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He can’t see.


一. Teaching contents:

新标准英语第五册第七模块第一单元“He can’t see.” 二. Teaching aims: 1. Language knowledge:

学习单词blind、hear、deaf、useful、firemen和重点句型“ He/She/They can/can’t…

2. Language skill:


3. Sentiment:


三. Teaching key and difficult points:

用can和can’t谈论自己和他人能力。达到学以致用,学用结合。 四. Teaching procedure: 1.Warming up: ① Greetings:

T:Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Wang.

T: Now, let’s begin our class. Stand up, please! Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Wang. T: Sit down, please.

② Free talk(课件呈现老师的图片)

T: Next, I will talk about myself. Look! This is me. I can take pictures. I can do taijiquan. I can draw pictures. But I can’t play the flute. Can you play the flute?

S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. T: Can you swim? S: No, I can’t.

T: Can you speak English? S: Yes, I can.

T: Can your father speak English? S: No, he can’t.

T: Who helps your father? S: I help my father. 2. Presentation: ①课件出现盲人的图片

T: Look at this picture. How about this man? What can’t he do? S: He can’t see. 板书标题“He can’t see.” T: Why?

S: Because he is blind. T: 再板书“He can’t see. He is blind.” (学单词“blind”) ② 课件出现千手观音的图片。 T: What are they doing? S: They are dancing.

T: They can dance well. What can’t they do? S: They can’t hear. (教单词“hear” 并板书。) T: Yes. Why?

S: Because they are deaf. (聋的)

T:“They are deaf.” (教单词“deaf”并板书。) ③ 课件呈现火的图片。 T: What happened? S:Fire.

T: Yes! We should call 119 ask for firemen. 课件呈现消防员的图片。教单词“firemen”。 But sometimes firemen can’t find people. 板书 “These firemen can’t find people.” 让生读句子。Who helps them?

S: Dogs help them. T: How about this man? S: He can’t see. He is blind. T: Who helps him? S: This dog helps him. T: How about this girl? S: She can’t hear. She is deaf.

T: 板书“She can’t hear. She is deaf.” T: Who helps her? S: This dog helps her.

T: Now, we know dogs help the blind man, the deaf girl and these firemen.

So dogs are very useful. (教师边说边画狗并引出单词“useful”。

3. Practice:

⑴ T: Now, let’s chant. Are you ready? S: Yes!

T: Let’s go! ( Twice.) See , see, see. He can’t see.

Blind, blind, blind. He is blind. (Have the students nod their heads.)

Hear, hear, hear. She can’t hear.

Deaf, deaf, deaf. She is deaf. (Have the students knock at the desks lightly.)

Firemen, firemen. They are firemen.

They can’t find people. (Have the students stamp their feet.)

Who helps them? Dogs help them.

Dogs are very useful. (Have the students clap their hands.)

⑵ a: T: Boys and girls.Yesterday Sam, Amy and Lingling watched a programme about dogs. Now, take out your papers. Read the dialogue of Module 7 Unit 1. Read the dialogue quickly and think 2 questions.

① Hot dogs are dogs? ② How do you think dogs?

b: Answer the questions.

c: Listen and repeat. ( 整体说并回答问题。) d: Listen and repeat again. (叫个别生说 或小组说)

⑷ T: Now, take out your exercise books. Read the sentences and write down the missing words. Have you finished?

S: Yes!

T: Check it in pears. 然后让生整体读。

(再分三组读句子, 另一组当裁判,看哪组读的最好。)

T: This group, you read picture one. This group, you read picture two. This group, you read picture three.

4. Production:

① T: Look! There are three pictures here. Look at picture one. It’s hot. Mum

goes swimming with her baby. This girl is little. She’s cute. She can’t swim. Her mother helps her. Her mother is very nice. Now talk about the three pictures in your groups.

② Now, talk about yourself or your friends or your family in groups. ③ 课件呈现地震图片。渗透情感教育。

T: My dear children: I know you have a happy family and so many good friends. But we know the big earthquake took place in Yushu in April. These pupils lost their homes and schools. They can’t study at school. They have no houses to live in. What should we do? We should help them. We should show our love. Let our world fill in love.

五. Homework:

T: What can we do for these children? S: We can help them. (让生整体回答) 六.板书设计: Module 7 Unit 1

He can’t see.

He can’t see. He is blind. She can’t hear. She is deaf. These firemen can’t find people.


今天我与大家分享的是:新标准英语三年级起第五册M7U1《He can’t see.》 首先,本课的教学目标是:1.通过学习,学生能够正确使用所学新单词:blind deaf hear useful firemen

2. 能够使用can can’t句型谈论自己或他人的能力。

3. 结合课文和自身的生活谈论狗对人类的帮助,培养学生奉献爱心的良好品质。

本课的重难点是:This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him. 基于上述目标:我运用了以下教法和学法,1. 自由谈论法 2. 情景教学法 3. 任务型教学法 4. 鼓励法



2.本节课我采用学案导学教学模式,为学生创设自主合作与探究学习的氛围,学生在合作中相互学习,在练习中学习重点句型,例如:Look and write,学生展示Who is the best TV presenter? Look at say等。 存在的问题是:


