Playway to English 3

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Playway to English 3

With PLAYWAY learning English is fun,with PLAYWAY, PLAYWAY, hip, hip, hoo-ray!Learning to listen is easy, learning to speak is not hard,come on and smile, commucate,learning English is great!


单词:milk; toast; bag; cap; watch; trip over; tear ; basketball. 歌曲:Hurry up

卡通故事:The new girl 行动故事:Walk to school 多元智能发展 语言技能

观看故事录象,听故事录音或听教师讲故事时能理解故事内容;将故事中的对话内容相应的文字形式联系起来;理解一系列指令并表演相应的动作;理解并演唱歌曲(Hurry up)




儿童用书P2歌曲(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT1:2 Hurry up)

Come on , get up and wash your face. Come on,come on ,hurry up!Have some milk and have some toast. Come on, come on ,hurry up!I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, to get to school.I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, to get to school.Get your bag and get your cap.Come on, come on, hurry up !check your watch it's eight o'clock. Come on, come on, hurry up ! I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, to get to school. I'm in no hurry, I'm in no hurry, to get to school.

提示:get up=get out of bed; in no/a hurry. 让孩子根据图画来理解歌曲.鼓励孩子边唱边做. 儿童用书P3行动故事2(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT1:4 come to my party)

Put your pencil case and your books in your books in your schoolbag.Walk to school. You trip over a black run into a tree. A dog tears your jeans. Shout:'oh no!' At school, a girl gives you a card.Look at it. 'come to my party.'Close your eyes and smile.

提示:家长引导孩子听并指图;听并将图片正确排序;听并表演动作;引导孩子说出行动故事. 儿童用书P4,5卡通故事(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT1:6 The new girl) Teacher 1: We have a new girl in the class.Her name is Sonia. Boy 1: She looks stupid. Girl 1: I don't like her jeans.

Girl 2: And I don't like her t-shirt. Girl 3: And I don't like her socks. Benny: I think she looks nice. Boy 1: Benny is in love with her. Linda: Stop it ,you are silly. Benny: Hi ,Sonia I am Benny. Sonia: Hello Benny.

Linda: I am Linda.Sonia,can you play basketball Sonia: Yes I can.

Linda: you can play in our team.Shoot, sonia.

Boys,girls: Come on ,Sonia! To me! Go on! Yippee!Yeah! Girl 1: Hooray! Great , Sonia! Girl 2,3:Brilliant! Cool!

Teacher 2: Ok, children.Let's go back to the classroom.The score is 4-0. Boy 1 : She's a great player. Boy 2 : And she's very nice. Boy 3 : Yes,she is.

Boy 1 : Have an apple , Sonia. Sonia : Oh, that's nice. Thanks.


家长与孩子共同完成或孩子独立完成书中的拼图游戏,并在孩子做拼图的过程中,反复播放此故事的儿童录音带;完成后,在孩子听录音学习和复述故事的时候,让其结合书中的图画和文字部分,强化孩子对文字的感官刺激.不必要求孩子对每个单词都认识,而是将词组或句子整体掌握.The score is 4-0 (four- nil/nil).数字0 出现在比分或结果中时,在英语中表达为nil/nil.

儿童用书P6 故事拼图5(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT1:7 A story puzzle) 1. Dad : Have some cornflakes, Claire. Claire : Thanks,Dad. Dad : It's the postman. Claire:I'll go.

Dad : Go away, Fluffy.

2.Teacher : Get me the scissors, please. Claire : Where are they,Miss Teacher : In my desk.

Claire : Can I cut it out for you,Miss Teacher :Ok. Claire :Ouch!

3 Teacher :We have a new boy in the class.His name is Kevin. Claire :Hi, Kevin.I am Claire. Steve : I'm Steve.

Diana :And I am Diana.

Kevin : Tomorrow's my birthday. Come to my party. Diana : Brilliant! Claire : Great! Steve : Cool!


活动用书P2 听力练习1(活动用书录音带A1 UNIT1:1Listen and colour) Speaker1: Red-Have a glass of milk. Speaker2:Blue-Wash your face. Speaker1:Green-Check your watch. Speaker2: Orange-Put on your T-shirt.

Speaker1:Yellow-Put your books in your schoolbag Speaker2:Brown-Get your scissors.

Speaker1:Pink-Get out of bed.

Speaker2: Grey-Put your rubber in your pencil case.


活动用书P3听力练习2(活动用书录音带A2 UNIT1:1Listen and draw lines) Emma has got a red pencil case,a blue pen,a grey rubber and blue scissors. Ken has got a red pencil case,a blue pen, an orange rubber and green scissors.

Rosie has got a yellow and blue pencil case,a green pen , a grey rubber and yellow scissors. Richard has got a yellow and blue pencil case,a blue pen , an orange rubber and red scissors. 提示:将人物与其相应桌子连线,对话练习,\…\三册的学习中,听力能力在一,二册的基础上继续提高,并进一步提高口语,交流的水平.在这个阶段孩子主动开口非常重要.


活动用书第3页练习3—根据图画将字母表格中的单词找出来. 活动用书第4页—根据文字信息将图画中人物的名字填在横线上.


活动用书第5页练习6—根据图画中的动作,从方框中选择适当的词组完成图画下面的句子. UNIT 2 : PETS 内容提要

单词:cat; dog; hamster; mouse; rabbit; snake; guinea pig; budgie; spider; pony; mice; ears; feet; teeth; cheese; rice.

听力练习:1,Animals. 2,Lisa,Kevin,Ellie,Alex.

3,From number 2 to number 10. 歌曲:Mice, mice,mice 多元智能发展 语言技能

和同伴做简单的猜谜游戏;和同伴一起学习使用新单词和短语;进行采访;\报道\其他小朋友和宠物;理解和运用游戏中所使用的语言;理解和演唱歌曲(Mice, mice,mice)




儿童用书P7听力练习2(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 2:8 Animals) Number one is a guinea pig. Number two is a budgie. Number three is a dog. Number four is a spider. Number five is a mouse. Number six is a snake.

