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Design of antennas for mobile Designofantennasformobilecommunications devices: practical aspects.Marta Martínez VázquezIMST GmbHIEEE AP-S DistinguishedLectureAugust 2011Acknowledgements

?Rens Baggen, Winfried Simon, Andreas Winkelmann(IMST)?Dirk Manteuffel (U. Kiel)

?Jan Carlsson, KristianKarlsson(SP)?Cyril Luxey (U. Nice Sophia-Antipolis)?Zhinong Ying (Sony-Ericsson)?JussiRahola (Optenni)Rahola(Optenni)?Jaume Anguera (FractusS.A.)?EURAAPSWG“SmallSmall AntennasAntennas”

2mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

IMSTGmbH:facts&figuresIMST GmbH: facts & figures?Foundation: Foundation:?Staff: ?Headquarters: 1992150 employees (110 engineers / PhD)Kamp-Lintfort, GermanyBerlinNorthRhineWestfaliaBonnKamp-LintfortIMSTDüsseldorfBonn3mmv, IEEE-DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reservedTargetmarketsTarget markets

?Telecom and IT?Automation ?AutomotiveAtti?Medical Device?Security?Space

4mmv, IEEE-DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

EMmodellingtoolsEM modelling tools

Library for multilayered elements

IntegratedinAgilentADSTMIntegrated in Agilent ADS

Fullwave3DFDTDsimulationFull wave 3D FDTD simulation


Coplanar element library

Integrated in Agilent ADSTM

5mmv, IEEE-DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

In-houseInhouse technology & prototypingtechnology&prototyping

?Clean rooms: class 100 to 10,000Cleanrooms:class100to10000?Thin film and thick film technology?Hybrid circuits, bondingyg?Etching techniques?Fast prototyping?LTCCcapabilities

6mmv, IEEE-DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

Measurements&testingMeasurements & testing

?Indoor nearfield/ farfield

?3D air-interface characterisation of mobile

devices?Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)SpecificAbsorptionRate(SAR)?RFmeasurements up to 110 GHz?CE certification


7mmv, IEEE-DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

ScopeofthetalkScope of the talk

?Introduction & historical review?Practical considerations & design flowPracticalconsiderations&designflow?State of the art

8mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

ScopeofthetalkScope of the talk

?Introduction & historical review?Practical considerations & design flowPracticalconsiderations&designflow?State of the art

9mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

MobilemarketMobile marketDayly newspapers480mInternet users1.4bnTV setsTVsets1.5bnMobile phones4bn4bn mobiles worldwide = half of the population of the planet!!!10mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved


UUser / market/kt?Small dimensions ?Low weight ?Low SAR levelsLowSARlevels?Low cost ?High efficiency

Service providers / Siid/

networks:?Multiband capability?Broadband operation?Robust to changes in the environment?Optimised use of the

availablechannelcapacityavailable channel capacity

16mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

ChallengesGo wireless!!!… but please provide:?Small antennas?Internal antennasInternalantennas?Light weight?Cheap?Multi-bandMultiband

?Multi-antenna systems


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Whichmeans…Which means…

18mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

HandsetevolutionHandset evolution







19mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

Fromadifferentpointofview…From a different point of view…?Last 15 years: impactypoflaptopsppandmobile phonesp?Weightdroppedby57 percentin thelast twoyears!?Reason: Rsmartphonesth!43.53Weight (kg)2.52151.510.501990199520002006200820103.53.3MP3, iPodMobile phoneLaptop,organiserSmartphone1.61.21.4151.520mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

FromexternaltointegratedFrom external to integrated


Use of patch antennas Useofpatchantennasinstead of insteadofwhips

Ergonomics:tapering and weighting taperingandweightingto encourage users to hold it below the antenna

Plastic casing: part of the cover made of plastic


Nokia 8810 (1998)

Source:wwwwiredcomSource: www.wired.com


mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

Meetthepioneer!Meet the pioneer!

Hagenuk Global Handy (1996):

The first GSM-phone with an integrated antenna!


mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

ProblemswiththelawProblems with the law

?MooreMoore‘ss law: law:

?The number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years?

?Antennas don't follow Moore's law ?Maxwell‘s laws!!!

23mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

FrommobiletosmartphoneFrom mobile to smartphone

Motorola 8900 (1997)()First dual band GSM phone

130 x 59 x 25 mm

248 gg

iPhone 4 (2010)

5bdGSM/UMTS5-band GSM/UMTS+ Bluetooth/Wi-Fi + GPS

115 x 59 x 9 mm137grams137 grams

24mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

HandsetevolutionHandset evolution

?GSM 900/1800

?Battery type: NiMH950 mAh?Battery life:

?Standby time: 100-130 hours ?Talk time: 330-420 minutes

?Time of full re-charging: 90 minutes ?LCD display with the resolution of LCDdisplaywiththeresolutionof96х32 pixels, which can show up to 4 text lines, one line with icons ?Phonebook: 100 phone numbers + SIM-card memory. ?The list of the last 10 Thelistofthelast10received/dialedcalls ?16 menu languages

?User's menu configuration ?Vibrating alert ?Speed dialing?Autodial ?Fax ?SMS

?Dimensions: 130x59x34Dimensions:130x59x34mm3?Weight: 248 g.

Source: www.apple.com


mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

ScopeofthetalkScope of the talk

?Introduction & historical review?Practical considerations & design flowPracticalconsiderations&designflow?State of the art

26mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

MobilehandsetdevelopmentMobile handset development


Concept &Ct&



Marketing& sales


Optimisation& integrationIndustrialisationHard tool goQualificationRamp upMassproductionProductupgrade

27mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

DesignflowDesign flow

Antenna design process

Antennaconcept/SimulationAntenna concept / Simulation

Test hardwareFirst MeasurementsDemonstrator (electrical properties) Antenna development process MechanicaldesignoftheantennaMechanical design of the antenna

Technology & contacting


Production and delivery

28mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

CustomerrequirementsCustomer requirements

?Pre-defined mobile phone?Antenna functionalityAtftilit?Available space / Shape

?Pre-defined position of feed contacts Pre-definedpositionoffeedcontacts

?Interaction necessary with other design departments (circuits, mechanics…)?Antenna design should start at the same time as handset development!!!

29mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

TypesofmobilephonesTypes of mobile phones

TypicalPlatformsandAntennaConceptsofMobilePhonesTypical Platforms and Antenna Concepts of Mobile Phones

Bar phone with integrated antenna

Flip-phone with external antenna

Bar phone withhelix antenna

Slide phone withintegrated antenna

30mmv, IEEE AP-S DLP2011 ? IMST GmbH -All rights reserved

