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Reading II Supplementary --1--
一、先做题(问题及选项中的关键字)后精读: Scanning + Intensive reading
如:negative --, cry, sad, (positive, +, smile, happy)
三、常见词释义:increase by / to (也可据上下文猜)
四、近义词比较:acid/sour, over-exploitation/over-use
By----In the amount of 以…计的:letters by the thousands.数以千计的信件
----To the extent of 达到…程度:shorter by two inches.短了两英寸
----Not later than不迟于
simulate---- v.tr. To have or take on the appearance, form, or sound of; imitate. 模仿
To make in imitation of or as a substitute for. 仿造模仿或作为…的替代品
To make a pretense of; feign:装做simulate interest.装出有兴趣的样子simulated----Made in resemblance of or as a substitute for another.仿造的为替代另一物而造的simulated flight模拟飞行simulated earthquake模拟地震
To simulate is to feign or falsely assume the appearance or character of something:
simulate假装某物的表象或特征:I . . . lay there simulating death“我…躺在那儿,假装死了”
Simulate emphasizes the assumption of an appearance or a form that closely resembles reality: Simulate强调外表的假装或近似现实的形式
To imitate is to act like or follow a pattern or style set by another:
Art imitates Nature“艺术模仿自然”
Stimulate---- v.tr.To excite. 激发
____________________________________________________________________________ To copy is to duplicate an original as precisely as possible:
尽可能精确地复制原作:tried to copy her cultivated accent尽力地模仿她优雅的口音
To ape is to follow another's lead slavishly but often with an absurd result.
To mimic is to make a close imitation, as of another's actions, speech, or mannerisms, often with an intent to ridicule:对他人的动作,话语或特殊习惯等作相近的模仿,经常是为了取笑
Pretend often suggests a vain 愚蠢的or transparent显然的attempt to fool or deceive
My bedmate pretended to be asleep“我的枕边人假装睡着了”
指“感觉到某事, 而在言行上装出是真的”, 如:pretend not to hear假装没听见。
Reading II Supplementary --2-- Assume may but does not necessarily con note dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery:
有可能——但是并不必然地——意味着不诚实, 不诚心或欺骗:
Assume a virtue, if you have it not (Shakespeare).
I assumed an air of confidence that I was far from feeling.
Affect suggests an effort to give the appearance of something either out of personal preference or to make an impression:
暗示了一种出于个人喜好或想要留下好印象而有意显示出某种神态的努力:He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star“他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性”_____________________________________________________________________________ Category----A specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class. 种类;类There are different categories of books in a library.图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。_____________________________________________________________________________ Kind----A particular variety; a sort:特定的种类;类别:
What kind of soap do you like best?你最喜欢哪一种肥皂?
1. Kind can refer to a class whose members are linked by innate characteristics:
Material objects are of two kinds, atoms and compounds of atoms (Lucretius).
2. Often, however, type and kind, like sort, are applied when the resemblance or relationship is not precisely defined: 但是,通常情况下,和sort一样,当相同点或关系没有精确定义时,type和kind都可适用:I don't enjoy that type of show. 我不喜欢那种类型的表演。
What kind of people do they think we are? (Winston S. Churchill).
_____________________________________________________________________________ Toehold----A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.
Sustain----To keep in existence; maintain.维持: food sufficient to sustain life够维持生命的食物To bear up under; withstand:承受;can't sustain the blistering heat.无法忍受酷热Acid---- n. Chemistry 【化学】Any of a large class of sour-tasting substances 酸adj. 【化学】Of or relating to an acid. 酸的酸的,与酸有关的
Having a sour taste.有酸味的
Biting, sarcastic, or scornful:尖刻的,嘲讽的,讽刺的:
an acid wit; 机智;an acid tone of voice.尖酸的声调
erode---- vt To wear (something) away 腐蚀,侵蚀The sea erodes the rocks.海水侵蚀岩石。
Reading II Supplementary --3-- sour----n.The sensation of sour taste, one of the four primary tastes.酸的味觉,四种基本味觉之一adj. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids; sharp, tart, or tangy.
Bad-tempered and morose; peevish:脾气坏的及孤僻的;易怒的:
a sour temper.坏脾气
ozone----[‘euzeun]n. Fresh, pure air.新鲜的空气, [化]臭氧
ozone layer臭氧层(距地球表面20-40英里, 为同温层的外缘) deplete [di’plit]---- vt To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.消灭,用光, 降低充满度Deplete, Drain意指通过逐渐消耗而减少,暗示(drain更强调)危害性
Exploit---- vt [iks’plCit] To employ to the greatest possible advantage 充分利用exploit one's talents充分发挥某人的才能
entitle----To give a name or title to.给…题名或命名
framework----A fundamental structure, as for a written work or a system of ideas. 结构agenda----A list or program of things to be done or considered 议事日程
acknowledge---- v.tr. To admit the existence, reality, or truth of 承认某物的存在、现实或真相context-----The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning. 上下文
-----The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting 背景
vow---- vt To declare or assert宣称或断言:
Well, I vow it is as fine a boy as ever was seen!
