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these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative nd coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improvng the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty 教师教学技能大练兵活实施方案

为全面贯彻落实国家、省、市教育规划纲要精神和落实晋中市教育局市教师字[2012]8号《关于开展中小学教师教学技能大练兵活动的实施意见》的要求,进一步加强我校教师队伍建设,提升我校教师教学技能和教育教学能力,结合我校教师队伍实际情况,特制订本实施方案: 一、组织机构

学校成立教学技能大练兵领导小组 组 长:吴邦平 副组长:孟永辉 办公室:田启敏

成 员:教导处副主任、教研室副主任、德育处副主任、年级负责人 二、指导思想




师课堂教学能力和运用现代教育技术与课程整合的能力,切实提高课堂教学的有效性。 2.组织开展形式多样的评比竞赛活动,强化业务素质,进一步提高教师适应新课程要求的专业能力,全面提高教育教学质量。 四、基本原则




3.常态性。根据市局文件要求,本次活动从2012年6月开始,到2013年6月结束,评选出先进个人和集体进行表彰奖励。之后全员大练兵转入工作常态,每三年市教育局都要组织大比武活动,使教师养成自我勤学苦练的良好习惯,在日常教育教学中不断提升教学技能。 4.实效性。我校教师技能大练兵活动与课堂教学紧密结

合,将训练的内容、要求、形式与教学改革以及教师自身需求有机结合,通过有效组织各类比赛,做到练有所得、练以致用。 五、练兵内容

根据晋中市教育局市教师字[2012]8号《关于开展中小学教师教学技能大练兵活动的实施意见》中有关“诵”、“写”、“作”、“说”、“教”、“评”的六项要求,结合我校已经开展并取得一定成效的实际,确定2012-2013年我校教师教学技能大练兵活动主要包含以下内容: (一)开展形式多样的培训,扎实推进大练兵活动。


these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty容为:教师职业道德内涵及体验、如何做好班主任工作、新课程理念及体验、学科本体性知识拓展、学科实践性技能提升、课堂教学技能及行为研讨等,可通过名师专题讲座、主题交流、案例剖析、学习感悟等多种形式进行;实践部分主要内容为三笔字(作图)培训、诵读培训、现代技术应用、走近名师课堂、课堂教学观摩活动、课堂教学实践及诊断活动、课堂教学技能实训、课堂教学主题研讨活动。通过“示范—诊断—提升”的培训模式,扎实推进大练兵活动。

(二)开展种类繁多的展示,切实提高大练兵质量。 1.教导处组织在所有教师中继续举办“教师风采展示活动”,内容除涵盖市局要求的六个系列活动中“诵—普通话诵读”、“书—三笔字书写和教学作图(画)”、“说—说课比赛”、“教—课堂教学”的四项基本要求外,还会适当增加其它内容。旨在通过系列比赛,提升教师专业水平。




5.教导处、教研室、德育处可根据实际和需要,联手开展多种单项类比赛活动,将教学技能练兵与教学实际相结合,既增强教学实效,又提升教师教学水平。 六、练兵形式

学校按照上级文件要求,发动教师全员参与,以名师工作室、年级组、教研组、备课组为单位开展教学技能练兵活动。在开展教师练兵活动的过程中,培育和发现优秀教学能手,于2013年3月底推选优秀选手参加学校展示评选和选送参加2013年4月市局举办的市级比赛展示评选。 七、活动阶段

根据市局文件精神,我校大练兵活动分四个阶段进行: 1.宣传动员阶段(2012年6--8月份)


2.教师练兵阶段(2012年9月~2013年3月) 学校按照文件要求,发动教师全员参与,依托名师工作室、年级组、教研组、备课组等平台,以练兵活动为载体,提升教师业务水平,促进教学质量整体提高,增强大练兵活动的实效性。 3.展示评比阶段(2013年4月~2013年5月)

(1)学校在开展教师技能大练兵活动的过程中,培育和发现优秀教学能手,并于2013年 3月底推选优秀选手参加4 月上旬的市级比赛。

(2)负责组织活动的科室,做好各个阶段的展示活动策划工作,通过橱窗宣传、网络宣传、图文展示、新闻报道、现场观摩、经验交流等多种形式,推进我校大练兵活动的开展。 4.总结表彰阶段(2013年6月)


these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to dvance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty能手、骨干和推选为市级先进个人的重要依据。 八、活动要求


2.积极参与,重在实践。在练兵过程中,要注重突出自 主,提倡个性发展,倡导科学分析,寻找制约自身发展的薄 弱环节,提高教学能力和工作水平。

3.科学安排,务求实效。负责活动的科室要科学安排时 间与物力,妥善处理工作与练兵的关系,提高活动质量。

4.及时总结,营造氛围。要认真总结大练兵活动的经验做法,营造比、学、赶、帮、超的工作氛围,形成“人人学业务、个个当能手”的良好态势,展现出积极向上的精神风貌、良好的业务素质和一流的工作效能。 九、保障措施




4.利用校园网、宣传栏及晋中市教育局专栏报道等网络媒介,适时宣传报道我校岗位练兵信息,及时总结推广大练兵的经验及成果,创新提供学习交流平台,促进交流,达到 相互借鉴、共同提高的目的。


义安四中 二零一二年六月

these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty


义安四中 2012.6

these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to dvance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty

