新概念2 第23课-24课-25课 练习、家庭作业、小测试、听写
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manager upset contain sympathetic wicked honest /honesty ? start to do complain (to sb)about/of sth. a knock at the door enter... / go into... / come into... leave sth. + 地方 can/could do nothing = can/could not do anything outside... come in / enter in this world
1. 我已经在这家律师事务所工作超过一年了。迄今为止,我从未见过大老板。如果我有什么问题或要求,我只是去找经理。当然,秘书也会尽力帮助我。
2. 当我打开信封并发现里面只装有500英镑时,我觉得很沮丧。
3. 我对经理一点也不同情。他是个很邪恶的人。我妈妈经常告诉我恶人有恶报。
Tom总是向我抱怨机场的噪音。但是最近(政府/相关部门)提供给他一笔钱离开那里,他却拒绝接受。 4. “爸爸,这世界上还有诚实存在吗?” 我丧气地问道。“当然有了,”父亲大声回答道,“你就是个诚实的孩子呀!” 5. 每个周日下午,当我从超市返回家,我都会留一块奶酪在花园里。几个小时候后,乞丐Percy Button就会进来并开始唱歌。有时候他就会向我抱怨我的奶酪(不好吃)。
6. 当我们正在电视上观看绿林少年的表演时,我听到一阵敲门声。
7. 当我走进教室并坐下后,找不到我的中文书了。我把它留在课桌上了,可现在没了。当我告诉老师,她也无能为力。就在这时,一个女生手里拿着一本书出现在教室外面。我们老师让她进来。。。。 8. 他们并没有意识到一件事。金钱对我来说并不重要,而时间才是在这个世界上最宝贵的东西。
railway porter several foreigner wonder arrive in/at = reach = get to
at last = finally = in the end the way to... not only...but...as well/not only...but also... several times neither ... nor say... like that! look at each other and smile speak(a different/the same) language repeat carefully understand
1. 好几个搬运工聚集在铁路旁。我很好奇发生了什么事。
2. 正当我急急忙忙赶往火车站时,一名外国人拦住了我。他向我打听去机场的路。 3. 那个女孩儿嫁给一位外国人。 4. 我已经读了这本书好几遍啦。 5. “我能到哪儿找到搬运工?”Susan喊道。 6. 他要去火车站接一个朋友。 7. 侦探们很奇怪为何包裹里是空的。 8. 这里的天气很好,既不太冷也不太热。 9. 不要像那样和我说话!
10. 有时候不被别人理解很郁闷。 11. 先生,您能再重复一下那条紧急消息吗? 12. 我总是考试时太紧张以至于不能够仔细地检查(check)我的卷子(paper)。
我定期要去乡下旅行。偶尔(occationally ad.)我也会出国,但从来没想到会遇见那位鼎鼎有名的Charles船长。一年前,当我正在乘我的小船横渡英吉利海峡时,我忘记了前往法国的路。过了好久,我既没有食物也没有了水。当时,我不但很饿,而且渴得要命。突然,我看到前方有一艘小船。我用法语喊啊喊啊,终于船上的那个人听见了我。一上他的船,这个船长看了看我然后笑了,并说道,“年轻人,我和你讲同一种语言。”
1. Mr. Smith gave us _____ on how to learn English well. A. some advise B. a few advice C. an advice D. some pieces of advice 2. It is easy _____ her to write _____ Tom _____ Chinese. A. to; to; in B. for; to; in C. for; to; with D. to; to; with 3. He said he _____ his work before we came to visit him. A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. would finish 4. The police _____ the thief who stole a large sum of money from the bank. A. are looking for B. is looking for C. looked for D. had looked for
5. The careless girl sent her letter without _____ the postcode(邮编) on the envelope. A. write B. have written C. writing D. written
6. When she was complaining to her mother _____ the weather, she heard a knock _____ the door. A. on; at B. on; on C. about; by D. about; at 7. you can’t jump off that high building. _____ is impossible. A. There B. It C. Which D. What 8. _____, have you heard from John recently? A. By the way B. On the way C. In the way D. In this way 9. If you _____ Jack, tell him that I _____ to visit him this weekend. A. will see; go B. will see; will go C. see; go D. see; will go 10. I _____ outside after eleven o’clock at night. A. don't allow to go B. am not allow to go C. don’t allowed to go D. am not allowed to go
1. He ____ the station at about 10 o’clock, but only found that the last train had left. A. reached in B. arrived in C. arrived at D. got 2. In fact, I don’t know the way ____ that museum. A. to B. for C. in D. on
3. The teacher, as well as his students ____ football . A. like B. likes C. enjoy D. play 4. Does the young man ____ Japanese?
