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right now 立刻;马上

【例句】He’s going to school right now. 他马上就要去上学。 Put on your shoes right now, please.请马上穿上你的鞋。 sometimes/adv. 有时

【例句】Sometimes he plays games after school. 有时候他在放学之后做游戏。

He walks home sometimes after school.他有时放学后步行回家。

【助记】sometimes(有时)-sometime(某时)-some time(一些时间) take off 脱衣服

【例句】He’s now taking off his clothes. 他现在正在脱衣服。

Take off your old clothes and put on your new clothes, please. 请脱下旧衣服,穿上新衣服。

after school 放学后;下课后

【例句】We play football after school every day. 每天放学后我们踢足球。 What do you often do after school? 你放学后经常做什么? get to 到达

【例句】I get to school at about 7:30 every day. 我每天大约在七点半到达学校。 My father gets home very late every day. 我父亲每天很晚回家。

【用法】get to 后接名词,get to school到校,get to the farm到达农场。get to后如果跟home, here, there等副词,to要去掉,即get home, get here, get there。 exercise/n. 锻炼;做操;练习 do morning exercises 做早操

【例句】I have exercise at about 8:00 every day. 我每天大约在八点作锻炼。 The doctor asked him to do more exercises. 医生叫他多运动。 shopping/n. 买东西 go shopping(去)买东西

【例句】Mrs Morison go shopping at 3:00 on Sunday.莫里森夫人在星期天三点去购物。

Put these shopping in a shopping bag. 把这些东西放到购物袋里。

garden/n. 花(果、菜)园


【例句】What time does Mrs. Morison begin to work in the garden on Sundays?


This is a house with a beautiful garden. 这座房屋拥有一个漂亮的花园。

【助记】误入别人garden(花园)里,要说pardon(对不起)。 be/(am,is,are)v. 是,成为

【例句】I want to be a teacher. 我想成为一名教师。 He is a Chinese medicine doctor. 他是一个中医。 over/adv. 结束;完了

【例句】In the afternoon, classes are over at 3:30. 在下午3:30下课。 It is all over with him. 他什么都完了。 do (some) reading 朗读;阅读

【例句】Sometimes I like to do some reading. 有时我喜欢读书。 Do you do some reading in the morning? 你清早读书吗?

【用法】do some十动词-ing,表示“干??”,如:do some reading/washing/shopping/cleaning?阅读/洗衣服/买东西/扫除。 living-room/n. 起居室

【例句】But now she’s reading a book in the living-room


Mr. Brown’s living-room is near the dinning-room. 布朗先生的起居室靠近餐厅。

【助记】living(生活)+room(房间)→living-room playground/n.(学校的)操场

【例句】We’re playing football on the playground. 我们正在操场上踢足球. There’s a big playgroud in our school. 我们学校有个大操场。 【助记】play(玩耍)+ground(场地)→playground *walk/v. 走;步行;散步

【例句】I walk with my hands. 我能用手走路。

My sister likes walking home after school. 我妹妹喜欢放学后步行回家。 *news/n. 新闻;消息


【例句】You watch CCTV news at 7:00. 你在七点钟看中央电视台的新闻。 She is always in the news. 她一直是个新闻人物。 *match/n. 比赛;竞赛

【例句】After 3:40 you have a basketball match with Class Two.


There’s going to be a football match tomorrow. 明天将有一场足球赛。

*quickly/adv. 迅速

【例句】Now please get up quickly and have your breakfast, or you’ll be late.

现在请赶快起床,吃早饭! 否则你要迟到了。

He speaks so quickly that I can’t catch it. 他说得很快,以至于我不能领会。

【助记】quick(迅速的)+ly(副词后缀)→quickly sun/n. 太阳

【例句】I can see the sun, the moon, and two planes. 我能看见太阳,月亮和两架飞机。 The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是在东方升起。 【助记】sun(太阳)-son(儿子) moon/n.月亮

【例句】I can see the moon at night. 晚上我能看到月亮。 There is no moon light. 今晚没有月光。 【助记】moon(月亮)-noon(中午)

【用法】sun,moon属世界上独一无二的事物名词。英语中表示世界上独一无二的事物时,通常在这些名词前加定冠词the。 bridge/n. 桥

【例句】Can you see any cars on the bridge? 你看见桥上有车吗?

They put up a bridge acrooos the river. 他们在河上架起一座桥梁。 【助记】bridge(桥)-fridge(冰箱) train/n. 火车

【例句】How many trains are there near the river? 在河附近有多少火车?

