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A. personal B. activate 活化 C. balance D. detect 发觉 E. aware F. noticed G. disappear H. rational 理性的 I. positive J. responsible K. exception L. explain M. endeavors 努力 N. reasonable O. characteristic
As leaders and professionals, we are called upon to be at our best all of the time. Not only do we need to maintain and improve personal performance, but we as project managers and program managers are frequently 1. J. responsible for the performance of others. One challenge is how we manage many of our 2.I. positive and negative feelings that inevitably不可避免的 come our way in the course of在。期间 our professional 3. O. characteristic . I have been thinking about how we can be more 4. E. aware of what happens inside of us emotionally—our 5.A. personal feelings—that needs to be managed in order to achieve top project performance consistently.
We all have less than positive feelings at times and we often judge how things are going by the current 6.C. balance between positive and negative feelings. One point of distinction is to think about the word \7.H. rational thoughts. Thinking about \and what is not, but rather coming to grips with how we \Leaders are no 8.K. exception when it comes to experiencing feelings. While it can be tempting as a leader to put aside anger, fear, or sadness \maintain later focus, doing so does not make the feelings 9. F. noticed . If we deny our feelings, \压抑\them, or \them under the rug\they tend to come forth indirectly, and others will 10.B. activate them anyway. It is much more effective to carve out time to reflect, and allow yourself and your team members to feel what you are feeling, individually and collectively.
Why We Laugh
We start finding things laughable or not laughable early in life. An infant first smiles at about eight days of age. Many psychologists feel this is an infant's first sign of simple pleasure—food, warmth and comfort. At six months or less, the infant laughs to express complex pleasures—such as the sight of mother's smiling face.In his book Beyond Laughter, psychologist Martin Grotjahn says that the earlier infants begin to smile and laugh, the more advanced is their development. Studies revealed that children who did not develop these responses (because they lacked an intimate, loving relationship) \(精神分裂的) psychosis (精神病) in later life, or simply give up and die\
Between the ages of six months and one year, babies learn to laugh for essentially the same reason they will laugh throughout their lives, says Dr Jacob Levine, associate professor of psychology at Yale University. Dr Levine says that people laugh to express mastery掌握 over an anxiety. Picture what happens when parents toss children into the air. The children will probably laugh—but not the first time. In spite of their enjoyment of \
too anxious to laugh. How do they know Mommy or Daddy will catch them? Once the
children realize they will be caught, they are free to enjoy the game. But more importantly, says Dr Levine, the children laugh because they have mastered an anxiety.
Adult laughter is more subtle (微妙的), but we also laugh at what we used to fear. The feeling of achievement, or lack of it, remains a crucial重要的 factor. Giving a first dinner party is an anxious event for new couples. Will the food be good? Will the guests get along? Will they be good hosts? All goes well; the party is over. Now they laugh freely. Their pleasure from having proved their success is the foundation for their pleasure in recalling the evening's activities. They could not enjoy the second pleasure without the first, more important one—their mastery of anxiety.
Laughter is a social response triggered by cues. Scientists have not determined a brain center for laughter, and they are confused by patients with certain types of brain damage who go into laughing fits for no apparent reason. The rest of us require company, and a reason to laugh.
When we find ourselves alone in a humorous situation, our usual response is to smile. Isn't it true that our highest compliment to a humorous book is to say that \loud\?Of course, we do occasionally laugh alone; but when we do, we are, in a sense, socializing with ourselves. We laugh at a memory, or at a part of ourselves.
Practically every philosopher since Plato has written on how humor and laughter are created, but Sigmund Freud was the first to evolve发展出a conclusive theory. Freud recognized that we all repress certain basic but socially \Jokes, not accidentally, are often based on either sex or aggression, or both. We find these jokes funny because they provide a sudden release of our normally suppressed压抑的 drives. We are free to enjoy the forbidden, and the energy we normally use to inhibit (抑制) these drives is discharged in laughter.Another reason laughter is pleasurable is because of the physical sensation involved. Laughter is a series of minor facial and respiratory (呼吸的) convulsion (震动) that stimulates our respiratory and circulatory systems. It activates the secretion (分泌) of adrenalin (肾上腺素) and increases the blood flow to the head and brain. The total effect is one of euphoria (欣快症).
