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第一节 (基础写作,满分15分)二

假如现在到了2100年,由于老年人急剧增加,所以照顾老年人成了一个严重的社会问题。你公司为适应社会需求推出了家用机器人。请你根据以下内容向大家推荐你公司这项新产品. [写作内容]

1 由于老年人急剧增加,所以照顾老年人成了一个严重的社会问题; 2 可以在固定的时间做饭,做饭时间可以根据个人需要进行调整; 3 可以陪老人聊天、下棋、做运动等;

4 及时处理突发事件,例如在老人突然病倒时及时拨打呼救电话等。 [写作要求]

1 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容; 2 将5个句子组成连贯的短文。 [评分标准]


Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening to my introduction to the new product.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It would be a great help for you if you own such a robot. Thank you.

One possible version:2

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening to my introduction to the new product. As you know, with the development of society, the number of the old is largely increasing so it is very difficult for a family to take good care of the old, which has become a serious social problem. To solve this problem, our company put out the household robot, which is designed to take care of old people. It can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needs. It can also accompany old people in having a chat, playing chess, and doing exercises. Moreover, if an old man falls ill suddenly, the robot will call doctors for help. It would be a great help for you if you own such a robot. Thank you.

