配套K12河北省临漳县2016高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解学生选练(3)

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高考英语冲刺阅读理解专。 NOT all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars. Often they relive these experiences. Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce , or possibly erase(抹去), the effect of painful memories.

In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased.

The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it. Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers' troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.

\want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions,\\

But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity (特质). They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past.

\but make us who we are. I'm not sure we want to wipe those memories out, \Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist(论理学家).

Some people fear that although the drug would first be uesed in only very serious cases, it would become more and more common. “ People always have the ability to



misuse science,” said Joseph Le Doux, a New York University memory researcher.” All we want to do is to help people have better control of memories.”

1. What’s the main idea of this passage? A People often suffer from bad memories.

B American researchers are trying to develop a pill. C Forget bad memories, and be happy. D The researh has caused a heated argument.

答案解析:答案为D。本题为主旨大意题。第一段引出话题人们想忘记痛苦的回忆,第二、三段介绍科学家研究可以消除痛苦回忆的药物,该研究引起了人们的激烈争论,有人支持,有人反对,文章的重心着重于人们的争论,文章的大意就是“研究引起了激烈的争论”。 故答案为D。

2. The underlinded word “ it “ in Para 4 refers to _______ A the new drug B the research into the drug C the bad memory D the chemical drug

答案解析:答案为B。本题为词义推理题。结合划线的 “it” 出现的语境 “The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it.” 可以推断,“it”指代的是“the research”,再结合前面第二、三段的内容可知,“it”指代的是对药物的研究,故答案为B。

3. Which of the opinions is NOT the opinion of the supporters? A The pill can erase all the memories of the past

B Some memories can ruin people’s lives. The pill can relieve emotional suffering. C The pill can also help many other types of people who suffer from terrible memories. D The pill can prevent or treat troubling memories in soldiers after war. 答案解析:答案为A。 本题为细节题。由第四段 “Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers' troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.” 和第五段 “Some memories can ruin people's lives . They come back to you when you don't want to have them in a 教案试题


daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions,” 可知,B、C、D选项是支持者的意见。

A选项 “药物可以抹去所有过去的回忆”表达有误。故答案为A。

4. Which of the opinion is not the opinion of the opponents? A Our memories give us our identity.

B The memories help human avoid mistakes of the past. C The drug should be used in only very serious cases.

D People may not be sure whether they want to wipe the memories out.

答案解析:答案为C。本题为细节题。由第六、七段可知,A、B、D选项都是反对者的意见。由最后一段首句 “ Some people fear that although the drug would first be uesed in only very serious cases…”可知,C选项是文中的一个事实,不是反对者的意见,故答案为C。

高考英语冲刺阅读理解。 Maggie was very glad that James was not a frequent visitor to the house. So far as the children were concerned, they had a mystery about him that stirred their imagination. He stirred Maggie’s anger, however, so that she often said to her husband, “It’s mercy that brother of yours doesn’t come often.”

In fact James came once a year, unexpectedly, around eight o’clock in the evening, and he stayed for six hours of close discussion with his brother. His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed. Not that he ever spoke to them or played with them. He took no notice of them, as if he was unable to see children, at least until the time came for him to go. Instead, after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, “You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie.” Such was his regard for her.

Maggie paid him back in her own way. She kept the children up, the four of them, to keep her company, she said, but of course they sang and made a noise and broke 教案试题


the endless sound of James’s voice. Very late, they dropped off to sleep in their chairs. Then, when James was about to go, Maggie woke them up and so more or less forced him to part with four shillings before he left. That gave her some satisfaction, for James, though rich, was mean. He always went home by the last train, just after two o’clock.

Maggie’s children secretly stared at their uncle. They could not forget that he had, in their mother’s words, “lost two wives and taken a third, ” They wondered about those two unfortunate lost ladies. They asked each other what their fate had been, and if neither could ever be found again. James never brought his third wife with him nor ever mentioned her. The children decided that he must be so frightened of losing her that he never allowed her outside the door.

