北京市东城区2014届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版

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北京市东城区2014届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版

学校 姓名考号



两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1.

A. B. 2.




4. A.









每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. Where does the man want to go?

A. The museum.

B. The bank.

C. The school.

6. How long will it take the man to get there?

A. 15 minutes.

B. 20 minutes.

C. 40 minutes.


7. What will the weather be like on Saturday?


A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.

8. What are the speakers going to do?

A. Go to a concert.

B. Go to a movie.

C. Go to a party.

请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. What sport comes first in the P.E. exam?

A. Running.

B. Football.

C. Swimming.

10. Which ball games will the boy choose?

A. Baseball and volleyball. B. Baseball and basketball.

C.Basketball and volleyball. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. What classes does the man plan to take?

A. Writing class and reading class. B. Speaking class and writing class. C. Speaking class and reading class. 12. What did the woman think of Mr. Black?

A. Hard-working.

B. Kind.

C. Strict.

13. Why did the woman get a better grade inreading class?

A. Because it is easier. B. Because she liked it better. C. Because she worked harder. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. Why do teenagers join the Teen Travel Club?

A. To travel more freely.

B. To travel more cheaply. C.To travel more quickly.

15. Where can teenagers buy Teen Tickets?

A. At the post office.

B. At the Teen Travel Club.

C.At the bus station. 16. What is the speaker doing?

A. Making an introduction. B. Offering an invitation.

C. Giving some advice.




AnOrder Placement(订货单) Name Product(产品) Product Number Size Color Price



从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。

22. My father is a math teacher. _____ often helps me with my math. A. She

B. He



17 Smith A silk 18 MS3426 19 20 £ 21 23. The students in this class are _____ different countries, but they all speak English. A. on

B. at

C. from

D. to

24. — Is there a bookshop near here?

— Yes. Go straight on _____ you will see one on your right. A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or

25. Bob is _____ student in his class. A. young

B. younger

C. youngest

D. the youngest

26. — _____ classes are there in your grade? — There are ten. A. How much

B. How many

C. How old

D. How long

27. — _____ I do the report by myself? —No, you needn’t. You can ask for help. A. Must

B. Need

C. Can

D. Should

28. I don’t like this blue sweater. Can you show me _____ one? A. some

B. any

C. other

D. another

29. — Where is Amy?

—I guess she _____ in the library.


A. reads B. read C. is reading D. will read

30. Don’t forget _____ the window when you leave. A. closing

B. close

C. to close

D. closed

31. I will be very happy if my mother _____ the gift for her. A. likes

B. liked

C. will like

D. like

32. Mrs. Brown _____a teacher since she was twenty-four years old. A. is

B. was

C. willbe

D. has been

33. This photo _____ twenty years ago. A. took

B. was taken

C. is taken

D. has taken

34. —Do you know _____? —Next Tuesday. A. when he came

B.when he will come

D. when will he come

C. when did he come



“Tumbling(翻跟头) time!” I called out. My group of 35 lined up before the sea of blue mats(垫子). Megan stepped quietly into the back of the line. The other children had 36 the tumbling moves months ago. But Megan was still working on them. It simply took her a little longer to learn them.

One day before class, Megan’s father asked to talk to me. “I’m 37 taking Megan out of class,” he said. “Why?” I asked. He said, “She isn’t catching on like the other kids are. I don’t want her to hold them back.” I could see his 38expressionas he said this. Megan’s eyes were looking down as if she wanted to disappear.

“I think you’re making a39 ,” I said. “Megan needs this class, possibly more than the other children need it. I, myself, didn’t start out as a seven-time national champion. I started out as an eight-year-old girl, just like Megan. When I look at Megan, I 40 myself. She works hard.”

“Sir, your daughter 41 never win a competition or even compete, but I promise you that if she keeps trying and believing in herself, her self-respect will be more 42 than any gold medal. I believe in Megan. I believe that she can43 anything she sets out to do.”


44 I said these words, Megan looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was smiling like a bud(花蕾)flowering into bloom. Her father hugged me and said in a very low voice, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” He turned to Megan and said, “Honey, it’s time for your class.”

Megan 45 did learn many skills in her own time. More importantly, she never again stood at the back of the line. From that day forward, whenever I asked the children to line up for tumbling, Megan ran to stand in the 46 . 35. A. friends 36. A. made

B. parents B. chosen B. imagining B. angry

C. teachers C. mastered

D. children D. watched

D. suggesting D. cruel

37. A. trying 38. A. sad

C. considering C. cold

39. A. difference 40. A. see 41. A. can

B. mistake B. help B. may

C. promise C. prove C. must

D. change

D. forget

D. should

D. popular D. achieve

42. A. special 43. A. afford 44. A. As

B. interesting B. order

C. important

C. appreciate

B. Though B. simply B. front

C. Once D. Before

D. finally

45. A. totally 46. A. side

C. naturally C. middle

D. back





Fun Places to Visit in Singapore At Jurong Bird Park you can see more than 5,000 birds and even feed some of them by hand! If feeding birds makes you hungry, you can join the park’s parrots for lunch. Jurong Bird Park 5

Take a small boat into Singapore’s past. A 10-minute ride will take you to this island. The life on the island hasn’t been changed since the PulauUbin 1960s. Walk through Orchard Road’s modern malls. Then try an open-air shopping experience at the markets. There you can buy inexpensive clothes, Malls and Markets Night Safari lets you see animals that are active at night in their natural environment. Walk through the park at night to get close to the animals from seven different areas. Night Safari 47. How many fun places are mentioned? A. 2.

B. 3.

C. 4.

D. 5.

toys and old furniture. 48. Where can you get to know Singapore’s past? A. At Night Safari.

B. At PulauUbin. D. At Jurong Bird Park.

C. At Malls and Markets.

49. You can go to Night Safari to ______. A. watch animals

B. take a boat trip D. feed and eat with birds


Does this ever happen to you? Someone introduces you to a friend, you hear his or her name, and then two minutes later, you forget it. Or you go to the same restaurant every day and the owner always says “Hello” to you but you can never remember her name. If this happens, you are typical— actually most people have the problem remembering names.

Here are some ways that can help people remember names. ?

C. buy some clothes

Repeat the person’s name loud at least three times while you talk together. For example, 6

instead of saying “Nice to meet you.” say “Nice to meet you, Jack (for Sue or whatever the person’s name is).” Instead of saying“Where do you live?” you can say “Where do you live, Jack?” ? ?

Introduce the person by name to someone else right away. Write the name down (with a little information about the person) as soon as possible. There are other ways which may seem a little strange. However, try them.

? Think of a story using the person’s name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack has a nice jacket.” Imagine Jack in a nice jacket. ? Think of a rhyme(押韵)for the person’s name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack would look nice in black.” Imagine Jack wearing black clothes. All these ways have one thing in common. You must pay attention to the people you meet.

You can’t just meet someone, nod your head, say hello, and walk away. Remembering names takes work and practice.

50. The word “typical” probably means “______”. A. funny

B. common

C. strange

D. careless

51. Which of the following may seem unusual to help remember a name? A. Repeating the name.

B. Writing the name down.

D. Introducing the person to others.

C. Making up a story with it.

52. If you want to remember names easily, you must ______. A. look after the people you meet B. pay attention to the people you meet C. nod your head to the people you meet D. talk politely to the people you meet


Do termites(白蚁)sound delicious? If you were living in Mexico or Thailand or Kenya, the idea of eating insects(昆虫)might not seem strange and unusual to you at all. For thousands of years, insect-eating, has been common practice among many of the world’s people. According to insect-eaters around the world, insects are tasty. “When they are cooked, I find termitesreally delicious,” Arnold Van Huis of Wageningen University in the Netherlands said. Van Huis is an insect scientist. He also studiesinsect-eating. He has traveled the world to learn how different groups of people collect insects and prepare them as food.


Insect fans say insects are not only tasty, they are also nutritious(有营养的). Many are full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Van Huis is working with other scientists to encourage insect-eating.

According to the United Nations, the world’s population is now almost 7 billion. It is expected to reach 9 billion before 2050. By that time, the need for meat is expected to double. Raising animals such as cows and sheep requires large areas of farmland, and feeding the animals can be expensive. “We have to find other choicesof meat,” Van Huis says. “One good choice is eating insects.”