A. recognize B. realize C. notice D. understand 5. I wonder ____ Mr. Jones will come to attend out party tomorrow. A. when B. where C. if D. why
6. ____ Jack ____ Tom watched TV yesterday evening because they were busy with their lessons. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Not; but D. Neither; nor 7. None of the shoes are right size. They are ____ too big ____ too small. A. or; or B. either; or C. neither; nor D. both; and 8. I don’t understand why you spoke to your grandfather ____ that. A. as B. like C. in D. by
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. and, both...and..., but, either...or, neither... nor..., so, not only... but also, or 1. You can ____ sit in the sunshine ____ lie in bed. 2. I ____ smoke ____ drink.
3. ____ Susan ____ Keith wants to join us.
4. Don’t drink too much tea in the evening, ____ you won’t fall asleep. 5. It was very late. She washed her face ____ went to bed.
6. My grandmother could ____ read ____ write because he was too poor to go to school in the old days. 7. He felt a little tired, ____ he still went on working.
8. He has got a lot of work to do there, ____ he won’t come back until tomorrow. 9. ____ the students ____ the teacher gives the money to our school.
10. ____ Lily ____ Mary are going to the Great wall the day after tomorrow. 11. ____ come in ____ go out.
A story
Write this paragraph again, joining the sentences in any way you like. You can use the joining words like when..., so..., and..., but..., that, who...,ect.
I was sound asleep in the middle of the night. I suddenly woke up. I heard a loud noise. I sat up in bed. I listened. I heard the noise again. I turned on my torch. I opened my bedroom door. I walked round the house. ‘Who’s there?’ I asked nervously. I heard a loud ‘meow’. I saw a cat. It had got in through an open window.
in the country in one’s letter .... ago next year it looks strange to sb. work on sth get a surprise stay with sb had / receive a ... from complete modern strange be strange to district
1. 这个机场的主楼将在明年竣工。它的修建工作是2年前开始的。
3. 几天前/两天之前我收到了一个渔夫的来信。在他的信中,他说他钓上来了一袋钻石。 4. 当我得知姑妈又返回这里时,我非常吃惊。她说过她不愿意和我们住在一起的。 5. 这是一个非常现代化的机场。但是出于某种原因,它还没有投放使用。 6. 在这个地区,像这样的酒吧对某些人来说看来很古怪。
7. Jeniffer是我的一个朋友,并且她是一个奇怪的女人。她总是作出很奇怪的决定。 她在城里的一家大公司工作,薪水很高。但她决定搬到乡下的一个小木屋去。
1这个瓶子里装的什么?它里面装着一张写有Jane的姓名和地址的纸。 2我不相信Helen的诚实。 3他脸上带着一种邪恶的微笑。 4这个老妇人抱怨这个饭店的恶劣的服务。 5你为什么这么不安和紧张?发生什么事了?
Answer the questions using the phrases given in parentheses.
1. Can you understand the problem? Can you explain it? (not only...but ...as well) __________________________________________________
2. Can you buy an envelope at the post office? Can you buy a stamp at it? (neither ...nor...) __________________________________________________
3. Should the secretary type the letter or send it? (not only...but also...) __________________________________________________
4. May I choose a computer as my birthday present? May I choose a diamond necklace as my birthday present? __________________________________________________ (either...or...)
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