Of course, we do not always need a joke to make us laugh. People who survive frightening situations, such as a fire or an emergency plane landing, frequently intersperse散布 their story of the crisis with laughter. Part of the laughter expresses relief that everything is now all right. During a crisis, everyone mobilizes动员 energy to deal with the potential problem. If the danger is avoided, we need to release that energy. Some people cry; others laugh. Part of the integral整体 pleasure of a joke is getting the point. But if the sexual or
aggressive element of the joke is too thinly disguised, as in %us feeling guilty instead of amused. We may laugh—but in embarrassment. According to Dr Grotjahn, \aggression is lost\
When we are made the butt of a joke, either on a personal or impersonal level, we are
emotionally involved in it. Consequently, we will not be able to laugh (except as a pretense). While we are feeling, we cannot laugh. The two do not mix. French essayist Henri Bergoson called laughter a \麻醉剂) of the heart\Knowing that laughter blunts emotion, we can better understand why we sometimes laugh
when nothing is funny. We laugh during moments of anxiety because we feel no mastery over the situation, claims Dr Levine. He explains, \response. If we laugh, it expresses good feelings and the fact that we are able to cope应对. When we're in a situation in which we can't cope, we laugh to reassure ourselves that we can!\
How often have we laughed at a funeral or upon hearing bad news? We laugh to deny an
unendurable reality until we are strong enough to accept it. Laughter also breaks our tension. However, we may also be laughing to express relief that the tragedy did not happen to us. We laugh before giving a big party, before delivering a speech, or while getting a traffic ticket, to say, \
But if we sometimes laugh in sorrow, more often we laugh with joy. Laughter creates and strengthens our social bonds. And the ability to share a laugh has guided many marriages through hard periods of adjustment.
According to Dr Levine, we can measure our adjustment to the world by our capacity to laugh. When we are secure about our abilities, we can poke fun at our weaknesses. If we can laugh through our anxieties, we will not be overpowered by them.
The ability to laugh starts early, but it takes a lifetime to perfect. Says Dr Grotjahn, \social relationships are mastered, when individuals have mastered... a peaceful relationship with themselves, then they have... the sense of humor.\heads and laugh.
Why we laugh我们为什么笑
2011-12-06 18:08 星期二 .
你是一个偷笑的人?或者你可以开怀大笑吗?你笑的能力或许有你想不到的更多的意义。 珍妮特。斯宾塞
1、 你想象有这样一幅漫画,有个男子在给草坪浇水,这时来个有魅力的金发女郎,他很贪婪的看着她,一不小心将水管洒到他坐在走廊上邋遢的妻子身上。