Raising insects, which are able to live in crowded quarters, requires less land, says Van Huis. Insects are also cheaper to feed, since they can eat food scraps, such as potato skin.

Not only can insects eat our scraps, but also they require much less foodand waterthan cows or sheep. “A cow wastes most of its energy just keeping warm,” Brian Fisher, an insect scientistin the U.S. says. But since insects are cold-blooded, they use more of what they eat to grow.

For insect-eating to become the mainstream, Fisher says people must have a chance to sample delicious, ready-to-eat insects. If you want a try, it is possible to order insect dishes at a few restaurants.

53. What do you know from the first paragraph? A. Insect-eating has a long history. B. People cook insects in traditional ways. C. Insect-eating is unusual and unacceptable. D. People travel around the world to collect insects. 54. We can infer that ______.

A. insect-eating is common in the U.S. B. people can benefit from insect-eating C. insects are more nutritious than animals

D. eating insects is sure to be popular in the future 55. What is probably the best title for this passage? A. Time to Raise Insects C. A New Choice for Meat

B. Easy Enough to Cook D. A Strange Way of Eating



The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community(社区). As a result, all students must complete sixty hours of service learning, or they can not finish the education in high school. Service learning is a school subject that also helps the community. Examples of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or teaching a student. During a service experience, students must keep a diary and then write a report about what they have learned.

Supporters state that there are many benefits of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think beyond their own interests and realized the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that include responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team. Finally, students can think about possible careers(职业)through service learning. For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.

While there are many benefits, people who disagree with service learningpoint out problems with the new requirement. First, they hold their opinion that the main reason students go to school is to learn key subjects and skills. Because service learning takes too much time, students spend less time studying the key subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without pay goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away a person’s freedom to choose.

In my opinion, service learning is a great way to contribute to the community, learn new skills, and think about different careers. However, I don’t believe you should force people to help others —the wish to help must come from the heart. I think the best way is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of self-study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must learn to deal with both wisely. 56. Service learning is ______. A. a way to help the community

B. a must to complete the school report C. a programme to protect the environment D. an example to teacher students

57.Supporters believe service learning is mainly for ______. A. teaching students real-life skills


B. providing students chances of working C. making students know what others need D. helping students think about their interests

58. People who disagree with service learning think that ______. A. forcing students to work goes against the law B. students must spend more time on key subjects C. there are more disadvantages than benefits D. service learning is worthless to students 59. What’s the writer’s opinion on service learning? A. Students should be more responsible in service learning.

B. Service learning is likely to be less important than self-study. C. Service learning should be encouraged in more high schools.

D. Students should be free to choose between self-study and service learning. 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一


When I just moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t have a car. 60 , but I wanted to prove them wrong.

I asked my neighbor, Mrs. White, to take me to the bus station in the center of the city so I could try taking the bus home.61 . When I got there, I went inside and got a bus timetable. I looked at the map and worked out that I needed to take three buses to get home. I bought the tickets and went outside to wait at the bus stop for the Number 8 bus.Soon it came and I got on. I gave my ticket to the bus driver and took a seat. At the right stop, I rang the belland got off. 62 .I waited and waited. A man who was also waiting for the Number 14 bus said that it wasn’t unusual for the bus to be late. Half an hour later, it finally came. To make the matter worse, the third bus broke down halfway and the driver had to fix it. 63 . So when I finally got home, I was very tired. Maybe getting a car in L.A. wasn’t such a bad idea!

A. It wasted half an hour B. I would take buses in L.A. again C. Then I waited for the next bus D. She thought I was crazy but gave me a ride 10

E. Everyone said that Icouldn’t get around without one 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

Without the creativity of one man, there wouldbe no “happiest place on earth”, also known asDisneyland.

Walt Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. As achild, enjoyed drawing and even sold hispictures to neighbors. When he sixteen, hejoined the Red Cross and drove an ambulancein France World War I. After the warended, Disney started making short cartoonsinKansas City, but soon ran out of money. Hedecided to

his luck in Hollywood. Hecame to California with a suitcase and $20 in hispocket.

