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2010届英语高考新题型 备考策略及解题技巧

福建师大附中 郭圣光

短文填词在福建省新高考中是新题型,属于主观题部分。短文填词重点考查语篇理解和语言表达能力。 选材符合考生的书面表达水平,短文词数在130左右,共设10小题,第一行不设题,其余每行挖空一处设一题;考查以实词为主,兼顾其他词类。每个空格根据提示用一个单词的适当形式填空,提示的方式有:汉语提示、首字母提示和纯语境提示。考生必须在理解短文内容的基础上,把握短文主旨大意,根据上下文的语境和提示运用所学的语言知识进行填空,使短文语篇完整。 这就要求考生熟练掌握高考要求的词汇,不仅要有扎实的单词拼写能力,还要有较强的语篇理解能力和写作能力。 一、命题特点:

1. 题材贴近考生生活,是考生所熟悉的话题。 2. 考查考生的词汇掌握情况 3. 考查考生的语言基础知识 4. 考查考生的语篇理解能力(对语篇主旨大意的理解能力和上下文结构的分析能力,重视语篇的衔接和上下文的关联。)

5. 考查考生综合应用英语知识进行语言表达的能力。

题材范例一( 09福建高考)有关学生如何写好作文的建议 Mr. Smith offers us some advice on how to write a

good composition, which i______the following steps. 76.______ Firstly, we should read the topic c ____and organize our ideas. 77._____ Then we start to shape our thoughts ____ our own word and finish 78.____ our writing in the g____ time. After that, we have to check our 79._____ compositions, paying attention to_____(语法)and spelling. It is very 80.____ important to read them aloud to (自己)or someone else . 81.______ Lastly, we had better ask our teachers or classmates for 82.______ advice on how to improve our writing. If ____(可能), we may leave 83.____ them alone for some time before reading again, _____will help a 84.____

great deal. I hope you will b_____ a lot from the advice above. 85.____

题材范例二(09年省质检) ( 学生交友书信) Dear Sally,

Hi! I’m Li Ying,your new pen friend from Fujian,China. I got your name


and address from a magazine and thought I would w to you. Well, 76.____ let me start by telling you something about . I’m a high school 77.____ student of seventeen. I have many hobbies, among reading novels and 78._ collecting 邮票)are my favorites. I love the outdoors,especially 79. the sea and I’ve been on several tours abroad. I also enjoy (听) 80.____

to both pop and classical music. In a word, I’m a (谦虚的), 81._____ patient and caring person. I guess life in London must wonderful 82.___ with so many places of i __o visit and so much tasty food to enjoy. I 83.____ hope to visit London d my holidays because I would really like to 84._ learn more about your culture. I’m l forward to hearing from you. 85.____

Yours, Li Ying

题材范例三:福州市09高三期末质检 ( 学生有关环保的书信) Dear Jack,

I am writing to invite you to the fashion show to be held in our

school hall this Wednesday on 20ths June to r________ awareness 76.____ of environmental ______( 保护)among middle school students. 77._____ All the clothing in the show will be m______ _from waste 78.______ products,____ as used newspapers, plastic packaging bags, 79._______ rubbish bags and some o____ waste. Moreover, the fashion show 80.________ will have v______of themes. There you will surely be able to see 81._______ colorful ______ ( 风格)fashionable designs. I believe the show 82.______ won’t be ___( 失望)as all the designers are required to combine 83._____ fashion _____ the theme “ A green world.” 84. _______ What might s_____ you is that all the designers are coming 85._______ From our school! If you are interested, call me before the weekend!

Yours ,


题材范例四 ( 分组习作)自愿者行动

Volunteering can make the difference in people. It teaches many important aspects and can benefit o____and us at the same time can 76.______ described as _______something good for people and animals 77._________ (没有) pay or expectations of anything in return. It can be something 78.______ simple ____complex, but if it is helpful, it is worthwhile. Just offering 79.____ your ear, giving a hug, or ____(分享) a smile with a stranger helps. It is 80.___ always believed that the little things in life could b___ in so many rewards. 81. Love is the greatest thing and volunteering is one of the easiest______(方式) 82. to strongly feel love. When you see a smile on a child’s face a____you 83._____


showed them ____ to play basketball, for example, it lets you feel great 84.__ inside. Helping people may m ____the volunteer a better person . 85. _____

考查单词拼写的范例: (09福建高考)

After that, we have to check our 79. ____

compositions, paying attention to ______语法) and spelling. 80.___

( 09福建省质检)

to both pop and classical music. In a word, I’m a _____(谦虚的), 81.____ patient and caring person. I guess life in London must __wonderful. 82.____

考查词类、词义、词形变化的范例:( 09福建高考) Mr. Smith offers us some advice on how to

write a good composition, which i________ the following steps. 76. _______

If _______ (可能), we may leave 83. ____ them alone for some time before reading again,

( 09 福州市高三期末质检)

school hall this Wednesday on 20ths June to r_____ awareness 76._______ of environmental ________( 保护) among middle school students. 77.________

There you will surely be able to see 81.________

colorful ______ ( 风格)fashionable designs. I believe the 82._______

考查考生的语言基础知识的范例 ( 09 福建高考)

Then we start to shape our thoughts_____ our own word and finish 78.______ our writing in the g_____ time. After that, we have to check our 79.________

( 09 福建高考)

we may leave 83. ____ them alone for some time before reading again, _______ will help a 84._____ great deal. I hope you will b_______a lot from the advice above. 85._______

考查考生的语篇理解能力的范例 ( 09 福建高考)

