyn’s mind before, but she had a)surpassed (超过,凌驾) b)suppressed(抑制,镇压) c)combated(战斗) d)banned(禁止)


B it as ignoble.

44. Independence of Taiwan is unpopular because it the dream of a united China that

people on both sides of the Strait hold dear.

A)contradicts(反驳,与矛盾) b)mutters (低语) c)evokes(引起,唤起) d)withers(感情,情绪)

台湾独立是不受欢迎的,因为它统一中国的梦想相矛盾,对海峡两岸人民珍视。 45. The sun on its endless tour round and round the sky gives shadows and hues(色彩) of B


a)formidable(可怕的) b)infinite(无限的) c)compelling(引人注目的,强制的) d)immense(巨大的) 太阳在其无尽到达处处,天空给阴影和色彩多种多样

46. These statistics have to be verified carefully because they are used to C policy and

steer the economy.

a)proclaim (宣告) b)publicize(宣传) c)formulate(制定) d)adopt(采用) 这些统计数据必须仔细核实,因为他们是用来制定政策和驾驭经济

47. The new full-body X-ray screening system to be used at airports for security check is

regarded by many as an unjustified D of privacy.

a)reconciliation(和解) b)assumption (假定) c)validity(有效性,正确性) d)invasion(侵犯)


48. “You’ve knocked over my glass!” “I’m sorry. How B of me!”

a)brutal(残忍的) b)clumsy(笨拙的)

c)disorderly(杂乱) d)blunt(迟钝的,直率的) “你已经打翻了我的玻璃!“我很抱歉。我真是笨手笨脚!”

49. Matthew was A by a street gang in a dark alley for his refusal to work for it.

a)worked over(重做,检查) b)broken down(临时故障,毁坏了的) c)reigned over(统治,盛行) d) confronted with(面临) 马太福音是由一个街头帮派工作在一个黑暗的小巷,他拒绝为它工作 50. I wanted to tell her exactly what I thought, but I A when I came face to face with her

and only said something quite irrelevant.

a) lost my nerve(失去了勇气) b)went out of my mind(疯了) c)got to the point( 言归正传) d)took her word


51. The A of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.

a)essence(本质,精华) b)thesis (论文,论点) c)synthesis(合成,综合) d)instinct(本能,直觉) 协商的本质是倾听和考虑,这些咨询的观点 52. At the far end of the lake some buffaloes were bathing, so deeply that only their

heads were visible.

a)overwhelmed(受打击,压倒) b)immersed(浸入,专注的) c)degenerated(蜕变,衰退) d)engulfed(吞没) 在湖的尽头一些水牛是洗澡,浸入深深,只有他们的头都是可见的 53. With their far superior technology, the Western forces completely Saddam’s army.

a)suppressed(抑制) b)overwhelmed(受打击,压倒) c)bled (流血的,受伤,榨取) d)segregated(隔离的) 与他们的远优越的技术,西方军队完全压倒萨达姆的军队 54. The two ingredients should be placed together in a bottle and shaken vigorously until they are


a)filtered(过滤) c)blended(混纺,混合的,滥用)

b)discriminated(辨别) d)engaged(保证,订婚)


55. The little girl started to cry in order to sympathy and pity in her parents.

a)confine(界限) b)evoke(唤起) c)await(等待) d)engaged(保证,订婚) 这个小女孩开始哭为了唤起同情和怜悯在她的父母

56. They to safety as a massive wall of water smashed their caravans(车队) and swept

away dozens of cars.

a)paralyzed(麻痹的,瘫痪的) c)roamed (闲逛,慢步)

b)spun(纺成的,纺,旋转) d)dashed(猛冲)


57. In 20 years only one company with an investment-grade rating from Moody’s has

long-term debt—one that went bankrupt voluntarily to protect itself from lawsuits. a)defaulted on (违约) b)relied on(依赖) c)accounted for (对什么负责任,说明) d)cried for(恳求)


58. He said he did not the difficulties the party faced in regaining a measure of

popular trust.

a)demonstrate (证明,演示) b)underestimate(低估) c)speculate(推测) d)outweigh(比重) 他说他没有低估这些困难党面临在恢复一个程度大从的信任 59. The king was forced to leave the country over which he had B years.

a)prevail (盛行)

b)reigned (统治)

for more than thirty




60. His health had been affected, and might A altogether if the strain continued.

a)break down (损坏 ,发生故障,失败,毁掉) b)cool off (变凉,平静下来) c)lit up(照亮,点亮) d)sprout up(发芽了) 他的健康受到影响,而且可能完全毁掉如果继续负荷。

