100测评网初中英语资料-Unit 4 Reading The history of ba

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Unit 4 Reading The history of basketball



invent 发明 inventor发明者,发明家


factory工厂 challenge向?挑战 indoors在室内 hard硬的 wooden木质的 hoop篮圈




divide 分、分开 backboard篮板 compete竞争、对抗



NBA(National Basketball Association )全美篮球协会 increase增加,增长

separate 分、分开

non-contact sport互不接触的运动 divide into 把…分成 in history在历史上 stop ? from …阻止 be replaced by 被?取代 much more 更加,更不用说 课文大意:


In 1861 , basketball’s inventor was born.

In 1891 , the first game of basketball was played. In 1936 , basketball became an Olympic event.

Since 1949 , basketball courts have been seen everywhere in factories , schools , and even houses in China.

二. 重点、难点:

1. China is a large country with many different and interesting ways of doing things. with在这里表情况


2. But people who travel around China can always see one thing that is the same everywhere basketball.

在本句中出现了两个定语从句 (1)Who travel around China (2)that is the same everywhere 分别修饰people 和one thing



3. This much - loved sport is enjoyed by men and women , and by young and old.

(1)much - loved为合成词,深受人喜爱的,是个形容词 类似的词有kind-hearted热心肠的warm-hearted near-sighted近视眼的 three-legged 三条腿的

(2)be enjoyed by为被动语态,应译为“被…喜爱的,深受…喜爱的”

(3)young 和old在这里被用作名词,应译为年轻人和老人 这项运动深受男女老幼的喜爱

4. The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old. a little over应译为稍多于

5. Since 1949 , basketball courts have been seen everywhere. have been seen 是现在完成时被动语态 它的构成为主语+have / has / been +过去分词

自从1949年,篮球场已经在中国的工厂,学校甚至家庭中随处可见。 6. Millions of people play the sport for fun and exercise , but few people know how

basketball started. (1)million

当我们说一百万、两百万、三百万…时,million不变复数 one / a million , 2 million 3 million 而说“数以百万计”的,million 应变复数 millions of (2)few 几乎没有 few+可数名词

上百万的人出于娱乐和锻炼的目的打篮球,但很少有人知道篮球的起源 7. Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor. was invented by 是一般过去时的被动语态,应译成被发明 其句式是主语+was / were +过去分词+by短语

8. his teacher challenged the class to invent a new game challenge (1)n. 名词,挑战 It’s really a challenge for me. 这对我来说确实是个挑战。

(2)v. 动词=ask someone to do something different , challenge sb to a game of tennis. 要求某人参加网球比赛

She challenged the newspaper to prove its story. 她要求这家报纸证实报道的真实性

9. the teacher wanted a game that people could play indoors. (1)indoor形容词,在室内进行或放置的,适用于室内的 indoor games , activities 室内游戏、活动 (2)indoors 副词,在室内,往室内 go / stay indoors 进/留在屋内

10. But he wanted the game to be a non-contact sport because it would be played on hard wooden floors

would be played 为过去将来时被动语态 其构成为would + be + 过去分词

11. If people touched , they could fall down and get hurt . 如果人们互相接触的话,他们就会摔倒并且受伤。

get hurt 也可以说be hurt , get为系动词,hurt为过去分词

12. He put them high on the balcony where people sat looking down at the players


(1)Where people sat looking down at the players. 这部分为定语从句,修饰前面的balcony. (2)looking down 为现在分词,表伴随的动作


13. He divided them into two teams of nine and taught them how to play his new game.

他把他们(18人)分成9人的两队,然后教他们如何做这个新游戏 divide into 是个词组意为“分成”

If you divide 6 into 30 / divide 30 by 6 , the answer is 5. 以6除30,答案为5。

The teacher divide the students into 2 parts. 老师把同学们分成两部分

14. They played the first basketball game in history . in history是个词组,意为“在历史上”

15. The backboards behind the baskets were added to stop people in the balcony from trying to catch the ball

(1)stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事

Can you stop the child from getting into mischief ? 你不能制止那个孩子恶作剧吗?