obligation----A social, legal, or moral requirement that compels one to follow 义务
enact-----To make into law 制订成法律:
Congress enacted a tax reform bill. 国会使税收改革提案成为法律----- To act (something) out, as on a stage扮演(某物)
I enacted the part of the parent. 扮演家长的角色
Strategy----A plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal.计划
Capacity---- Ability to perform or produce; capability 能力
Settlement----- Establishment, as of a person in a business or of people in a new region定居点
A small community.小社区
Disaster-----An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe. 灾难Relief----Public assistance. 救济Aid in time of danger, especially rescue from siege围困救难Rational----Consistent with or based on reason; logical合理的rational behavior.理智的行为Diversity----Variety 变化多样性
Desertification----The transformation of arable or habitable land to desert 沙漠化
Sound----Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition.完好的
Having a firm basis; unshakable牢固的Based on valid reasoning 合理的
Belgium----[‘beld gam]比利时(西欧国家,首都布鲁塞尔Brussels[‘brAslz])
Belgian----[‘beld gam]Of or relating to Belgium or its people or culture. 比利时的Autonomous----[c:tcnamas]Self-governing with respect to local or internal affairs
an autonomous region of a country一个国家的一个自治地区
Drizzle----To rain gently in fine, mistlike drops 下毛毛雨
Drape---- To cover, dress, or hang with or as if with cloth in loose folds 遮盖
draped the coffin with a flag; a robe that draped her figure用一面旗盖住灵柩;缠裹着她躯体的长袍conspicuous----[kan’spikju as] Easy to notice; obvious.易见的;明显的
Attracting attention; noticeable. 惹人注意的
Experience----[Ik’spIErIEns] Active participation in events or activities,
leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill 经验
Experience teaches.; Experience does it.经验给人教训。;经验给人智慧。
An event or a series of events participated in or lived through. 经历Please tell us your experiences in America.请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。
Encounter----To meet, especially unexpectedly; come upon:
encountered an old friend on the street.在街上偶然遇见一位老友
To come up against遭遇:
encounter numerous obstacles遭遇很多阻碍
hostility---- [hc’st!l!ti]The state of being hostile; enmity敌对或敌意
A hostile act.敌对行动
Color----Vivid, picturesque[pIktFa’resk] detail生动、多彩的细节:
a story with a great deal of color in it有声有色的故事
Often colors Character or nature 特性特点
revealed their true colors. 揭露他们的真面目
show one's true colors露出真面目;显出本性
with flying colors大为成功;出色地完成
dwell---- [dwel] vi dwelt To live as a resident; reside. 居住
Knowledge---- the broadest; it includes facts and ideas, understanding, and the totality of what is known: 知道;了解;熟悉
A knowledge of Greek thought and life对希腊的思想和生活方式的理解
a knowledge of French懂法语
She has a good knowledge of London.她对伦敦的情形很熟悉。
Learning; erudition学问;博学:
teachers of great knowledge.博学的老师
Science is organized knowledge科学是被组织起来的知识
We go to school to get knowledge about many different things.
Reading II Supplementary --5-- UNIT 4 DIANA DIES IN PARIS CAR WRECK
Crash---- vi vt To break violently or noisily; smash 重击,撞碎
To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact 损毁,坠毁
To make a sudden loud noise: 发出突然撞击声
Their car crashed into a guardrail. 他们的车撞上护栏。
The airplane crashed over the ocean. 飞机在海洋上坠毁.
breakers crashing against the rocks.海浪砰然撞在岩石上
photographer[fE’tC grEfE] 摄影师,摄影家
photograph ----[‘fEutEgr a:f]n. vt vi To be the subject for photographs:成为拍照对象:We photographed the school team.我们给校队照了个相。
She photographs well.她很上相
Spark---- v.tr.To activate发动;激起; 触发n. 火花, 萌芽
The incident sparked a …controversy.这一事件引发了一场争端
the spark of genius.智慧的火花the spark of revolution.革命的火种
sparkle---- n. A small spark or gleaming particle. 小火花或发光的小颗粒
vi/vt To give off sparks 放出火花
mourn---- vi [for; over] To feel or express grief or sorrow. 感到或表示悲伤或悲痛
mourn for [over] the dead哀悼死者
v.tr. To feel or express deep regret for 感到或表示深深的遗憾
To grieve over (someone who has died). 哀悼对死者表示哀悼
mourned the wasted years.懊悔虚度的年华
The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.
Veer----vi; vt To alter the direction ( of ); turn改变…的方向;使转向:
He veered the car sharply to the left. 把车急转到左边
Heir---- 【法律】A person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the e’state of another.继承人根据法律继承或根据遗嘱继承另一人之财产者
A person who succeeds or is in line to succeed to a he’reditary rank, title, or office.
继承者,后继者,承袭者承袭或依次即将承袭一个可世袭的官阶、头衔或职位的人女性为:heiress[‘earis] millionaire
companion----A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade. 同伴;同事
a travelling companion旅伴
He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
‘Concrete---- adj Of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance; particular具体的,实际的had the concrete evidence needed to convict.需要有具体的证据来判定有罪
Existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real 真实的concrete objects such as trees.实存的物体,如树木等
Made of hard, strong, construction material 混制的
Reading II Supplementary --6--
to pay a high tribute to sb.'s ability 高度称赞某人的能力
glamour----glamor An air of compelling charm 魔力,魅力
glamorous----glamourous Full of or characterized by glamour 迷人的;富有魅力的
a glamorous girl 有魅力的女孩
pour---- vi To stream or flow continuously or profusely 涌入涌出
Tears poured from her eyes.泪水从她眼中涌出。
Monarch-----[‘mCnak] One who reigns over a state or territory 君主
Rupture---- vt, vi, n To break open; burst破裂,裂开
Vein----A blood vessel.血管
Massage---- n. vt [mE’sa:g]The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation
or relax the muscles 按摩
Concede---- vt [kan’si:d]To acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit.
(勉强)承认He finally conceded defeat他最终承认了失败。
vi.yield (to) 让步: concede to (sb.) 对(某人)让步
distress---- v.tr./n To cause strain, anxiety, or suffering to.使紧张;使忧虑;使痛苦
The mother was distressed by her baby's illness.母亲为她孩子的病感到苦恼。Break----To make known, as news 泄露,透露告知(如消息)
She broke a story to me. 透露一则新闻
Martha----[‘ma:0E]In the New Testament, the sister of Lazarus and Mary and a friend of Jesus.
