高一英语主系表结构 句型背诵

更新时间:2023-08-29 17:07:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




① 这个童话很有趣。This fairy tale is very interesting. ② 这个小伙子真讨

人喜欢。The young man is very charming. ③ 这场追猎扣人心弦, 可惜狐狸还是跑啦。 The hunt was exacting,but the fox escaped. ④ 他的话使人相当泄气。What he said was rather discouraging. ⑤ 他发现的情况使他相当惊讶。He was astonished at what he found. ⑥ 我放在桌上的英语书不见啦。My English book on the desk is gone. SVSC(4) 主语+be+形容词+that 从句 在本句型中形容词作表语, 连词 that 引导的从句在下列形容词后作宾语: sure, aware, careful, certain, determined 等。that 引导的从句在下列形容词后作 状语:sorry, happy, glad, proud, satisfied, disappointing, pleased。 We’ll quiet sure that he will succeed. I’m very glad that you were able to come. ① 我恐怕他不能来开会了。I’m afraid that he won’t be able to come to the meeting. ② 他很高兴他得到了上大学的机会。He was very glad that he had got the opportunity to go to college. ③ 我们决定把这项工作提前完成。We are determined that the work should be completed ahead of time. ④ 他没有接收邀请,我们都很失望。We were very much disappointed that he had not accepted the invitation. SVSC(5) 主语+be+过去分词(+介词短语) 在本句型中,过去分词作表语,且常常带介词短语,介词一般固定固定,不可 随便选用。用于本句型的过去分词有:① 常见代词 about 分词:excited, pleased, puzzled, shocked, worried 。 ② 见 带 介 词 at 分 词 : amazed, 常 disappointed, dissatisfied, amused, annoyed,astonished, delighted, excited, displeased, pleased, shocked, surprised。 ③ 常见带介词 against 分 词:arranged, prepared。④ 常见带介词 for 分词:prepared, celebrated, pressed 。 ⑤ 见 带 介 词 in 分 词 : absorbed, dressed, celebrated, 常 disappointed, delighted, lost, embarrassed, engaged, experienced, interested。⑥ 常见带介词 on 分词:founded, based, bent, set ⑦ 常见带介词 to 分词: devoted, lost, engaged, known, related,married。 常见带介词 with ⑧ 分 词 : excited, bored, delighted, disappointed, satisfied, displeased, dissatisfied, equipped, pleased SVSC(6) 主语+特殊联系动词+表语 常见的“特殊联系动词”可分为三类: ① 表示“变成某种状态”意义的系动词: become, come, fall, get, go, grow, make, prove, run, shine, turn, out, wear, work ② 表示“保持某种状态”意义的系动词:continue, die, go, hold, keep, lie, live, remain, rest, return, sit,stand, stay ③ 表示“自己感觉或令人感觉”意义的系动词:appear, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste Her ideal has come true. Why do you keep silent?

句型 用法




句型 用法


① 你的手摸起来很凉。Your hand feels cold. ② 所有的树叶都变黄了。All the leaves have turned yellow. ③ 他们在讨论中全都保持沉默。They a

ll remained silent in the discussion. 句型 SVSC(7) 主语+be+形容词+不定式 ① 在本句型中,形容词作表语,表语后直接用动词不定式。不定式所表示的动 作是有句中的主语所进行的。 用于本句型的形容词有: ② able, fit, likely, afraid, foolish, lucky, slow, angry, fortunate, mad, anxious,free, nice, stupid, polite, sorry, brave, glad, sure, careful, grateful,thankful, certain, quick, unable, clever, good, ready, crazy, unwilling, willing, wonderful, content, happy, cruel, rude, curious, sad, worthy, due, kind, selfish,wrong, eager, excited, disappointing, pleased, astonished, puzzled, bored, satisfied, frightened, shocked, surprised, delighted, worried 等 I’m very glad to know you. They are all determined to settle in the countryside. ① 他很勇敢,闯进了那着火的房子。He was very brave to break into the burning building. ② 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核实过了。He was careful enough to check up every detail. ③战争中的勇士愿意为国捐躯。 The brave fighters at war were ready to die for their country. ④他下决心再也不见她了。He was determined not to see she any more. ⑤全世界人民都渴望和平。People all over the world were anxious to have peace. SVSC(8) 主语+be+形容词短语+不定式 在本句型中,在形容词后用不定式,动词不定式修饰形容词,表示程度或结果。 主要有四个句型:①”too+adj.+to do sth.”结构,表示“太 以致不能 ” 。 ②”adj.+enough+to do sth.”结构, “够 以致能 ” ③”so+adj.+as to 表示 。 do sth.”结构,表示“如此 以致能 ” 。④”very/rather+adj.+to do(vt.)” 结构,表示“很 做” ,主语是不定式的实际宾语。 He’s too young to go to school. He’s old enough to know the world. She is very pleasant to talk with. ①这些柱子(pillars)太细,支撑不住屋顶。These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. ②这篇文章他翻译起来太难了。The article is too difficult for him to translated. ③他很富裕,买得起那辆豪华(luxury)车。He is rich enough to buy that luxury car. ④他不是傻子,他不会相信那种事。He was not so stupid as to believe that. ⑤他很容易相处。He is quite easy to get along with. ⑥他气得说不出话来。He was angry to say a word. SVSC(9) 主语+be+介词短语 在本句型中,介词短语作宾语,说明主语的情况。有些介词短语已成为固定的 短语,不能随意变动。






句型 用法

Everything is in good order. All the workers are on strike. 佳句背诵 ①那条铁路正在修建中。That railway is under construction. ②李明的父亲失业四年了。Li Ming’s father has been out of work for four years. ③全班学生都反对这个计划。All the students in the class are against the plan. ④他们是同

一国籍。They are of the same nationality.