It took a while, but Disney began to enjoysuccess with his cartoons. He created MickeyMouse, the most famous cartoon characterever. Then in 1937, Snow White and the try he was during

SevenDwarfswas first screened. It was the first full-length cartoons, and it turned out

to be a huge success. Disneymade many more movies that we still watchtoday, including

Pinocchio, Dumbo, and Bambi.

It was in the 1940s that Walt Disney first had hisbrainstorm about a fun park for families. His ideagrew bigger and bigger, and he realized heneeded a lot of space for his park. He wanted itto have everything—a mountain, rockets,spinning teacups, and a fairy castle!

Years after Walt Disney first had the idea,Disneyland opened in 1955 in Anaheim, California. Admission(门票)cost adollar. In the next ten years, 50,000,000 visitorscame to the Magic Kingdom.

64. Is Disneyland “happiest place on earth”? 65. What did Disney do after World War I ended? 66. When wasSnow White and the SevenDwarfsfirst showed? 67. What kind of park did Disney want Disneyland to be? 68. What’s the passage mainly about?



根据中文意思完成句子。 69.下午去购物怎么样?

_______ going shopping this afternoon? 70.法国以红酒而闻名。


France _______red wine.

71. 老师经常告诉我们要保持教室卫生。 Our teacher often tells us _______. 72. 你应该尽量每天花一些时间做运动。

You should try to _______ every day. 73. 昨天晚上他兴奋得难以入睡。

He was _______ last night. 十、文段表达(15分)



些活动一定给你留下了深刻的印象。学校校刊正在以 “The Most Unforgettable School Activity” 为题征文,请你投稿,介绍一项你最难忘的学校活动,并谈谈你的感受。

提示词语:school trip, speech competition, art festival, sports meeting, exciting, enjoyable, have a good time, proud, confident





一、 听对话,选图。(共4分,每小题1分)

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B

二、 听对话或独白,选择答案。(共12分,每小题1分)

5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C

11. B 12. B

13. C 14. B 15. C

16. A

三、 听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分)

17. Aeryn 18. dress

19. Large

20. Red

21. 78


四、 单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)

22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. A 32.D

33. B 34. B

五、 完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)

35. D 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. B


六、 阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)

47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. D

七、 阅读短文,还原句子。(共8分,每小题2分)

60. E 61. D 62. C 63. A

八、 阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

64. Yes.

65. He started making short cartoons. 66. In 1937.

67. He wanted it to be a fun park for families.

68. It’s mainly about Walt Disney, his movies and how Disneyland was founded.



九、 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)

69. What about 70. is famous for

71. to keep the classroom clean 72. spend some time doing sports 73. too excited to fall asleep 十、 文段表达(15分)

74. One possible version:

The most unforgettable school activity for me is the art festival last year. There were several competitions, such as singing, drawing and photography. A lot of students joined in them.

I entered for the singing competition with my favorite song. I spent a lot of time practicing before the competition. Although I was a little nervous when I sang in front of the teachers and students, I performed very well and finally got the second place. I was proud of myself and I became more confident. 书面表达评分标准: 第一档:(15~13分)









1. W: What would you like to drink?

M: A glass of orange juice, please.

2. W: I think the clock is really a great invention. M: Yes, I quite agree with you. 3. W: How did you get to school today? M: I got up late, so I took a taxi. 4. W: What are you going to do after supper? M: I’m going to play with my dog.

5. M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the History Museum?


W: Yes. You can take No. 25 bus and get off at Maple Street. Then you change to No. 16 bus for three stops.

M: How long will it take me to get there? W: About forty minutes. M: Thank you. W: You’re welcome.

6. M: Mom. What are you doing on Saturday?

W: I’m not sure yet.

M: Shall we do something fun outside?

W: Good idea! But do you know if the weather will be fine? M: Yes. It’s going to be sunny. W: That’s great.

M: I hear there’s an outdoor concert by the river. Would you like to go? W: Yes. What time will it start? M: It will start at 1 o’clock.

W: OK. Let’s have lunch early and leave home at 12 o’clock. M: All right.

7. W: The final P.E. exam is coming.

M: Oh, what do we have to do in the exam?

W: First we do the eight-minute run around the field.