After that, we have to check our 79.___ compositions, paying attention to ___(语法)and spelling. It is very 80._____


important to read them aloud to_____(自己)or someone else . 81.___

(09 福州高三质检)

All the clothing in the show will be m______ _from waste 78.______ products, ____ as used newspapers, plastic packaging bags, 79._______

( 命题培训)

It teaches many important

aspects and can benefit o____ _and us at the same time can 76._ described as____ something good for people and animals 77._____ _____ (没有) pay or expectations of anything in return. It can be something 78. simple ___complex, but if it is helpful, it is worthwhile. Just 79._____



1. 熟练掌握基本词汇, 就是考试说明中表一的不带*号的和表二中带●的词汇。

特别应该注意常用的、复现率较高的单词。同时应注意单词在行文中的词性和词形的变化,与上下文的结构保持一致。教师应引导学生构建词汇网络系统,灵活多样地复习词汇。可以: A. 利用构词法巧记单词:

合成法:(Compounding 由两个或更多的词合成一个词)

n. textbook, airline, airport, bridegroom, mainland, broadcast, chairman, toothbrush, sightseeing, handwriting ,breakthrough, postcard, postcode, income, weekend, weekday, typewriter,* washroom, * watermelon, spaceship, southeast, software,somebody, somehow, southwest, notebook, overcoat, headmaster, mankind, * thunderstorm, *underwear, passer-by *,headmaster, mankind, * thunderstorm, *underwear,

passer-by * outline, * output, haircut, housewife, housework, postman, policeman, underground *deadline, *database, shopkeeper, shortcoming, skateboard, pancake 薄煎饼 , teapot,v. * overlook, overcome, * underline, * undertake, *download

adj. hardworking, outstanding ,outgoing, *outspoken, *overhead, *

overweight,part-time, passport

adv. *nationwide, nowadays worldwide, sometimes, somewhere

pron. somebody, someone, something, whatever, whichever, everybody,

派生法(Derivation: 由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词)


前缀:asleep, aside, apart, *enlarge, disability, disabled, disadvantage, disagree, disappear, disappoint, * discourage, encourage, unfair, unusual, illegal ,international, Internet, impossible, re-act, *microscope, *microwave, translate, transport,

后缀:postage, package, artist, *pianist *novelist, treatment, entertainment, encouragement, equipment, treatment, relationship, scholarship, friendship, enjoyable, reasonable, comfortable

转化法:(Conversion:由一种词性转化为另一种词性) ship n. 船,轮船 vi. 用船装运 ;

hand n. 手;指针 v. 递;给;交付 交上;

water n. 水v. 浇水

wave n.(热、光、声等的)波,波浪 v. 挥手,挥动,波动

利用联想法进行记忆和复习 如:近义词或词组的联想(focus/ concentrate; throw away /break away from / get rid of a bad habit; be laid off / be dismissed /be fired ;

反义词或词组联想 ( former →latter ; allow/permit →forbid ; be for /be in favor of →be against / object to / oppose/ be opposed to; hire sb. / take on sb/ employ sb. →fire sb/ lay sb off/ dismiss sb. )

C. 对有规律的词形变化进行归纳

( able→ ability; responsible→ responsibility ; possible →possibility; decide→ decision ; conclude→ conclusion ; divide→ division; center→ central; enter →entrance;

explain →explanation; pronounce →pronunciation; repeat →repetition; anxious → anxiety; various →variety

produce →production, introduce →introduction ;reduce →reduction act →action →active; protect →protection →protective attract →attraction →attractive

admit →admission, permit →permission, actor →actress; waiter →waitress;

steward →stewardess; host →hostess ;announce →announcement ; argue →argument;

D. 对一些单词拼写规律进行归纳

belief/chief/relief/ believe/ chief /handkerchief →receive/ceiling/ seize ( i before e, except c );

apart /apologize/apology /aware →appear/appoint, disappoint/ apparent /approve /approval/ attach/ attract/ attack/ appeal/ affect/affection/ attitude/ altitude →institute

E. 对一些易混易错的单词拼写进行归纳


→primary /contrary/temporary/contemporary/secretary/ library editor/doctor/director/conductor /emperor/ author / ancestor


government/ environment ; collar /dollar / familiar/ similar/ particular/regular grammar →hammer ; corporation →cooperation

2. 灵活运用词组,特别注意习惯搭配。

be made up of / consist of ;

be used to /be adjusted to /be accustomed to , be adapted to ;

lead to /contribute to /be devoted to /look forward to /stick to /be related to be proud of /be accused of/ be aware of / be fond of;

be crazy about/ be enthusiastic about /be concerned about / be particular about /be curious about

be charged with/ be combined with/ fit in with; be associated with/ be connected with

take delight in /take part in/ take pride in /be active in / show interest in ;

3. 熟练掌握基本语法知识

( 如非谓语动词、倒装、主谓一致、动词的时态、语态、名词性从句、定语从句、复合句等)

4. 强化培养语篇意识


(不论是根据汉语提示、首字母提示还是语境提示)都需要只能根据上下文的逻辑关系才能写出。 因此除了多进行专题训练之外,还可以有意识地背诵一些体裁多样、题材丰富的短文,以培养语感。

5. 提高书面表达能力



A. 通读全文 ,把握大意。

借助首句(不设题)快速通读全文,从总体上把握文章主旨。 B. 整体把握, 逐项填空。

把握“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,结合上下文语境,分析句子结构并应用已有的句法和词汇知识进行填空。可以跳过不会的空格,注意文章的前后呼应和对比,根据文章内容进行填空。 C. 字斟句酌, 通篇检查。




