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The education of Chinese language and literature of problems in Chinese and English.

论文关键词:汉语言文学 教学策略 教学改革

Keywords: teaching reform and teaching strategies of Chinese language and Literature


Abstract : at present, Chinese language and literature teaching method applied in the practice teaching process is all kinds of, resulting in Chinese language and literature teaching environment is uneven, some good and some bad. According to the problems of the current teaching of Chinese language and literature and combined with the developing direction of the future of teaching reform, and gives some suggestions on the reform of teaching methods of Chinese language and literature.


Teaching strategy is a concentrated reflection of teaching plan, it is to reform to promote the Chinese language and literature teaching, teaching a scientific method and formulated in accordance with the development direction of Chinese language and literature teaching. And making process in the selection of teaching strategies, in accordance with the concrete practice of Chinese language and literature teaching, fully consider all relevant factors, combined with the already existing in the process of teaching Chinese language and literature or possible future problems, according to the teaching of Chinese language and literature standard, conform to the development direction of the teaching reform, in order to cultivate more the modernization of the compound talents with high quality for the purpose of.


First, focus on improving the education training work, the guiding ideology of Chinese language and literature teaching are unified

教育理念是广大教师在深刻领会教育工作实质的前提下产生的有关教育的基本观点以及信念。汉语言文学有四个方面的教育理念:即提升学生的语文素养;准确把握语文教育的核心;努力提倡协作、自主以及探究的学习方法;构建开放而又充满活力的语文课程体系。对于这种指导性的纲领广大教师必须系统而全面地进行学习,在准确掌握大的发展方向的基础上,必须遵循理念指导汉语言文学的教学工作,而并非在肤浅的学习过后,根据以往的教学经验,随意制定教学方法,从而无法有效解决应试教育所存在的种种问题,素质教育也就难以顺利实施。汉语言是一门基础性的课程,其教学工作更加应当遵循教学改革的理念,在统一的教学指导思想下,根据具体实际制定切实可行的顺应汉语言文学发展趋势的对策。 Education idea is the basic viewpoints of education teachers in the premise of deep understanding of education essence and belief in the. Chinese language and literature in four aspects: the educational concept is to improve students' Chinese accomplishment; grasp the core of Chinese education; efforts to promote cooperation, autonomous and inquiry learning method; the Chinese curriculum system to construct an open and vigorous. For this guidance program teachers must be systematic and comprehensive study, based on accurately grasp the development direction of, must follow the guidance of Chinese language and literature teaching work, and not after the superficial learning, based on past experience, the formulation of teaching method, which can not effectively solve the problems the existence of examination-oriented education, quality education is difficult to smooth implementation. The Chinese language is a basic curriculum, the teaching work should follow the teaching reform in the teaching idea, unified guiding ideology, according to the actual feasible complies with the development trend of Chinese language and literature and the countermeasures.

目前有不少教师为了适应课改的趋势,发明了一些独具特色的教学方法,取得了一定的效果,这种创新发展汉语言文学的教学的观念无可厚非,然而其可行性还有待检验。问题在于教师不能为了应付课改而随波逐流进行创新,仅仅凭着应试教育的实践经验,所制定的教学理念难以满足素质教育的要求,对于教育理念产生较大的误解,造成教学效果并不明显。 There are many teachers in order to adapt to the trend of curriculum reform, the invention of some unique teaching methods, and achieved certain results, the innovation and development of Chinese

language and literature teaching ideas no ground for blame, but its feasibility remains to be tested. The problem is the teacher cannot in order to cope with the curriculum reform and swim for innovation, only with the examination-oriented education practice, the teaching idea is difficult to meet the requirements of quality education, have a greater misunderstanding for the concept of education, teaching effect is not obvious.


Two, grasp the essence of Chinese language and literature teaching, making teaching method is feasible.


According to the essence of Chinese language and literature teaching is numerous, in fact the essence of Chinese language and literature teaching mainly covers the text, this paper, literature and culture and other elements of the teaching, is a kind of teaching activity in words as the core, the tool is the most important feature, character and humanity is the auxiliary features. Especially in the case of teaching reform, becomes more and more important tools of Chinese language and literature teaching, to cultivate the students as a tool to effective use of language, to the actual life and work process is the key, but not the examination-oriented education through examination, rise, so only scores on the success or failure of the primary,, the duty of teacher is based on the basic character of Chinese language and literature teaching, making teaching method is scientific and feasible.



Teaching examination-oriented education is the fundamental purpose is to exam results, mainly reflected in the high and low test scores. The essence of teaching is for students to get good grades, scores are fundamental, in terms of school enrollment rate is the fundamental goal of teaching. And through the teaching reform of Chinese language and literature teaching should be to improve the ability of literacy, thinking to the students, from the previous form of tangible into has a very profound meaning inherent intangible forms, according to the nature of transformation to formulate scientific and feasible teaching method, so as to have a definite object in view. Such as the goal of teaching, let the students become the master of learning, under the guidance of teachers, and fully mobilize the initiative of students, students can enjoy in the process of learning, improve their learning effect, the teachers always focusing on the teaching objectives to guide teaching activities, students are always focusing on the teaching objectives to diversify the inquiry learning, further defined the teaching goal, the teaching effect is very obvious. Three, determine the teaching theory to guide practice, will study the teaching method be used effectively in the practice teaching process


The ability of many teachers theory is strong, be familiar with all kinds of teaching strategies, various theoretical knowledge, published many papers, achievements, but in the practical teaching activities, the effect is not obvious, the main reason lies in the research and practice of teaching

theory from each other, one-sided to the understanding of teaching reform idea, theory scheme, unrealistic, not pay attention to practical knowledge can not obtain certainly obvious teaching effect. The teaching of Chinese language and literature can not talk, teaching methods must be through the teaching practice in order to form a long-term, only through long time in the teaching practice, in order to find the most suitable teaching method, traditional foundation of Chinese language and literature teaching is very strong, can learn the teaching experience is very rich, the former teaching idea good should be draw, however want to in the new era of Chinese language and literature teaching reform of continuously made new progress, must be in the teaching practice, according to the students' feedback, teachers in the analysis and the summary to be able to achieve good results. Teachers must be based on a comprehensive analysis and summary of practical teaching experience, according to the actual teaching students, so as to formulate scientific and feasible teaching strategy, can effectively play the real value of teaching strategies. 俗话说,万丈高楼平地起。汉语言文学教学方法的探索与研究,绝对不可凭空想象,只有深入领会教改的教育理念,准确掌握汉语言文学教学的本质,在教学实践过程中反复、不断分析、总结与提炼,从而归纳出适应汉语言文学教学发展趋势的教学方法。汉语言文学的教学改革是一场持续改进的工作,不会有终结的时候,必须以发展的眼光才能顺应时代发展的需求。

As the saying goes, great oaks from little acorns grow. Exploration and Study on the teaching method of Chinese language and literature, absolutely can not imagine, only in-depth understanding of teaching philosophy of education, accurately grasp the essence of Chinese language and literature teaching, in teaching practice, constantly repeated analysis, summing up and refining, thus summed up the development trend of teaching method adapting to Chinese language literature teaching. Teaching reform of Chinese language and literature is a continuous improvement work, not end when, must take to the vision of development comply with the demand of times development.



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