I’m going to Taiyuan by train this afternoon. 我今天下午打算坐火车去太原。 【助记】train(火车)-rain(下雨)


ship/n. 船;轮船

【例句】How many ships are there on the river? 在河面上有多少船? They went to Japan by ship. 他们坐船去日本。 【助记】sheep(绵羊)-ship(轮船)要分清 on foot 走路;步行

【例句】I usually come by bike, but sometimes I come on foot.


I go to school on foot every day. 我每天步行上学。

【用法】on foot是介词词组,“步行,徒步”,在句中与be动词或go, come等行为动词连用。walk是动词“走”。注意两者用在句中时表达上的不同。 holiday/n. 假日;假期

【例句】How do you usually go home for your holiday? 你们通常如何回家度假? I am taking two weeks’ holiday. 我正在休两个星期的假。

【用法】have a holiday(度假);for one’s holiday(去度假);during the holiday(在假期中) year/n. 年

【例句】She goes home for holidays every year with her parents. 她每年都和她的父母一起回家度假。

It’s just a year since I arrived here. 我来这里已整整一年了。 【助记】year(年)-bear(熊)-pear(梨)-ear(耳朵) by/prep. 乘车(船等)

by plane 乘飞机 by ship 乘船

【例句】We usually go by plane/air. 我们通常乘飞机。

Sometimes we go by ship/sea. 有时候我们乘轮船。

【用法】by是介词,意思为“靠,用,通过”。by plane/ship/train/bike等,意为“乘飞机/轮船/火车、骑自行车”。在这些词组中不能用the。 air/n. 天空;空气

by air 乘飞机 sea/n.海;海洋

by sea 乘船


take time 花费(时间)

【例句】It takes too much time. 那样花时间太多。

It takes me one hour to do my homework in the evening.我晚上做家庭作业要花一个小时。

【用法】It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示“某人花/用多少时间做某事”。 how long 多久

【例句】How long does it take by plane? 乘飞机花多长时间?

How long does it take you to clean the classroom every day?你们每天打扫教室要用多长


walk/v. 走;步行;散步

【例句】I like walking. 我喜欢步行。

Look! They are walking along the river. 看!他们正沿着河边散步。 【助记】walk(步行)-talk(说话) clean/adj. 干净的;清洁的

【例句】The air today is nice and clean. 今天空气很清新。 Their classroom is very clean. 他们的教室非常干净。


story/n. 故事

【例句】Please tell the story about Mike. 请讲述关于迈克的故事。 He told us the story about himself. 他给我们讲述了他自己的故事。 *far//adj. & adv. 远

【例句】It is not far from his home. 这个学校离他的家不远。

The shop is far from here.那个商店离这里很远。

*problem/n. 问题;难题

【例句】But he has a problem. 但是他有一个难题。

— Would you come here early tomorrow? 你明天能早来这里吗? — No problem. 没问题。

【用法】problem指疑难的问题、困难的问题或令人困惑的事;question指需要解决或解答的问题。 *earlier/adj.&adv. 更早的(地)


【例句】Why don’t you leave home a little earlier? 你为什么不离家早一点呢? Please get up a little earlier tomorrow. 请明天起得更早点。 【助记】early(比较级)-earlier(比较级)-earliest(最高级) *ill/adj. 病的;不健康的

【例句】My mother is ill. 我的妈妈生病了。

He has been ill for two days. 他已经病两天了。 *tear/n. 眼泪;泪珠

【例句】Sun Yang said with tears in his eyes. 孙扬眼里含着眼泪说。

She told us the story with tears in her eyes. 她含着泪水给我们讲述了这个故事。 【助记】tear(眼泪)-bear(熊)-pear(梨)-year(年)

【用法】tear作“眼泪”解释时,常用复数形式。with tears in one’s eyes是“某人眼里含着泪水”的意思,表示伴随状态。 chicken/n. 鸡;鸡肉

【例句】Chicken is my favourite. 鸡肉是我最爱吃的。

There are some chicken in the garden. 花园里有几只小鸡。 tofu/n. 豆腐

【例句】What about some chicken and tofu? 鸡肉和豆腐怎么样? My favourite food is tofu. 我最喜欢的食品是豆腐。 fridge/n. 电冰箱

【例句】Well, what do we have in the fridge now? 哦,现在我们冰箱里有什么? How much is the fridge? 这台冰箱多少钱? 【助记】fridge(电冰箱)+bridge(桥) list/n. 清单;一览表;名单;目录

shopping list 购物单

【例句】Let me make a shopping list. 我来列一个购物清单吧。 Please make a list for the book. 请为这本书做个目录。 buy/v. 买

【例句】Can we go and buy the things? 你能去买这些东西吗? Let me buy a drink for you. 让我给你买瓶饮料喝。



【用法】buy sb. sth=buy sth. For sb.(为某人毛东西);buy from?(从??购买) kilo/n. 千克;公斤

【例句】I want two kilos of apples. 我买2公斤苹果。

How much a kilo of thses tomatoes? 这土豆多少钱一公斤? sell/v. 卖;售

【例句】Well, what do you sell here? 那么,你们这儿卖什么?

