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A walk through any of the city slums in the developing world is a depressing
experience. Such slums usually start just outside of the city limits. (1)____________ As they are crowded mostly by those attracted to the capability of (2)___________ Finding work and better living conditions in the city, they grow at
an amazing speed. A slum, therefore, very quickly develops into (3)_____________ communal life, but it also develops problems. Slum dwellers usually
live in huts, which are built for anything that‘s available: planks of wood, (4)___________ sacking, even pieces of metal such as the hub caps of cars. The floor is simply
hard mud, in cramped conditions, attracts all kinds of (5)__________ disease-carried insects. There are no toilets, and the water supply, (6)____________ with a bit of luck, may be one single tap a long walk away.
With extreme cases it may simply be a water hole used by animals and (7)____________ humans both.. There are no health services and no schools. There‘s (8)___________ no effectual public transportation service, and the long journey time (9)____________ involved prevents the slum population from benefiting any (10)____________ improvement schemes arranged by any school authority.
As a matter of fact, when all a language takes from another one is mere words, it is usually because only a small number of speakers of the first language are bilingual in the second—usually the ruling
classes and the educator. In such cases, most speakers are not using (1)________________ the second language alongside the first one at a daily basis---instead (2)_______________ the influence on the second language ―trickles down‖ from the elite (3)________________ class to the masses. In cases like this, which trickles down most easily (4)_______________ are isolated words, rather than the things that arte harder to pick up from a foreign language, such as word order and endings, which require the actual use of the second language to get the hang of . This was the situation, for example, in England when it was occupied by the Norman
French: The Normans were the rulers when the masses continued (5)_________________ Happily using English. It is this reason that so many of the words (6)__________________ We inherited from French have to do with conception of government (7)_________________ [ reign ], fashion [attire ], art [pen ], cuisine [poultry ], and, actually,
the very words government, fashion, art and cuisine. Just like often, (8)_________________ moreover, geography and history have it that many, most, or all of a (9) _________________ language‘s speakers speak another one together alongside, and the (10) __________________ result is the likes of Is it out of your mind you are? In fact, most languages have had some influence on their structure from other languages at some point in their history
Jimmy Lee was executed in Parchment, Miss .He was
a murder. In Mississippi, kissers are executed by strapping them (1) into a chair and dropped cyanide crystals into a pan of water . (2) This is supposed to do the job quickly and with a maximum (3) of suffering .however ,this was not the case of jimmy Lee. (4) He moaned and convulsed and thrashed about everywhere (5) for several minutes before his end came .His lawyer was upset
by the way Jimmy Lee died, and also were many of the kindly (6) souls who oppose the death penalty in any form. But they‘ve
overlooked something unusually about Jimmy Lee‘s death . (7) And that is the fact that this is the one of those rare times a killer (8) got exactly what he gave .He was executed for the crime of
smothering a 3-way-old girl. It can be assumed the little girl (9) also gasped breath and suffered when she was deprived of air . (10) The difference is that she did nothing to deserve her suffering and death.
Scientists claim that air pollution causes a decline in the
world is average air temperature .In order to prove that theory ,
ecologists have turned to historic data in relation to especially (1)___________ huge volcanic eruptions .they suspect that volcanoes effect
weather changes that are similar with air pollution . (2)____________ One source of information is the affect of the eruption of (3)____________ Tambora, a volcabno in Sumbawa, the Dutch East Indies, in April 1815. the largest recorded volcanic eruption. Tambora threw 150 million tons of fine ash into the stratosphere The
ash from a volcano spreads worldwide in a few days and remain (4)____________ in the air for years. its effect is to turn incoming solar radiation
into space and however cool the earth .for example , (5)____________ records of weather in England show between April and November 1815,the average temperature has fallen 4.5°F .(6)___________ During the next 24 months, England suffered one of the cold (7)____________ periods of its history. Farmer is records form April 1815 to December 1818 indicate frost throughout the spring and summer
and sharp decreases in crop and livestock markets. Since there
was a time lag of several years between reason and effect, by (8)____________ the time the world agricultural commodity community has deteriorated ,no one realized the cause.
Ecologists today warn that we face with a twofold menace. (9)____________ The ever- present possibility of volcanic curptions, such as that of Mt. St .Helens in Washington ,added to man is
pollution of the atmosphere with oil ,gas , coal, and other polluting
substances, may bring us increasing colder weather. (10)__________
In social situations, the classic Intention Movement is ?the chair-grasp‘. Host and guest have been talking for some time,but now the host has an appointment
to keep and can get away. His urge to go is (1)______ held in cheek by his desire not be rude to his guest, (2)______ If he did not care of his guest‘ s feelings he would (3)______ simply get up out of his chair and to announce his (4)______ departure. This is what his body wants to do, therefore (5)______ his politeness glues his body to the chair and refuses
to let him raise. It is at this point that he performs the chair-grasp Intention Movement. He continues to talk to the guest and listen to him, but leans forward
and grasps the arms of the chair as about to push himself upwards. This is the first act he would
make if he were rising . If he were not hesitating, it would only last a fraction of the second. He would lean, push, rise, and be up. But now, instead, it lasts
much longer. He holds his ‘readiness-to-rise‘ post and keeps on holding it. It is as if his body had frozen at the get-ready moment.
