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Unit 1

1. The candidates who wish to __________ from the examination must notify the secretary immediately.

A. resign 辞职;放弃 B. remove 移动;开除 C. suspend 延迟;悬浮 D. withdraw 撤退;离开 2. Gradually the balloon ____________ out and rose into the air.

A. swelled 膨胀;增大 B. expanded 扩大 C. stretched 伸展;舒展 D. enlarged 扩大,增大 3. When you take medicine, be careful not to ___________ that amount printed on the bottle.

A. exceed 超过;胜过 B. substitute 代替 C. surpass 超越;胜过;优于 D. overcome 克服;胜过 4. The current political ___________ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

A. weather 天气;处境 B. climate 气候;思潮 C. temperature 温度 D. state 规定;声明 5. Our spokesman has ___________our position on this question.

A. verified 查实;证实 B. certified 证明;证实 C. testified 证明;作证 D. clarified 阐明;澄清 6. A teacher should give attention to each ___________ student in his class.

A. personal B. private C. own D. individual 7. The population of Hong Kong is ___________ Chinese.

A. popularly 普及地 B. regularly 有规律地 C. commonly 一般地 D. predominantly 主要地;显著地 8. Children feel that their parents do not give enough ___________ to the problems of young people.

A. consent 同意;一致 B. appeal 呼吁;吸引力 C. affection 喜爱;影响 D. recognition识别;承认 9. He wears a red hat to make himself ___________ so as to arrest the driver’s attention. A. conspicuous 显著的 B. subconscious 潜意识的 C. ambiguous

10. Anything you say will be ___________ and maybe used in evidence.

A. taken down 记下;拿下 B. taken off 起飞;脱下 C. taken at D. taken away 拿走;解除 11. A helicopter is a very convenient means of transportation. It is able to ___________ and land vertically. A. take away B. take off C. take up 拿起;开始从事;占据 D. take down 12. I cannot lend you any money because I still ___________ one hundred dollars on that car. A. charge 索价 B. owe 欠应给予 C. own 拥有;承认 D. loan 借给

13. The income from the estate probably ___________ about $8,000 a year.

A. amounted to 相当于,总计为 B. amounted 总计 C. added to 加入;增加 D. added up 合计 14. She ___________ her homework immediately after breakfast.

A. set aside 留出;撤销 B. set off 出发;引起 C. set back 推迟;使受挫折 D. set about 着手;开始做 15. I cannot ___________ myself that she has already left.

A. remind 提醒;使想起 B. convince 说服;使确信 C. confirm 确认;证实 D. convict 证明…有罪 16. They talked about their business ___________ a cup of tea.

A. with B. for C. at D. over

17. The old man’s ruddy complexion gave an ___________ of good health.

A. idea 想法;概念 B. fancy 幻想;想象力 C. imagination 想象力 D. illusion 幻觉,错觉 18. The cold drink ___________ him after the long hours of hard work.

A. reduced 减少 B. refreshed 使清凉 C. released 释放;发布 D. recovered 恢复 19. When he entered the room, he found that newspapers and magazines were ___________ all over the floor. A. separated B. splashed 溅,泼 C. spread 传播,散步 D. scattered 分散;散播 20. People usually judge a man by the ___________ he keeps.

A. company 公司;同伴 B. companion 同伴;朋友 C. companies 伙伴 D. companionship 友谊;陪伴

Unit 2

1. The illegality 违法 of marijuana does not prevent many people from using it. (legal 合法的)

2. He worked ambitiously 雄心勃勃地 to perfect his technical and improvisational skills. (ambition 野心;抱负) 3. Unfortunately, such discriminative区别的,歧视的 practices often go unnoticed. (discriminate 歧视;区别)

4. Henry Ford was a persistent固执的,坚持的 individual who built one of America’s largest industries. (persist

坚持;持续) 5. Because of this low resistance 阻力;反抗 to cold, they can be seriously damaged when temperatures drop

below freezing. (resistant 抵抗的;顽固的) 6. Contamination 污染 in the water and air can create serious health hazards. (contaminate 污染,弄脏)

7. He was surprised to discover that his driver’s license was invalid 无效的 it had expired the previous week.

(valid 有效的,有根据的)

8. The water around the islands is fantastically 空想地;难以置信地 clear, giving underwater swimmers a great view of fish and rock formations. (fantasy 幻想;空想)

