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一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 30 分。)
1. Even if they re on sle, these refrigertors re equl in prie to, if not more expensive thn, _____ t the other store.
. nyone
. the others
. the ones
2. You’ve one very well,_____ few slight fults.
. ut for
. thnks to
. prt from
. without
3. I ws not ______ tire n ouln’t go ny further.
. little
. little
. it
. it
4. I rememer her fe ut I nnot _____ where I met her.
. rell
. remin
. rememer
. remrk
5. One-room shoolhouses n still e foun in _____ res where there re no other shools for mny miles.
. ispose
. eserte
. isolte
. none
6. It hs lwys een the _____ of our firm to enourge workers to tke prt in soil tivities. . pln
. mpign
. proeure
. poliy
7. When I took his temperture, it ws two egrees ove _____.
. vrge
. orinry
. regulr
. norml
8. These plsti flowers look so _____ tht mny people think they re rel.
. eutiful
. nturl
. rtifiil
. similr
9. When you o exerises, your hert works etter. It is le to______ more loo while eting more slowly.
. proue
. pump
. inrese
. ump
10. The ox ws ______ to rry for me.
. muh too hevy
. too muh hevy
. hevy too muh
. too hevy muh
11. I rise 3_____ of ttle. The ttle _____ fe on grss n orn.
. hes, is
. he ,re
. hes, re
. he ,is
12. The r slesmn took the ustomer for river in the new moel in orer to _____ its improve fetures.
. vote
. emonstrte
. exhiit
. revel
13. When I worke s the generl mnger of the firm, I sometimes h _____ to visit Lonon
on usiness.
. opportunity
. possiility
. osion
. hne
14. I ught _____ of t he r efore it isppere roun the en.
. glne
. glimpse
. glre
. stre
15. efore the finl exmintion, mny stuents hve shown ____ of tension. Some hve troule in sleeping while others hve lost their ppetite.
. nxiety
. mrks
. signs
. remrks
Tiwn lies ______ the southern ost of hin, n it’s relly _____ isln. Is tht so? . in,
. in, n
. to ,n
. off ,n
17. I h no______ in the eision; I h nothing to o with it.
. shre
. shres
. shring
. shre
18. The most importnt _____ of his speeh ws tht we shoul ll work whole-hertely for the people.
. element
. spot
. sense
. point
19. He will soon_____ his isppointment n e quite heerful gin.
. get over
. get out of
. get wy
. get through
20. The noise ws so _____ tht only those with exellent hering were wre of it. . im
. soft
. fint
. gentle
21. —Yngyng rrie off the first winter Olympi _____ mel for hin.
—Gret! Wht ____ she won for our motherln!
. golen; honor
. gol; honor
. golen; honors
. gol; honors
22. I n hrly ______ my eyes; the pet is so lovely.
. elieve
. elieve in
. trust
. trust in
23. His lnly gve him week's _____ to leve the flt.
. thret
. notie
. vie
. ution
24. The ol mn got into the _____ of storing money uner the e.
. trition
. hit
. use
. ustom
25. lie ___her fther tht oth she n her husn woul e hppy if he woul live with them. . onvine
. reinfore
. plege
. require
26. fter inner the minister me short _____ to the guests.
. elivery
. pronunition
. onverstion
. speeh
27. They hope to_____ signs sking tourists not to step on the grss.
. put own
. put out
. put up
. put off
28. It’s ____ for mn to smoke in the puli ples where smoking is not llowe. . ehvior
. tion
. mnner
. movement
29. It is ler tht the whole worl is pssing through soil revolution in whih entrl _____ must e tken y sientists n tehnologists.
. proess
. ttention
. mesure
. pry
30. It’s one thing to mke promise , ut it is quite ______ to rry it out.
. other thing
. the other
. others
. nother
二、完型填空(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. Frley worke for the nin government. One y, he ws __31__ to lern more out wolves. o wolves kill lots of riou(北美驯鹿)? o they kill people?
They gve him lots of foo n lothes n guns. Then they put him on plne n took him to __32__. The plne put him own n went wy. There were no houses or people in this ple. ut there were lots of nimls n lots of wolves.
People tell terrile stories out wolves. They sy wolves like to kill n et people. Frley
rememere these stories, n he ws __33__. He h his gun with him__34_.