1. The underlined word “mercy” in the text most probably means _______. A. loss B. wonder C. lucky thing D. terrible thing 答案解析:答案为C。本题为词义猜测题。由第一段的内容可知,Maggie非常高兴James不常来她家,James的到来只会让Maggie生气,于是她对她丈夫说:“你的弟弟不常来真是一件不错的事情。” 故 “mercy” 意思就是 “lucky thing(幸运事)”。故答案为C。

2. Maggie never prepared anything special for James because _______. A. he was a man difficult to please B. she never knew when he was coming

C. she was too busy looking after her children D. he never stayed long enough for a meal

答案解析:答案为B。本题为推理题。文中虽没有提及Maggie从不为James 准备特别的东西,但是可以根据文中第二段首句 “In fact James came once a year, unexpectedly, around eight o’clock in the evening…” 推断,James一年只来一次,而且是没有预料地到来,所以Maggie从不为James 准备特别的东西。故答案为B。

3. What do we know about James’ behavior? 教案试题


A. He was a kind man, with love for the family. B. He was generous, especially towards his brother.

C. He was anxious to please the family, especially the kids. D. He was rude to his sister-in-law.

答案解析:答案为D。本题为推理题。由第二段后面的内容 “Instead, after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, “You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie.” Such was his regard for her.” 可知James 不注意Maggie,除了说一句问候的话,可以推断,他对他的嫂子非常粗鲁,故答案为D。

4. Maggie felt pleased when _______.

A. she paid James the money that she owed him B. James gave some money to the children C. she had to wake James up to catch his train D. James thanked her for the nice supper

答案解析:答案为B。本题为细节推理题。由第三段 “Then, when James was about to go, Maggie woke them up and so more or less forced him to part with four shillings before he left. That gave her some satisfaction, for James, though rich, was mean.”可知,当James要离开的时候,Maggie把孩子们唤醒,或多或少地逼James给四个先令的钱孩子们,这才让她感到些许满意,因为James虽然有钱但是非常小气。 故答案为B。

5. The children did not realize that two of James’ wives _______.

A. had been dead B. suffered from loss of memory

C. had run away from him D. might appear again one day 答案解析:答案为A。本题为细节推理题。由最后一段 “Maggie’s children secretly stared at their uncle. They could not forget that he had, in their mother’s words, “lost two wives and taken a third, ” They wondered about those two unfortunate lost ladies. They asked each other what their fate had been, and if neither could ever be found again.” 可知,Maggie对孩子们说James失去了两位妻子,又娶了第三个,但是孩子们却想教案试题




It's typical of parents to feel depressed when the moment comes for their child to leave home and go to university.Even parents who don't speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because it's the end of an era where you and your family were at the centre of your child's world.As a parent you'll probably continue to support your child in different ways, but the main job of raising your child is over.It's a huge change for everyone involved.

There are a few things that you can do to make the change easier. Plan carefully for your child's departure and think about how you can help. Many parents take their child to university for the first time. If you decide to do that, be ready to feel a real sorrow when the time comes to say goodbye.Your child will probably be as nervous as you are about the moment when you finally say goodbye-but that might not show! Be positive and cheerful about the choice your child has made to continue studying, and plan to leave once you've unpacked the car and looked around your child's new living accommodations.If you can, save your tears for the car - you'll make things easier on your child and yourself.

The more you've invested in being a parent, the more you'll feela sense of loss, so the sadness you feel now is a sign that you've been a good morn or dad. Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who functions well without you.If your child quickly settles and starts enjoying himself, you should congratulate yourself.

Agree on the best approach to staying in touch before your child leaves, and stick to your agreement.Try not to panic if your child doesn't respond immediately-remember, they're starting a new and busy life.

59. Why do parents feel sad when their child leaves home for college? A. Because the absence of their child makes them feel lonely. B. Because their children will start a new life in college.

C. Because it means the end of love between parents and their child.



D. Because they are no longer the main focus of their children's life. 60. Which is advocated by the writer to make the departure easier? A. Let your child go to school alone. B. Make appropriate arrangements in advance. C. Stay calm when saying goodbye to your child. D. Keep cheerful when parting from your child. 61. What does good parenting really mean?