Number seven is a hamster. Number eight is a cat. Number night is a rabbit. Number ten is a pony.

儿童用书P8听力练习3(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 2:9 Have you got a pet ) Lise

Interview : Lisa,have you got a pet Lise:Yes,I have.

Interview :What is it Lise:A pony.

Interview : A pony.That's nice.What colour is it Lise:Black and white.

Interview :And how old is it Lise:It's five. Kevin

Interview : Kevin, have you got a pet Kevin:Yes,I have.

Interview : What is it Kevin:A dog.

Interview : Nice.And what colour is it Kevin:Brown and whie.

Interview :How old is your dog Kevin:It's twelve.



Interviewer: Ellie, have you got a pet Ellie:Yes,I have. A rabbit.

Interviewer:What colour is your rabbit Ellie:Grey.

Interviewer:And how old is it Ellie:It's two. Alex

Interviewer: Alex,what about you Have you got a pet Alex:Yes,I have.

Interviewer: And what is it Alex:A spider.

Interviewer: A spider really Is it black. Alex:Yes,it is.

Interviewer: How old is it Alex:It's one year old.


儿童用书P11听力练习(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 2:10 Mice, mice,mice) Mice, mice,mice, I like their little ears. Mice, mice,mice, I like their little feet. Mice, mice,mice, I like their little teeth.

Yes,little mice are really nice! My mum hates mice, my dad hates mice,but I think mice are relly

nice.I give them cheese, I give them rice.Yes,mice are really nice! Really nice!


儿童用书P11听力练习(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 2:12 What animal is it ) Speaker 1: Start at number 20. Speaker 2:Go to number 16. Speaker 1: Go to number 9.

Speaker 2:And now go from 9 to 17. Speaker 1:Go to number 8. Speaker 2:Now go to number 3. Speaker 1: Go to number 23. Speaker 2: Go to number 12. Speaker 1: Go to number 5.

Speaker 2: From number 5 go to number 10. Speaker 1: From number 1 go to number 25. Speaker 2: Go to number 14. Speaker 1: Go to number 22. Speaker 2: Go to number 11. Speaker 1: Go to number 15. Speaker 2: Go to number 4.

Speaker 1: Now go to number 21. Speaker 2: Go to number 19 . Speaker 1: Go to number 7 . Speaker 2: Go to number 13 . Speaker 1: Go to number 24 . Speaker 2: Go to number 18 . Speaker 1: Go to number 6 . Speaker 2: Go to number 10 .

Speaker 1: And from 10 go to number 2.


活动用书P6 单词拼图2(活动用书录音带A3 UNIT 2:2 Listen and stick in the animals) Speaker 1: Put the black cat on red two.

Speaker 2: Put the brown and white pony on the pink three. Speaker 1: Put the brown rabbit on green one.

Speaker 2: Put the blue and green budgie on blue three. Speaker 1: Put the grey mouse on pink one. Speaker 2: Put the black spider on green two. Speaker 1: Put the black dog on blue one. Speaker 2: Put the black rabbit on red three.

Speaker 1: Put the brown guinea pig on yellow three. Speaker 2: Put the green budgie on pink two.

Speaker 1: Put the black and white guinea pig on yellow one. Speaker 2: Put the white cat on blue two.

Speaker 1: Put the write mouse on red one. Speaker 2: Put the grey cat on green three. Speaker 2: Put the white rabbit on yellow two.

提示:边听边将图画放在书中相应的格子里,然后将图画粘贴好,隐藏的单词是\活动用书P9 听力练习6(活动用书录音带A4 UNIT 2:6 Listen and check.) 1.Interviewer : Hello,what's your name Claire : Claire.

Interviewer : Have you got a pet Claire : Yes,a dog.

Interviewer : What colour is it Claire : Brown.

2. Interviewer : Hello, what's your name Sonia : Sonia.

Interviewer : Sonia, have you got a pet Sonia : Yes, a cat. Her name's Snowie. Interviewer : Nice name.

3. Interviewer : Hello, what's your name Tony : Tony.

Interviewer : Tony, have you got a pet Tony : Yes, a pony.

Interviewer : A pony,lovely.How old is it Tony : Three.

4. Interviewer : Hi, Ken . Have you got a pet Ken : Yes, I've got a mouse. Interviewer : A white one Ken : No, it's dark brown.

5. Interviewer : Hello, what's your name Barbara : I am Barbara.

Interviewer : Barbara, have you got a pet Barbara : Yes, a rabbit.

Interviewer : Lovely. What colour is it Barbara : Black and white.

6. Interviewer : Hi, what's your name Sideney : Sideney.

Interviewer : Sideney, have you got a pet Sideney : Yes, a hamster.

Interviewer : What colour is it Sideney :White and brown.



儿童用书第7页1题——通过动物身体的一部分来猜动物.参照课文中的例句进行游戏. 儿童用书第8页4题——参照例句对3题采访人物进行\报道\



儿童用书第9页6题——参照例句对5 题中采访的人物进行\报道\


儿童用书第6页1题——从字母格中找出所有动物单词,判断右边句子的对错. 儿童用书第7页3题——根据文字信息,将动物涂颜色.



10,儿童用书第10页7题——阅读Sally和 Bob的作文.

11,儿童用书第10页8题——参照7题的形式,写一篇关于自己或朋友的宠物文章. UNIT 3 :I'm scared 内容提要:

单词:monsters, ghosts, witches,skeletons, monster suit, bathroom, mirror, kennel, neighbour, chase, hide, climb a tree

行动故事:A monster is looking at you! 卡通故事:Max is scared 歌曲:Max isn't scared 多元智能发展 语言技能

学习新单词及短语的发音和意义;使用所提示的语言进行交流;能够理解一系列的指令(行动故事);在观看故事录象,听故事录音是能理解故事内容;将故事中的对话内容与其响应的文字联系起来;理解并演唱歌曲(Max isn't scared of spiders)




儿童用书P 13行动故事2(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT3:13 A monster is looking at you!) Take off your shoes. Take off your jeans. Take off your sweater. Put on your monster suit. Go to the bathroom. Put on your mask. Look in the mirror.