玛撒, [宗]马大马大新约圣经中,拉撒路和玛丽之姊,耶稣之友
sadden----To make or become sad. 使悲伤难过
My little cat's death saddened me.小猫死去叫我伤心。
She was saddened by her son's ingratitude.儿子的忘恩负义伤了她的心。Custody----The act or right of guarding, especially such a right granted by a court监护权
an adult who was given custody of the child.被授予孩子监护权的成年人The state of being detained or held under guard, especially by the police 羁押扣留The police took the robbery suspect into custody.拘捕抢劫嫌疑犯Manslaughter----The unlawful killing of one human being without express or implied intent to do injury 过失杀人
Ritz----[rIts]n. 豪华的旅馆(或餐馆、房屋等)
n. Informal Elegant, often pretentious display 夸示,炫耀高雅的、常常是炫耀的夸示
smash----- vi,vt To strike or collide suddenly, noisily, and violently突然、猛烈地打击或碰撞:
The car smashed into a tree.汽车撞到了一棵树上
Pillar----a column 柱子One who occupies a central or responsible position 栋梁
a pillar of the state.国家栋梁
tunnel----[‘t vn(E)l]An underground or underwater passage. 地道,隧道;坑道
vine---A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along
a surface. 藤本植物 A grapevine葡萄藤
live in genteel poverty家贫而要面子摆阔Marked by affected refinement 假作高雅的
P-is no sin.[谚]贫非罪。
P-is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is [谚]贫不足耻, 耻贫乃耻。
P-makes strange bedfellows. [谚]难中不择友; 同病相怜。
Eradicate----[I’rAdikeit]To tear up by the roots. 根除, 连根撕碎
To get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots 清除,扑灭,根绝
Their goal was to eradicate poverty.他们的目标是消除贫困
put in---- To spend (time) at a location or job花费(时间):
She put in eight hours behind a desk.她在花了八小时办公
To interject (a comment, for example) during a conversation.插入,插话
He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话
Motivate----To move to action; provide with an incentive; impel.使行动;推动
Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
Good---Welfare; benefit 福利;利益:for the common good.为了共同的利益
Conceive----To form or develop in the mind; devise 构思;设计:
conceive a plan to increase profits.构想出一个增加利润的计划
junior college 大专,两年制专科学校一种学校,提供两年制的课程,相当于大学四年制本科前两年的课程upper division college [美](专授大学三、四年级和毕业水平课程的)高年级学院undergraduate college [美]大学本科university college [英]大学学院
freshwater college [美口](内地)小型大学;不著名的大学
qualification----A quality, an ability, or an accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task. 资格证明,执照使某人适合某一特殊职位或任务的特性、能力或成就resume---- v.tr. To begin or take up again after interruption 重新开始,继续
resumed our dinner.继续进行我们的晚餐
suspend---- vi vt To cease for a period; delay停止一段时期;暂缓
suspend payment 暂停付款suspend talks中止谈判
suspend diplomatic relations中止外交关糸
Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.
Heavy----Large, as in quantity, output 大的在数量, 产量产出方面大的:
Of great intensity激烈的:
a heavy turnout大产出;heavy casualties.重大伤亡
heavy rainfall大雨heavy activity剧烈活动;heavy fighting激烈的战斗consequently---- adv. As a result; therefore. 结果;因此
stricken----Affected by something overwhelming, such as disease, trouble, or painful emotion.
poverty-stricken----Suffering from poverty; miserably poor. 贫困潦倒的;悲惨的
Newlywed----A person recently married 新近结婚的人
Patriarchal----[,peitri’a:kEl]Of or relating to a patriarchy父权制的
Ruled by a patriarch 家长(或族长)统治的:
a patriarchal social system父权制社会制度
a patriarchal see 家长式的监督
patriarch---- [‘pe itria:k]A man who rules a family, clan, or tribe. 家长,族长,酋长
spousal----[‘spauzEl] Of or relating to marriage; nuptial结婚的,婚姻的
Of or relating to a spouse 配偶的
n. Marriage; nuptials. Often used in the plural.婚礼;婚姻
stipulate---- vt To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract. 规定contribution----The act of contributing 捐款或捐献的行为
Something contributed. 捐献物所捐献的东西
carry on----To conduct; maintain开展;维持
To engage in卷入,从事
To continue without halting; persevere不停顿地持续下去;坚持:
carry on a thriving business经营繁忙的生意
carry on a love affair正在谈恋爱
carry on in the face of disaster面对灾难坚持不懈
line----A series of persons, especially from one family, who succeed each other 家世,家系
皇族a line of monarchs
来自银行世家comes from a long line of bankers.
well-being---- The state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous; welfare
potential---- Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent 潜在的,潜伏的
a potential problem潜在的问题
say----[S;U] A turn or chance to speak; 发言的次序,发言权
The right or power to influence or make a decision 发言权影响或做出决定的权利或权力Having had my say, I sat down.发完言我就坐下了
Citizens have a say in the councils of government.市民在政府议会中有发言权。
All I want is some say in the matter.我只想在这件事上有些决定权
have not much say in sth.对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权
fertility---- The condition, quality, or degree of being fertile肥沃的条件、本质及程度The birthrate of a population 人口出生率
postpone----vt [??????????] To delay until a future time; put off 延迟;延期
allow for----To take a possibility into account顾及, 考虑到
Decline---- v.i To express polite refusal. v.tr. To refuse politely婉辞,谢绝:
I declined their offer of help.我谢绝了他们提出的帮助
Pivotal----[‘??????l] Of, relating to, or serving as a pivot 枢轴的
Reading II Supplementary --9-- Being of vital or central importance; crucial 中枢的,关键的
Residence---- The place in which one lives; a dwelling 住所;住宅
The act or a period of residing in a place 居住
a residence in the country在乡间的住处to take up residence in a town在城里居住
transfer---- To move (oneself) from one location, job, person or thing to another调任转移转学His employer transferred him to another office.老板把他调到了另一个办公室。
transferred to another bus转乘另一辆公共汽车
assume---- To take for granted; suppose假定;假设To take on; adopt采用;承担
I assume you always get up at the same time.我想你总是在同一个时间起床。
to assume new duties承担新的职务assume office就职
assume a leading position担任领导职务assume a new aspect呈现新的面貌subordinate----vt n adj(常与to连用)Subject to the authority or control of another 隶属的The minority is subordinate to the majority.少数服从多数。
subordinate a person to his superiors使某人服从长官
enact---- To make into law 制订成法律
To act (something) out, as on a stage 扮演(某物),如在舞台上:
Congress enacted a tax reform bill.国会使税收改革提案成为法律
enacted the part of the parent.扮演家长的角色
promote---- To urge the adoption of; advocate倡议
To contribute to the progress or growth of; further. 促进
Conduct---- n. The way a person acts, especially from the standpoint of morality and ethics.
