Listen This Way Book 2 Unit 8 - 文本及答案

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Listen This Way (Book 2)

Unit 8 Eating the Right Things

Part I Getting ready A. Words & phrases

B. Tick the nutrients that each food contains. Tapescript:

The primary consideration in achieving a balanced diet is not how much or how little we eat, but what we eat. Basically we need carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, together with regular but not excessive exercise.

Carbohydrates are found in foods such as bread, potatoes and sugar. They are excellent energy producers, but if eaten to excess may be largely converted to fat and a reduction in the amount of carbohydrates or \ways to reduce weight, since most of us eat too much of them anyway. Protein, found in meat and cheese, is used for tissue building and in the developed countries most people eat about 110g daily, which is a good deal more than the recommended minimum of 70g a day. This is the material most needed for growth. Animal fats, e.g. butter, are also good sources of energy, but are sometimes held to cause increased cholesterol levels in the blood (which may lead to fatty deposits in the arteries) and are therefore best avoided by people suffering from certain forms of heart disease, the vegetable fats being recommended as a substitute.


Vitamins are another essential requirement for health. There are about forty known vitamins, but the most generally referred to are A, B, C, D and E. Deficiency of vitamin A, found in carrots, rose-hips, liver, etc., is alleged to affect the vision and the skin and reduce resistance to infection. Vitamin C, present in nearly all fruit, particularly oranges and other citrus fruit, has come to be regarded as particularly effective in the prevention of colds and low energy states and claims have recently been put forward regarding the efficacy of large doses of Vitamin C in the treatment of certain mental illnesses.

Among the minerals we need, the most important are calcium, iron and iodine. Milk is one of the richest sources of calcium, which helps to build our bones and our teeth. Lack of iron in the blood produces anaemia and children and others suffering from anaemic conditions are generally advised to increase their intake of iron, which may be found in liver, lentils, molasses and dates among other foods. C. A dialogue (blank-filling)

Part II Health food A. Words and phrases

B. Complete the following chart. Terms Health food ↓ Natural food ↓ Organic food Usage of the term General term/ all kinds of healthful foods Narrower classification/be- tween types of the same food Narrowest classification/ most precise Examples Whole grain/dried beans /corn oil Fresh fruit/raw honey Fruit/vegetable-treated with organic fertilizer /no Insecticides/not refined Meats/fish/dairy/poultry ―2

animals fed organically- grown feed/no hormones

C. Answer the following questions.

1. According to health food advocates, is bread an organic food? Why or why not?

It’s not. It’s an example of processed food. In bread-making, a number of chemical substances are added.

(Bread is typically used by health advocates as an example of a processed food. For instance, the grain is sprayed with a number of very toxic insecticides. Later, a very toxic antioxidant is added, a butter-like yellow dye. Finally, an anti-fungal compound is added to keep the bread from getting moldy.)

2. What happens to food when it is processed? Vitamins content is greatly reduced.

(…that processed foods contain chemicals, some of which are proven to be toxic, and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed food. )

3. When buying food, on what do people usually base the choice? And what should be considered first?

People usually base their choice on smell, colour, and texture. Actually we should consider vitamin content instead.

(… You see, we buy our food on the basis of smell, colour and texture, instead of vitamin content…)


Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of foods that are considered more healthful than the types of foods widely sold in supermarkets. For example, whole grains, dried beans, and corn oil are health foods. A narrower classification of health food is natural food. This term is used to distinguish between types of the same food. Raw honey is a natural sweetener, whereas refined sugar is not. Fresh fruit is a natural food, but canned fruit, with sugars and other additives, is not. The most precise term of all and the narrowest classification within health foods is organic food, used to describe food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in gardens that are treated only with organic fertilizers, that


are not sprayed with poisonous insecticides, and that are not refined after harvest, are organic foods. Meats, fish, dairy and poultry products from animals that are fed only organically-grown feed and that are not injected with hormones are organic foods.

In choosing the type of food you eat, then, you have basically two choices: inorganic, processed foods, or organic, unprocessed foods. A wise decision should include investigation of the allegations that processed foods contain chemicals, some of which are proven to be toxic, and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed food.

Bread is typically used by health food advocates as an example of a processed food. For instance, the grain is sprayed with a number of very toxic insecticides. Later, a very toxic antioxidant is added, a butter-like yellow dye. Finally, an anti-fungal compound is added to keep the bread from getting moldy.

Other foods from the supermarket would show a similar pattern of processing and preserving. You see, we buy our food on the basis of smell, color and texture, instead of vitamin content, and manufacturers give us what we want - even if it is poisonous.

The alternative? Eat health foods, preferably the organic variety. Part III Fast food survey

A. Complete the questions and answers. Tapescript:


A: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions? B: No.

A: Firstly, do you ever eat fast food? B: Yes, I do.

A: What kind of fast food do you normally eat?

B: Burgers, sandwiches, sometimes like a pizza or kebabs.

A: Oh, right. And how often do you eat fast food: every day, more than once a

week or less than once a week?

B: Monday to Friday when I'm working but not usually at the weekends. A: And what time of day do you eat fast food?

B: Well, at work as I said, at lunchtime. For example, when I go out, I get a ham

burger or a sandwich. Sometimes, if I'm going out and I've no time to cook in the evenings then I'll send out for a pizza.

A: Oh, right. Do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals? B: No, only as a main meal, lunch or in the evening.

A: And what do you think of fast food? Which statements do you think are true?

Either \