Then one y, he sw group of wolves. There ws mother wolf with four y wolves. fther wolf n nother young wolf live with them.
Frley wthe these wolves every y. The mother ws very __35__ mother. She gve milk to her ies. She gve them lessons out life. They lerne how to __36__ foo. The fther wolf got foo for the mother. The young wolf __37__ the hilren. They were nie, hppy fmily —wolf fmily! Frley i not nee his __38__ ny more. In short time, he got on well with the fmily. Frley wthe them for five months. He lerne tht mny stories out the wolves were __39__. Wolves o not et people, n they o not et mny lrge nimls. n he lso lerne things out men. It ws men who kille mny riou n wolves.
Lter, Frley wrote ook out wolves. He wnte people to __40__ them n not to kill them.
. seen
. tol
. her
. foun
. smll town
. ig ity
. fr ple
. lonely villge
. fri
. hppy
. ngry
. tire
. t times
. ll the time
. one week
. every fternoon
. goo
. hungry
. thirsty
. ook
. mke
. get
. pik
. shoute t
. looke into
. lughe t
. plye with
. foo
. lothes
. gun
. plne
. not goo
. not true
. not esy
. not ler
. grow
. hve
. teh
. unerstn
2. stuy _____41___ tht fitness is the key __42__ long life, irrespetive of oy shpe or even smoking hits. Reserhers isovere tht people ____43__ exerise live longer thn those who o not, _44___ they re overweight n smoke.
The stuy foun tht the lest fit of the 6,000 mile-ge men in the stuy were five times ____45___to ie within six yers of the strt of the reserh thn the fittest. This ws true whether or not the men h hert prolems, smoke or __46____ overweight. Sientists onlue tht it ws etter to e ft n tive thn skinny n seentry. r Ken ooper, fitness expert, si, “You re etter off smoking pket of igrettes y n __47__regulrly thn eing non-smoker n seentry.” lthough he s, “ut on't misunerstn me. I m not enorsing smoking.
I m trying to tell you how ngerous it is to e seentry.”___48__, the stuy ppers to fly in the fe of reserh lst yer whih onlue tht more thn 30,000 people ie premturely every yer in ritin from illnesses use y eing overweight.
The ritish Government is putting pressure on mnufturers ___49___ high levels of sugr in foo n to restrit the hr-sell of junk foo to hilren in orer to improve the ntion's helth. ut the new stuy suggests the Government __50__ more people to exerise.
. showing
. show
. hs shown
. h shown
. to
. for
. of
. in
. (不填)
. whih
. whom
. who
. if
. unless
. even if
. euse
. like
. likely
. less likely
. more likely
. ws
. were
. is
. re
. to exerise
. exerising
. exerise
. exerise
. However
. So
. lthough
. Furthermore
. reue
. reuing
. to reue
. reue
. enourge
. enourging
. to enourge
. enourge
三、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 30 分。)
1. In mountinous re of rzil, there is kin of eutiful utterfly whih n kill men. If people meet them, they will ome own in gret quntities to ite n kill, suk-ing loo n flesh through the wouns they use.
In June, 1966, oy nme Mrl nre who went into the mountins in serh of utterfly speimens (标本) ws kille y these utterflies. ountry oy sw him s he ws just out to rise his net to th utterfly. Suenly thousns of utterflies me own upon him, overing him ll over. The oy struggle n rie s he trie to free himself from their ttk. Finlly he fell senseless to the groun. Polie exmine his oy n prove tht he h ie of ites y utterflies. In New Guine, there is kin of neelefish whih lso kills men. Neelefish likes light. t night, it will swim ner the lights of fishing ots, then suenly shoot out of wter like n rrow to its trget, n fore its 3-inh shrp mouth into humn oy. Of-ten people re thrust in the eye, or through the hest or stomh, resulting in eth. Sometimes it will even ttk the people in fishing ot in ro ylight.
out 10 persons in the worl re kille y shrks every yer, yet more thn 20 re kille y neelefish every month.
1). From the pssge, we know tht ______.
. utterflies re living in the mountins
. ll utterflies like suking loo n eting fish
. the more eutiful utterfly is, the more ngerous it is to men
. the utterflies in ertin prt of rzil n kill men
2). Mri nre ws kille when he ______.