操行,行为vt To behave (oneself) in a specified way 行为,举止
His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行不一。
Your children conduct themselves well. 你的孩子们品行良好/表现甚佳。Chore---- A routine or minor duty 日常工作例行的或不重要的责任
An unpleasant or burdensome task.令人讨厌的或繁重的工作
Chores Daily or routine domestic tasks. 家庭杂务
It's such a chore to do the shopping every day!每天上街买东西真烦人!Identify---- v.tr. To establish the identity of. 建立一致性
To associate (oneself) closely with a person or group
identify handwriting鉴定笔迹
Never identify opinions with facts.永远不要把意见混同于事实。
Dolphin----Any of various marine mammals, related to the whales but generally smaller 海豚Indicator---- One that indicates 指示者, 指示器;指示针
Trace---- a touch; An extremely small amount一丝极少量
A visible mark 痕迹
Reading II Supplementary --10-- vt To follow the course or trail of: 跟踪
spoke with a trace of sarcasm[…sa:kaezEm]带着一丝嘲讽地说
trace a wounded deer跟踪一头受伤的鹿;
tracing missing persons追寻失踪者
trace element [化]痕量元素,微量元素antibiotic---- n.抗生素adj.抗生的
nutritional----adj营养的, 滋养的
nutrition[nju:’triFEn]----n. The process of nourishing or being nourished营养(作用), 滋养,
A source of nourishment; food.营养物
A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。‘Nutriment---- A source of nourishment; food. 营养品营养的来源;食物
An agent that promotes growth or development. 促进生长或发展化学制剂Con’tract----vt To get sth unwanted 感染(病)He contracted a fever.他发烧了。
Liver----The bile-secreting organ of an animal, used as food. 肝Color A dark reddish brown.深赤褐色Trauma---- [‘trCmE]A serious injury to the body 外伤
Hypergly’cemia---- [,haipEg lai’si:miE] The presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. 血糖过多症
Hyperli’pemia---- [,haipE(:)li’pi:miE] An excess of fat or ‘lipids in the blood. 高脂血
‘hyper- ----[‘haIpE(r)]表示“超级, 超过,高于,过度”之义
gly’cemia -----[g lai’si:mjE][医]血糖过多
li’pemia ----[li’pi:mjE]脂血
attach to---- to cause to join as a member of 使加入成为会员
fml to come to; to come from (正式)加于……之上;来自
The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。
No blame/ guilt attaches to him for the accident. 此次意外,他没受责备/责任。
No blame attaches to him.他无可责备。
No blame/ guilt attaches to (doing) that. 做那件事并没有过错。
Drip----v.tr. To (let) fall in or as if in drops使滴下或象水滴似落下:
【医】滴注(法); 滴液器
a brush dripping paint;滴着油漆的刷子;
Everything he said dripped acid.他的话里字字句句都带着刺。
drip-feed----vt通过插胃管的鼻饲法喂(病人)流质; 以静脉滴注法给(病人)输液lavage---- [ lE’va:g]A washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the stomach or lower bowel[au], with repeated injections of water. [医] 灌洗, 洗胃v. 洗(创口, 胃)
in’habit---- v.tr. To live or reside[z] in. 居住在…vi To dwell.居住
To be present in; fill在…出现;填满:
Old childhood memories inhabited the attic.旧日儿时的记忆充满了阁楼
Reach----- The stretch of water visible between bends in a river or channel.
prize---- vt. To value highly; esteem [i] or treasure 重视;尊重或珍视
species---- [‘pi:Fiz]种类; (植物或动物的)种
Reading II Supplementary --11--
a species of animal一种动物
Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a
changing environment. 些动物已经灭种了,因为它们不能适应环境的变化Endanger---- To expose to harm or danger; imperil [im’peril].使受危险或伤害;危及
Thrive----vi To make steady progress; prosper繁荣
To grow vigorously; flourish健壮地生长;茂盛地生长:
the wild deer that throve / thrived here “在这里茁壮成长的野鹿allege----[E’ledg]To assert [To state or express positively] to be true; affirm 断言,宣称
alleging his innocence of the charge声称自己无罪
allegedly----[E’led gidli] 依其申述
stately ---- Dignified and impressive 庄严的
lofty---- Elevated in character; exalted品德高尚的;崇高的high
Arrogant; haughty傲慢的;自以为是的
Affecting grandness; pompous浮华的壮丽的
Posture ---- A position of the body or of body parts 姿势 a sitting posture坐姿
An attitude; a pose态度;姿态
assumed a posture of angry defiance采取愤怒的蔑视态度
feature ---- vt. To give special attention to 给以显著地位vi.起重要作用
The newspaper featured the story of the event.报纸以显著地位报道那个事件。
Can you feature her in that hat?你能想象出她戴着那顶帽子吗?