A girl is elling flowers in the street. 一个女孩正在街上卖花。 【助记】sell(卖,售)-tell(告诉)-smell(闻起来) 【用法】sell sth to sb.=sell sb. sth.(把??卖给??) how much 多少;多少钱

【例句】How much are the tomatoes, please? 请问这土豆多少钱斤? How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?

【用法】how much“多少”,是用来询问商品价格时的用语。要根据句中主语是单数还是复数确定用is还是用are。how much还可用来询问数量的多少,但必须后接不可数名词。 cheap/adj. 便宜的

【例句】Oh, they’re cheap. 噢,它们很便宜。

The red skirt is very cheap. 那条红裙子便宜。 expensive/adj. 昂贵的

【例句】Oh, that’s expensive. 噢,那很贵。

This is an expensive car. 这是一辆昂贵的小汽车。 【助记】ex(前缀,向外)+pen(钢笔)+sive 卖给外宾的钢笔很贵。 tomato/n. 西红柿;蕃茄

【例句】I want some tomatoes. 我想要一些番茄。

These tomatoes are two yuan a kilo. 这些西红柿两元一公斤。 【助记】tomato(西红柿)-potato(土豆)

【用法】以o结尾的名词变为复数时,有些加es,有些加s,属于不规则变化。 potato→potatoes kilo→kilos tomato→tomatoes photo→photos onion/n. 洋葱


【例句】How much are the onions? 这些洋葱多少钱?

There are many onions in the basket. 篮子里有好多洋葱。 carrot/n. 胡萝卜

【例句】The carrot is 1 yuan a kilo. 胡萝卜每公斤一元。 What about some carrot? 来些胡萝卜怎么样? pork/n. 猪肉

【例句】Mother bought 2 kilo pork. 妈妈买了两公斤猪肉。 Lucy doesn’t like eating pork. 露西不喜欢吃猪肉。 all day 一整天;一天到晚

【例句】They work hard all day. 他们整天努力工作。

Mother does housework all day. 妈妈一天到晚做家务。 a lot of 许多;很多

【例句】It has a lot of things. 商品很多。

There are a lot of people in the shop on Sunday. 星期天商店里有很多人。 【用法】a lot of即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。 open/adj.开着的

【例句】The supermarket is open every day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.每天从上午九点到下午九点营业。

It’s hot here. Leave the door open. 这里很热,让门开着。

【用法】open作形容词“开着”,用作表语,表示状态,反义词为closed;open作动词“打开、开张”,表示开的动作,反义词为close, shut,用作谓语。 market/n. 市场;集市

【例句】On Saturdays and Sundays the market is full of people.


Let’s do some shopping in the maeket. 我们在集市买东西吧。 *dollar/n. 美元

【例句】Use dollars and cents when talking about the prices. Write it down in your exercise book.


A dollar is epual to ten cents. 一美元等于十美分。 【助记】dollar=$[缩写]


【用法】dollar美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位 *cent/n.(货币)分

【例句】A big bottle of coke is three dollar fifty cents.一大瓶可乐的价格是三美元五十分。 — How much is the apple? 苹果多少钱一斤? — It’s twenty cents a half kilo. 二十美分一斤。 *pound/n. 镑

【例句】I want 2 pounds of chicken legs. 我要两磅鸡腿。 That pig is three hundred pounds. 这头猪重三百英镑。 【用法】pound作英镑(货币单位)讲时,常用£表示。 health/n. 健康;卫生

【例句】Walking is good for health. 步行对健康有益。 Here’s to your health! 为了你的健康干杯! fast/adj.& adv. 快的(地) 【例句】That’s very fast. 那很快。

The horse runs very fast. 那匹马跑得很快。

【用法】fast一般指运动速度或手表、火车等快。Quickly指即将发生的或占用较短时间的事情,也常用来指人的思维。soon表示时间上的不久。 of course/adv. 当然;自然的事

【例句】It’s very expensive. Yes, of course. 乘飞机旅行当然贵. — Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗? — Of course. 当然可以。

【用法】of course“当然”,用来欣然接受别人的请求。否定形式为Of course not. travel/v.& n. 旅行

【例句】I like to travel by train. 我喜欢乘火车旅行。 I want to travel around the world. 我想周游世界。 safe/adj. 安全的;平安的

【例句】It’s cheap and safe. 既便宜又安全。

Is this a safe place to swim? 这儿游泳安全吗? minibus/n. 小型公共汽车


【例句】She goes to school by minibus. 她乘小型公共汽车上学。

Can I hire a self-drive minibus? 我能租一辆自己驾驶的小型公共汽车吗? 【助记】mini(小的)+bus(公共汽车)→minibus and so on 等等

【例句】You see, we sell many things, like rice, bread, milk, cakes, tea and so on.