9. The space program has strict requirements for its astronauts, specifically 特别地;明确地 that they be in excellent physical and mental health. (specify 指定)

10. Walt Disney’s movies and cartoons have amused 逗笑 children and grown-ups since 1926. (amusement 消


11. The disappearance is so sudden as to seem magical 魔术的;神奇的. (magic 魔法;戏法)

12. His parents were kept ignorant 忽视 of the fact that he failed in the examination. (ignorance 忽视;不知) 13. You’ll have to learn to make difficult decisions if you are to survive 生存;存活 in business. (survival 幸存) 14. Lewis and Clark explored 开发;探寻 the Northwest. (exploration 探测;探究) 15. The gang tried to intimidate 恐吓;胁迫 the merchant. (timid 胆小的;羞怯的) 16. The package is light but it’s too bulky 庞大的;笨重的 to carry. (bulk 大块;体积) 17. Devout Muslims must make a pilgrimage 朝拜 to Mecca. (pilgrim 朝圣者)

18. I saw a galaxy 银河;星系 of lights on a hillside, marking a village. (galactic 银河的)

19. His brain operation caused a great transformation 转化;改革 in his character. (transform 改变;转化) 20. The Prime Minister’s policy alienated 疏远,离间 many backbenchers. (alien 外国人)

Unit 3

1. _____________ your instruction, I would never have known how to go about the work.

A. If not for 要不是 B. Unless 除非 C. Except 除了 D. But for 要不是;如果没有 2. On hearing the bad news, she began _____________ so loudly that her heart seemed to have broken. A. weeping 哭泣 B. sobbing 哭泣 C. chuckling 暗自发笑 叫喊 D. crying叫喊

3. You must not be _____________ at feeling the difficulties.

A. put out 熄灭;伸出 B. put away 放好;抛弃 C. put for 以…为目标前进 D. put up 提供;举起 4. Be quiet _____________ you should wake the baby.

A. so that B. in case C. providing that 假如 D. in order that

5. People who talk and sing _____________ plants are not crazy, in fact, it makes them grow better, according

to Arnold Braymar, a government agriculture expert. A. to B. with C. for D. against 6. He was so _____________ on his work that he didn’t hear his wife come in.

A. intent 专心的 B. absorbed 全神贯注 C. involved 参与;卷入 D. devoted 献身于 7. Miraculously, they _____________ the bombing.

A. survived 幸存 B. existed C. conquered 战胜;征服 D. overcame 8. Adventurism and deceit _____________ their foreign policy in those days.

A. took up 开始 B. made up 编造 C. consisted 组成 D. in order that 9. He eats much but _____________ lean.

A. keeps B. remains C. holds D. gets 10. On Sundays his landlady provided dinner _____________ breakfast.

A. as well B. as well as C. also D. together with

11. You were permitted into the hall for the film, _____________ you sat at the back. A. unless B. provided 假如 C. though D. suppose 12. I know her _____________, but I have never spoken to her.

A. for sight B. in sight 看得见 C. on sight 立即 D. by sight

13. I underwent an operation _____________ an early recovery.

A. in hopes of 希望能 B. in the hopes of 怀着的希望 C. in hope of怀着的希望 D. with the hope of 14. I can’t help you. You _____________ this _____________ yourself.

A. brought…forward B. brought…on C. brought…about D. brought…up 15. We watched the football match on _____________ television.

A. live B. lively C. livingly D. alive

16. My mother _____________ to cigar smoking.

A. reacts B. responds C. objects D. admits

17. Travelers had better get their reservations well _____________ if they want to fly during the Christmas holidays.

A. in advance B. in hand C. in place D. in case 18. She is so _____________ that no one can please her.

A. particular B. specified C. especial D. typical 19. The Red Cross _____________ food and clothing to the victims of the flood in time. A. gave off B. gave back C. gave up D. gave out 20. I can’t _____________ that noise.

