
更新时间:2024-07-06 07:50:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Passage formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not 1 People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are A) Biological factors have a strong influence on our behavior. BA)one’s environment has great influence on his character

D)believes that environment is important in deciding one’s character Passage 2C))believes that the correct explanation will take ideas from both theories the controversy between the two theories will remain for a long period

C Opinion poll surveys show that the public see scientists in a rather unflattering light.

A)C)science is badly taught in schools A)science is seen as a man’s jobthe more sensational aspects of science

Passage 3 B))isolation from the rest of the world social demands

people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who C

D)A)has a direct influence on the way people regard us

help them achieve success in their interpersonal relationships D)early acts for men to follow as examples

Passage A))they are not sure to what extent they should display their feminine qualities human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. 4 Dressing for effect.

Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no B

emotion --- a world in which C)they would not know what was beneficial and what was harmful to them C)B)enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing the capacity to enjoy incentives

Passage 5 D))they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintained help us adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us

advertisements. However, federal rules forbid the practice of making ads louder Every year television stations receive hundreds of complaints about the loudness of A

B)C)does not exceed that of programs

their sound levels are kept around peak levels

D)advertisers want to make them sound different from regular programs

Passage 1 D))they possess sound qualities that make the viewer feel that something unusual how the attention-getting properties of sounds are made use of in TV ads

B Many leading scientists down through the years from Galileo to Einstein have been A) it is only by studying philosophy that a man can develop religious beliefs

)have attempted to explain physical life from a religious point of view AA)the fact that a scientist’s religious views derive from his whole outlook on life Passage 2 D))the application of scientific knowledge to the skills of industry processes on which organic life depends

B “Welcome to the USA!Major Credit Cards accepted!” A)D)simply don’t care how much they spend

it saw an unusually large number of tourists to the US.

A)no other country sells at a lower price than America

Passage C))Because they have gained much publicity through the American media. tourism can make great contributions to its economy

missiles, touch virtually every square yard of the earth’s surface. 3 War has escaped the battlefield and now can, with modern guidance systems on AB)a valid tool of national policy

C)of the soul or mind

B))express irony that war should be a part of civilization

Passage B)total annihilation of the enemy and destruction of enemy territory Scientific and detached.

considers himself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satisfy 4 Good sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world,for each man DC)

D)promptness of memory, distinctness of imagination, quickness of thought

good sense, in terms of its distribution among persons, may be called common sense D)he has never had the feeling that his mind was more perfect than average in any way Passage 5 B))a sense of reason

endowed in equal measure to all persons

the linking of computers, television and telephones will change our lives forever. Cyberspace, data superhighways, multimedia for those who have seen the future,

BAD))the rich countries

D)the interests of the poor countries have not been given enough consideration Because it inhibits the industrial growth of developing countries. B)cost them their economic independence )critical 1 / 1

Passage United States passed out of the hands of the architect and into the hands of the technical expert. 1 With the rise of the great metropolis in the industrial era, city planning in the D

B)communicate the author’s preference for architects over technocrats A)C)a work of art

An unsightly regularity of building styles. Passage 2 B))blocked out

Programs increasing the public’s appreciation for feminine, not because that is the way the world is, Ours is a society that tries to keep the world architecture.

sharply divided into masculine and C



that sex differences in language can not be well illustrated Passage 3 C))None of the above.

males are afraid of being laughed at

only says the words but also understands them. Scientists have taught a parrot English. So whatDB)He has come to identifying objects,

?This time, it seems, the bird not C)competition training

sounds distinctly. A)the toys can act as concrete objects with which words are associated Passage 4 A))Alex is capable of combining the words in different ways abstract symbols for objects

selecting, classifying, assigning, or promoting students, The standardized educational or psychological tests that are widely used to aid in BC)

D)Those critics who attack the tests are doing wrong when they find literary works and Luxun’s works A)to justify the standardized tests and show how they can be used properly

Passage 5 B))From general to specific.

That although the standardized tests are applicable,it has its own defects.

B However important we may regard school life to be, there is no gain saying the fact

C)D)teachers can and should help parents to understand and further the objectives A)a parent’s misguided efforts can be redirected to proper channels)demonstration lesson

participation in interesting activities relating to a school subject

Passage 1 C)urge teachers and school administrators to make use of a much underused

C The aim of the great philosophers is not merely understanding but also wisdom;

A)D)most men present their judgment from their own point of view A)the human wisdom

the understanding of relative values of life plus the practical judgment Passage B))they know the inevitable human lot very well scientific knowledge deepened into something altogether than before, a sternly unaffected impressionism. 2 My mother used

to go to the South of France in order to paint. Her style had A

B)D)He thought it showed her strength of character. considered the possibilities carefully A)Keen.

Passage D))It seemed out of keeping with the environment. He wanted to make his opinion clear.

nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. 3 That experiences influence subsequent behavior is evidence of an D

obvious but B)sudden forgetting may bring about adaptive consequences. A)A)he would have a lot of trouble reasoning

B)forgetfulness is a response to learning per hectare. In part, this is due to the generosity of nature. Passage 4 )forgetting

American farmers are known worldwide for their ability to produce a large yield C

D)The success of American agriculture. B)A)All of the above.

)The former refers to farm-related enterprise,including commodity dealers, Passage 5 D)Agribusiness makes the change possible. Praising.

Vienna, was a very productive meeting. The United Nations Conference on Drug Abuse that took place earlier this year in A

B)the delegates were unprecedentedly unanimous in their attempt to control drug abuse B)B)drug problem has become more serious than ever

they are both producing and consuming countries of drugs C))destroying the process of distribution suggested that if drug abuse is not curbed

,world civilization will degenerate