2、 男人认为这种漫画很好笑,女人觉得不好笑。有一个很好的理由解释这种看法的不一致。
3、 我们开始在小时候就知道什么好笑或不好笑,婴儿第一次笑大概在8天左右。心理学家认为这是孩子简单快乐最初的迹象,他们笑的原因是因为食物温暖或舒适。6个月大的婴儿笑是为表达更加复杂的因素。如看见母亲熟悉的面孔。
4、 笑声的背后精神学家说小孩笑的越早智力的发展更迅速,研究表明:如果小孩没有微笑这个反应,那这个孩子可能没有在充满爱的环境中。可能在今后得精神分裂症或对生活失去了信心而放弃了生命。
5、 耶鲁大学心理学教授说,在6个月和一岁之间的婴儿他们的笑在本质上有相同的理由。莱文说人们之所以笑是因为战胜了焦虑。我们想象当父母第一次把孩子抛在半空中的。小孩看上去表情很紧张。尽管有飞的感觉。但他们太焦虑了以至于笑不出来,他怎么能知道爸妈能接住他呢?当他们确定被接住的,他们尽情享受飞翔给他们带来的快乐。因此孩子笑最重要的是他们战胜了焦虑。
6、 成年人的笑更加微妙了,可是有点是相同的。我们的笑取决于我们的成就感。新婚夫妇请客吃的很焦虑,食物对客人口味吗?客人会相处的很好吗?能招待的很好吗?晚宴结束了,他们放松的笑了。他们的快乐来源于他们成功的举办了晚宴。在他们无法战胜
7、 笑是社会反应是需要一些理由的。科学家还不知道大脑哪个地方是管笑的。他们觉得很困惑。有这样一类大脑受伤的病人根本没有理由的一直笑个不停。可是正常人是需要理由和同伴的。
8, 当我们觉得处在很滑稽的情况就想笑。我们极力的推崇这件幽默的事情并且说“是它令我笑出声音”是不对的的吗?当然,我们只是很偶然的大笑。但是,当我们这样笑时,我们,从某种意思上来说,是正在与我自己沟通社交。也许因为我们某些记忆而笑,或者我们自己的一部分而笑。
9, 几乎每个哲学家都研究过笑和幽默,但白勒易德是第一个有了总结理论的人。他说我们一般来虽然有些需求。但社会上又不能接受的欲望。如冒犯他人。笑话不是偶然的,但常常是有些色情或攻击他人的东西。我们发现这些笑话好笑是因为笑可以释放出他们压抑的欲望。我们通常用笑抑制这些欲望冲动。
10, 另一个微笑的原因是因为身体上对愉悦舒适的感知。微笑是一系列微小的面部及呼吸的抽搐刺激我们的呼吸和循环系统。微笑激活我们的身体分泌肾上腺素并加快头部和脑部的血液循环。总体上微笑就是产生幸福快乐感。 11, 当然我能不能总是需要笑话使我们笑。人们如果能在恐怖环境中生存下来。如火灾、飞机迫降等他们用笑点缀他们的危机事故。笑的部分理由表达如释重负,在危机情况下,大家使出浑身解数避开危险危机过后我们需要释放这种危机感有人哭,有人笑。
12, 笑的幽默的最完美的要素是要恰到好处。像挑衅的玩笑如果太露骨的,这样的玩笑会让我们感到内疚引起罪恶感,但同时又不能失去挖苦的刺激
13, 女性为什么觉得哭没意思,她们对笑话领悟的太深刻了。很大一部分的笑话都是把妇女作为攻击对象。不管是指名道姓或含沙射影的,当感觉是自己是玩笑攻击的对象时。我们情感上感觉受到伤害。我们不可能笑。因此当我们成为被攻击的对象时,我们笑不出来,这两者是不相容的。笑是心灵暂时的麻痹。
14,当我们在制造笑话里面的受害者时,无论是客观的还是主观的,我们联想到自己身上。我们都不可能会笑(除非是掩饰)。当我们感觉受伤了,我们是不可能笑出来的。这两者不可混为一谈。法国作家亨利柏格森表示微笑是心脏的暂时麻痹。我们叫它喜剧效应。 15,学会使我们的情感更加平缓。我们能更好的明白。当没有什么意思是滑稽时,为什么我们有时会笑?能够微笑的面对困难是一种后天学习的强颜欢笑是需要学习的。如果我们在逆境时能笑。这时我们向自己保证一定能战胜困难。
16,在听到葬礼或噩耗时人会笑吗?我们之所以笑是为了去否定那种难堪的事实。直到我们足够强大的去接受它。笑可以让我们更放松,之所以也是很庆幸灾难没有降临到我们头上。在我们演说之时或拿到罚单之前。我们微笑着,这难不倒我们,看,我们在笑。 17 ,不过我们经常是在逆境时笑得比顺境的多。微笑能够建立和增强我们和社会的联系。并且与伴侣分享微笑,也指引很多夫妻度过了婚姻中艰难的磨合期。
19, 在我们小的时候就已经具备了笑的能力。但是需要花毕生的时间来完善。格罗特雅恩博士表明“当社会关系被控制了,当个性被压抑了,他们之间的关系就和谐了,那么他们就具备了幽默感”这时候就会反射至他们的大脑产生了愉悦,所以他们就微笑了。 1. According to the passage, we usually laugh to break tension. A. Y B. N
2. Laughter is an unpleasant physical sensation. A. Y B. N C. NG
3. We always laugh when we understand a joke. A. Y B. N C. NG
4. A sense of humor is a result of the mastery of human relationship. A. Y B. N C. NG
5. We laugh at jokes of which we are the target. A. Y B. N C. NG
6. Laughter strengthens social bonds. A. Y B. N C. NG
7. A baby girl often smiles earlier than a baby boy. A. Y B. N C. NG
8. Martin Grotjahn says that the earlier infants begin to smile and laugh, the more advanced is their development .
9. If the sexual or aggressive element of a joke is too thinly disguised, we may laugh but in embarrassment.
10. Sometimes when we saw tragedy did not happen to us, we may also be laughing to express relief
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