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1)辅音+元音的连读(Consonant + Vowel) 2)辅音+辅音的连读 3)元音+元音的连读
4)T, D, S 或 Z + Y的连读 1. 辅音+元音的连读
一般来说中国人比较熟悉这种连读——前一个词由辅音结尾,后一个词由元音开头,于是就很自然地连起来了,比如: My name is… [my nay?miz] because I’ve. [b'k'z?iv]
pick up on the American intonation… [pi?k? pan the(y) ?mer'k? nin?t?nash?n] 不只是句子中,读字母缩写也可以连读: LA [eh?Lay]
902 5050 [nai?no?too fai?vo?fai?vo] 再来几个简单例子: hold on [hol don] turn over [tur nover]
tell her I miss her [teller I misser]
因为这种连读一般初中生都会,在这里就不详细介绍了,重头戏在后面,马上开演。 2. 辅音+辅音的连读
这个很难用文字描述,放到最后再讲。 3. 元音+元音的连读
如果前一个词是由元音结尾,下一个词由元音开头,那么,在后面加上一个辅音[w] 如果前一个词是由元音结尾,下一个词由元音开头,那么,在后面加上一个辅音[y] 只说规则似乎有点不好理解,看例子就明白了。 Go away. [Go(w)away]
在电影Big Fish中,巨人Carl说过这句话。因为巨人说话又慢又重,所以那个w很明显。 再来看一个例子:
I also need the other one. [I(y)also need thee(y)other one]
go anywhere [go(w)anywhere] so honest [so(w)honest] through our [through(w)our] you are [you(w)are] he is [he(y)is] do I? [do(w)I?] I asked [I(y)asked] to open [to(w)open]
she always [she(y)always] too often [too(w)often] 4. T, D, S 或 Z + Y的连读
如果前面的单词是以T/D/S/Z结尾,后面的单词是以Y开头(一般是you这个词),那么有如下的连读规则可以使用。 4.1. T + Y = CH
What’s your name? [w?cher name] Can’t you do it? [k?nt chew do(w)it] Actually [?k·chully]
Don’t you like it? [dont chew lye kit] Wouldn’t you? [wooden chew] Haven’t you? [h?ven chew] No, not yet. [nou, n? chet]
I’ll let you know. [I'll letcha know]
Can I get you a drink? [k'n?i getchew? drink]
We thought you weren’t coming. [we th? chew wrnt k?ming] I’ll bet you ten bucks he forgot. [?l betcha ten buxee frg?t] Is that your final answer? [is th?chr fin'l?n sr] natural [n?chr?l]
perpetual [perpech?(w)?l] virtual [vrch?(w)?l] 4.2. D + Y = J
Did you see it? [didj? see(y)it]
How did you like it? [h?o?j? lye kit] Could you tell? [küj? tell]
Where did you send your check? [wεrj? senjer check] What did your family think? [w?jer f?mlee think] Did you find your keys? [didj? fine jer keez]
We followed your instructions. [we fallow jerin str?ctionz] Congratulations! [k'ngr?j'lationz] education [edj?·cation] individual [ind?vij?(w)?l] graduation [gr?j?(w)ation] gradual [gr?j?(w)?l] 4.3. S + Y = SH
Yes, you are. [yeshu are] Insurance [inshurance] Bless you! [blesshue]
Press your hands together. [pressure hanz d'gethr] Can you dress yourself? [c 'new dreshier self]
You can pass your exams this year. [yuk'n p?sher egz?mz thisheer] I’ll try to guess your age. [?l tryd? geshierage]
Let him gas your car for you. [leddim g?shier c?r fr you] 4.4. Z + Y = ZH
How’s your family? [h?ozhier f?mlee] How was your trip? [h?o·w?zhier trip] Who’s your friend? [hoozhier frend]
Where’s your mom? [wεrzh'r m?m]
When’s your birthday? [wεnzh'r brthday] She says you’re OK. [she sεzhierou kay] Who does your hair? [hoo d?zhier hεr] casual [k?·zhy?(w)?l] visual [vi·zhy?(w)?l] usual [yu?zhy?(w)?l] version [vrzh'n] vision [vizh'n]
附录: 音节省略和连读放在一起 I have got to go. I’ve gotta go. I have got a book. I’ve gotta book.
