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毕业设计(论文) 福安研究

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东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 I 页


摘 要

福建福安市电机电器工业是福建省机械工业最典型的产业集群现象,其产值约占全省电工电器行业产值的20%。它生产的中小型电机约占全国同类产品产量的三分之一。福安电机电器工业在当地国民经济中占据极为重要的地位,是福安经济的支柱和主要增长点,福安长期以来也享有“中国电机电器城”的美称。 本文分两部分展开对福安中小电机业的研究。一部分介绍福安电机产业集群状况,分析其现存的几个主要问题,并站在政府立场结合产业集群理论提出几点建议。另一部分立足于提高福安电机企业竞争力,通过对福安电机行业的五力分析,了解福安电机行业的盈利能力,并在此基础上提出企业应实施的战略。


东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页 The Research of Small and Medium-sized Electric Machines in Fuan City

Author:Li Wenkai

Tutor:Liu Bingde


Fujian Fuan City industry of electric motor and electrical equipment is the one of the most representative phenomenon of industry cluster in Fujian Province mechanical industry. Its output value of small and medium-sized electric machines accounts for 20% of the whole province’s electrical equipment industry. The output amount of small and medium-sized electric machines from this region takes up 1/3 of that of the whole nation. Fuan electric motor and electrical equipment industry plays a significant role in the development of local national economy, being considered to be the main growth point of local economy and called \This paper launched a research on small and medium- sized electric machines in Fuan city from two angles. The first one inferred the situation of Fuan electric machine industrial cluster as well as the analysis of the temporary existed problems, and then propose a few of suggestions on the part of local government. The second part focus on the improvement of the competitiveness of Fuan electric machine enterprises, through the application of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model into the local industry of electric machine, consequently carried out some strategies local enterprises should take.

Key Words: small and medium-sized electric machines, Five Forces Model, industrial


东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 III 页

目 录

1 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景和研究意义 ............................................ 1 1.2 所要解决的主要问题 ............................................ 2 1.3 研究方法、创新之处和不足之处 .................................. 2 2 波特五力分析模型及产业集群理论综述 ............................... 3 2.1 波特五力分析模型(MICHAEL PORTER'S FIVE FORCES MODEL) ............ 3 2.1.1 供应商的讨价还价能力 ...................................... 3 2.1.2 购买者的讨价还价能力 ...................................... 4 2.1.3 新进入者的威胁 ............................................ 4 2.1.4 替代品的威胁 .............................................. 4 2.1.5 行业内现有竞争者的竞争 .................................... 5 2.2 产业集群的理论 ................................................ 5 2.2.1 产业集群的基本概念与含义 .................................. 5 2.2.2 产业集聚与产业集群 ........................................ 7 2.2.3 产业集群的竞争优势 ........................................ 8 3 福安中小电机产业集群分析 ........................................ 10 3.1 福安电机产业集群发展状况 ..................................... 10 3.2 福安电机电器产业集群整体评价 ................................. 12 3.3 福安电机产业存在的具体问题 ................................... 13 3.3.1 产业集群内部缺乏凝聚力 ................................... 13 3.3.2 企业技术创新水平低 新产品开发滞后 ........................ 13 3.3.3 品牌缺位 ................................................. 14 3.3.4 产业链结构不尽合理 配件采购成本较高 ...................... 14 3.4 政府对策 ..................................................... 15 3.4.1 促进企业间的合作和结网 发挥区域网络优势 .................. 15 3.4.2 扶持企业有侧重 发挥质量和产品差异化优势 .................. 15 3.4.3 培育企业的核心竞争力 发挥技术创新优势 .................... 16 3.4.4 发挥区域品牌优势 区域品牌和企业品牌并举 .................. 16 4 福安中小电机行业分析 ............................................ 18 4.1 中小电机行业的行业环境 ....................................... 18 4.1.1 新进入者的威胁 ........................................... 18 4.1.2 供应商讨价还价的能力 ..................................... 19 4.1.3 买方讨价还价的能力 ....................................... 19 4.1.4 当前竞争对手之间竞争的激烈程度 ........................... 20 4.1.5 替代品的威胁 ............................................. 21 4.2 福安电机企业策略 ............................................. 21 结 论 ........................................................... 24 致 谢 ........................................................... 25

东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 IV 页

参考资料 ........................................................... 26 附 录 ........................................................... 27 附录A ............................................................ 27 附录B ............................................................ 30