A. Supporting your child in different ways all the time. B. Congratulating yourself when your child goes to college. C. Preparing your child to stand on their own feet in the future. D. Investing as much as possible in the growth of your child. 62. What would be an appropriate title for the whole passage? A. Staying in Touch with Your Child B. Parenting——a Complex Task

C. Being Prepared for Your Child Leaving Home for University D. Life when Your Child Has Left Home for University 【参考答案】59-62:DBCC


When asking how they define the American Dream and chances, most people will say,\.\The dream of individual opportunity has been present in America since Europeans discovered \. Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur highly praised the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land. His enthusiastic descriptions of a classless society where anyone could.attain success through honesty and hard work motivated the imaginations of many European readers.In Letters from an American Farmer(1782)he wrote, \are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered(无拘无束的)and unrestricted, because each person works for himself…We have no princes, for whom we work, starve, and bleed. We are the most perfect society now existing in the world.\The promise of a land where \of his labor with equal steps\drew poor immigrants from Europe into the western lands. Our national historical story is full of illustration of the American success story. For instance, Benjamin Franklin was the very model of the self-educated, 教案试题


self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman. In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became American's best-selling author with his rags-to-riches tales, The idea of success impressed us: we spend millions every year reading about the rich and famous, leaming how to \(房地产)with no money down,\and \.\affected our personal relationships: today it's as important to be \parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.

But dreams easily turn into nightmares(梦魇).Every American who hopes to \it\between the haves and the have-nots, the stars and the unknown crowd.Under pressure of the story, we become lost in status symbols: we try to live in the \neighborhoods, wear the \.These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet try as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.

63. What is the r ature of the American Dream according to Crevecoeur? A. People are free to develop their power of imagination. B. People who have a good marriage can succeed. C. People are free from being used and treated badly. D. People can fully enjoy individual freedom.

64. By saying \rewards of a man's industry follow the progress of his labor with equal steps\.

A. the more hard-working one is, the bigger his returns are B. hard work ensures the growth of an industry C. a man's business should be developed step by step D. a comp.any's success depends on its employees' hard work 65. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that .

A. business success often contributes to a successful marriage B. Americans wish to succeed in every aspect of life C. good personal relationships lead to business success

D. successful business people provide good care for their children

66. Which of the following is contradictory according to the American culture? A. The American road to success is full of nightmares. 教案试题


B. Status symbols are not a real symbol of a person's wealth. C. The American Dream is nothing but an empty dream.

D. What Americans fight for often disagrees with their beliefs. 【参考答案】63-66:DABD


A single tumor(肿瘤)can be made up of many separate cancers needing different treatments, say researchers.

A team at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, has developed a new technique for measuring the diversity within a cancer. They showed \differences between cancerous cells and say traditional drugs may fail as they may be unable to kill all the mutated (突变)tissue.Experts said the f'mdings would have \.

A tumor starts as a single cell, which acquires mutations and eventually divides uncontrollably.But that is not the end of the process. Cancerous cells continue to mutate and become more aggressive, move round the body and resist drugs. This process is disordered and results in a \that have mutated in different ways.

\the BBC. His team at the Institute of Cancer Research investigated cancer diversity in five children with leukemia.They compared mutations in individual cancerous cells with a known database of mutations.Their results, published in the journal Genome Research, showed patients had between 2 and 10 genetically distinct leukemia.Prof Greaves said:\patient doesn't have one cancer, they have multiple cancers. This is really a technical advance to get at this extraordinary complex diversity; it helps explain why we have such difficulty with advanced diseases.\

Scientists compare cancer diversity to a tree. The initial mutations the trunk will be common to all cancer cells. But then the tumor branches out. It means a treatment that targets one \or sub-clone of the cancer might slow the disease, but they will never stop it. Prof Charles Swanton, who researches diversity at the University College London Cancer Institute, told the BBC:\(修剪) the branches not cutting down the tree; treatment will remove some of the sub-clones, but cutting down the tree is hard to do. The bottom line is that we need 教案试题


to understand cancer diversity to limit further adaptations, reduce the pace of evolution and prolong the activity of drugs.\

67. Why do the traditional drugs have no effects on treatment of cancer? A. They are worsening the condition.

B. They are unable to kill the constantly changing cancerous cells. C. It takes a long time for them to have effects. D. They are not powerful enough.

68. From paragraph 3, we can know that . A. mutation takes place in body in order B. the process of mutation comes to an end soon C. the mutations are out of control eventuaily D. cancerous cells mutate in the same way

69. Scientists compare cancer diversity to a tree because . A. cancers develop quickly just like a tree

B. treating cancers is as difficult as cutting down a tree C. tumor needs nutrition when mutating

D. new tumor will come out during the mutating process 70. The passage mainly talks about .

A. the tumor is constantly mutating in different ways B. cancer is impossible to treat C. a new drug for cancer will be on sale D. why cancers resist drugs 【参考答案】67-70:BCDA