A. sustain 维持;支撑 B. survive 幸存 C. restrain 抑制;结束 D. tolerate 忍受

Unit 4

1. The Indians burned the farm as a retaliatory 报复的 gesture. (retaliation 报复;反击) 2. 3. 4. 5.

Most people have a rudimental 基本的;初步的 knowledge of some other language. (rudiment 雏形;基本原理) I wouldn’t be so presumptuous 专横的;冒昧的 as to tell you what to do. (presumption 放肆,傲慢) The road map completely perplexed 困惑的;不知所措的 the tourists. (perplexity 困惑;混乱) He averted 避免;转开 his eyes from the terrible sight. (aversion 厌恶)

6. The analyst’s conjecture 推测;猜想 later proved to be very accurate. (conjectural 推测的)

7. Alexander Pope was a great English satirist 讽刺作家. (satirical 讽刺的)

8. The fans shouted boisterously 吵闹地;喧闹地 when the team won the game. (boisterous 喧闹的;猛烈的) 9. Most national parks have an abundance 大量的 of wild life. (abound 富于;充满)

10. The actors forgot their lines and improvised 即兴创作;临时做 the scene. (improvisation 即兴创作;即席演奏) 11. The state also has a wealth of various 各种各样的 minerals. (vary 变化;使多样化)

12. It is the intention 意图;目的 of many foreign tourists to see all the national parks in the West. (intend 打算;


13. The proposed 提议的;推荐的 plan would improve the quality of air in the foothills of the Rockies. (proposal


14. The present size of these lakes is much smaller than their original 原始的 size. (origin 起源;开端) 15. The challenge of taming a wild horse and roping a cow created 创造;建立 the basis of the rodeo. (creation 创


16. The committee is advocating 主张,提倡 revision of the draft laws. (advocate 提倡;主张)

17. He is conservative about clothing and shuns anything considered trendy 流行的,时髦的. (trend 趋势,倾向) 18. It was a promising 有希望的,有前途的 start in a new field. (promise 允诺;许诺)

19. The doctor is in consultation 顾问,咨询 with a patient. (consult 请教;商议)

20. It is gracious 亲切的;雅致的 of him to show us around his beautiful home. (grace 优雅;魅力)

Unit 5

1. He is pleading with us to _____________ him.

A. provide 提供 B. persist 坚持;持续 C. insist 坚持,强调 D. assist 帮助;促进 2. It can be very profitable to _____________ the waste left by the factory.

A. explore 探索;探险 B. exploit 开发;开采 C. expose 揭露;显示 D. exhaust 排出;耗尽 3. Internet technology will _____________ tremendous changes in all fields.

A. bring around 使信服;使复原 B. bring out 出版;说出 C. bring about 引起 D. bring up 提出;养育 4. The _____________ structure of the book is outlined in the next paragraph.

A. generous 大方的 B. particular 特别的 C. overall 全部的 D. considerable 相当的 5. At present, we cannot find any _____________ evidence to accuse him guilty.

A. smooth 顺利的 B. hard 确实的 C. firm 坚定的 D. indefinite 无限的;模糊的 6. My plants always look brown. Maybe they are too _____________ to the sunshine.

A. sensitive 敏感的 B. sensational 轰动的 C. sensible 明智的 D. sentimental 感伤的

7. Adolescence is a period of _____________ from child to adult.

A. transmission 传递;传送 B. transition 过渡;转变 C. transaction 交易;办理 D. transplantation 迁移 8. Mr. Smith just accepted a speaking ____________ in another school. He will not be able to come to the party. A. engagement 约会;诺言 B. interaction 互动 C. affection 影响 D. communication 交流 9. The company will take half of the rest is at his _____________.

A. dismissal 解雇 B. disposal 处理;支配;安排 C. use D. usage 使用;用法 10. I was almost about to _____________ a match before I realized the danger.

A. rub 摩擦;擦破 B. strike 打击;敲打 C. scrape 刮掉;擦伤 D. hit 打击;碰撞 11. In the Navajo household, grandparents and other relatives play _____________ roles in raising children. A. strong B. exemplary 典范的 C. indispensable 不可缺少的;绝对必要的 D. demanding 要求的 12. The walnut is a deciduous tree that _____________ valuable nuts.

A. enriches B. yields 生产 C. replaces D. hides

13. Embroidery _____________ scenic views became popular in the United States toward the end of the

eighteenth century.

A. distorting 扭曲;变形 B. commemorating 庆祝,纪念 C. depicting 描绘,描述 D. emphasizing 强调 14. The Ford Foundation is one of the world’s wealthiest _____________ organizations. A. profligate 不检点的 B. government 政府 C. philanthropic 博爱的;仁慈的 D. multinational 跨国的 15. Ocean-going vessels have often used flags to indicate their _____________.

