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Zooming in: An Integrated English Course, Book 1
Unit Five Parents and Children
Learning Objectives of Unit Five
Share your idea of parent-child relationship with your classmates
Master the usage of the key words and useful expressions in Text A and Text B Learn how to maintain a loving parent-child relationship from the two texts
Learn the rhetorical device euphemism and appreciate the rhetoric effect of metaphor
Learn to develop an English paragraph by listing
I. Warm-up Activities
Activity 1: Interview — Will You Do This?
Directions: Suppose you are the reporter from Phoenix TV and you are going to
interview some children/parents on how to maintain a loving parent-child
relationship; conduct your survey by gathering answers to question on
next page:
Will you…?
Express your feelings
Communicate love through gentle touch
Participate in your parents’/children’s interests or hobbies
Respond when your parents/children initiate a conversation
buy your parents/children some gifts
visit each other regularly
invite your parents/children for dinner
Activity 2: Watch the Video and Discuss
Directions: Watch the video clip from Friends and then discuss the following topics.
Do your parents treat your siblings the same way they treat you?
What would you do if your parents love your siblings, if any, better
than they love you?
Words and Expressions for the Discussion:
silbing rivalry family love
superiority/inferiority obedience
male heir
family line
inequality of the sexes
prejudice/discrimination mum’s pet rebellion growing pains mutual understanding long-cherished values
II. Text A A Time for Memories
1. Background Information
In the United States and Canada, a prom, short for promenade, is used to describe a formal dance held at the end of an academic year. Boys usually dress a dinner jacket and bow tie, sometimes with brightly colored cummerbunds (腰带) or vests, though any sort of formal wear can be worn. Traditionally, girls gave boys matching boutonnieres (纽扣眼上插的花) to be worn on their tuxedos or waistcoats. Girls traditionally wear formal gowns or dresses adorned with a corsage (胸前花饰) given to them by their dates. Common prom activities include dining, dancing, the crowning of a prom King and Queen, and socializing.
2. Key Words and Useful Expressions
2.1 recent a. (L. 6) happening or starting from a short time ago 最近的
e.g. According to a recent survey, the percentage of working women is stuck at
The global warming issue has exploded into popular media in recent years.
2.2 senior (L. 11)
1. n. [C] a student in their final year of high school or university; sb. who is high
or higher in rank (中学或大学)高年级生;前辈,上司,资深人士
e.g. He was my senior at Yale by two years.
He was described by his seniors as a model officer.
2. a. high or higher in rank; older地位(或级别)较高的,资历较深的;年长
e.g. Women fill twenty percent of senior management positions.
Bob is two years senior to me.
2.3 straight (L. 18)
1. a. continuing in one direction without bending or curving; honest笔直的,挺直
e.g. His friend is a tall, slim girl with a straight nose.
The boss is not completely straight with us.
get sth. right/straight 清楚无误地了解某事物
keep a straight face 忍住不笑
(as) straight as an arrow (物)笔直;(人)诚实、正直
2. ad. without pausing or delaying 直接地,不延误地
e.g. Go straight down the road and then turn left.
He went to bed straight after supper.
2.4 take/catch sb. by surprise (L. 24) happen unexpectedly, so as to shock sb. 使某
e.g. The question took him by surprise.
Her sudden resignation took us all by surprise.
2.5 disturbing a. (L. 28) making sb. feel worried, upset or shocked 使人担忧的;使
人吃惊的, 使人心惊肉跳的
e.g. There is a disturbing increase in the crime rate.
There was something about him she found disturbing.
disturb vt. 扰乱;骚扰
disturbance n. 扰乱
disturbed a. 心乱的,不安的
undisturbed a. 安静的, 镇定的
disturbingly ad. 烦扰地
2.6 be/become acquainted with (L. 30) know or be familiar with sth. because one
has studied it or has experienced it before (因为读过、见过或经历过某物而)知道或熟悉(某物)
e.g. He was well acquainted with the literature of France.
Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store.
acquaint sb. with sth. 使(某人)了解(某事)
have a passing/slight/nodding acquaintance with sth. 对…不甚了解
2.7 ease (L. 35)
1. vt. make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.; relieve,
comfort 减轻,舒缓 ; 使安心,使宽慰
e.g. The aspirin eased his headache.
I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe.
2.n. [U] easiness; comfort不费力;安逸,悠闲
e.g. She won the 400m race with ease.
The retired couple lived a life of ease.
2.8 keep sth. from sb. (L. 49) not tell sb. about sth.; prevent from hearing 不把…告
e.g. He says it’s alright but I think he’s keeping something from me.
Clark murmured, keeping what he said from Amanda.
比较:keep sth. from sb., keep sb./sth. from sth.
keep sth. from sb. 表示“不把 告诉(某人);防止(某人)听到(某事)” 。keep sb./sth. from sth. 表示 “阻止(某人)做(某事)” 。
e.g. She kept all her secrets from me. 她所有的秘密都不告诉我。
I kept the children from going out. 我不让孩子们出去。
2.9 option n. (L. 50) one thing which can be chosen from a set of possibilities; the
freedom to make a choice 很多供选择的事物中的一个; 选择(的自由)
e.g. She had no option but to quit her job in order to take care of her child.