. went to rzil
. entere the mountins
. trie to th utterfly
. rise net
3). Neelefish omes out ______.
. sometimes t night
. usully in the ytime
. only when ots pper
. oth t night n in the ytime
4). oring to the story, eh yer neelefish kills ______.
. twie more thn shrks o
. out 10 more persons thn shrks o
. fewer persons thn shrks o
. 24 times more persons thn shrks o
5). The est title for the pssge is ______.
. rzil Home of ngerous utterflies
. New Guine—No Fit to Live in
. Killer utterflies n Neelefish
. eths use y utterflies n Neelefish
2. Mye ten-yer-ol Elizeth put it est when she si to her frther. "ut. . You n't e helthy if you're e."
. in hurry to get home efore rk so he oul go for run. h forgotten to wer his sfety elt- mistke 75% of the US popultion mke every y The ig question is why.
There hve een mny myths out sfety elts ever sine heir first pperne in rs some forty yers go. The following re three of the most ommon.
Myth Numer One: It's est to e "thrown ler" of serious ient.
Truth: Sorry, ut ny ient serious enough to "throw you ler" is lso going to e serious enough to give you very lning. n hnes re you'll hve trvele through winshiel(挡风玻璃)or oor to o it. Stuies show tht hnes of ying fter r ient re twenty-five times greter in ses where people re "thrown ler."
Myth Numer Two: Sfety elts "trp" people in rs tht re urning or sinking in wter. Truth: Sorry gin. ut stuies show tht people knoke unonsious(昏迷) ue to not wering sfety elts hve greter hne of ying in these ients People wering sfety elts re usully
protete to the point of hving ler he to free themselves from suh ngerous situtions, not to e trppe in them.
Myth Numer Three Sfety elts ren't neee t spees of less thn 30 miles per hour Truth: When two rs trveling t 30 mp hit eh other. n unelte river woul meet the winshiel with fore equl to iving hefirst into the groun from height of 10 meters.
1). Why i Elizeth sy to her fther,"ut, . You n’t e helthy if you're e"?
. He ws riving t gret spee.
. He ws running ross the street.
. He in't hve his sfety elt on.
. He in't tke his meiine on time.
2). The reson Fther ws in hurry to get home ws tht he_________.
. wsn't feeling, very well
. hte to rive in the rk
. wnte to tke some exerise
. in't wnt to e ught y the polie
3). oring to the text. to e "thrown ler" of serious ient is very ngerous euse you __________.
. my e knoke own y other rs
. my get seriously hurt eing thrown out of the r
. my fin it impossile to get wy from the set
. my get ught in the r oor
4). Some people prefer to rive without wering sfety elt euse they elieve_________. . the elt prevents them from esping in n ient
. they will e unle to think lerly in n ient
. they will e ught when help omes
. rs th fire esily
5). Wht is the eviene given in the text?
. Never rive fster thn 30 mile n hour.
. Try your est to sve yourself in r ient.
. Never forget to wer the sfety elt while riving.
. rive slowly while you're not wering sfety elt.
3. Reing Smrt: vne Tehniques for Improve Reing ($ 12)
y Nihols Rei Shffzin
The Prineton Review
98—RH 116
Hve you ever spent 10 minutes on one pge of rime (犯罪) n Punishment? Or hire The Gret Gtsy just to voi reing the ook? Reing oesn’t hve to e iffiult tsk. One you lern few methos of reing, it n even e fun.
Mny people hve reing iffiulties. Tht’s why this ook is written. This ook helps people who hve hr time keeping up with ssignments (作业), unerstning novels, or just reing something freely. Reing Smrt will help you inrese your reing spee n omprehension with tehniques like pre-reing, pen-mrking, n muh more.
1). The pssge is _______.
. story
. text
. report
. n vertisement
2). The nme of the ook is _______.
. Reing Smrt
. The Prineton Review
. The Gret Gtsy
. rime n Punishment
3). The writer of this ook is _______.
. The Prineton Review
. Nihols Rei Shffzin
. Smrt
. Gtsy
4). How muh is the ook?
. $ 10.
. $ 116.
. $ 12.
. $ 98.
5). “keeping up with” mens _______.
. not flling ehin
. oing well in
. working hr t
. oing forwr
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