I like to make some foreign friends, like Jim, Tom, Mike, and so on.我喜欢交一些外国


【用法】and so on“等等”,常用作不再列举某些事例,只能位于句末。 price/n. 价格;价钱

【例句】What’s the price of onion? 洋葱的价格是多少?

What price is the car?这辆小车多少钱?


【用法】英语中,询问价格的表达法:(1)How much+is(are)十主语?(2)What price+is(are)十主语?(3)What’s+the price of十名词? example/n. 例子;榜样

for example 例如

【例句】Ask each other about the price of some of your things. For example,“What’s the price

of your English book? 互相问一些你们的东西的价格。例如:“你的英语书多少钱?

She is a good example for us. 她是我们学习的好榜样。

【用法】for example(例如);give a good example to others(为别人树立好榜样) stand/v. 站;立

【例句】She is standing in a market and selling vegetables. 她正站在集市里卖蔬菜。 A chair will not stand on two legs. 椅子只有两条腿着地是站不稳的。

【用法】stand up(站起来);stand for(代表,象征);stand by(和??站在一起);stand out(突出,显眼)

field/n. 地;田地

【例句】He is wearing a hat and working in the fields. 他正戴着帽子在田间干活。 Don’t walk in the field. 不要在田地里走。


one day 有一天;某一天

【例句】May I see it one day? 有一天我可以去看它吗?

One day, we found her sit there alone. 有一天,我们发现她一个人坐在那里。 【用法】one day可以指“过去的一天”,也可以指“将来某一天”。 job/n. 工作

【例句】I like my job very much. 我非常喜欢我的工作。 It is not my job. 那不是我的工作。

【用法】job可数名词,一般指具体的工作。work不可数名词,指抽象的工作。 bright/adj. 明亮的;灿烂的

【例句】The sky is blue and the sun is bright. 天空蓝蓝的,阳光灿烂。

Our classroom is small, but it’s very bright. 我们教室虽小,但很明亮。 【助记】把light(灯)变大(b)就明亮(bright) foreign/adj. 外国的

【例句】Each of them speak a foreign language—English, French or Japanese.


That foreign girl is from Canada. 那个外国女孩来自加拿大。

sunglasses/n. 太阳镜

【例句】They are wearing hats, sunglasses and light clothes.


Sunglasses can keep our eyes health. 太阳镜能保护我们的眼睛健康。

【助记】sun(太阳)+glasses(眼镜)→sunglasses each/pron. 各自;各个

【例句】Each of us has a red hat. 我们每个人都有红帽子。 We each have two ears.我们各有两只耳朵。

【用法】each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”,而every则指三个或三个以上的人或事物中的“每个”。each强调“个别”,具有形容词和代词的功能;every强调“全体”,与all意思相近,只具有形容词的功能。 language/n. 语言

【例句】He can speak five languages. 他会讲五种语言。


English is a very useful language. 英语是非常有用的语言。 helpful/adj. 有帮助的;有益的

【例句】They are very friendly and helpful. 他们非常友好 并且乐于助人。 She is always very helpful to her mother. 她对她的母亲总是很有帮助的。 【助记】help(帮助)+ful(形容词后缀)→helpful(有帮助的) get on(a bus)上车

【例句】Now they are getting on a big bus. 他们现在正在上一辆大公共汽车。 Let’s get on the minibus. 我们来上那辆小型客车。 *business/n. 商业;生意;事务

【例句】Wu Nan is a businessman. 吴南是一个商人。

His father has gone to America on business. 他父亲去美国出差了。 *company/n. 公司

【例句】Liu Ying is the manager of Dadi Computer Computer. 刘英是大地计算机公司的经理。 She likes her company very much. 她非常喜欢她的公司。 *manager/n. 经理;负责人

【例句】Liu Ying is a manager. 刘英是经理。

His son wants to be a manger. 他的儿子想当经理。 【助记】mange(管理)+er→manger(经理) *century/n. 世纪;百年

【例句】Song Wei is the driver of New Century Bus Company.


He was born in the 20th

century. 他出生在二十世纪。