A monster is looking at you. Run away.

儿童用书P14,15卡通用书(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 3:15 Max is scared.) Storyteller: Max is in his neighbour's garden.

Max: Help! Help! What a stupid dog.what can I do

Children: Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Max: Ah, that's an idea.what a great mask.Now I've got you.

Storyteller: The dog is scared and runs away.

Max: Hee hee hee .Bye-bye, doggie, bye-bye.The dog is scared. The dog is scared. The dog is scared of me.Oh no! Monster!Help!

Storyteller: Max runs away. He wants to hide in the dog's kennel. But the dog is not happy about that.He chases Max. Max is very scared. Max climbs a tree.

Linda: Come down, Max. Benny: Come down, Max. Max: I can't. I'm so scared. Linda: Jump,Max. Benny: Jump,Max. Max: Here I come.


儿童用书P16歌曲(儿童用书录音带1UNIT3:1Max isn't scared of spiders) Max isn't scared of spider, Max isn't scared of frogs. Max isn't scared of snakes, but Max is scared of dogs. Thirty spiders- hahahaha! Forty frogs-heeheeheehee! Fifty shakes-hohohoho! But there's a dog-oh no! Come on, Max-go, go, go! There's a tree-run,run,run! Climb the tree-one, two, three! Come on sing with me. 鼓励孩子看歌词唱歌,看书说歌词.

活动用书P11听力练习2(活动用书录音带A5UNIT3:2Listen and fill in…) Situation one , Shelila

Interviewer : Shelila,what are you scared of Shelila : Dogs,spiders and mice.

Interviewer: Are you scared of ghosts or monsters Shelila : No,I'm not.

Interviewer : What are snakes

Shelila : Oh yes, I'm really scared of snakes Situation two, Alan

Interviewer : Alan, are you scared of monsters Alan : Dogs and snakes.

Interviewer : What are you scared of Alan : Dogs and snakes.

Interviewer : What about mice and spiders Alan : No, I'm not scared of them. Interviewer : What about ghosts

Alan : Ghosts Yeah, I'm scared of them. Situation three, Nicola.

Interviewer : Nicola, what are you scared of Nicola : Ghosts and monsters.

Interviewer : What about snakes, dogs, mice and spiders

Nicola : Snakes, dogs, mice and spiders No, I'm not scared of them.

Situation four, Bill

Interviewer : Bill, are you scared of ghosts and monsters Bill : No, I'm not.

Interviewer : What about dogs Bill : No, I'm not. We have got a dog. Interviewer : Are you scared of snakes Bill : Oh yes, I am.

Interviewer : And what about mice and spiders Bill : No, I'm not scared of them.

活动用书P13听力练习5(活动用书录音带A 6 UNIT3:5 Max and the dog) Storyteller : Max is in his nerghbour's garden. He sees a dog. The dog looks at Max. Max is scared. Max : Ooooooooh!

Storyteller : He runs away. He climbs a tree. Max is very scared. Max : Oh, pleeease, go away, doggie. Storyteller : Max climbs down the tree.

Max : The dog is scared of me. The dog is scared of me. The dog is scared of me.



儿童用书P16练习6——根据图片提示,创造一个情景对话. 活动用书P11练习1——根据图片提示,在方框中勾出正确答案. 活动用书 P12练习3——用Yes, I am.和 No, I'm not.回答问题.

活动用书P12练习4——参照已给的范文形式,根据自己的情况写一个短文,并将图画在方框内. Unit 4 : FEELINGS 内容提要

单词:scared; angry; sad; tried; happy; queen; heart; airport; chocolates. 歌谣:There's a monster 歌曲:Friend

卡通故事:Snow white 多元智能发展: 语言技能





儿童用书P17歌谣(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT4:3 There's a a monster.) Group of children 1 : There's a monster. Oh,no!

There's a monster. Oh,no!

We're scared, scared, scared. We're scared.

Group of children 2 : The TV's brokern.. The TV's brokern.

We're angry,angry,angry. We're angry.

Group of children 3 : Our cat's ill. Our cat's ill.

We're sad,sad,sad. We're sad.

Group of children 4 : It's ten o'clock. Goodnight. It's ten o'clock. Goodnight.

We're tired,tired, tired, tired. We're tired.

儿童用书P18听力练习(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT4 : 5 Thirteen monkeys…) Number one (happily): Thirteen monkeys are dancing rock\Number two (angrily) : Thirteen monkeys are dancing rock\Number three(scared) : Thirteen monkeys are dancing rock\Number four(tired) : Thirteen monkeys are dancing rock\Number five(sadly) : Thirteen monkeys are dancing rock\

儿童用书P18 卡通故事(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 4: 6 SNOW WHITE) Ted: Here you are,snow white. Snow white: Thank you, Ted.

Queen: Mirror, Mirror, who's the best singer Mirror: That's Snow White, my Queen. Queen: You stupid mirror.

Storyteller: The queen is very angry. Queen: Ted,Ted,come here! Butler: Yes, my Queen.

Queen: Ted,kill Snow White and bring me her heart. Snow White: Where are you going,Ted

Butler: To the airport, Snow White. You must go away. Storyteller : Ted is sad. Ted : Bye-bye,Snow White. A sheep's heart please.

Butcher : Here you are. Two pounds, please. Ted : Here's Snow White's heart. Queen : Thank you, Ted.

Storyteller : The queen is very happy. Snow White is in New York. She's sad.

Snow White(singing) : I'm alone,I'm alone in the city. I have no friends. I'm very sad. I have no friends. I'm sad.

First young man : I love your song.

Snow White : Thank you. I'm not alone, not alone in the city. I'm so happy, so happy (singing):I've got friends.

Second young man : Snow White,you're the best singer in the world.