It is at your option to stay or leave.
have/keep your options open 仍持观望态度,未作选择
have no option (but to do sth.) 别无选择(只好做某事)
2.10 soak up (L. 68) enjoy the effects or experience of sth. as much as possible 接
e.g. I love to lie on the beach and soak up the sun.
Just stroll around the bazaar and soak up the atmosphere.
2.11 sway (L. 78)
1. vi. move slowly from side to side摇动,摇摆
e.g. The branches are swaying gently in the wind.
He swayed slightly, as if about to fall.
2. vt. influence or change 影响或改变
e.g. Recent developments have swayed the balance of power in the region.
Obama’s speech swayed many voters.
2.12 tighten vt. (L. 80) become tighter or make sth. become tighter, firmer or less
easy to move使变紧,使更牢固
e.g. We must tighten these screws.
He tightened his grip on her arm.
tighten (sth.) up 使更严格;使更有效
tighten your belt 节衣缩食,减少开支
3. Difficult Sentences and Sentence Patterns
3.1 Difficult Sentences
3.1.1 I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries, then smiled. (L. 26) I raised my eyebrows as I usually did when I felt puzzled or when I was in doubt and then smiled. 我皱起了眉头,狐疑地看了她一眼,然后微微笑了。
my arched-eyebrow inquiries 是一个以inquiries为中心词的名词词组,定语 arched-eyebrow是一个复合词,意为“皱起眉头”。
3.1.2 What I didn’t know, and what she had kept from me, was that her
condition wasn’t improving. (L. 48-49) What I’d no idea of was that she didn’t physically become better, and she hid the truth from me. 但有一点我一无所知,而且她也一直瞒着我,那就是她身体状况毫无好转。
what I didn’t know 和 what she had kept from me 是两个并列的分句,一同作为该句的主语。 keep sth. from sb. 意思是“不把(某事)告诉(某人)”
本课文中第三段的译文为:“年复一年,我们看着公园里的松树长得巍峨挺拔,直到高耸入云。松树年年增高,我们之间的关系也越发密切,对彼此的爱也越来越深。” 原文中pine trees 只出现过一次,但在译文中出现了两次。第二个“松树” 便是重复法在英汉翻译中的运用,它使语义变得更加明确。
3.2 Sentence Patterns
3.2.1 …even before … (L. 42) 还没…就…; 不用…就…
e.g. Some Beijing opera actors have gained quite a reputation even before their
His children began to dispute his property even before he passed away.
他还没合眼, 子女们就开始争夺财产了。
3.2.2 just as … (L. 57) 正如 …
e.g. She treats me as a child, just as I treat her.
Just as the twig is bent, the tree is inclined.
4.Discourse Analysis
4.1 Main Idea of the Text
The writer the days when she and her mother would life tree in nearby, and it was there that she learned her mother was dying of ’s her sons to the fond her mother. Such visits
4.2 Structure of the Text
The story is told in the first person. The most important thing is that in this text narration and description blend well with each other. Events in the story are generally related in chronological order, that is, in the order in which they occur. The text can be divided into two parts. In the first part the writer narrates and describes how she developed a close relationship with her mother. In the second part she tells the readers how life repeats itself like a circle when she and her children chatted about life under the pine tree as her mother and her had done years before.
4.3 Rhetorical Devices in the Text
In Text A, the writer makes use of the following rhetorical devices to make his narration and description more impressive and vivid.
In the text, the writer employs the rhetorical device — euphemism (委婉) in the sentence, “Who will you bring here (L. 25)”. To soften the harsh reality that her mother was dying, she substituted a mild or vague expression “after I am gone” for a harsh one “when I am dead”. To show the mother’s love for the daughter, she used an expression that indirectly refers to “death”.
Metaphor is used in Para. 3. The author compares the growth of the pine trees to the growing of closeness between the mother and the daughter. The writer and her mother witnessed the pine trees’ growing tall and straight over the years. And the writer believed the pine tree also witnessed how she and her mother developed the close relationship and deep love for each other. It also helps the readers understand that the pine tree had become an important part of their life which could always bring back fond memories.
III. Text B Cellular Love
1. Short Answer Questions
Directions: Read the passage in five minutes and then answer the five questions in the
fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).
1.1 How did the writer know that it was her mother’s call?
Answer: Her cell phone showed her mother’s number.
1.2 What was she doing when her mother called?
Answer: She was preparing dinner.
1.3 How did her mother handle such difficulties in her life as sicknesses, and loss of
much of what and whom she loved?
Answer: With a will of iron.
1.4 What does the sentence “I should only be lucky” inside the card mean?
Answer: She feels happy about being like her mother.
1.5 According to the writer, what is “Cellular Love” ?
Answer: The maternal love for a daughter away from home.
2. Key Words and Useful Expressions
2.1 light up (L. 3) 点燃, 点亮;
e.g. The sun lights up the sky and the earth.