Do you want to dance? Wanna dance? Do you want a banana? Wanna banana? Let me in. Lemme in. Let me go. Lemme go.
I’ll let you know. I’ll letcha know. Did you do it? Dija do it? Not yet. N? chet.
I’ll meet you later. I’ll meechu layder. What do you think? Whaddyu think?
What did you do with it? Whajoo do with it? How did you like it? Howja like it? When did you get it? When ju geddit? Why did you take it? Whyju tay kit?
Why don’t you try it? Why don chu try it?
What are you waiting for? Whaddya waitin’ for? What are you doing? Whatcha doin’? How is it going? Howzit going?
Where’s the what-you-may-call-it? Where’s the whatchamacallit? Where’s what-is-his-name? Where’s whatsizname? How about it? How ’bout it?
He has got to hurry because he is late. He’s gotta hurry ‘cuz he’s late. I could’ve been a contender. I coulda bina contender.
Could you speed it up, please? Couldjoo spee di dup, pleez? Would you mind if I tried it? Would joo mindifai try dit? Aren’t you Bob Barker? Arnchoo Bab Barker?
Can’t you see it my way for a change? K?nchoo see it my way for achange? Don’t you get it? Doancha geddit?
I should have told you. I shoulda toljoo. Tell her (that) I miss her. Teller I misser. Tell him (that) I miss him. Tellim I missim. Did you eat? Jeet? No, did you? No, joo?
Why don’t you get a job? Whyncha getta job? I don’t know, it’s too hard. I dunno, stoo h?rd. Could we go? Kwee gou? Let’s go! Sko!
同化是两个音相互作用,导致最后产生另外一个音的现象,这样可以使句子显得更流畅。 1. /s/+/j/→/?/ 如:this year等
(1) I guess you’re right. 我想你是对的。 (2) I miss you. 我想念你。
2. /z/+/j/→/?/
(1) What brings you here? 什么风把你刮到这儿来了? (2) I’m not gonna lose you again.
3. /t/+/j/→/?/ 如:congratulation、last year等
(1) Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。(第二次见面就说Nice to see you.) (2) What you doing? 你在做什么?
4. /d/+/j/→/?/ 如:education等
(1)Pinned ya. 压在你身上了。(《狮子王》中的一句台词,听起来是/?pin??/。这两个单词包含的发音规则有弱读+同化。) (2)How did you like it? 你觉得怎样?
在正常英语口语中,连读现象比比皆是。有些较短的句子听起来简直就像一个单词,所以学好连读是通向流利英语必经之路。 1.词尾辅音+词首元音
这种连读最常见也最简单,把相邻的两个单词想象成一个单词即可。 (1) I’m so fed up with him. 他让我烦透了。 (2) I’ve already made up my mind. 我意已决。 (3) That is so gross [ɡr?us].太俗了。
(4) Turn on the juice. 合上开关,恢复通电。(juice也有电的意思)
A:以/u/、/?/、/au/、/o/结尾的单词与跟在后面的元音连读时,两个元音之间加上一个较轻的/w/,这样过渡就会很自然。 (1) Just do it. 尽管去做吧! (2) It’s snowing. 下雪了。 (3) Don’t blow it. 别搞砸了。 (4) So easy. 太简单了。
B:如果单词结尾是/i/、/ai/、/e/结尾并与其后的元音连读,则两个元音见带上一个较弱的/j/。 (1) My aunt will come to see us today.姑妈今天回来看我们。
(2) I hate to say it, but you really should pay me back the money. 我真的不想说这个,但是你借我的钱应该还给我了。 不完全爆破