Storyteller : Soon Snow White is a big star. Millions see her on TV. The queen sees her too. Queen : It's Snow White! She's in New York!

Storyteller : The queen is very, very, very angry. The next day, the queen files to New York. Ted : I'm scared. The queen is in the New York. You must help Snow White. Second young man : OK.

Queen : Hello,Snow White. I'm so happy to see you again. Snow White : Hello,Stepmother.

Queen : Here are you favourite chocolates, Snow White. Snow White : Thank you, Stepmother. Queen : Have one.

Snow White : Thank you.

Storyteller : The queen is scared. Queen : Stupid dog! Go away!

The youny men : Stop, Snow White!Don't eat the chocolate. Policeman : Come with us.

Snow White (singing): I'm not alone, not alone in the city. I'm so happy,so happy I've got friends. Audience : Bravo! Great! Super!

儿童用书P21歌曲(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT4:7Friends)

I'm not alone, not alone in the city. I'm so happy I've got friends. We laugh and shout, we run around and hop. We sing and dance, we never, never stop. I'm not alone, not alone in the cith. I'm so happy, so happy I've got friends.

提示:鼓励孩子看书说歌词.不必要求孩子将每个单词都认识,整体把握歌词. 活动用书P16听力练习4(活动用书录音带A7 UNIT4:Listen and tick) Situation one. Peter and Mark.

Peter(scared): Mark, look at the dog. Mark(scared): Yes, let's run. Situation two. Jeff

Jeff(happy): Thanks, Grandad. It's great! Grandad : Glad you like it, Jeff. Situation three.Emma Mum: It's ten o'clock. Emma(tired): Alright. Situation four. Sarah

Sarah(angry): You are stupid, Jim. Situation five.Ben

Dad: Where is your new sweater Ben (sad) :I don't know. I can't find it. Situation six. Ann and Kathy Kathy(angry): It's my book.

Ann(angry): No, it's mine. Give it to me.


活动用书P16 听力练习5(活动用书录音带A8UNIT4:5Max's sunglasses) Max: Linda, get me the sunglass, please. Linda: Ok, Max. Here you are.

Max: Thank you, Linda. Stupid cloud. Stupid sunglasses. I hate the wind. Aaah! I love the sun. Where are my sunglasses. Linda: Here they are. Max: Stupid me.


活动用书P17听力拼图6(活动用书录音带A9 UNIT4: 6 Listen and check) Speaker 1 : Who's the best singer Speaker 2 : Snow White.

Speaker 3 : Where are we going Speaker 4 : To the airport.

Speaker 1 : Can you play tennis Speaker 2 : Yes, I can.

Speaker 3 : Have you got a pet,Sue Speaker 4 : Yes, I have.

Speaker 1 : A sheep's heart, please.

Speaker 2 : Here you are. Two pounds, please. Speaker 3 : Here are you favourite chocolates. Speaker 4 : Thank you.

Speaker 1 : How old is your cat Speaker 2 : Five.

Speaker 3 : What colour is your budgie Speaker 4 : Green and yellow. Speaker 1 : What's your name Speaker 2 : Lucy.



儿童用书P18练习3——两人游戏,一人用不同的感情读出句子,另一个人猜出是什么感情. 儿童用书P18练习4——两人猜谜游戏:参照句型来描述书中人物的感情. -Tell me about Lisa. -I think she's angry. -No, sorry. She's happy. -What about Tom. -I think he's sad.





UNIT 5 : Where's the cinama 内容提要:

单词:chair; cupboard; desk; window; board; door; washbasin; pot plant; station; school; post office; museum; hospital; church; supermarket; next to; hotel; cinema; opposite; ladybird

歌谣:1.Where's the cinema

卡通故事:Where is the elephone 多元智能发展

语言技能:将单词和相应的图画和文字形式联系起来;理解简单的减法;说出一幅图画中的家具的种类及每种家具的数量;有节奏的说歌谣;表达同意或不同意;正确使用next to和opposite;能够简短地描述(street map)将故事中的对话和文字联系起来.




儿童用书P23歌谣(儿童用书录音带1 Unit5:9 Where's the cinema ) Joe : Excuse me, Moncia, where's the cinema Monice : Sorry, Joe. I don't know.

Joe : Excuse me, Barbare , where's the cinema Barbare : Sorry, Joe. I don't know.

Joe : Excuse me, Pamela , where's the cinema Pamela : Sorry, Joe. I don't know.

Joe : Thank you, Monice,thank you Barbare, thank you Pamela. I'll forget the cinema. I'll have some tea and watch TV.

儿童用书P26听力练习5(儿童用书录音带1 UNIT 5:11Where's the post office ) Tourist : Excuse me, Where's the post office

Man : The post office Ah, it's next to the school in Queen Street. Tourist : Thank you.

Tourist : Excuse me, Where's the church Woman : Over there,opposite the park. Tourist : Thank you.

Tourist : Excuse me, Where's the hospital Man : It's in park rosd. Tourist : Thank you. Man : That's alright.

Tourist : Excuse me, Where's the museum

Woman : The museum's in Station Rosd, opposite the sation. Tourist : Thank you.

Tourist : Excuse me, is there a supermarket in South Street

Man : A supermarket No, there is n't. there's one opposite the hotel in Swift Street. Tourist : Thank you very much.

儿童用书P27卡通故事(儿童用书录音带1UNIT5:12where's the elephant ) First ladybird: Where's the elephant

Second ladybird: I don't know , I can't see him. First ladybird: Let's go down here. Second ladybird: OK.

First ladybird: I can't see the elephant Can you

Second ladybird: No, I can't. let's climb up here. Maybe the elephant up there. First ladybird: OK, phew. I am tired. Second ladybird: So am I.

First ladybird: I can't see the elephant. Can you Second ladybird: No, I can't. what's that over there First ladybird: I don't know. Let's go and see. Second ladybird: OK.

First ladybird: Phew. What's this

Second ladybird: I don't know. Let's climb down. First ladybird: OK. Can you see the elephant Second ladybird: No, I can't. First ladybird: Listen.

