关于2013年安丘市中小学教学类创新燎原奖评选结果的公示 - 图文

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Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play grass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the party's rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committee's requirements into Department's request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by example, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the combat effectivness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active participate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex workmanagement good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, master members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the party's guiding ideology advancing with the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their关于2013年安丘市









2013年10月8日 附件一:

hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central \of party rules, and address of the party Constitution, be qualified party members\n education is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On April 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this forum today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on \nstructions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee \spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for district-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about \ng\ople really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventualy reached little success, is also leading a lesson in party lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education \cture\ctice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom \ducation, possibly quite a few comrades, saying \ost every year\s in mind who may be many. If carrying this idea in mind, what does that tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the \Winkle\or confused in theend do not know what's going on. To realize \ning practice activities and education is the education of the party's mass line, \hree\cial education was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: \oyment of ' doing ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending from the concentrated education to regular education. \ntral Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the party's mass line education practice and\hree \ducation, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The \carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure toXiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play grass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the party's rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committee's requirements into Department's request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by example, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strictsupervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the combat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active participate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex workmanagement good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, master members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the party's guiding ideology advancing with the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their2013年安丘市中小学(幼儿园)教学类创新奖获奖名单

单位 东埠中学 青云双语学校 官庄镇官庄学校 兴华学校 景芝镇浯河中学 联谊中学 新安街道关王学校 大汶河开发区贾戈学校 兴安街道城北小学 兴安街道城关小学 兴安街道兴安小学 特殊教育学校 兴安街道东关小学 新安街道刘家尧小学 辉渠镇雹泉小学 实验小学 安丘一中幼儿园 兴安街道城关幼儿园 “五豆三级”教学法 孙希芹 孙春华 刘彩英 周永安 赵学军 合作学习能力培养的实践与研究 雹泉小学“培根课堂”实践法 实施三本教育 奠基成功人生 对孩子进行责任感培养的实验与研究 张宝成 刘玉才 王军 周小娟 周晓丽 王松江 李莎莎 吕宪胜 王经亮 赵风云 王娜 王守文 殷乃新 王晓丽 韩传美 赵丽霞 李有娟 王顺蓉 刘兆义 一等奖(18项) 项目 自主学习的实效性研究 学校心理健康教育的策略与模式研究 研讨展示,构建快乐高效课堂 “四步赛效”教学法 闲暇教育让学生“知行”统一 差异性教学“六步”法 关王学校“1+2主体4步教学法” “三精一评”教学法打造动态高效课堂 “展示+评价”7321优效教学策略研究与实践 郑奎爱“爱心五环”习作教学法 音乐教学中京剧艺术元素融入作用研究 “培根高效课堂”教学研究 参评主体 张光鸿 张燕 王兴华 杨书琴 朱爱云 殷武 王世强 张桂升 李洪升 高贵江 徐凤英 张翠丽 刘萍 高健 王桂梅 马志强 李世栋 郑长伟 刘红伟 王慧玲 王贵宾 李晓红 崔红光 金顺德 李玉亮 贾德云 徐志军 李福涛 辛福成 张德杰 刘健 田明广 刘树江 李瑞萍 周国富 周慧 张振法 殷玉莲 曹作红 戴春香 刘玉明 刘红慧 南玉华 刘忠华 曹永文 郑奎爱 云树花 李效霞 赵树建 郑佰全 李卫东 李荫东 刘春启 孙春华 郑春智 刘福香 王海萍 王孝华 张玉霞 王丽华 特殊需求儿童“个性+全纳”教育模式 张贵霞 石邦义 陈秀丽 刘向军 赵秀珍 单位 安丘一中 青云学府 安丘二中 大盛镇大盛学校 景芝镇景芝初级中学 青少年科技创新实践教育基地 凌河镇凌河中学 东埠中学 联谊中学 二等奖(19项) 项目 创新教学管理 提高教学质量 学生教师家长三位一体全面解压, 助力成才 整合多渠道资源,积极推进实验课堂教学 李晓文“初中英语主题联动”教学法 “作业校本化”有效性研究与实践 青少年科技创新实践教育基地分层次归类教学 “分步操作,多元综合”复习法 课外搭台课内唱戏全面提高学习能力 有效教研促进师生和谐发展的研究 参评主体 马金建 崔云栋 董涛 高学友 贾春莉 燕丽 孙献良 赵来坤 董光亮 李然文 徐美香 王丽华 张立彬 李晓文 娄郡海 张成宝 韩涌 郑雪梅 刘金录 赵新海 何金明 吴耀彩 孙赛芝 郑涛 王雪峰 刘兵福 张德进 李国霞 王立胜 刘新梅 于增义 孙衍臣 于秀华 马丽 孙云霞 郑德强 谢兰芝 张翠丽 王贵宾 刘付在 李效芳 徐永红 兴安街道中心学校 城乡接合区“自主高效”课堂统领法 李旭新 李国秀 韩京义 凌永田 陈会娟 hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central \s of party rules, and address of the party Constitution, be qualified party members\ducation is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On April 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this forum today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on %uctions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee \

spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for district-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about \ning\ng\, and strive to make people really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventually reached little success, is also leading a lesson in party lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education %ure\nt, practice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom \nd education, possibly quite a few comrades, saying \ery year, almost every year\h this in mind who may be many. If carrying this idea in mind, what does that tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the \Winkle\he end do not know what's going on. To realize \ning practice activities and education is the education of the party's mass line, \hree\cial education was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: \oyment of ' doing ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending from the concentrated education to regular education. \ntral Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the party's mass line education practice and\hree \ducation, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The \carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure to2

Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play grass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the party's rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committee's requirements into Department's request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by example, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the combat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active participate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex workmanagement good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, master members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the party's guiding ideology advancing with the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their职工子弟学校 青云双语学校 石堆镇中心学校 凌河镇红沙沟小学 凌河镇慈埠小学 青云山小学 辉渠镇辉渠小学 市直机关幼儿园 金冢子镇教管办 拓展英语环境,强化实践应用 郭雯多元阅读教学法 课程资源研究-家长课程和家庭教育方法研究 “过级”达标快乐读书,提高学生写作能力研究 打造“生本课堂”,实现学生自主发展 “课堂中问题的反馈与纠正” 在幼儿园开展社会实践活动的实验与研究 幼儿园童瑶课程开发与实施的研究 张绍钦 刘玉明 马克宾 李正伟 张龙欣 郭雯 王秀丽 王吉祥 王炳娟 东红星 苏效刚 傅瑞亮 杨忠运 刘恩梅 李海霞 曹殿武 王德中 曹兴滨 高娟 程桂兰 韩杰 于爱云 王建芳 王焕顺 李敏欣 王效喜 李玉梅 于瑞彩 李国德 马小玉 张云萍 王顺蓉 李倩 崔建杰 潘新霞 马炳华 周步顺 刘永昌 李介明 “活动案导学六步教学法”行动研究 李京忠 李臻英 刘树学 马春玲 王保珍 单位 实验中学 体育中学 大汶河开发区中心学校 石埠子镇庵上初级中学 郚山镇吾山中学 石埠子镇召忽学校 柘山镇车庄小学 大汶河开发区贾戈小学 新安街道关王小学 汶水小学 汶水小学 实验幼儿园 三等奖(12项) 项目 骨干小组拉动法 《元认知学习方法的实验与研究》 新课程背景下综合实践课作业布置研究 发展性语文课堂教学模式的研究 读教材经典 练写作能力 变换评价机制激励学生进步 走向主题背景下的根基教研 “一主多翼”阅读课教学模式探讨 让语文课本剧走进课堂 课堂教学微格分析 开展路队文化特色课程 培养学生良好行为习惯 奥尔夫音乐中韵白节奏在幼儿一日活动中的运用 参评主体 戴维洋 闫桂祥 孙洪美 周利斌 王向东 李权来 李清华 刘英丽 李德胜 朱瑞华 杨玉娟 韩秀华 李新连 夏洪全 李怀森 刘世龙 王怀国 于献玲 张克军 曹作红 鞠智学 李志喜 鞠保梅 刘福坤 刘志花 程金礼 程风奎 董素玲 李金荣 程荣光 刘瑞庆 田希美 王洪福 钟贵明 戴海燕 张涛 董修娟 赵玉升 赵爱晶 孙爱霞 王刚 刘福元 赵玉升 刘福元 娄树高 王刚 赵爱晶 韩芳 周春玲 韩淑燕 刘金英 王莉 附件二:


单位 安丘一中 兴华学校 东埠中学 兴安街道育英中学 一等奖(10项) 项目 深化“四有”“和雅”课堂建设的实践与研究 “问题课堂”对学生潜质的开发 “生活化随笔”作文教学法 初中生物“闲暇时间自主探究学习方法指导”研究 参评主体 马金建 薛建民 梁德才 陈树生 曹化宗 王海云 吕铁君 李世庆 马志强 张启成 杨君 马玉华 雷素贞 黄清华 栾丽桢 于建春 韩茂义 刘国新 王淑芳 董慧 hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central \s of party rules, and address of the party Constitution, be qualified party members\ducation is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On April 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this forum today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on %uctions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee \

spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for district-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about \ning\ng\, and strive to make people really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventually reached little success, is also leading a lesson in party lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education %ure\nt, practice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom \nd education, possibly quite a few comrades, saying \ery year, almost every year\h this in mind who may be many. If carrying this idea in mind, what does that tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the \Winkle\he end do not know what's going on. To realize \ning practice activities and education is the education of the party's mass line, \hree\cial education was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: \oyment of ' doing ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending from the concentrated education to regular education. \ntral Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the party's mass line education practice and\hree \ducation, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The \carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure to3

Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play grass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the party's rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committee's requirements into Department's request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by example, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strictsupervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the combat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active participate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex workmanagement good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, master members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the party's guiding ideology advancing with the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their构建“生命化课堂”,加快师生生命成石堆镇石堆学校 青云双语学校 景芝镇浯河中学 实验小学 兴安街道城北小学 大盛镇大盛学校 长 张玉洁数学“知识树”教学法 立足综合素质日常评价助推学生可持续发展 顺应天性发展 提升数学素养 目标激励阅读教学法 “古诗文大阅读”教学研究 高守良 岳乃山 赵坤亮 丘玉志 崔友华 徐军民 周凤娟 王瑞娟 赵瑞丽 陈玉娇 李建秀 刘文娟 曹敏 张薛文 张秀梅 朱洪星 曹学顺 王洁 黄冬芬 魏香玉 董希文 陈桂芝 房学明 刘福起 张玉洁 吴献升 黄淑芬 刘跃芹 臧振虹 二等奖(13项) 单位 安丘二中 青少年科技创新实践教育基地 辉渠镇辉渠中学 凌河镇中心学校 柘山镇柘山初级中学 新安街道中心学校 官庄镇关公学校 特殊教育学校 郚山镇吾山小学 大汶河开发区担山小学 大汶河开发区友戈小学 景芝镇工贸城学校 教育局托幼办 教学过程中如何对学生进行节约教育 “自主学习”模式构建 利用本土化资源,丰富农村幼儿园户外活动 曹瑞丰 吴焕霞 刘金英 谢世红 韩志文 王庆玉 潘红花 王姗姗 刘君德 李香艳 王永春 任延明 任延庆 李世栋 “五三”高效课堂的深化研究 基于学生信心教育的高效幸福课堂 初中英语单词教学的有效性研究——英语词汇“四步教学法” 自闭症儿童语言训练有效策略的探究 课堂教学中小组合作学习的有效性研究 以校本课程为依托,提高学生写字水平 王永亮 殷玉莲 孙建华 李建英 刘爱芳 刘建民 云增亮 曹庆祥 王海霞 辛增娟 李建斌 鞠录忠 范玉祥 曲继玲 吕以桓 张东升 任霞 田爱英 张玉娟 周绪玲 刘君秀 杜成举 蔡凤燕 王太全 陈安斌 张宝成 田百涛 焦玉贞 李术海 马忠军 实施精品课程 提升学生素养 “四纵八横,小组探究,动态管理”教学模式研究 “531”高效课堂教学模式的推广和应用研究 赵秀芹 田秀云 于秀华 刘树学 郭德强 李海峰 王来顺 李景明 张宪钦 高山 王振青 夏清溪 杨永华 高妮 李发全 项目 课堂教学学生注意力调控的研究 参评主体 陈会娟 孙颖华 都秀梅 刘学刚 战爱欣 单位 实验中学 青云学府 大汶河开发区海龙希望学校 金冢子镇金冢子初级中学 体育中学 石埠子镇庵上初级三等奖(8项) 项目 高中作文批改与讲评实效性研究 学生自主评改作文在新课改语文教学中的应用 九年一贯制教学与管理研究 课堂巧妙分组 减轻两极分化 用《课堂表现评价表》全面评价学生 作业小批语架起师生沟通的桥梁 参评主体 刘学珍 王向东 李燕 王成昌 李清华 夏美花 张盛昌 李晓明 葛淑莲 周爱梅 刘彤泉 刘浩泉 韩忠臣 王玉芹 王百福 初桂梅 王金玉 曹志艳 李玉红 王建军 戴维洋 闫桂祥 孙洪美 李秀娥 杨桂霞 张永祥 陈兆祥 鞠华荣 hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central \s of party rules, and address of the party Constitution, be qualified party members\ducation is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On April 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this forum today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on %uctions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee \

spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for district-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about \ning\ng\, and strive to make people really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventually reached little success, is also leading a lesson in party lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education %ure\nt, practice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom \nd education, possibly quite a few comrades, saying \ery year, almost every year\h this in mind who may be many. If carrying this idea in mind, what does that tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the \Winkle\he end do not know what's going on. To realize \ning practice activities and education is the education of the party's mass line, \hree\cial education was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: \oyment of ' doing ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending from the concentrated education to regular education. \ntral Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the party's mass line education practice and\hree \ducation, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The \carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure to4

Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play grass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the party's rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Committee's requirements into Department's request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by example, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the combat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active participate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex workmanagement good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, master members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the party's guiding ideology advancing with the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their中学 青云山小学 市直机关幼儿园 拼音教学自主学习模式的研究 让孩子舞动起来 姜虹 孙凯 韩秀霞 关雪霞 韩丽丽 马姚姚 王立梅 陈薇薇

hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address the series really is a qualified party members earlier this year, all party members to the Central \s of party rules, and address of the party Constitution, be qualified party members\ducation is an important decision. XI Jinping, Secretary General chaired a Politburo meeting in February, were devoted to educational programmes and made an important speech recently personally approved specific programmes, many important instructions. On April 6, 13th, 15th, the Central and autonomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held educational symposium, and related matters For specific deployment, we held on March 4, Hongshan district party working Conference also proposed to carry out this activity. All together this forum today, main purpose is to study and implement in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on \

spiritual education Symposium, arrangements for district-wide learning education. The following, I would like to stress four points, mainly talk about \ning\ng\, and strive to make people really figure out why, what to learn and how they learn, what to do, how to do it, eventually reached little success, is also leading a lesson in party lecture. After both leaders and the cadres, regardless of Branch Secretary or an ordinary party member, to implement certain boundaries education %ure\nt, practice speaking, speak much fanfare, innovation way, down to Earth, ensuring educational success. First, you know, pay special attention to education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thinking, and boredom \nd education, possibly quite a few comrades, saying \ery year, almost every year\h this in mind who may be many. If carrying tend do not know what's going on. To realize \ning practice activities and education is the education of the party's mass line, \hree\cial education was another important practice in implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: \oyment of ' doing ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expansion into the vast number of party members, extending from the concentrated education to regular education. \ntral Committee of the party must handle party, strictly administering the party, and has carried out the party's mass line education practice and\hree \ducation, but focus on the leading cadres above the county level. The \carried out in the whole party and all the party members. This is implemented strictly administering the party, an important measure touctions for learning education, studying and implementing the Central and autonomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee \does that tell, how the political consciousness is not strong and not see the pulse of the situation, no, the \Winkle\he 5

his idea in mind, what

