英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计

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英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计

Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

SectionB (2a-2e)


教材Unit3以人的个性特征为话题。SectonA从人物个性特征对比的角度入手,向学生介绍形容词和副词比较级的概念和用法;训练学生比较级句型的运用及培养他们的语言结构意识。SectionB以交友的话题为线索,展开对好友标准的讨论及朋友之间的对比,将单元所学词汇及语法结构完全融汇到阅读和书写交流之中,是对SectionA所学内容的综合运用。本节课是第三单元Section B(2a-2e),是一节阅读课。2b阅读呈现了三个小语篇,要求找出语篇中提到的三对好朋友之间的异同。侧重阅读策略的指导,要求学生掌握并能使用阅读策略阅读文本,获取信息(学会在语境中感知并体会词汇的含义,学会根据上下文猜测生词的含义。)



I.Teaching Aims and Demands:

Knowledge Objects:

Words: mirror, as long as, necessary, be different from, bring out, grade, the same as, saying, reach, touch, heart, in fact, share.


①A good friend is like a mirror.

②You don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good.

③That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class.

④Larry often helps to bring out the best in me.

⑤A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

Ability Objects:

(1)Train students’ rea ding skills by finding the specific information and guessing the

meanings of new words from the context. Try to improve their comprehensive ability of obtaining information, analyzing problems and solving problems.

(2)Encourage students to talk about friends and express their own opinions about

making friends.

Teaching process and Method:

Guiding students to the reading part by a popular song, and help them review the Comparative Degree of adjectives and adverbs , and intrigue their learning interests by playing a guessing game. With the reading strategies of scanning、careful reading and guessing,get students to finishthe reading tasks, learn and master the ways to

英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计

obtain information、analyze problems and solve problems.

Moral Objects:

Enable students to understand their opinions about friends and know what kind of friends they need and cherish friends around them.

II.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

Teaching Key Points:

1.Enable students to understand the passages by using reading strategies.

2.Enable students to understand the important role of proverbs in writing and guide students to write through reading materials.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Enable students to master the reading strategies of scanning and understand the meanings of new words from the context.

Teaching procedure:

I. Lead in and revision.

1. Enjoy a song and let students guess what is the song about?

2. Introduce my friend Lily.

T: It’s one of my favorite song. Every time I listen to this song, it made me think of my best friend.She is Lily. We are good friends in America. I’m a little taller than her. I’m as outgoing as her. We both like sports and reading books. She is like a mirror. I can see myself in her. Do you know the meaning of mirror?Do you have friends in our class?

3. Play a guessing game: Describing one of your friends in our class with comparative degree and let other students guess who she/he is?

Ss:He/She is …than me.He/She is more…than me.We both like…

设计意图: 教师利用歌曲自然引入朋友这一主题,通过介绍自己的好朋友,激活学生脑中已有的知识,扫清个别生词对阅读理解造成的障碍。通过猜谜游戏帮助学生建立新旧知识的结合点,吸引学生的注意力并充分激发他们的学习兴趣。学生在描述自己朋友的过程中,巩固了比较级的用法,增强了用英语表达的信心,同时这一活动有助于培养其他学生的听力能力、加深同学之间的了解、增进友谊。从而使学生带着兴趣及对阅读的期待展开阅读教学。



Discussion:Should friends be the same or different?

Introduce three friends (Jeff Green, Huang Lei, Mary Smith)to students.



1)Listening:Match the person with the right ideas.

英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计

设计意图:通过听力整体感知阅读文本,初步了解Jeff Green、Huang Lei及Mary Smith对交朋友的看法,并通过创设语境渗透as long as 的用法。本环节为学生后续顺利地捕捉文章的关键信息做好铺垫。

2) Scanning:


(1)Read the first passage and answer questions.

a. Who is Jeff Green’s best friend? What are the similarities between them?

b. What makes Jeff Green like reading books and study harder in class?

c. Why is not easy for Jeff Green to make friends?



(1)Read the second passage quickly, underline the comparative words and phrases.

(2)Read the second passage again and complete the mind map.

(3)Retell the passage with the help of mind map.

(4)Guessing: Guide the students to guess the meaning of the phrase “bring out the best in me” according to the context.



(1)Read the third passage aloud and fill in the chart.

英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计

(2)Help students understand the implied meanings of “hand” and “heart” in the followingproverb with the help of the context.

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


A:Could you please give me a hand?

B:Sure. What do you want me to do?

A:Please help me move the desk to my office. It’s too heavy.



1)Ask students to read the passages aloud and find out more sayings and understand

the important role of them in these passages.

2)Extension:Share more proverbs about friends with students and let them aware the

preciousness of friendship and enable them to cherish friends around them.

Proverbs: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friendship is like wine—the older, the better.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

3)Summary: Let students extract their own writing framework about their friends

from the passage they have learned,and tell students it can help them to write their own passages.


III. Culture corner

Let students know International Friendship Day.

英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计



1.Translate the key phrases on your paper into English and recite them.

2.Finish 2c on P22.

3.Write a composition: My friend and I .