Second ladybird: What's that First ladybird: I'm scared. Second ladybird: Help! Help! First ladybird: Aaaaargh! Second ladybird: Ooooooh!

First ladybird: Look! There's the elephant. Second ladybird: Right. There he is.


活动用书P21练习6(活动用书录音带A10 UNIT5:6 Listen and check the dialougues) Situadion one

Tourist :Excuse me, where's the post offoce Man :It's opposite the station. Situadion two

Tourist : Excuse me, where's the museum Man :It's in the park. Situadion three

Tourist : Excuse me, where's the hospital Man :It's next to the school. Situadion four

Tourist : Excuse me, where's the church Man :It's in Park Road. Situadion five

Tourist : Excuse me, where's the hotel Man :It's opposite the supermarket.

提示:先看地图,将对话填充完整,再听录音. 未配音部分

儿童用书P22——用there be 句型描述四个教室中的一个,对方猜答案.(提示:区分单,复数) 儿童用书P24——将平面和立体图相联系,利用书中句型练习.




Unit 6: FREE TIME 内容提要

单词和词组: feed a squirrel; play the saxphone; ride a bike; play volleyball;cook; ski; skate; swim; roller-blade; play tennis; play football; ride a horse; sail a boat; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday; snowman; curling; sledging; snowball fight.

歌曲: Busy Lizzy

卡通故事: Max on holiday 多元智能发展: 语言技能:

理解和演唱歌曲(Busy Lizzy); 在听录音中的小对话时能够理解新短语的意思; 使用提示的语言做采访, 报道采访结果; 观看故事录象时能够理解故事内容; 提出,接受和拒绝建议.




儿童用书:P29歌曲(儿童用书录音带2 uint 6: 1 Busy Lizzy)

Her name is Lizzy, and she's so busy. She's got to so many things to do.

She feeds the squirrels in the park, she plays the saxophone. She rides her bike around the town, and then she dances with a clown.

Her name is Lizzy, and she's so busy. She's got many things to do.

She goes sailling every day, and she plays volleyvall. She cooks sapghetti for her friends, her busy day just never ends.

Her name is Lizzy, and she's busy. She's got so many thhings to do.

提示:将文字,动作和图画联系起来;根据课文内容为图画正确标序;利用文字作为视觉提示. 儿童用书P32听力练习3(儿童用书录音带2 unit 6: 3 can you ride a horse ) Jesscia

Interview : Jesscia, can you ride a horse Jesscia : Yes, I can.

Interview : And can you sailling Jesscia : No, I can't.

Interview : Can you roller-blade Jesscia : Yeah, I can . I am good at it. Sam

Interview : Sam, can you swim Sam : Yes, of course.

Interview : Can you play tennis Sam :No, not really. Interview : Can you ski Sam :Yes, I can.

Interview : And are you good at it Sam : Yes, I think so. Anita

Interview : Anita , can you swim Anita : Yes, I can.

Interview :And can you skate Anita :Yes, I'm good at it.

Interview : Can you play football

Anita : Yes. I play it with my friends all the time. Andrew

Interview : Andrew, can you ride a horse Andrew : No, I can't.

Interview : Can you sail a boat

Andrew : Yes, I can. My dad showed me. Interview : Can you dance Andrew : No, I can't.

儿童用书P33卡通故事(儿童用书录音带2 UNIT 6:4 Max on holiday)

Storyteller : Linda, Benny and Max are on holiday in Scotland. On Monday, Max makes a snowman. Max : Oops!

Storyteller : On Tuesday, he goes curling. Max : Ouch!

Storyteller : On Wednesday ,Max goes sledging. Max : Help!

Storyteller : On Thursday ,he goes snowboaring. Max : Aaaaaah!

Storyteller : On Friday ,Max goes ice-skating. Max : Brrrrrr. It's cold.

Storyteller : On Saturday ,Linda, Benny and Max have a snowball fight. Max : Aarggh!

Storyteller : On Sunday , they go skiing. But not Max Max : I love winter sports!


儿童用书P35听力练习6(儿童用书录音带2 unit6:5Mum,what can I do ) Debbie : Mum , what can I do Mum : Play with your computer. Debbie : Boring. Mum : Go skating.

Debbie : Skating It's too cold outside. Mum : Answer the door,Debbie. Debbie : Ok, Mum.

Debbie's friends : Hi, Debbie. Let's go skating. Debbie : Great idea.

Mum : Where are you going, Debbie

Debbie : I'm going skating with Sylvia. Mum : Skating Debbie : Bye, Mum.

Debbie's friends : Bye, Mrs Gilder.


活动用书P22听力练习1(活动用书录音带A11Unit6:1Listen and check) Can you cook spaghelli -----Yes, I can.

What colour is your new sweater ------Red and yellow. How old is your brother -----He is six.

Excuse me , where's the station ----The station is next to the post office. Where are you going ----To the station. Are you scared of dogs ----Yes, I am.

Excuse me, where is the museum -----It's opposite the church. Who is this boy ----He is new in our class. His name is Ben.


活动用书P24 听力练习3(活动用书录音带B1 Unit6:3 Listen and stick in the pictures) On Monday he plays football; On Tuesday he plays volleyball; On Wednesday he rides his bike; On Thursday he plays tennis; On Friday he swims in the river; On Saturday he rides his horse.

提示:从附页第47页中剪下答案,并将答案粘贴到相应的空白处. 未配录音部分:

儿童用书P31——平面游戏,两人掷骰子,按格子中短语要求进行. 儿童用书P32练习4——小对话.练习对话,并表演;改变对话内容.




单词:Eye; mouth; nose; head; ear; hair; arm; hand; fingers; leg; knee; tose; shoulder; kangaroo; crocodile; key; nurse; a broken leg; big-small; wide mouth-small mouth; long fair hair-short fair hair.