M: That’s easy for me. I was on the running team, you know. What else?

W: Then we choose two sports from basketball, football, baseball and volleyball to show what we’ve learned.

M: I think I’ll choose basketball and volleyball. Anything else? W: The last thing we do is swimming. M: Swimming? Oh, no! I hate swimming.

W: Well, me too, but you know what? You just need to be able to float for a while. M: Oh, I see. Thanks a lot. W: You’re welcome.

8. W: Hey John, what classes do you plan to take this term?

M: I really want to take speaking class. You know, it’s a very popular class. W: Yes. What other classes are you going to take?

M: I still need to take writing class, but I really don’t like writing. W: I took writing class last year. It was not that hard. M: Oh really? Who teaches writing class? W: Mr. Black. M: Is he very strict?

W: No. I think he is kind and fair.

M: Do you mind if I ask you what grade you got?


W: Not at all. I got a B. But I got an A in reading class.

M: Well, you got a better grade in reading than in writing. Does that mean writing class is more difficult than reading class?

W: No, it’s not what it appears. I just worked harder in reading class. M: Oh. I see. Thanks.

9. If you’re a teenager and would like to be able to afford to go out more often,

why not join the Teen Travel Club and get cheaper bus travel?

To join the club, you have to fill in a form and take it to the nearest bus station

or post office. You will also need to take your ID card and a photograph of yourself. You will be given a free Teen Travel membership card. It will allow you to travel at a lower cost.

Once you’re a member of the Teen Travel Club, you can buy Teen Tickets at any bus

station or railway ticket office. Each ticket you buy has 10 parts. When you get on the bus, you put the ticket into a special machine. The machine will then mark one part. The tickets last as long as you like and it doesn’t matter how long it takes you

to use up all the journeys. However, you must remember to take your membership card with you when you use your ticket, or you may have to pay the full price. 10. M: Hello. This is Argos. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I would like to place an order.

M: All right, Madam. May I have your name first? W: Aeryn Smith. A-E-R-Y-N, Aeryn.

M: A-E-R-Y-N, Aeryn. All right. What would you like to order? W: I want to order a silk dress.

M: OK. What’s the product number of the silk dress? W: It’s MS3426.

M: All right. And what size would you like? W: I want a large one. M: OK. And what color? W: Red, please.

M: So that is product number MS3426. Size: Large. Color: Red. Is that correct? W: Yes.

M: All right, Madam, your total will be 78 pounds. How will you pay? W: With Master Card.

M: OK. What’s your card number? W: 4923 5671?


W: Not at all. I got a B. But I got an A in reading class.

M: Well, you got a better grade in reading than in writing. Does that mean writing class is more difficult than reading class?

W: No, it’s not what it appears. I just worked harder in reading class. M: Oh. I see. Thanks.

9. If you’re a teenager and would like to be able to afford to go out more often,

why not join the Teen Travel Club and get cheaper bus travel?

To join the club, you have to fill in a form and take it to the nearest bus station

or post office. You will also need to take your ID card and a photograph of yourself. You will be given a free Teen Travel membership card. It will allow you to travel at a lower cost.

Once you’re a member of the Teen Travel Club, you can buy Teen Tickets at any bus

station or railway ticket office. Each ticket you buy has 10 parts. When you get on the bus, you put the ticket into a special machine. The machine will then mark one part. The tickets last as long as you like and it doesn’t matter how long it takes you

to use up all the journeys. However, you must remember to take your membership card with you when you use your ticket, or you may have to pay the full price. 10. M: Hello. This is Argos. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I would like to place an order.

M: All right, Madam. May I have your name first? W: Aeryn Smith. A-E-R-Y-N, Aeryn.

M: A-E-R-Y-N, Aeryn. All right. What would you like to order? W: I want to order a silk dress.

M: OK. What’s the product number of the silk dress? W: It’s MS3426.

M: All right. And what size would you like? W: I want a large one. M: OK. And what color? W: Red, please.

M: So that is product number MS3426. Size: Large. Color: Red. Is that correct? W: Yes.

M: All right, Madam, your total will be 78 pounds. How will you pay? W: With Master Card.

M: OK. What’s your card number? W: 4923 5671?


