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Enterprise Risk
Management — Integrated Framework
Executive Summary
September 2004
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Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)
Oversight Representative COSO Chair John J. Flaherty American Accounting Association Larry E. Rittenberg American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Alan W. Anderson Financial Executives International John P. Jessup
Nicholas S. Cyprus Institute of Management Accountants Frank C. Minter
Dennis L. Neider The Institute of Internal Auditors William G. Bishop, III
David A. Richards Project Advisory Council to COSO
Tony Maki, Chair Partner
Moss Adams LLP James W. DeLoach
Managing Director
Protiviti Inc.
John P. Jessup
Vice President and Treasurer
E. I. duPont de Nemours and
Mark S. Beasley
North Carolina State University Andrew J. Jackson
Senior Vice President of
Enterprise Risk Assurance
American Express Company
Tony M. Knapp
Senior Vice President and
Motorola, Inc.
Jerry W. DeFoor
Vice President and Controller Protective Life Corporation Steven E. Jameson
Executive Vice President, Chief
Internal Audit & Risk Officer
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc.
Douglas F. Prawitt
Brigham Young University
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Author
Principal Contributors
Richard M. Steinberg
Former Partner and Corporate Governance Leader (Presently Steinberg Governance Advisors)Miles E.A. Everson
Partner and Financial Services Finance, Operations, Risk and Compliance Leader
New York
Frank J. Martens Senior Manager, Client Services Vancouver, Canada Lucy E. Nottingham Manager, Internal Firm Services
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