What can stop us from going if we want to go ? 如果我们要去,什么能阻止我们不能成行呢? (2)were added 为被动语态,“被加进去”

整句应译为:篮筐后面的篮板被加了进来,以防止看台上的观众接住球 16. Later , the baskets were replaced by net. be replaced by 被…代替


17. For many years , Americans were the most famous basketball players , but the sport is much more international.

多年以来,美国人一直以篮球著称于世,但这项运动更是一场国际化的运动。 much more 是个词组,意为更加,更不用说

如:It’s difficult to understand his books , much more his lectures. 他的书难懂,它的演讲就更难懂了。

18. Many top players from around the world earn big money playing in America’s NBA.


(1)top players 顶尖运动员,我们还可以说top students. (2)playing …为现在分词作状语表方式 课文结构分析:

本篇文章共6段(6 paragraphs)

1段和2段应为一部分The situation in China. 中国的情况

(1)Basketball is enjoyed by men and women , and by young and old. (2)Few people know how basketball started 3段和4段应为一部分

How was basketball invented. 篮球是怎样被发明的。 5段6段为一部分

The development of basketball . 篮球的发展。 (1)In 1936 , basketball became an Olympic event.

(2)It’s an international sport.






1. 运用常识,合理判断。例如:

2001年北京海淀区中考“阅读理解”题原文(A)中有这样的内容: One day we invited some friends to dinner . When it was about six o’clock , my wife found

that we had little bread . So she asked our five-year-old daughter , Kathy , to buy some . 针


One day Kathy’s parents invited some friends to _______. A. have breakfast C. have supper

B. have lunch

D. have a party

[解题指导]从短文中不难看出:文中的“we”就是问题中的“Kathy’s parents”。原文中提到“请

客吃饭”(we invited some friends to dinner),但是,在早(breakfast),午(lunch),晚

(supper)三餐中,却未明确指出到底吃哪一个。英语中“dinner”的词义是main meal of the day .

whether eaten at midday or in the evening 。一般译为“正餐”,即:一日间的主餐,而且,中午或晚

上吃均可。下文谈到:When it was about six o’clock , my wife found that we had little bread.

显然,快六点(about six o’clock)了,主人还未准备就绪。这里的“six o’clock”,合理的解释无疑

是下午六点。因此,根据一般人“一日三餐”的基本常识,他们请客吃饭的只能是晚饭,故正确答案为:C. have supper。

2. 根据情景,进行猜测。例如:


People are often killed while crossing the road . Most of them are old people and children .

Old people are often killed because they usually can’t see or hear very well . Children are

often killed because they are careless.

句子中的“careless”是生词,因此,针对这一生词,设计了如下一道题,涉及词义猜测:The word “careless”means ______. A. careful

B. not careful

C. take care D. more careful



(Old people are often killed because they usually can’t see or hear very well. ),那么,小

孩子过街死于车祸的原因是什么呢?当然,不可能是“小心谨慎”(careful , take care),也不会是

“更小心谨慎”(more careful),只可能是careful的反义词“not careful”。因此,careless的词义是

not careful(粗心大意)便显而易见。可见,这种词义猜测也是建立在对上下文的正确理解之上的。

3. 利用信息,举一反三。例如:


Most English people have three names : a first name , a middle name and the family name .

For example , my full name is Jim Allan Green . Green is my family name . My parents gave me both of my other names.

People don’t often use their middle names very much . So “John Henry Brown”is usually called “John Brown”.

该短文谈到英国和美国人的姓氏规律。短文最后有如下一个问题: If your American friend’s name is Lucy Smith , _______. A. Lucy is her family name B. Smith is her family name C. Smith is her given name [解题指导]


在后。短文中对英国人的姓氏规律提供了如下信息:Jim Allan Green 如果是全名(full name)的话,

Green是“姓”(Green is my family name. ), Jim Allan 则相当于中国人的“名”(My parents gave

me both of my other names. )。同时,英国人不常用中间那个名字(People don’t often use their

middle names very much. )因此,一般叫作“John Brown”。当然,其中的“Brown”仍为“姓”

(family name)。

此题中的美国朋友被称为Lucy Smith ,根据“John Henry Brown”可以化简为“John Brown”,

“Brown”仍为“姓”(family name)这个信息,举一反三,不难看出“Lucy Smith”中的“Smith”是这

位美国朋友的“姓”(family name)。故此题的答案为:B. Smith is her family name。

4. 纵观全文,概括大意。例如:


This passage is about ______. A. what a shark is

B. the best place to swim in C. how to swim safely D. how to ride on sharks