Striking----Arresting the attention and producing a vivid impression 惹人注目的
Benefit ---- an advantage 利益
Turn over ---- to do business to the amount of营业额达到
Move---- A (step in a ) course of action (towards a particular result) 采取的行动、步骤None of the moves to stop the war has been successful.阻止战争所采取的行动都没成功
a move to halt the arms race 停止军备竞赛的策略
influential ---- Having or exercising influence 有影响力的
cold-shoulder ----vt. To treat indifferently, to give the cold shoulder <俗>冷淡地对待, 轻待diverse ---- [dai’v E:s] Differing one from another 不同的
Made up of distinct characteristics 多种多样的,形形色色的
Rating----The popularity of a television or radio program 收听率,收视率
Occupation ---- a vocation 职业
Turnover---- The amount of business transacted during a given period of time 营业额,成交量Soar ---- To ascend suddenly above the normal or usual level 高涨
Our spirits soared.我们的精神高涨
UCLA----University of California at Los Angeles [lcs’And gElEs] (美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Embody ---- To make part of a system or whole; incorporate包含;并入
laws that embody a people's values.加入了人的价值的法律
enroll----also enrol v.tr.To enter or register in a roll, list, or record 注册,登记或记录
enrolled the child in kindergarten注册孩子们入幼儿园
enroll the minutes of the meeting作会议记录
instructor----One who instructs; a teacher教员;教师
A college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor 大学讲师under (one's) wing----Under one's protection; in one's care.; being help by someone
to take the new member under one?s wing 照顾新来的成员
acrobatics----[,AkrEu’bAtiks]The gymnastic moves, art, skill, or performance of an acrobat.
杂技表演,体操表演, 特技表演
acrobat----[‘AkrEbAt] One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics.
One who is facile at changing one's viewpoint or position on short notice in response to the circumstances 见风转舵的人
Challenge ---- vt. n A test of one's abilities or resources( abilities to deal with a difficult)in a demanding but stimulating undertaking 挑战
a career that offers a challenge.大有作为的事业
take on ----- to begin to have (a quality or appearance) 显现;呈现(某种特性,外貌)
These insects can take on the color of their surroundings.
To accept(work, responsibility, etc) 承担(工作,责任等)
His doctor says he?s too tired and has advised him not to take any more work on.
support ---- vt To act in a secondary or subordinate role to (a leading performer) 替…当配角
a supporting actor男配角supporting cast助演阵容
wardrobe----A tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes 衣橱
Garments considered as a group, especially all the articles of clothing
that belong to one person. 全部服装
The costumes belonging to a theater or the’atrical troupe.全部戏装
Hand ---- One who performs manual labor 工人 a factory hand 工厂工人One who is part of a group or crew 雇员the ship's hands 船上的水手们
Physical assistance; help 帮忙/支持gave me a hand with the bags帮我拿袋子
A clean hand wants no washing.[谚]清白的人无需为自己洗刷。
A cold hand and a warm heart.[谚]外表冷淡心肠热。刀子嘴,豆腐心
a cool hand大胆而厚脸皮的人 a fresh / green hand生手
Reading II Supplementary --13-- an old hand (at)老手, 内行by the / with a strong hand 强制地
fight hand to hand 交手战, 肉搏
morale----[mC’ra:l]The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks. 道德,品行,士气aria[‘a:riE]---- A solo vocal piece with instru’m ental a’ccompaniment, as in an opera.曲调, 咏叹调portray ----To make a picture of 描绘,描画
dandy ---- A man who is preoccupied with and often vain about his clothes and manners; a fop.
‘playboy ---- A man who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities
‘repertoire---- [‘repEtwa:]The stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other pieces that a player or company is prepared to perform 全部剧目
The range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of
a particular person or group 全部本领(技艺、才能或特殊的成就/造诣)
Exaggerate ----[i g’z AdgEreit] vi vt. To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: 夸大,夸张
exaggerated his own role in the episode夸大了他本人在这一事件中的作用
exaggerate an illness夸大病情
People will not believe a person who always exaggerates.人们不会相信老是夸张的人。‘Amateur---- n. adj. A person who engages in an activity as a pastime rather than as a profession.
业余爱好者业余的(cp: professional n, adj )
‘headline ---- The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type. 大字标题Often headlines An important or sensational piece of news 头条新闻
hit [make] the headlines in the press成为报纸的头条新闻
in the wake----接踵而至;在…之后
The truck left clouds of dust in its wake.车后扬起了一阵尘土。
in the wake of ---- Following directly on 直接跟随
In the aftermath of; as a consequence of 作为…的余波
Wake ---- A track, course, or condition left behind something that has passed 行踪
The war left destruction and famine in its wake.战争留下的毁灭和饥荒的后果
Clean ---- adj Thorough; complete 完全的;彻底的 a clean getaway.逃得无影无踪Sweep ---- n The winning of all stages of a game or contest大获全胜
An overwhelming victory or success 压倒性胜利或成功
Wow ---- v.tr. To have a strong, usually pleasurable effect on: 使热烈叫好
a performance that wowed the audience一场轰动观众的演出
interj. ed to express wonder, amazement, or great pleasure 哇惊叹、惊讶或极度高兴
n. An outstanding success 一鸣惊人出色的成就
Reading II Supplementary --14-- bag ---- vt. To gain possession of; capture 获得,捕获
in the bag----Assured of a successful outcome; virtually accomplished or won. 稳操胜券的
pro- pref.Earlier; before; prior to:在…之前;先于;早于
tour ---- A journey to fulfill a round of engagements in several places 巡回演出/访问/比赛
a pianist on a concert[sE] tour.作巡回表演的钢琴家
final ---- n. The last or one of the last of a series of contests 决赛
the finals of a state spelling bee全国拼字大赛决赛
glory ---- Great honor 荣誉,荣耀
for all of ---- 就...来说
Thus they parted, almost precipitately(Occurring suddenly or unexpectedly), and for all of him,
might never have met again in this world.(Harrison, “Queed”)
他们就这样仓促地分手了,因此,就他个人来说,他们等于没见面一样。for all ---- adv. In spite of尽管
He couldn?t open the box for all their efforts.尽管费尽力气,他们还是打不开盒子。
For all his achievements, he is very modest.尽管他有这么多的成就,他还是十分谦虚。be distracted by 被...搞得心烦意乱; 被...搞得要发狂
distract---- vtr To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest使分心To make uneasy; disturb; unsettle.使错乱;使不安
Oust ---- vt. (from) (of a living being) force (a living being) out (of) 驱逐;逐出
To oust the president 驱逐总统
Redeem ---- vt To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of重新建立荣誉、价值或声望You botched(To ruin through clumsiness) the last job but can redeem yourself on this one.
