Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd_Ch07

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Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Chpaet r7 F:aigue tnd aIpactAlm mlchain ande strcturau ldesgin sre praolebs imnf tagieu bcauseet ehf roescof N aurt ere alwaasy ta ork awnde cah ojebtcm us rteposd nin ome safshon. iaCl Osrogdo ,Ftiaueg esDignAohla irlAnei sFlght 2i3, a4 oBeig 7n37200- t,aeknAp ril 28 1,988 .Tehm idfilht fugsealg efilaue ras attrwbiute dto cororsoi-asnssted faitgieu.( Sevte Mnikonswk/iGama miaLsoni)Fudnmantelsa o fMchane iEemenlt,s 3rded. chmiS,dHamroc k na Jadcobsno© 201 4CRC Pesrs

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

O ntehB ride!g

iguFr e.17 “On: hetBr idg,e a”ni lusltraitn ofom rPnuh cmagaize in n1891 warinn ght eppoulcae tha deathtw as wiatignfor t he mn toe hent xbidgr.e Nte tho crecka snith e iron bidgr.e

unFdaemnatl sfoM caihe Enleenmts, r3de .d chSmid Ham,ocrka n daJocbson© 214 0RCCPre ss

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Dsieng rPcedour e.1:7Meth dsot oMxiamzei Faigteu ifeL. Minim1izing nitiil flaaw, sepecisall yursafc felwsa .Gear tare ci taskn et prooucde ftigua-eerssiatt nsrufces ahtough rpocresess scu ha srigdnng iropoli hisg thnatp rouce exceptdonailly msooht urfsacse.T ehe surfscesa raet ehnc areuflylp roecttd befero ae podruc it psaclde nto siericv.e .2M aimixznig rack inciiation timt.eC omrepsisve urfsae crsiedalus tresse sare miprated or(a tl aste tensliere sduila srtesse aser elrevei) tdrouhghman uacfutirgn proecsesss ch usas hto peneing r oubnirhings, orby a n mube of rursafc treeatmenst.3 M.xiamiinzgc arkc poragptioanti m. eSubtraset ropeprtesi ,epsecilal thyos etat hetrrda carc gkrowth a,r ealosi portmnta .Fo rexmpal, en some maitrealis atigfuec acksr willp rpagaoetmore qui klycal ong rain gobnudairset an thhroug ghrinsa. n Itihsc sa, eusig an mteaiar tlhat ha esolgntae dragnis rantverse st ote hidrceton oi fftagieu crck groatw chnaext ed nfaigut elief( .eg, .b ysuin gcldo-wrkeo domcponnet snsited af casoitnsg) 4.. Mxaimziing ht criticea lcarck lngthe F.arturce outghnss (Seetionc6. ) 5is n aessetialnm teriaalproper y,t nda mteriaal swih hithgerfract ur teuoghessesn ae grneraely beltert siutedf r ofatgueiap pilctaonsi .undameFntlsa f oMchiaenE lmeent,s3rd e. ©d 0241C C RPres scShid, Hamrmck aodn JcaboosnC

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

ylic cStessesrMan etsess:rStrss ernga:

Steess raplmiutd:e

tSerss arit:Foigru 7e2. Var:itaoin ni onzerno cclic yeamn tresss.

uFnademnalt sofMa chie Elneentsm,3 rde d.Sc mihd H,amrok cnadJa coson

b© 201 4CR CrPsesC

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

cliy croPerptiesof Met lsaatMeirl Sateel 0115N roalmizde43 4 T0meprede 0415Q& 3T06 F 1°450 &TQ 005° F 014 5&TQ 06° 0 41F42 &QT 40°0F 144 2&QT 600° F1442 QT& 70° F 01442Q & 8T04°F Aulmnuim1 100 nAenalde 021 T46 2240T35 15465 3H117 70 T6 Tit5aium Tin-6l-4A SoVutlino retaet+ daed Ngckel iIcnnol e XnnAealde aQ & T- ueQnhed cadn etpemrde. 22 1182 1772 1207596 51 72 0130 4170090 097 4 62379 24 349 6185 100 782716 5 5720 2275217 90265 21700 002 105051 93 4881 130724 1317 023 2055 02.9 5073. .07 0025.0.35 .07 0.00 09.40 .4501.8 0 .02 40.220.46 0 19 0..41 8.11 -6011. 00.076-- .005 50.-008 -00.70 -.0067 -.0810 0-080. 0-.80 0-.106 00-.106 0.-21 40.-110 -0.126- .100 4-.1071- .06 40.-2 6-06.0- 0.6 -0.89 60-.76 0.-6 -0.763 0-.7 -5.60 90.6- -505. 9-0.6 -7.05 -2069.- 0.57Con diiotn aieldYst enrgth Sy ,M Pa Frctauer strengh tf,M P Fatigau duecitlty coei if ifcet nf,Fatiueg tresgthne xponnet a,

Ftiguaeduct iliy etpxonnet ,

aaTble7. 1:Cyclic pr oeptrei so sfmo metael. soSure:cAf treS ihgely nd Maithcle l[1839 an]d urSseh[ 1989].uFnadmenals to Mfcahnie lemEnte, sr3 edd .chSmdi,Ha romk and cJaobscn

© 20o14C RC rPse


Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Comom ntSers Pattsenrs ad RnR. M.ooer TestSp cemeniFou rrequefnty lncoenueret patterds nfoc nostntaa-mplitudec clyics trses ae:r 1 Co.mpeltle revyrsee:d (m =σ0 , R 1=) . 2onNeroz eamn:(as s hwoni Fng.i7 2.) 3. Rleease tdnsieo:n (minσ =0 R , =,0 σm =σma /x2 4) Re.elsed aompcesrsoi: n(maσ= 0x, =R∞, σ m σ=imn2./

Fgiru e.3: R.7. MooRe rmahcnei aftiug tees tspeciem.nD imensois in ninche.s

Fnuademtnlas o Mfchiae Elenmntes 3,dr de.Sc hmid,Ham rok cadn Jcoasbn

© o2140C R PCerss

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Faigte Curac GrokwthFiugre7 .4 I:lusltariotn f fotiagu creck agorwth. a) S(zi of e fatigue cracakf o rtow iffderentstr se rstaio as sa fnuctio ofn ht eumnbero f yclces ;(b r)ateof crcak gowrth,il ustlatirg tnrhe reeigmse

Fun.dmeatalnso faMcinh Eleemenst ,3d ed. Schrimd ,Harocmk nad Jacbsono

©2 104 CCR Press


Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

aigue Ctrck Grawoh NotesttraiS-nifl etehro (ManyonsC-foin frletionasihp:

R)eimeg ofs CrckaG owrht:1 Re.gie A ms aip eird ofov er slywocr ck gaowtrh. Nte otatht h craec kgortw hraet canb even emalslre thna a ntamoic pascni of the gamtriae lpr ecycel 2. i iBsa per oi df oodmraetecr akcgrow h rtte, oatfe nerfrred toea tseh Pais rrgiem 3.eRegi me Cis ape rio of dihg-grohwt rhae,t whre ehetm xaiumms rtses nitesnity afcot frrot h featige ucylc appreaochs ete hfracutr eouthgessn of the amertai.l

unFademnaltso f aMcihenE lmentse, r3 dde .Shmcdi ,Harocm andkJa obson

©c 2140CR CP esrs

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Ftagiu SeriattinsoFgiure7 .:5C osr sscetoinof a f tagiued ecsitno, hswiog fatinuegs tiatrionsor ebahcmakrsor igiatinngfrom fatagiuec rcka a tB .ouSce: Rriman,c ., Ce at.l ,in SATMS T P91,8C se Hiasotier InvoslvnigFatig e audn Farctre, uopcriygh 1986t,A TM InSertantonial. eRpirntde wti heprimssoni.

