Engish corner topics

更新时间:2023-09-30 10:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Intermediate conversation questions----- Culture

1. What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, … 2. What do you think interesting about your culture?

3. when people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of 4. In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone? 5. To who is it OK to be directed and to whom is it not OK?

6. What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?

7. Have you looked at Internet pages from a different culture? If so, how were they different from those of your own culture?

8. What do you like about your culture? 9. What don’t you like about your culture? 10. How do young people in your culture behave differently form older people? 11. Are there many people of different cultures in your country? 12. Have you ever felt confused by the actions of someone from another culture? 13. How are your language teachers who are not from your country different form your other teachers? How are they the same? 14. Who in your culture do you admire most? 15. What your culture are you most proud about? 16. Why do you think culture is important? 17. If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be/. 18. Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture? 19. Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? 20. What does it mean to be polite in your culture? 21. What is considered rude in your culture? 22. If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them? 23. What do you think is important when visiting another culture? 24. Do you think “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is always good advice? Why or why not? 25. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to “do as Romans do”? 26. What culture besides your own do you admire and why? 27. What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world? 28. What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture? 29. If you could choose three aspects of your culture to put in a “time box” for the future, what would you put in it?

Advanced conversation questions Science and Technology

1. What do you think are the three most important or interesting inventions since 1850? How about since 1950?

2. Do you think pets should be cloned? Why or why not?

3. Do you think people should be allowed to clone people or organs of people? Why?

4. What do you think about GMO (genetically modified organisms) vegetables? Is it better or use natural food although it might not produce as much or should we use GMO crops?

5. What do you think about GMO farm animals? Would you eat pork from a GMO pig?

6. Do you think couples should be allowed to choose the sex or other characteristics of their baby like eye color? Why or why not?

7. Are you willing to pay more for food that is really organic? How much more? 8. What do you think robots should be used for?

9. Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why/. 10. Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for our physical or mental health? Why? 11. If you could copy our brain for future generations, would you? 12. How do you think face to face communication differs from communication using computers? 13. What social changes have cell phones made? 14. What are good and bad points of using computers? 15. Do you think to stop global warming that the amount of car driving should be limited or changed? For example, should there be some kind of encouragement to use public transportation or to do car pooling? 16. What are some ways you have seen to reduce waste and pollution or conserve energy? 17. In your life time what changes have you seen in your environment for better or worse? 18. Do you think modern technology reduces or increase stress? Why? 19. Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better spent helping people on earth?

Why? 20. What is your opinion about children playing violent videogames or computer programs? 21. Should anything be allowed to be posted on the Internet or should certain things be restricted like child pornography, grossly violent real scenes, suicide, or hate encouragements? 22. What do you think should be done to people who spread viruses, start hoaxes or create SPAM on the Internet? 23. How often do you buy things via the Internet? Why do you buy this often or not buy online? 24. Do you worry about identify theft or credit card number theft when buying things on the Internet or do you avoid buying things online because of this concern? 25. Have you used a chat site? Have you ever used voice chat? What do you think about it? 26. Have you used the Internet to learn English or read or talk in English? What are the pros and cons (good and bad points) about improving your English by Internet rather than with a teacher?