To make up for弥补
The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.
Garner ---- vt to acquire 取得;获得
‘Forehand---- adj. Made or done with the hand moving palm forward正手的手心向前击或打的
a forehand tennis stroke网球的正手一击Forehand attack正手进攻
proportional---- being in proportion.成比例的
Properly related in size, degree, or other measurable characteristics;
corresponding: 协调的;相对应的:
Punishment ought to be proportional to the crime.惩罚应该与所犯的罪相应
‘Backhand ----n, adj, adv, v A stroke or motion, as of a racket, made with the back of the hand facing outward and the arm moving forward. 反手击球
She backhanded the ball crosscourt.她用反手将球击过场地
Agility---- [E’dgiliti] The state or quality of being ‘agile; nimbleness敏捷;灵活
‘Veteran ----A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or a capacity 老手
a veteran of political campaigns政治斗争的老手
establish ---- To cause to be recognized and accepted 使…被接受/ 得到承认
Reading II Supplementary --15-- The discovery established his reputation.这个发现树立了他的声望
Mature ---- [mE’tjuE]Of, relating to full development; ripe; 成熟的vt to ripen. 使成熟count for ----be worth价值…
count for nothing / little ----- to be of little worth or importance 无关重要的;无足轻重的from without从...外面from within从...的内部[里面]
without---- adv. On the outside:在外部
a sturdy structure within and without.内外都很坚固的结构
With something absent or lacking 在没有或缺少…的情况下:
had to do without.没有只好作罢
prep. At, on, to, or toward the outside or exterior of:在外面;对着外面;向着外部
standing without the door.站在门外
within and without the Party党内外
ranking ---- vt vi To be or put ( in a certain class ) 分等,分级;归类
She ranked first in the class.在班上名列前茅
Belo’russia---- [E]A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithu’ania and ‘Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia. 白俄罗斯波兰以东的欧洲东部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克兰以北。长久以来一直为波兰和俄国所争夺
on / upon the heels of ----Directly behind, Immediately following 紧随其后的
heel ----The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle 踵,脚
tie ---- vt vi n To equal (an opponent or an opponent's score) in a contest. 与…势均力敌/平局comprehensive ----[kC]So large in scope or content as to include much全面的, 广泛的
tough ----Physically hardy; rugged: 强壮的;能吃苦耐劳的:
tough mountaineers强壮的山民 a tough cop身强体壮的警察Strong-minded; resolute意志坚强的;坚决的
a tough negotiator态度坚决的谈判者
‘upcoming ---- adj. Occurring soon; forthcoming. 很快会出现的;即将到来的
advisor ----顾问, <美> (学生的)指导老师
dispatch ---- vt to send off (to a place or for a stated purpose)发送;打发,派遣
to dispatch letters发信
dispatch a boy to the shop to buy beer.打发小孩到店里买啤酒
abreast ---- adv. Side by side并肩,并列Up to date with最新,赶得上
two ships docked abreast.两只船并肩停靠
keeping abreast of the latest developments.及时了解最新动态
keep abreast of 与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于
to keep abreast of the times in science在科学方面与时俱进
amend ---- v.tr. To change for the better; improve改好;改善:
To remove the faults or errors in; correct 改正,纠正
amended the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.
restrict ---- v.tr. To keep or confine within limits. 限制,限定
Reading II Supplementary --16-- to restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day限制每天吸两枝香烟
be restricted by time[law]受时间[法律]限制
find fault ----(with)To seek, find, and complain about faults; criticize 挑错,找错;批评
They found fault with his speech.挑他演讲的错
Vs. ----also v. [‘vEsEs]versus Against对…(指诉讼,比赛等中)
the plaintiff versus the defendant原告对被告Army versus Navy陆军对海军journalism ---- The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles新闻工作
Drive ---- v.t To push onward forcibly; urge forward 驱赶;催促向前
To convey or transport in a vehicle用车辆运输
drove the children to school开车送孩子去上学
n. A strong organized effort to accomplish a purpose.努力为达到目的而进行的强大的组织力量
See: campaign活动,运动
Late ---- Dead, especially if only recently deceased 已故的尤指新近亡故的
in memory of the late explorer.纪念已故的开发者
vice- ---- pref.One who acts in the place of another; deputy “副、次、代理”
premier ---- [‘premIE] A prime minister总理
spark ---- vt To set in motion; activate 发动;触发
The inciden t sparked a …controversy.这一事件引发了一场争端n a burning article 火星火花
A single spark can start a prairie[…preEriE] fire.星星之火, 可以燎原。
There was a wild spark in his eyes. 他的两眼炯炯发光。
TOEFL----[‘tEufl] Test of English as a Foreign Language
英语作为外国语的考试/托福考试美国大学对外国学生入学前的英语测试GRE----abbr. Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试
Graduate---- adj Possessing an academic degree or diploma. 毕业了的持有学位或毕业证书的Of, intended for, or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's[A] degree
graduate courses研究生课程
back ---- adv In, to, or toward a past time. 从前
former ---- Having been in the past 前任的 a former am?bassador.前任外交大使
Soviet Union----苏联Soviet Russia
Deal ---- vt To give; deliver分配;给予
dealt him a blow to the stomach. 在他的腹部予以一击
Reading II Supplementary --17-- blow ---- A sudden hard stroke or hit打,殴打An unexpected shock, attack打击袭击enthusiasm----[in’0ju:ziAzEm]Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause 热情,热忱(for) enthusiasm for English / labour (学)英语热/ 劳动积极性
Football is my great enthusiasm. 踢足球是我最喜爱的。
account for ---- To ‘constitute the governing or primary factor导致,引起
Bad weather accounted for the long delay.长期的延缓是因为坏天气To provide an explanation or justification做出解释,提出理由:
The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.