He lit up a cigarette.
2.2 depress vt. (L. 8) 使沮丧,使消沉;使萧条
e.g. Rainy weather always depresses me.
When business is depressed, there is usually an increase in unemployment.
depression n. 沮丧,意气消沉;不景气,萧条(期)
2.3 in spite of (L. 32-33) 尽管,虽然
e.g. I went out in spite of the rain.
In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.
2.4 navigate (L. 45)
1. vi 测定位置和线路;导航
e.g. I’ll drive the car, you navigate.
Which officer in the ship navigates?
2. vt. 航行;横渡
e.g. She is the first woman to navigate the Amazon alone.
I don’t like having to navigate London’s crowded streets.
2.5 domestic a. (L. 56) 家庭的,家事的;国家的; 国内的
e.g. Her domestic troubles have ended.
The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies.
2.6 grateful a. (L. 57) 感谢的,感激的;表示感谢的
e.g. She was grateful to George for all that he had done.
They sent us a grateful letter.
gratitude n. 感激之情,感恩,感谢
ingratitude n. 忘恩负义,不知感恩图报
ungrateful a. 忘恩负义的,不领情的
2.7 in reality (L. 71) 事实上,实际上,其实
e.g. Everyone likes the stranger, but in reality he is a criminal.
The house looks very old, but in reality it’s quite new.
make sth. a reality [口语]实现某事
bring sb. back to reality 使某人面对或回到现实
crude reality 亦裸裸的现实
stern reality 严酷的现实
lose touch with reality 脱离现实
2.8 apply vt. (L. 82) 涂,敷;将 铺在表面;应用;实施
e.g. The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.
I’d never apply the word “readable” to any of his books.
application n. 应用,适用;运用
applicable a. 可应用的,合用的;可实施的
applied a. 应用的,实用的
2.9 acknowledge vt. (L. 89) 承认[(+as)][+v-ing][+that];就 表示感谢
e.g. I acknowledge that her criticism is just.
The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
acknowledgment n. 承认,认知;感谢,谢忱,谢意
in acknowledgment of 作为谢意
IV. Writing
1. Writing Skill
How to Develop an English Paragraph by Listing
A paragraph can be developed by listing, which, through a list of reasons, facts, ideas or even possibilities, illustrates or supports a general statement of a paragraph. The points should be listed according to the sequence of time and space and/or the degree of importance of the ideas.
The transitional words frequently used in listing are: for one thing, for another, finally, besides, moreover, one another, still another, first, second, also, etc.
2 Writing Practice
2.1 Analyze the Structure of a Paragraph
Directions: Read the following paragraph carefully, and then analyze the paragraph
and discuss in pair on how it is developed by listing.
Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything went wrong. First, I didn’t hear my alarm clock and was late for work. Then, I didn’t read my memorandum properly and forgot to get to an important meeting with my boss. During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. At lunch time, I left my purse on a bus and lost all the money in it. After lunch, my boss was angry because I hadn’t gone to the meeting. Then I didn’t notice a sign on a door that said “Wet Paint” and so I spoilt my jacket too. When I got home I couldn’t get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. So I broke a window to get in and cut my hand.
2.2 Write a Paragraph as Required
Directions: Write a paragraph with the title The Unbright Side of City Life, which
should be developed by listing.
Sample Writing
In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and convenience, yet they don't see the other side of the picture. First, with the expansion of the city, housing has become a serious problem for city people. Then, there is the problem of pollution: harmful gases from vehicles and poisonous water from factories pollute our surroundings; noise continually disturbs your peace and rest and drives you mad. Thirdly, modern city life puts a high pressure upon people; you have to hurry to and from work; you have to dodge (闪躲) in so as to avoid bumping into the flood of people, bicycles, cars, buses…; all day long you are under great stress. Fourthly, big cities also cause some social problems, of which high crime rate is the most serious one. People are justifiably in fear of becoming victims of burglary, robbery, murder and other crimes at any time. People living a city life have to thus find some ways to cope with all these problems.
V. Relevant English Culture
Directions: Watch the video The Meaning of Mother’s Day.
VI. Appreciation
Directions: Directions: You are going to hear a song — Do Not Stand at My Grave
and Weep; fill in the blanks with the words you’ve just heard. And try to
translate the poem into Chinese.
Brief Introduction to the Poet: Mary Frye, a mother, housewife and poet, was born on November 13, 1905 in Baltimore. Her poem Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep brought comfort to thousands. Frye had never written any poetry before 1932, when she and her husband had a young German Jewish girl, Margaret Schwarzkopf, staying with them. According to Frye, their guest had been concerned about her mother, who was ill in Germany, but she was not able to return home. When her mother died, the heartbroken young girl told Frye that she never had the chance to “stand by my mother’s grave and shed a tear”. So Frye found herself composing a piece of verse on a brown paper shopping bag. Later she said that the words “just came to me” and expressed what she felt about life and death.
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep
Mary E. Frye
Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there; I do not sleep. I am the gentle autumn rain. ’
I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.
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