发音方法为:第一个爆破音不发声,只需做出发音的姿势,稍作停顿马上过渡到下一个音。例如,Goodbye中的/d/就不能发出声来,如果读成/gud'bai/就会显得很生硬。 (一) 爆破音+爆破音
6个爆破音中任意两个紧挨在一起,则第一个爆破音失去爆破。 大家一起来学习下面的例子: hot day red coat good time old picture sit down football cheap book blackboard 1. What are we supposed to do? 我们该怎么办? 2. Let’s get down to business. 我们开始说正事。 (二) 爆破音+摩擦音/破擦音 outside good friends last Sunday big change 1. You’re a beautiful person inside and outside. 你真是秀外慧中。 2. I’m not fat, I’m big boned. 我不胖,我只是骨架大。 (三) 爆破音+破擦音
picture lecture Fat chance ancient China 1. I’m going give you one last chance. 我在给你最后一次机会。 2. Good-bye to this dead-end job! 别了,这份没前途的工作! (四) 鼻腔爆破
其发音要领为:/t/或/d/与/n/同时发音,两者相互作用导致鼻腔爆破,最后发出的音既不是/t/或/d/,也不是单独的/n/。 garden Britain important certain bread and butter 1. I feel like I am not important to you. 我感觉我对你一点也不重要。 2. I lost my student ID card. 我的学生证丢了。 (五) 舌边爆破 mostly absolutely bustling unlikely 1. You are absolutely right. 你完全正确。 2. We are free at last! 我们终于自由了! 弱读
下面介绍常用单词的弱读形式 单词 and can are was them/him 弱读音标 /n/ /k?n/ /r/ /w?z/ /?m/ 疯狂操练 You n’ me are pretty good friends. I can drive a car. We’re from Hunan. How was your winter break? 1. Kill ’em.(kill him也弱读为/?kil?m/) 2. God bless him. I’ll tell ’er. (连读) At the same time. her at /?r/ /?t/ to of /t?/或/t/ /?v/ /?/ /f?r/ /y?/ I have ta go. 1. Do you want a cup of water? 2. It’s kinda funny. (a kind of) I will be right here waiting for you. 1. See ya. 2. Let me tell ya. for you 缩读
大部分的缩读情况可以理解为弱读+连读。如果能够灵活运用弱读和缩读的话,那么你的口语又会更上一层楼了。 标准形式 because don’t know give me going to go to 缩读形式 ’cause /k?z/ dunno /d?’no/ gimme /g?m?/ gonna /’gan?/ gatta /’gat?/ 实用例句 ’Cause I don't give a damn. Sorry, I don’t know. 1. Gimme five. That’s I was gonna say. 1 I gotta go. 2. You gotta move on with your life. 你得继续你自己的生活。 1. I wanna be different. want to wanna /’wan?/ -ing out of had/would have 口语要素
2. I wanna change my life! -in’ /?n/(一般用于进1. What’s goin’ on? 行时) 2. What’s happenin’? outta /’aut?/ Let’s get outta here. ’d /d/ That’d be great. 那太好了。 ’ve /v/ I've heard so much about you. 1. You can say that again. 你说的没错。 2. Give me a break. 别逗了。 3. I’ll say. 的确。(Yes, definitely.) 4. Nothing doing! 没门! 5. Call him off. 叫他收手吧。 BONUS and的弱读
我们读英语时每当碰到and时,一般都会读作/?nd/,殊不知,在美语口语里面,and通常只需弱读为/?n/,甚至是一个简单的鼻音/n/。当说话者需要强调时则会把and读作/?nd/.如果能够掌握好这个发音规则,我们的口语将更加流畅,听力理解也更加畅听无阻。 1. Struggle n’ strife come before success. 成功之前必有一番挣扎和竞争。 2. I have traveled through time n’ space to find you. 我穿越了时空找到了你。 3. Without you, my life will be blank n’ white. 没有你,我的生活将暗淡无光。
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