―Jazz began in New Orleans and worked its way up the river to Chicago,‖ is the announcement most investigators of
mainstream popular culture are apt to make when dealing in the vague subject of jazz and its origins. And while that is certainly a rational explanation, charmingly simple, it is more
than likely true. Jazz could no more have begun in one area of the country than did blues. The mass migration of Negroes throughout the South and the general liberating effect
of the Emancipation make it extremely difficulty to say just exactly where and when jazz originated. It is easy to point out
that jazz is music that could not have existed without blues and its various antecedents. Moreover, jazz should not be thought as a successor to blues, but as a very original music that developed out of, and was concomitant with, blues and moved off into its own path of development. One interesting
point is that although jazz was developed out of a kind of blues, blues in their later popular connotation came to mean a way of playing jazz, and by the swing era the widespread
popularity of the blues singer had already been replaced the jazz player‘s.
(6)______ (7)______ (8)______ (9)______ (10)______(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. A rough and ready difference which may
seem the most obvious is that grammatical words have“ less (1)_________ meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them (2)_________ “empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But (3)_________ this is a rather misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a (4)_________ word like the is not the name of something as man is, it is very
far away from being meaningless; there is a sharp difference in (5)_________ meaning between “man is vile and” “the man is vile”, yet
the is the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. (6)_________
Moreover, grammatical words differ considerably among
themselves as the amount of meaning they have, even in the (7)_________ lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been
“little words”. But size is by no mean a good criterion for (8)_________ distinguishing the grammatical words of English, when we
consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car. Apart from (9)_________ this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people
say: we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we (10)_________ omit them. This is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of telegrams and newspaper headlines.
Henry Fielding , the famous novelist who was also
a London magistrate , once made a night raid to two (1) known hideouts in this city-within-a-city ; he found seven men , women ,and children packed away in a few tiny
stinking rooms . All of these people ,included little children (2) of five and six who were trained as pick-pockets, were wanted for crime .
Conditions like these bred more criminals . One of
the typical cases was that Jack Shepard , whose execution in (3) 1724 was watched by two hundred thousand people . Shepard , the son of honest working people ,was an
apprentice in a respectful trade . He ran away from it (4) because he fancied that he had been ill-treated , and soon
found it was easy to make more money by thieving (5) as his father had done by a lifetime of honest work.. (6) In Shepard‘s day highwaymen commited robberies at (7) broad daylight , in sight of a crowd , and rode solemnly and
triumphantly through the town with danger of molestation. (8) If they were chased , twenty ot thirty armed men were ready
to come to their assistance . Murder was a everyday affair , (9) and there were many people who made heroes from the (10) murderers.
There are great impediments to the general use of a standard in pronunciation comparable to that existing in spelling
(orthography). One is the fact that pronunciation is learnt
\ (1)__________ deliberately and consciously. Large numbers of us, in fact,
remain throughout our lives quite unconscious with what our (2)__________ speech sounds like when we speak out, and it often comes as a (3)___________ shock when we firstly hear a recording of ourselves. It is not a (4)__________ voice we recognize at once, whereas our own handwriting is
something which we almost always know. We begin the (5)__________ \
to read or write, and in our early years we went on unconsciously (6)__________ imitating and practicing the pronunciation of those around us for
many more hours per every day than we ever have to spend (7)__________ learning even our difficult English spelling. This is \ (8)__________ therefore, that our speech-sounds should be those of our
immediate circle; after all, as we have seen, speech operates as a
means of holding a community and to give a sense of (9)__________ \ someone who speaks with an accent of a different community –
perhaps only a few miles far. (10)__________
Komuti was a Japanese farmer mainly produced rice. Every year (1)_____________
when he got in his harvest, he piled it into great stacks ready to threshing (2)_____________ One year during harvest time, Komuti was at home when he felt the
earth trembled----it was an earthquake. From where he lived, many miles (3)_____________ off the city. Komuti could see great waves gathering out at sea and knew (4)______________ that waters would come to rush inshore soon. (5)_____________ How could he warn his fellows----villagers near the sea for their (6)______________ danger? Then he had an idea. He ran into his fields and set fire on the (7)______________ first of his rice stacks, then the next, and long before all his rice stacks (8)_______________ were burning away. People down near the seashore watched the fire and (9)_______________ clouds of smoke and began to hurry away fighting the fire. (10)______________
I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (1)________ have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination
to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (2)_________ their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (3)________ of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in ―contexts‖ and strung together in dialogues and
reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the (4)_________ formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties
which are then established in the learner‘s brain by means of practice (5)_________ drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (6)__________ sentence as a formal linguistic object. The language teachers‘ view of
what that constitutes knowledge of a language is essentially the same (7)__________ as Chomsky‘s knowledge of a syntactic structure of sentences, (8)___________ and of the transformational relations which hold them. Sentences are seen as paradigmatically rather than syntagmatically related. Such a knowledge ―provides the basis for the actual use of language
By the speaker-hearer‖. The assumption that the language appears to (9)___________ make is that once this basis is provided, then the learner will have no
difficulty in the dealing with the actual use of language. (10)__________
Man has woefully misused the earth‘s natural resources Down through the ages. This has been done largely through his Ignoring of the consequences. But in the process he has succeeded
in laying wasteful vast expanses of forests and croplands. If our extending
population is not to suffer from shortages and pollution in the future, (1)________ a great effort must be made to repair some of the damages already
done and to stop more harm from done. A few people throughout (2)_________ the world are becoming less aware of out past mistakes (3)_________ and are striving to halt this destruction and to revert to the use of
methods from which will give us full use (4)_________ of our resources without destroying them. The job may be a long (5)_________ one, require much study and practice. (6)_________ The most important thing that those of us who live in towns or
Cities can do is to take interest in those problems and find (7)__________ Out what is going on around us. Because much of the land (8)_________ We see is covered up with sidewalks, streets, and building, (9)_________ This does not mean we are not directly
Effected by what happens to the water, and atmosphere (10)_________ Of our country.
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