歌曲:Head and shoulders

卡通故事:Mr.Crocodile and dr.kangaroo 多元智能发展 语言技能:

说出身体各部位的名称;理解和演唱歌曲(Head and shouders);理解故事内容,能够复述和表演故事的部分场景;将词组和相应的动作,图画及文字联系起来;理解录音带中对不同人物的描述,并能描述一个人的画像;


借助图画和动作学习歌曲,有节奏,有韵律地说唱歌谣和歌曲; 能够理解图画故事及相应的文字部分的叙述性结构;从附页中取下图画,并放在图画故事中正确的位置上.


儿童用书P36歌曲(儿童用书录音带2 unit7: 6Head and shoulders) Head and shoulders,knee and toes.knee and toes.head and shoulders, knee and toes. knee and toes.And eyes and ears, and mouth and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Knees and toes.

儿童用书P36听力练习2(儿童用书录音带2 unit7: 8 My ringt shoulder hurts) Speaker: One.

Boy 1: My right shoulder hurts. Speaker: Two

Girl 1: My left leg hurts. Speaker : Three

Boy 2: This tooth hurts. Speaker: Four.

Girl 2: My right ear hurts. Speaker:Five.

Boy 3:My right foot hurts. Speaker : Six.

Girl 3: My left knee hurts

儿童用书P37,38卡通故事(儿童用书录音带2Unit7: 9 Mr. Kangaroo and Dr.Crocodile) Storgteller : Dr Kangaroo is the best doctor in tomn. Male nurse : Next, please.Sorry, no crocodiles. Mr.Crocodile is here. His leg hurts. Dr Kangaroo : Send him away . Male nurse : I've got an idea. Dr Kangaroo :ok.

Male nurse :Come in, Mr. Crocodile. Mr.Crocodile : Oh, thank you .

Dr Kangaroo : Your leg is broken. See you in four weeks. Mr.Crocodile : Thank you very much, Doctor. Bye. Dr Kangaroo : Bye-bye.

Mr.Crocodile : What a lovely kangaroo.

Bird : Catch me!catch me!Crocodile,catch me!

Storyteller : Now the crocodile can't run. He's hungry. Frog : Catch me!Catch me!Crocodile,catch me!

Storyteller : Now the crocodile is very hungry. It's four weeks later. Mr.crocodile : I'm so hungry.

Dr Kangaroo : Close your eyes,please. Mr.Crocodile : Ouch!

Dr Kangaroo : Sleep well, Mr.Crocodile. he's asleep. Hurry up. Male nurse : OK.

Mr.Crocodile : Z-z-z-z-z-z-z Dr Kangaroo :The leg's OK. Male nurse : I've finished.

Dr Kangaroo :Your leg's OK. You can go home now. Mr.Crocodile : Thank you.

Dr Kangaroo : Hello,Mrs. Crocodile. Here is the key. Mr.Crocodile : Thank you ,Doctor. Thank you.


儿童用书P39听力练习4(儿童用书录音带2 UNIT7:10 Long fail hair) One. Long fair hair. Two. Blue eyes.

Three. A wide mouth. Four. Short black hair. Five. Small ears. Six. Brown eyes. Seven. A big nose. Eigth. Green eyes. Nine. Big ears. Ten. Short fair hair. Eleven. A small mouth. Twelve. Long black hair. Thirteen. Grey eyes. Fourteen. A small nose.

提示:根据录音内容将词组和相应的图画用数字标序;将词组的文字内容和图画联系. 儿童用书P39听力练习5(儿童用书录音带2 unit 7: 11 there is a thief in Max's garden)

Max : My flowers. My beautiful flowers… Find the thief. He's got a wide mouth. Short black hair, big ears. A small nose and blue eyes. Help me, please.


儿童用书P41听力练习8(儿童用书录音带2 UNIT7:12 Kevin has got blue eyes)

Kevin has got blue eyes, long red hair, a big nose, big ears and a small mouth. Once more. Kevin has got blue eyes, long red hair, a big nose, big ears and a small mouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number one.

Sue has got short fair hair, a small nose, big ears and a small mouth. Once more. Sue has got short fair hair, a small nose, big ears and a small mouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number two.

Sid has got green fair hair, a small nose, big ears and a small mouth. Once more. Sid has got green fair hair, a small nose, big ears and a small mouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number three.

Tina has got green eyes, long fair hair, a small nose, small ears and a small nouth. Once more. Tina has got green eyes, long fair hair, a small nose, small ears and a small nouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number four.

Mike has got blue eyes,short red hair, a big nose, small ears and a small mouth. Once more. Mike has got blue eyes,short red hair, a big nose, small ears and a small mouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number five.

Gill has got brown eyes, long fair hair, a big nose,small ears and a wide mouth. Once more. Gill has got brown eyes, long fair hair, a big nose,small ears and a wide mouth. Now open your eyes and fill in number six.


活动用书P26听力练习2(活动用书录音带B2UNIT7:2 Listen. Then complete the text about the


His hair is yellow.

His left ear is green, and his right ear is red. His eyes are blue, and his nose is pink. His mouth is red.

His left arm is blue, and his right arm is pink. His hands are green.

His right leg is grey, and his left leg is orange. His feet are yellow.


活动用书P27听力练习3(活动用书录音带B2UNIT7:3listen and complete the text) This is Bozo.

His hair is orange.

His left ear is red, and his right ears is pink. His eyes are brown,and his nose is green. His mouth is pink.

His left arm is yellow, and his right arm is orange. His hands are blue.

His rigth leg is yellow, and his left leg is red. His feet are blue.