A. nationality 国籍 B. destination 目的地 C. cargo 货物 D. allowance 津贴;允许 16. Every _____________ of a symphony orchestra’s performance is the responsibility of the conductor. A. note 调子 B. chord 和弦 C. facet 方面 D. movement 乐章

17. Although many people had long regarded the “Star-Spangled Banner” as the national _____________, it was not officially designated as such until 1916.

A. anthem 圣歌;赞美诗 B. subject 主题;国民 C. slogan 标语;呐喊声 D. symbol 象征 18. The temperature of the atmosphere becomes colder as _____________ increases.

A. ventilation 通风设备 B. pressure 气压 C. elevation 海拔 D. humidity 湿度 19. The victory of the match _____________ the cooperation of the players, instead of individual show-off. A. consists of 包括 B. persists in 坚持 C. hinges on 取决于 D. relates to 有关 20. He remains _____________ about the results of the examination, and feels reluctant to accept it. A. confident B. skeptical 怀疑的 C. surprised D. sensational 轰动的

Unit 6

1. Taking the subway in Boston can be a frustrating 令人沮丧的 experience. (frustrate 挫败;阻挠)

2. It is no exaggeration 夸张 to say that New Hampshire’s lakes and streams are filled with big fish. (exaggerate

夸大;夸张) 3. Benjamin Franklin was an inspiring 鼓舞人心的 scientist, inventor, writer, and statesman. (inspiration 灵感;


4. An industrious 勤勉的 student may receive a scholarship to one of New England’s prestigious universities.

(industry 产业;勤勉) 5. They conversed 交谈;谈话 for a short time about the advantages of living in Los Angels. (conversational 对

话的;健谈的) 6. Lisa dressed comfortably 舒服地 for the long drive from Boston to Bangor. (comforting 安慰的;令人欣慰的) 7. Sandals, for example, are definitely inappropriate 不适当的;不相称的 for the rough trails. (appropriately 适当地) 8. Distinguished 著名的 scientists come from all over the world to do research at the various institutes. (distinguish 区别)

9. Thanksgiving is a traditional 传统的 holiday in New England and in the rest of the United States. (traditionally 传统上)

10. The brochure also descriptively 叙述地 illustrated the different models in a diagram. (description 描述) 11. The American colonies regarded George III as a tyrant 暴君. (tyranny 暴政;专横)

12. The uncertainty 不确定 of her answer made me suspicious. (certain 某一;某些;确实的)

13. The Pilgrims came to America after being persecuted 烦扰 for their religious beliefs. (persecution 迫害;烦扰) 14. She pursues 追求 the goal of perfection in her art. (pursuit 追求) 15. The town was surrounded by hostile 敌对的 troops. (hostility 敌意)

16. There is no way to stop the flight 飞行;航班 of time. (fly 飞行)

17. The labor 劳动 it would take to improvise a rope bridge across the chasm is enormous. (laborious 勤劳的;艰


18. Everywhere was in chaos 混乱 and disorder. (chaotic 混乱的)

19. There have been an exceptional 例外的 number of rainy days this year. (except 除了)

20. The doctor prescribed something to strengthen 加强;强化 her heart. (strength 力量;长处)

Unit 7

1. Since your teacher has _____________ the time for a talk with you, you must make sure that you will be

there on time.

A. predicted 预计 B. made C. specified 指定 D. classified 分类

2. If you have mosquito problem, remember that they reproduce in water. Be sure to _________ these spots in

and around your home.

A. occupy B. release C. eliminate 消除;排除 D. investigate 3. Hot metal _____________ as it grows colder.

A. compresses 压缩 B. reduces 减少 C. contracts 收缩 D. condenses 浓缩

4. They _____________ the project to the board for approval.

A. submitted 递交;主张;屈服 B. permitted 允许 C. admitted 承认 D. committed 承诺;委托 5. He said he could not _____________ all the information given in the broadcast.

A. adhere 坚持;依附 B. admire 钦佩;称赞 C. absorb 吸收 D. accumulate 累积 6. I don’t know if this is true, but I’ll try to _____________ it.

A. identify B. reinforce 加强 C. verify 核实;查证 D. conform 符合;遵循 7. Going round to the bank was part of the _____________ of her work.

A. routine 日常工作 B. revenue 税收 C. remedy 补救;治疗 D. relief 救济;减轻