talented ---- able; Especially capable 富有能力的,富有天赋的
an able lawyer 能干的律师
promote ---- To contribute to the progress or growth of; further 促进,推进
with ---- In the charge or keeping of负责,照料:
left the cat with the neighbors把猫托邻居照顾
miracle ---- a wonder; An event in’explicable by the laws of nature奇迹
status ---- Position relative to that of others; standing 地位,身份
Her status is that of a guest. 她是客人身份
Diploma ---- [di’plom E] A document issued by an educational institution, such as a university, testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a
particular course of study 毕业文凭
A certificate conferring a privilege or honor 执照,奖状赋予某种荣誉和特权的证书Visa ---- [‘vi:zE]An official authorization appended to a passport, permitting entry into and travel within a particular country or region. 签证
Clone---- vt[klEun]To reproduce asexually无性生殖或繁殖To produce a copy of; imitate 模拟/仿clone a frog; clone a plant variety无性生殖的青蛙;无性生殖的植物品种n. A ‘replica (copy or reproduction) of a DNA sequence DNA复制品
Re’dress ---- To set right; remedy or rectify纠正;补救
Fascinate ---- vt To hold an intense interest or attraction for. 迷住,吸引See: charm
Vi To be irresistibly charming or attractive. 迷人
Evidence ---- A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: 证明,证据To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 显示; 例证或证明
Feature ---- vt To depict or outline the features of 刻画
To have or include as a prominent part or characteristic
The play featured two well-known actors.这出戏有两位著名的演员Theme ---- [0i:m] A subject of artistic representation. 主题
Alter-ego ---- [,C:ltE’i:gE u] Another side of oneself; a second self个性的另一面;第二自我
Reading II Supplementary --18--
A very close and trusted friend 密友,至交
Ego ---- egos The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves
id----[id]In Freudian[Ci] theory, the division of the psyche[‘saiki](The spirit or soul.精神神或灵魂)that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for
immediate satisfaction of primitive needs. 私我,本我在弗洛伊德理论中,完全处于无意识中的
superego ---- In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and censors and restrains the
ego. Mostly unconscious, it is composed of the ego ideal and the conscience. 超我
rib ---- One of a series of long, curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in human beings and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum 肋骨
legend ---- An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical 传说,(历史)传奇故事
somewhat ---- [‘s vmwct] To some extent or degree; rather 相当, 有几分
I was somewhat surprised. 我有点惊讶。
Substantial ---- [sE b’st AnSEl] Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent: 重要的、内容充实的
They won by a substantial margin 大胜
Confuse---- To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding Speculate ---- vt To assume to be true without conclusive evidence 推测
vi To ‘meditate on a subject; reflec t 对某一问题思考;沉思
far-reaching ---- Having a wide range, influence, or effect深远的,广泛的
far-reaching plans for curriculum development 课程发展的长远计划precautionary ---- Of, relating to, or constituting a precaution 预防措施的
taking precautionary measures采取预防措施
gave precautionary advice给予预防的建议
breakthrough ---- An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction. 突破
A major achievement that permits further progress 重大成就Academician ---- [E,kAdE’m iSEn] An aca’demic大学生,大学教师,学者/ 学术界人士
A member of an art, literary, or scientific a’cademy or society学会会员Embryologist ---- [,embri`clEdgist] 胚胎学家
Embryology ---- [,embri`clEdgi] The branch of biology that deals with the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms. 胚胎学
Ewe ---- [ju:]A female sheep, especially when full grown 母羊
ewe lamb ---- [lAm]唯一的宝贝[孩子]; 最宠爱的人; 最珍爱的东西(来自《圣经》) udder ---- [‘VdE] a baglike organ of a cow, female goat, etc., from which milk is produced (牛、羊等的)乳房
Reading II Supplementary --19-- terminal ---- Growing or appearing at the end of a stem, branch, stalk, or similar part 顶生的genetic----also genetical Of or relating to genetics遗传学or genes. 基因的,遗传的
donor----[‘deunE] One that contributes something, such as money, blood, tissue. 捐赠者embryo----[‘embrio]An organism in its early stages of development胚胎
show ---- A display; a manifestation展示;证明
made a show of strength. 展示力量with a show of reason 似乎有理
pending ---- Not yet decided or settled悬而未决的Impending; imminent.即将来临的;迫切的pending ---- prep. during在…期间until.在等待…之际;直到…为止
Pending his return let us get everything ready.
This matter must wait pending her return from London.
‘Outlaw ---- v.tr. To declare illegal宣布为非法To place under a ban; prohibit 禁止
outlawed the sale of firearms 宣告贩卖军火是非法的
outlawed smoking in the house 室内禁止吸烟
legislator----[‘l edgis,leitE] One that creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body. 立法者,立法机关成员创建或制定法律的人
solicit ---- vt/vi [sE’lisit]To seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty, or formal application 恳求solicit sb. for help请求某人帮助solicit for subscriptions征求订户suggest ---- To make evident indirectly; imply 暗示; 显示
To serve as or provide a motive for; prompt or demand提醒或要求
a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对
"I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o'clock train, but that you caught the 8.25 train."
