
更新时间:2023-09-22 19:30:01 阅读量: 经管营销 文档下载



第一部分 语法词汇


1. John Kennedy was ________ of the United States. A. the thirty-five president B. the thirty-fifth president C. thirty-fifth president D. thirty-five president 2. We haven‘t seen Mr. Smith ___________. A. a few days ago B. for a few days C. a few days before D. in a few days 3. _____, wood will soon burst into a flame.

A. When heated B. Heating C. When heating D. Being heated 4. Before they move in the new house, they bought many __________. A. furnitures B. furniture C. equipments D. pieces of furniture 5. The meeting ________ open yesterday morning.

A. declared B. was declared C. was declaring D. be declared 6. We are familiar with the idea _______ all matter consists of atoms. A. which B. what C. that D. it 7. Have you decided ______ off _____ to the seaside?

A. putting…to B. to put… to go C. to put…going D. putting…going

8. __________ I realized the consequences, I would never have intended to get involved. A. If B. Had C. When D. Unless 9. She is a little fat now, and she no longer runs ________. A. like she was used to B. as she was used to C. like she used to D. as she used to

10. He as well as I _________ you.

A. agree with B. agree to C. agrees with D. agrees to 11. An argument ________in the classroom between the children. A. broke out B. broke off C. broke in D. broke through 12. He told the assistant to ______ the business for him during his absence. A. take over B. take out C. take up D. Take in 13. The Atlantic separates Europe _____ America. A. into B. from C. out D. upon.

14. He saw ______ it that all of them would take part in the meeting. A. over B. to C. through D. about

15. He had been miraculously (奇迹般地) ________ of his illness. A. treated B. cured C. examined D. prescribed 16. Words play an important ____ in our daily life. A. character B. part C. position D. duty

17. ―As soon as I ______ home, I‘ll have a hot bath.‖ He promised himself. A. have got B. will get C. get D. am getting 18. So far, she ___ her holiday very much. A. has not enjoyed B. did not enjoy C. doesn‘t enjoy D. was not enjoying 19. He‘s not ________ of learning English in 3 months.

豫升专升本独家发布,不得以任何形式传播,否则将追求法律责任 A. capable B. able C. interested D. efficient 20.The former soldiers have difficulty in _______ to civilian life. A. achieving B. attaching C. adjusting D. admiring

21. Does the pain from your operation ________ you much? A. borrow B. bother C. brother D. brook 22. You are too ______ with her; she‘s only a child. A. patient B. impatient C. glad D. satisfied 23. How many countries will __________ in the Olympic Games? A. participate B. play C. pass D. participant 24. I have no time to engage ________ gossip. A. for B. upon C. with D. in

25. I‘ll get married next week, but please don‘t ______ to anyone, will you?

A. let up B. let down C. let off D. let on 26. It was difficult to guess what her ______ to the news would be. A. impression B. reaction C. comment D. opinion 27.I brought him a drink in return _____ his help. A. for B. to C. of D. by

28. Most plastics do not readily _____ heat and electricity. A. conduct B. attract C. carry D. transfer

29. You have the _____ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful. A. selection B. choice C. alternative D. option 30. The changes are an improvement ________ a way. A. by B. on C. in D. under

31. The English test last week ______ very difficult since most of the students failed. A. would be B. should be C. would have been D. must have been 32. The old gentleman was ______ of an artist.

A. anybody B. anything C. somebody D. something

33. If you ______ your money to mine, we shall have enough. A. add B. combine C. join D. unite 34. I wish you _____ Jim so much. He‘s still very depressed. A. had not hurt B. have not hurt C. shall not hurt D. hurt

35. I think you have paid ______ your health. A. too few attention to B. too little attention for C. too little attention to D. too a few attention to 36. Scarcely _____ such an exciting movie. A. have I ever seen B. I have ever seen C. saw I D. I saw

37. _______, we went out for a swim in the lake. A. The day being hot B. It is hot C. It was hot D. The day was hot 38. Overwork often _____ illness.

豫升专升本独家发布,不得以任何形式传播,否则将追求法律责任 A. results from B. depends on C. leads to D. breaks into 39. He used to go swimming in the river, _____?

A. didn‘t he B. wasn‘t he C. wouldn‘t he D. weren‘t he 40. The professor ______ will be here tomorrow. A. is talked about B. talking about C. to be talked about D. being talked about 41.She hardly ever eats ______ potatoes. A. or bread or B. bread or

C. neither bread D. neither bread nor

42. _______ Christmas morning I raced to the fireplace and found nothing in my stocking. A. In B. During C. On D. At

43. The man _______ himself that the bridge was safe before crossing it. A. sure B. persuaded C. assured D. assumed 44. He felt _______ to the occasion.

A. satisfied B. surprised C. inadequate D. uncomfortable 45. The government _____ to pressure and dropped the proposal. A. answer B. reflect C. respond D. respect 46. The famous actress was used to hearing many ________. A. complement B. compliments C. flatteries D. completion 47. The opposition are ______ a general election in September. A. calling for B. calling down C. calling on D. calling up 48. I‘ve been to the top of Eiffel Tower _____ time. A. many B. a lot of C. some D. many a 49. It is wise ______ the case that way.

A. of him to settle B. for him to settle C. that he settle D. of his settling 50. The ship was _____ for scrap metal.

A. broken off B. broken up C. broken into D. broken down 51. ―Does it rain a lot in the desert?‖ ―__________, it hardly ever rains.‖

A. On the contrary B. On the other hand C. To the contrary D. In contrast