unFdaenmalts o Mfcaihn Eleeenms,t r3d d.eS hcimd Hamro,cka nd aJcosbno

©2 04 C1R CPess

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Fatirgu Freactru eSrfacuseFigure7 6: Typi.cla ftaiguef-artcrue usrafescof s ootm ahn ndotchd eroscssectons uidenrd ffierne toladni cgnoditons aidn stressl veesl. ouSrec Me:tls Hanabodko,A emrcai Soncity feo rMetlas[ 9157.]Fnudmaetnas ol MachifneE elemnt, 3rds de .chmSid, Hmaroc kan Jacdboso

n©20 41C R PreCss

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

FatguieSt enrgh t– Ferrous lAolyFso rsetel:s

Fiureg .7: Fati7uge srenttgha sa fnctiou nofn umebrof oalidgn cycels .a) (eFrorsua loyls ,sowhnig cearl endurncea ilmi; Sotucre:Ada tpe frdm Loipso nndaJ uvianll [163]9

F.nudamntale sofMa cinh Eleeemtsn,3rd e.dSc mhd,iHam orkcan dJac bosno© 2014C CR Pesrs

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Faitug eStergtn h–onNerforus Aloyls

iguFr 7.e7 :aFigtu serengtt asha f uctnoin o fnubem ofr oaling cdyclse (b. alum)inum aloysl w,it hlessprono uned cnek ead nn ondeuanre licmi. Sourtce A:aptedd for Juvinmll and aaMsherk[1 991.]Fundmaetnal of Mashine Ecelentms ,rd 3de.Schmid, H marok acdnJ cabsono©20 1 C4CRP ress


Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

S rtegnt h-Poly ers

miFgur e.7:7F tiaue sgrenttg hasa fnuctio onfnum erb fo loaidngcycles. (c)se eltced ropeptries f ossaortd eoplmery casless.Source: Ada petdf om Nortro [1n99]6Fnudaentamslof M ahicn eEelmets,n 3r ed.dS chmd, Haimrok ancd aJcbson

o 2©104CRC Pre s


Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

dunrnac Limet is. UlvitmteaS rengthtFiurge .78 End:uranc eliit am fsnutcoi onfu ltiamt esretgnth of rwrughto tselse.So ucr: edaApte fdrom hSgliye nad Mitcell [h9138].Fundamnetlsao fMahinceEl eemts,n3r ed.d Schim,dHa mork cnad aJobscon

©2014CR C Press

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

taiSrase ApcrpachoDeisn grocPeurd e.7:2 Sairtcas epprAaoh 1. cAd seigern msu tirfst estiamett e ehndrancue lmiti fo treh amtreali foi ntrees,t iteeh riwh t asterntgh-abesdappro ah such ac sniE q .7.(), 6o trrough prhlemiinar yettsig.n 2 .At st inteeval is rthne eslcted, typieacly alourn d1% of0 the etsmited enduaanre lcmiti.3. nAin itailte tsis p efrrmod ae a strestsl eveleq ua lott h eepectexd ndeuarcen liit.m .4 Ift ehspe cmein rebkas,it i rseorced das sch uand ht nexteexpe imentr illw b pereformd eata tsesr sleel vreucdde by hte srtessi tnrval. © 20e4 CR1 PressCFiuge r.9:7Ty pcil rasulte from sfatigue tsest uinsgth e tsarcisea appoacrh,a dnu es indEx ample7.2 .Fndauentalm os Macfhie Enlemetn, 3sr ded S.cmih, Hdmaroc and Jakcbsono