"'I suggest,' said the inspector, 'that you are not telling the truth.'"
potential ---- [pE’tenSl] Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent 潜在的,可能的
a potential problem. 潜在的问题
A taboo against sex before marriage 婚前对性关系的禁忌
’s mind to understand sth deeply, without help from outside information. 洞察力,见识
an example of this, or the understanding, which results 洞察
常于have an insight 片语中have an insight into了解, 熟悉看透, 识破
dimension ---- [di’menSEn] Aspect; element (各)方面;因素
He's a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension.他是一个优秀新闻工作者,并具备诸方面条件‘Mindset ---- A fixed mental attitude or disposition 态度或性格
An inclination or a habit 思想倾向
Panic ---- [‘p Anik] A sudden, overpowering terror 惊恐,恐慌
come to terms with ---- to accept (sth one does not want to accept) 对...妥协, 接受
Reading II Supplementary --20-- Contraception ----- [,kcntrE’s epSEn] 避孕(法)
fertilization ---- The act or process of initiating biological reproduction授精
The act or process of applying a fertilizer 施肥
Cultivate ---- [‘kVltive it]vt.培养;培育To nurture to cultivate a love of art培养对艺术的爱好genic ----[‘dginik] Of, relating to, produced by, or being genes or a gene. 基因的
revive ---- v.tr. To bring back to life or co nsciousness; re’suscitate使复活,使恢复
doctrine ---- A principle or body of principles 教条,教义
Christi’anity----The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus 基督教14EDUCATION REFORM STILL A LONG W AY TO GO IN CHINA reiterate ---- [ri’itE,reit]vt To say or do again or repeatedly 重申;重复
orient ---- vt To focus toward the concerns and interests of a specific group 使…朝向
urge ---- vt To advocate earnestly; press for 极力主张,强烈要求
To force or drive forward or onward; impel 推进,驱策
distinctive ---- distinguishing; Serving to identify明显不同的, 特别的, 区别性的:
distinctive tribal tat?toos一部落与他部落相区别的纹身
Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一种特殊的味道。
Outline ---- To give the main features or various aspects of; summarize 概述;概括:
outlined the major provisions of the tax bill. 概述税的主要来源
,comprehensive ---- [c] So large in scope or content as to include much 全面的, 广泛的
gear ---- [giE] To adjust or adapt so as to make suitable 调整或配合以使其适合
geared the speech to a conservative audience调整演讲以适应保守的观众dominate ---- v.tr. To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power 支配
Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
compulsory---- required 必修的; 义务的;要求的
conclude ---- vi vt To come to an end; close 终了;结束
urgent ---- Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing 紧迫的
fortify ---- v.t To make strong 巩固,强化
conducive ---- [kEn’dju:siv] Tending to cause or bring about; contributive (to) 有助于…的working conditions not conducive to productivity.工作条件不利于生产
Fresh air is conducive to health.新鲜空气有助于健康。
Undertake ---- v.tr. To take upon oneself; decide or agree to do 着手作;从事
undertake a task 开始进行一项任务
competent ---- [‘k cmpitEnt] Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable 胜任的;有能力的
Adequate for the purpose 适当的符合要求的:
a competent typist 能干的打字员 a competent performance 称职的表演faculty ---- [‘fAkElti]Any of the divisions or comprehensive branches of learning at a college or university 学院the faculty of law.法学院
The teachers and instructors within such a division 全体教师
Regulate ---- To adjust to a particular specification or requirement 调节, 调整到特定的规格或要求
Reading II Supplementary --21-- regulate temperature 调节温度
all-round ---- all-around; Comprehensive in extent or depth 全面的
Able to do many things well; versatile:多才多艺的〈体〉全能的
a good all-around education优良全面的教育an all-round athlete 全能运动员transfer ---- vt To convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another 转移assign ---- designate指派To select for a duty or office; appoint.委派
Inland----[‘inlEnd] Of, relating to, or located in the interior part of a country or region内地的,内陆的Express ----Sent out with or moving at high speed 快递的
Direct, rapid, and usually nonstop 直达的
express delivery of packages包裹快递an express bus直达公共汽车base ---- A supply center for a large force of military personnel.基地大量军事人员武装部队的供应中心
staple ---- A basic dietary item, such as flour, rice, or corn. 主食, 基本食品如面粉、大米或谷物Principal; main 主要的, 基本的
a staple topic of conversation 谈论的主要话题
predominant ---- main or prevalent 最主要的;主要的或流行的:
the predominant color in a design 设计中的主色调
Dominant applies to what exercises principal control or authority or is unmistakably ascendant: The Soviet Union is the dominant nation of Eastern Europe. 苏联是东欧的主要国家。Predominant is often nearly identical with dominant but more often implies being uppermost at
a particular time or for the time being Predominant几乎常与dominant意义完
Operational ---- ready for use胜任的,可用的an operational aircraft可用的飞机
Being in effect or operation 实行的或有效的
de facto apartheid still oper ational even in the “new” African nations
commodity---- Something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage.商品An article of trade or commerce, especially an agricultural or mining product农矿产品The prices of the -ties are quite stable this year.今年各种物价相当稳定。
a commodity of brown paper 廉价处理的次品,不值钱的东西
goods----[P ] [^udz]BrE alsoAmE freight heavy articles which can be carried by road, train, etc.货物
articles for sale商品have all one's goods in the window肤浅, 华而不实transit ----[‘trAns it] Conveyance of people or goods from one place to another, especially on a local public transportation system 运输
livestock----Domestic animals, such as cattle or horses, raised for home use or for profit, especially on a farm. 家畜家养的牛、马等动物,专为家用或买卖,尤指养于农场上的poultry ---- [‘poltri] Domestic fowls[au], such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs. 家禽用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅
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