活动用书P28听力迷宫5(活动用书录音带B4UNIT7:5Listen and point) Speaker 1: row number 1

Ten green tooth ear budgie orange sciaairs Speaker 2: row number 2

Pencil case a hundred trainers socks desk guitar black toes Speaker 1: row number 3

Fouty happy monkey sixty board sad nose horse Speaker 2: row number 4

Guinea pig ninety rabbit thirty dress head ruler snake Speaker 1: row number 5

Tree fox twelve mice mouth window knee TV Speaker 2: row number 6

Scared glue seventy kangaroo foot rubber lamp ghost Speaker 1: row number 7

Elephant clown pot plant leg hamster spider pen chair Speaker 2: row number 8

Fifty lion blue train glasses book shoulder thirteen Speaker 1: row number 9

Cat church bear monster tired skinr red eleven Speaker 2: row number 10

Twenty dog car hair yellow washbasin eye schoolbag Speaker 1: row number 11

Jump pencil door jeans curtains brown cupboard magician

Woman:How much is the sweater Salesperson:(17

Woman:Do you like it.Sue Girl:Yes,it's nice.

Woman:OK,The sweater and the red T-shirt,please. Girl:A red T-shirt

Woman:Yes,the T –shirt is for me.

Salesperson:A red T-shirt and a sweater,That's (21


活动用书P37听力练习(活动用书录音带B10 Unit 9:5 Listen and check) Customer:Good morning. Salesperson:Good morning.

Customer:How much are the white and pink trainers Salesperson: (2 5

Customer:OK.And a pair of white socks.

Salesperson:The white and pink trainers and a pair of white Socks.That's (27,please. Customer: Here you are. Salesperson:Thank you.

提示:先读出句子,给句子正确标序,再听录音检查. 未配录音部分

儿童用书P49练习2—附页中纸做的硬币与方格下的钱数配对. 儿童用书P50练习4—猜谜游戏.




活动用书P37练习6—填写is或者are,读出句子. UNIT10:TAMMY,THE QUEEN OF JAMS 内容提要


歌曲:1.Hello girls and boys;2.Lovely,lovely peaches;3.Lovely,lovely plums;'re the queen of jams;5.We don't like this jam;6.Let's go to Tammy;7.She must work for us;8.We love Tammy;9.She is the queen of jams.

音乐剧:Tammy,the queen of jams. 多元智能发展 ●语言技能:





儿童用书P44,45音乐剧(儿童用书录音带3Unit 10:1-21 Tammy,the queen of jams ) 开幕

Children(singing):Hello girls and boys.Wlcome everyone,Welcome to our musical play. Hooray!hooray!Welcome to our musical play. Hooray!hooray! Scene1:In Tammy's kitchen Fred and sylvia:Hi,Tammy.

Tammy:Hi,Fred.hi,Sylvia.How are you

Fred:Fine,thanks,erm…Tomorrow is our Mother's birthday. Tammy:Oh,really Have you got a nice present for her Sylvia:No,Tammy.Can you make some jam for us,please. Tammy:Yes,of course.

Fred:Here are some peaches.Mum loves peach jam. Tammy:OK

Tammy, Fred and sylvia:Oh,what lovely,lovely peaches.Le's put them in the pot,then put sugar on the peached and boil them till they're hot.

Tammy:Taste the jam.

sylvia:Mmh,It's wonderful.Thank you,Tammy. Mike and Sonia:Hi,Tammy.

Tammy:Hi,Mike,Hi,Sonia,How are you Mike:Fine,thanks.Erm…It's our father's birthday on Tuesday. Tammy:Oh,really Have you make some jam for us,please. Sonia:No,Tammy.Can you make some jam for us,please. Tammy:yes,of course.

Mike:Here are some plums.Dad loves plum jam. Tammy:OK.

Tammy, Mike and Sonia(singing):Oh,what lovely,lovely plums.Let's put them in the pot.Then put suggar on the plums,And boil them till they're hot,And boil them they're hot.

Tammy:Taste the jam. Sonia:Yummy!

Mike:It's wonderful.Thank you. Sylvia:You're great,Tammy. Fred:You're the queen of jams.

Mike and Sonia:Hooray!Tammy's the queen of jams.

Fred and sylvia,Mike and Sonia(singing): You are the queen of jams.You are so wonderful.oh,thank you,thank you,Tammy.You are so wonderful.oh,thank you,thank you, are so wonderful.

Tammy:Happy birthday to your mum. Fred and Sylvia:Thank you,bye. Tammy:Bye.

Sylvia:Thank you. Fred and Sylvia:Bye.

Tammy:Happy birthday to your dad. Mike and Sonia:Thank you.Bye. Tammy:Bye.

Scene2:At the king's castle King:I'm hungry.

Queen:Where is our breakfast

Cook:Here is your breakfast. Servant1:Your tea,oh King.

Servant2:Your coffee,oh Queen.

Servant3:Your toast and butter,oh King. Servant4:Your honey,oh Queen. King and queen:We want some jam. Cook:Of course.Get some jam. Servant1:Your jam. King and queen:Yuck!

King and queen(singing) :We don't like this jam. We don't like this jam.oh,take it away,oh,take it away.We want the best jam today.oh,take it away,oh,take it away.we want the best jam today.

Cook:Sorry,oh,King,sorry,oh,Queen. King:Get the best jam in the world.

Cook:Of course,oh,King.The best jam in the world. Scene 3:In the kitchen of the castle.

Cook:The best jam in the world.Where can I get it Servant 5and 6:Tammy makes the best jams. Cook:Go to Tammy,Here is some money. Scene 4:In the king's castle

Cook:Your jam,oh,King,oh,Queen. Servant 5and 6:Tammy's jam.

Servant7and 8:The best jam in the world. Queen:Wonderful!

King:Mmmmmh!Wonderful!Yummy!Let's go to Tammy. Queen:She must work in our kitchen.

King,Queen,cook and Servants(singing) : Let's go to Tammy. Let's go to Tammy. She must work for us.Let's go!

Scene 3:At Tammy's house

King:Tammy,You must come with us. Queen:You must make jam for us. Tammy:Sorry,I can't work for you. King:What I'm the king.

Tammy:sorry,oh king,I work for my friends. King:Take her away,servants.

King,Queen,cook and Servants(singing):She must work for us. She must work for us.Let's take her to the castle. She must work for us. She must work for us. Yes,She must work for us.

Fred, Sylvia, Mike and Sonia:Just a moment!