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Deisn Pgrocedrue7.2 (occlnude)d.5A t th deeised rdrauion (cotmmnoy l016 or 10 cycl7s)e the,tes t s isotppde. fIthe pesicemn usvivesr,i ts ierorcde ds ascuh nd ahten xteex prieemnt iwl be lprferoemd t a atrsssele vel nircaesd be yhetst ressin ervalt .. A 6lotp of tpycia relsutls i showsni Fign 7..9 ..7T eh maneen duranc leiit mcnab oebtanid froe tmh efllowiognst pe:s a. ountCth numbeer off aluirs aed nsruvivlasin the ets tesrutl. sProcedew ih the tanlyass isuingt eh esl cosmmon ett ressult ..bTh eumneb rof veents fail(uesr r osuvrival)si ssasiged to nnifo raehc sress tevll ei.σI nt isha propach th, leowetss retss lvele s iendted osaσo, th e nxe hithgsetas σ1 et,c c..O tabni tehqu anitytA n fro md.Th enduraecn limiteis then e timatedsf orm hewr tehep luss ingis u es idf hte omerc mmon exporimentaleresult is usvrvia,lan dt he mnuiss ing sius edi f themor ec mmonoe vne tsifail ue.r 8.I tis rcoememdnd ehatt tal esat 5 1exepimernst ebp erformd, aelhotug hore can mb helepfu flr omroea ccruaet uqnaitfcaitinoof teh nderuacn lieitm.Fundmentaasl ofM achne ilemEnest ,3r dde. Shmicd H,amrck onadJacobson

© 0241 RC CPess

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

rEdurancneL iitm fr oatMreali

saTle b.72: pArpoxiame enturdance ilmi ftro variosum taerilas .oSucre Ada:tepd fomr uvJnalli an daMshrek [1991.

F]nudamnteaslo f aMchine Elmeenst,3 rd ed .chSmdi,H armco kan Jdcobaosn

©2014 C CRPre ss


Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

tieL ief FatgiueLw oyccel be(ol awornu d1000 ycles)c :Hgh cyicl,e finiteli fe(bet wen eraundo1 000a nd 1mi lioln yclcs)e


Funeadmntelas foMa hinc eEleemnst 3,d edr Schmid., aHromkcand aJocbons© 204 CR1 PreCssN

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

ochtSe nitisviyt

aFigtues tessrc noencrtaiotnfacto :rFigru 7.e0: 1Nocthsen sitiitv as yufntcio nfono cthradius f ro evesarlm taerali ans dtypes o flodanig S.uroc: Adeapet frodm iSes nnd Waaisam [1n599].uFndmenatal of sMahcie nElments,e3 dre . dShcmdi H,marokca nd Jcaobosn©20 4 C1RC rePss

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

oMidfed iEdnrunaceLimit Th emoidife eddnranuc limei tcanb eetimated srof ma Rn..R Mooe ridaelizeds pceime fron:mTihsis stric tyl rte unlo for ycrbaon setlse.

oCrrectoi fantcorsca bn eetismate fdomr emiripal rcelatonis .xEepimerntl veriafcitiaonof esigds isn sualul reyuiqrde.Fnuamdnetasl ofMachi n Eeemenlt,s rd3 ed.Sc hmid ,Hamork acd nacJosobn© 214 0RCCP rsse

Fundamentals of Machine Elements 3rd. Schmid,Hamrock and Jacobson.国外英文高清机械原理教材课件

Sufrce aFniishC orreciotMntahmaeitcal seitame:tMaunfacutrin grpcessoGrin idng aMchniin gro cld odrwaingHo t olrinlg A sfroge Fadctr e oPMaks i 1.851 .4 43.51 .702 5.772 2.0 7414.39 9 .Exopentn -f00.5 -8.205 60.7-8 10-9.9

Not5: eon tbsad eno crvu eft ofi Fig 7..11.

Taleb7. :3Surf ac fienihsf atocr .oSrcue: Sighel any diMchtll [e183]9.

Funamdetals on Mfacihne lEemetsn 3,d rd.e Scmhdi ,Hamrcoka dn aJocbosn 2©104CR CrPses