Fred, Sylvia, Mike and Sonia:We love Tammy. We love Tammy. Tammy is our friend. Tammy is our friend. We love Tammy. We love Tammy.

Tammy is our friend. Tammy is our friend. Stop,stop,stop,let her go! Tammy is our friend. Stop,stop,stop,let her go! Tammy is our friend. Stop,stop,stop,let her go! Tammy is our friend.

Stop,stop,stop,let her go! Tammy is our friend. Tammy and friends:pooh!yeah!

Tammy:Thank you,my friends,Thank you.

Fred, Sylvia, Mike and Sonia:Tammy,you are our queen.

Tammy and friends:She is the queen of jams,she's so wonderful. No one can take Tammy away.Hooray! No one can take Tammy away.Hooray! Yeah!



活动用书P39小测验2(活动用书录音带B11Unit 10:2 Listen and check) Speaker 1:OK,Here we go.listen and check your answers.

Number one:What's the name of the new girl in Linda and Benny's class It's… Sonia.

Speaker 2:Number two:Ted takes Snow White to the airport. Speaker 1: Number three:Ted buys a sheep's heart.

Speaker 2: Number four:The queen brings Snow White chocolates. Speaker 1: Number five:Max is scared of the neithbour's dog. Speaker 2: The ladybirds are looking for the elephant. Speaker 1: Number seven:Lizzie can play the saxophone.

Speaker 2: Number eight:This is what lizzie cooks for her fridends:spaghetti.

Speaker 1: Number nine:Who has a broken leg and comes to see Dr.Kangaroo The crocodile. Speaker 2: Number ten:The animal play football,darts and cards. Speaker 1: Number eleven: The farmer wakes up at one o'clock. Speaker 2:Number twelve: Max drinks Benny's orange juice. 未配录音部分


活动用书40页练习3—根据自己的情况,完成句子. EXTRA UNIT:CHRISTMAS 内容提要 单词,词组:

Cambridge;Sydney;Christmas Eve;hang up,Christmas stockings;presents;crackers;piggybank;silly 歌曲:1.Hello girls and boys;2.Benny is sleeping;3.Would you like…. 4.Can I have some pizza,Father Christmas;6.What a lovely pizza;7.Father Christmas;8.Merry,Merry Christmas

音乐剧:Father Christmas is hungry 多元智能发展 ●语言机能:



根据图画和文字内容能够识别故事的叙事结构;表演故事;按照正确的节奏和曲调唱歌. 教材内容

儿童用书P58,59音乐剧(儿童用书录音带3Extra unit:31-60 Father Christmas is hungry) 开幕

Children (singing) :Hello girls and boys,Welcome everyone,welcome to our musical play. Hooray!Hooray! Welcome everyone,welcome to our musical play. Hooray!Hooray!

Scene:Benny,Linda and Max are in bed

Children (singing) :Benny is sleeping,sh-sh! Linda is sleeping,sh-sh!Max is sleeping,sh-sh!Who's this Who's this Who's this Father Christmas, Father Christmas,Father Christmas, Father Christmas.

Father Christmas:And now the presents for Benny,Linda and Max.OH,I'm so hungry. Linda:What's that

Benny:Put the light on,Linda. Father Christmas:Sorry,children. Bennyand Linda:Father…! Father…!

Father Christmas:Christmas,yes,it's me.hello,Linda,hello,Benny.Ah,and there's Max!Sorry,but I'm sooo hungry.

Bennyand Linda:What would you like Father Christmas

Bennyand Linda:Would you like some bread and butter would you like some ham and cheese would you like some beans on toast oh tell us,tell us,tell us,please. oh tell us,tell us,tell us,please.

Father Christmas: bread and butter ham and cheese beans on toast No,thank you,oh,sorry children,But I am sooo hungry.

Bennyand Linda: tell us, Christmas, What would you like

Father Christmas(singing):Can I have some pizza with ham and cheese and lots of ketchup.Some pizza,please.oh,yes.

Bennyand Linda(singing):Oh,yes,Let's get some pizza with ham and cheese and lots of ketchup.Some pizza,please.oh,yes.

Linda:Is that perfect pizza A big pizza,please.With ham and cheese.Just a moment.With onions, Father Christmas

Father Christmas: onions No,thank you. Linda:No,thanks,no onions.

Father Christmas:But Linda,lot of ketchup,please.

Linda: And lot of ketchup,please.98 Station Road.Thank you .Bye. Benny:Where is the piggybank Linda:Here you are.

Benny:Thank you,One pound,two pounds,three pounds,four pounds. Bennyand Linda:Yes! Scene 2:The pizza arrives

Man:Perfect pizza,Good evening.Here is your pizza.Four pounds,please. Linda:Thank you,here you are.

Man:Thank you,Isn't the pizza too big for you Linda:It's not for me, It's Father Christmas.

Man: For Father Christmas Very funny.Good night. Scene 3:In the living room

Bennyand Linda(singing): Father Christmas,here's your pizza. Father Christmas,it's for you.with ketchup,cheese and ham. Father Christmas,it's for you.Father Christmas,it's for you.

Father Christmas:Thank you.Aaaaaaaah,Yummy! Max:I can spell pizza.

Max(singing):What a lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely pizza. With ketchup,cheese and ham.what a lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely don't know how hungry I am.

Father Christmas:Here you are,Max.

Max:Oh,thank you,Father Christmas.Yummy!

Benny:Would you like some tea,Father Chrismas,Yummy! 提示:根据歌词中单词的颜色,将图画中的边框上色.


Father Christmas:Thank you.Aaaaaaaah,Yummy! Max:I can spell pizza.

Max(singing):What a lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely pizza. With ketchup,cheese and ham.what a lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely don't know how hungry I am.

Father Christmas:Here you are,Max.

Max:Oh,thank you,Father Christmas.Yummy!

Benny:Would you like some tea,Father Chrismas,Yummy! 提示:根据歌词中单词的颜色,将图画中的边框上色.


